Chapter 57: A day of leisure and meeting a new face.
(Y/N's POV)
I was walking with the girl from before, whose name I now know is Hifumi Togo. She is very friendly, which is always good. She was leading me to a local motel that was to be one of the cheapest options available and even offered to let her pay for my room but I politely refused as I believed I could afford a very cheap room for myself. She insisted once but after the same polite decline, she dropped it and continued with the conservation we were having. After some time, she stopped in front of a very small and kinda sketchy looking place, I felt kinda odd about it but I pressed on with it.
Hifumi- Well, here we are.
Y/N- Whoa, looks...cozy.
Hifumi- *Giggles* I wouldn't say that but it's cheap, it's what you needed help finding right?
Y/N- ...Yeah, it is. Thank you by the way.
Hifumi- It's my pleasure but I do have another place where you can spend the night.
Y/N- Where?
Hifumi- At my house.
Whoa. Her house?! I mean...
Y/N- S-seriously?
Hifumi- I am, my parents are out of town for a while so it is less noisy there plus my house has a spare guest room where you could stay. Of course, if you want to...It's no pressure at all.
I didn't know what to decide, on the one hand, the motel was not something I was comfortable with but I didn't know about going to another girl's house for rest. I mean I already did that with Ohya but that was because of certain circumstances.
Y/N- Well, t-that is kind of you but...
I might give this a try, maybe its a better than it looks.
Y/N- I think I'll go here for the night, but thanks again for the help.
Hifumi had this smile on her that looked kinda weird but she still had a friendly look.
Hifumi- Well, If that's what's best then I understand. It's been a pleasure Y/N, bye-bye!~
She turned around and walked away, well that was fast but I digressed and walked towards the front entrance to the motel, and what I saw already made me feel like I made a bad choice. The floors looked like it hasn't been vacuumed in days, the walls looked rotten and it smelled like cigarettes. Plus there was no one at the front desk, which was not a good look. Gardevoir appeared next to me with a look of concern.
Gardevoir- Master, I don't think this is a place for you to sleep, it clearly shows that this place is not of good quality.
Y/N's mind- I agree but maybe if I ring the bell, someone can help....maybe. I'm not holding my breath though.
I walked to the front desk and rang the bell three times.
Then, I waited quite a while for someone to show up but no one ever did, and the way it was too quiet here gave me a bad feeling about this decision, maybe I should've taken Hifumi's offer of staying at her place.
Gardevoir- Master, I don't like what I'm going to say but maybe you should look for this Hifumi Girl and see if she will let you into her home.
Y/N's mind- I think you're right, screw this place let's get the hell out of here.
And with that, we got out of there fast and went in the direction that Hifumi headed, I walked for a while and didn't see her, I was about to lose hope but then...
Gardevoir- Master, look.
I turned in the direction Gardevoir pointed and sure enough, I saw Hifumi still walking and I was overjoyed that I caught up. I walked closer and mentally prepared myself to ask again if her offer was still good.
Y/N- Hifumi?
She turned around and greeted me with a smile.
Hifumi- Oh Y/N? What a surprise, did you have any trouble with the inn?
Y/N- Well, yes I did. And without anywhere else to go, is your offer to stay at your house....still good? Or no?
I kinda was expecting the worst but to my surprise, she took my hand and had a joyful look on her.
Hifumi- Of course it is! Come one, let's get you settled in.~
I wasn't expecting that but I'm glad it happened this way.
Y/N- W-well ok, thanks for your hospitality.
Hifumi- It's my pleasure.~
We walked to a train station soon after which means that her house is a bit farther, oh well. I wonder what kinda of host she will be.
Y/N's mind- Maybe with fewer bottles most likely.
We got off the station and walked some more before we were in a neighborhood with some normal-looking homes. We walked until Hifumi stopped at a two-story house with a gate.
Hifumi- Here we are, Y/N. Welcome to my residence.~
She opened the gate and entered the yawn, then unlocked the front door, and we were inside the house.
Hifumi- Please, make yourself at home. You can take off your shoes and leave them in the corner over there.
I did just that and she also took off her shoes and we both put them in the same corner, I looked around the house and it was nice.
Hifumi—So, are you hungry? I can make something for you to eat. Or are you tired so I can take you to the guest room?
Y/N- Uhh... *Yawn* I'm tired so I'll hit the hay.
Hifumi- Ok, follow me.
We headed up the stairs and headed to the first room on the right, she opened the door, and inside was a simple but clean room.
Hifumi- You can set your backpack anywhere, and I'll return to a blanket. I'll be back in a moment.
She left the room and in no short time, I set my backpack down and jumped toward the bed, back-first. It sure was more comfy than yesterday night, and in an actual room too. Gardevoir appeared lying next to me and stared at the roof like I was.
Gardevoir- So, we are staying the night at the house of this Hifumi girl you only met today Y/N.
Y/N's mind- Yup, that's pretty much the situation Gardevoir.
Gardevoir- We are going to see if this becomes a trend or not, I wish you could be settled in a hotel where no one will be around you.
While what she said is off, I kinda agree that a hotel room would be nice so he can have some privacy and Gardevoir can wander free without anyone seeing her and freaking out. But if I can be in good company like Hifumi, and not with people who are sus, I think I'm good with wherever I sleep the night.
Y/N's mind- It sure would be nice but until I get more money, I'll have to settle with this. I got really lucky Gardevoir, and I can't exactly be choosy right now you know.
Gardevoir- Yes, I do.
Then I heard footsteps coming towards the room, I quickly tapped Gardevoir's shoulder to signal her to disappear, and she did so in a second before Hifumi entered the room with a big blue blanket.
Hifumi- I'm sorry to keep you waiting Y/N, I managed to find a clean, fresh blanket for you, and I hope you like it.
Y/N- Oh, well any blanket is fine with me, don't worry about that but thank you.
Hifumi- I'm glad for your understanding Y/N, now I'm gonna leave you to yourself for the night, I'm going to prepare to go to sleep myself. Have a good night Y/N, sweet dreams.
Y/N- Thanks, have a good night Hifumi.
With her giving me a soft smile, she closed the door and waited till the footsteps quieted down. Then, I did a thumbs up and Gardevoir appeared again.
Gardevoir- Master, are you ready for bed?
Y/N- *Yawn* yup, gotta rest up before we start our next moon-hunting adventure tomorrow. Let's hit the hay.
Gardevoir- Ok, Y/N.
I took off my socks, lay on the bed, and wrapped the blanket around me. Gardevoir looked at me and twirled her fingers.
Gardevoir- Umm, Master? Is it okay for me to sleep next to you? I-if you want to that is.
Y/N- Yeah, I think it can fit both of us, come on. Let's get some sleep.
She smiled and laid herself to my left and wrapped her arms around me.
Gardevoir- Thank you, Master, have a good night.~
Y/N- You too Gardevoir. *Yawn*
And with that, we were asleep not long after that and couldn't wait for another day.
Y/N/Gardevoir- ZZZZZ....
(The next morning)
I started to wake up with a wonderful smell coming from somewhere, I went to stand up but then felt pressure coming from my chest, and then I remembered that Gardevoir's arms were still on me. I softly poked Gardevoir's cheeks to wake her up, which she didn't want to at first.
Gardevoir- *Groan* *Yawning*
I did this a few more times before she opened her eyes.
Gardevoir- Oh....*Yawning* good morning Master. Did you have a good night's sleep?
Y/N- Yup, good morning to you too. Also, do you smell that?
She sniffed the air a couple of times and her head nodded.
Gardevoir—It smells like cooked meat and batter, with a hint of cinnamon.
Y/N- I think breakfast is afoot, come on!
Gardevoir got up from the bed, I got on my socks and headed towards downstairs. Along the way down, I heard soft humming and signaled Gardevoir to hide again which she did. I got down and followed the smell to which I saw Hifumi in the kitchen, cooking on the stove. She turned around to face me and had a shining smile.
Hifumi- Oh, good morning Y/N! Did you sleep well last night?~
Y/N- I did.
Hifumi- *Giggles* Well, I'm glad you did, and you are just in time too because breakfast is ready. I hope you enjoy the breakfast I made extra special this morning.~
Y/N- O-oh well, thank you.
Hifumi- Please, have a seat and I'll serve the both of us.
I sat myself in a chair in the middle of the table and waited till it was time, the smell was making me even more hungry. A couple of minutes later, she arrived at the table with two big plates in both her hands, and holy crap, the food looks smacking.
Hifumi- Here you go Y/N, a big platter with freshly squeezed orange juice with also waffles. Give me a moment.
I was already excited to eat but then she went out and added waffles to the menu, which already makes this better than it already was.
Hifumi- And here you go Y/N~
Hifumi- Let me know how I did Y/N, I want to hear a second opinion.
I got my fork which headed towards the waffles, cut a big piece, and put it in my mouth. I was hit with a taste of butter, cream, and cinnamon, the waffle was fluffy in all of the right ways. As soon as I finished eating it, Hifumi stared at me waiting for an answer.
Hifumi- Well, what do you think Y/N?
Y/N- H-Hifumi, I gotta say, this was just...holy hell. This was the best waffles I have ever tasted, holy shit.
Hifumi- *Giggles* Ah, such vulgar language but if it means I did great and won your vote, then that's what matters. Well, enjoy the meal.
With that, I began to eat the rest of the meal and each piece of food was like masterclass cookery here and maybe I'm giving too much praise but fuck it Im gonna do it anyway. The bacon was soft and crispy just right, and the eggs were my ideal way that I liked it. Not to mention the hash browns were salty which is always nice and the orange juice was fresh, and no pulp too, perfect.
Hifumi- So Y/N, now that I have paid back your kindness, I think you should make it up to me today.
I mean, that's fine. She did do all of this for me and she didn't have to.
Y/N- Sure, what do you have in mind?
She was thinking about it while I continued to eat, and I wondered what she would have me do with her.
Hifumi- I think you should spend the day with me around town, going from place to place showing you around the area. I know you told me yesterday that you are a traveler here very recently from America and thought that you could keep me company on my day off of school today.
Y/N- Yeah, I think that sounds fun.
Hifumi- Then, it shall be down once we are done with Breakfast.
With the day planned, we had a nice talk while enjoying some good food.
Y/N's mind- I think I can put aside the plan to head back to Mementos for a while.
(Hifumi's POV)
I was having an amazing time with Y/N, and to think that this happened when I purposely led him to a known shady Inn establishment, walking slowly so he could catch up with me and having him rethink my offer which I knew he would come to me to which I was happy to oblige. I know that the breakfast I made for him would build and strengthen a connection between the two of us, it's always known that cooking a good meal will make a boy take an interest in you in a heartbeat. But, a small part of me is questioning why this boy, Y/N whom I only met yesterday has taken over my interest and mind yesterday when I first met him at the park when I had asked him if the seat next to him was taken, without hesitating he offered the seat to me in a simple yet friendly matter, that gave a bit of a surprise as most would take the space for themselves or some would simply ignore me. Not many people especially boys his age are that kind in this day and age, with the only one in mind is one who is a couple of years older than Y/N, but I digress. I knew he would be someone that I should get to know and be friends with, and what better way to do so than by taking him to Shibuya where I knew he would want to explore more, luckily for Y/N, I was more than happy to be his guide.
Y/N- Wow, so many places Hifumi, it's hard to choose which one we should go to first.
Hifumi- Well, I think you be amazed by the underground mall, do you want to go?
Y/N- Would I?! Yeah, I do!
Hifumi- Come on.
We headed to the mall, and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was amazed at the size of the place. I thought a shopping spree was in order. It would help him get out of those clothes he had on now, and I know he would appreciate it.
Hifumi- Hey Y/N, if it isn't too much of me to ask how would you like to go shopping for new clothes while you're here for a while, I suspect you don't have much do you?
With a surprised look, he got out his backpack and searched it for a solid minute before closing it.
Y/N- *Nervous chuckle* W-well, I may have under-packed for this trip, to be honest. I think so fresh new looks would help, would be willing to do that?
Hifumi- Y/N, it honestly no trouble for me whatsoever, so don't worry your head about it, let me give you a great day on your trip.
Y/N- Then, let the long hours of shopping girls like to do begin I suppose.
Hifumi- Great!~
And with that, I grabbed his hand and took him to a clothes store to pick out some outfits for him.
Hifumi's mind- I know he would look so handsome in all of them.~
(Timeskip to a couple of hours later)
(Y/N's POV)
Man, this was probably the longest clothes-shopping run I have ever been on, Hifumi can fucking shop like no other, maybe better than my mom. She had me try on hundreds of shirts, pants, jackets, and even mittens and beanies since she said that the cold weather was starting not long from now, the only jacket I had on me was the fancy white and grey one Oleana bought me when I went to Circhester to battle Melony. But man, she went nonstop on changing her mind on this or that, and the many times walking in and out of dressing rooms, and I was ready to pass out of it all, fortunately, she decided that I was good to go and we left the last store.
Hifumi- Well, Y/N I say that was a success.
She says I have to carry the bags of clothes in both arms.
Y/N- Yup, it is a winning day for sure, is it finally over?
Hifumi- Do not worry; this is the last stop.
Y/N- Oh thank god.
But then, she got close to my ear and whispered...
Hifumi- For now anyway.
Y/N's mind- Why me? Why?
Hifumi—But let's not dwell on it. Now I am getting hungry from all of that shopping around. Are you too, Y/N?
Now that I think about it, so I am, all that bustling around sure got the better of me.
Y/N- Yeah, I'm hungry too, know any good places?
Hifumi- I do and this place in particular would be a great introduction to you to Japanese cuisine.
Y/N- Sounds like a plan, let's go.
Hifumi led me to where a bunch of restaurants were and the smell was hitting my nose with that wonderful smell.
Hifumi- Are there any foods in particular you like Y/N?
Y/N- Umm...are there any places that serve meat dishes?
Hifumi gave me a bright look.
Hifumi- I know one place that serves the best Katsudon, I think you'll love it.
Y/N- Really? Ok, I'll give it a shot.
Hifumi- I give you my word on it, come on!
She ran ahead of me a lot quicker than I could catch up with plus a crowd of people all of a sudden came my way so I couldn't see her that well, I was trying to face the direction she was going, so I sped walk to catch up but I wasn't looking at my other directions. Then, suddenly I saw a blurred figure in front of me and I was too late to react as I felt myself hitting someone and then having my ass fall on the ground along with the bags on the floor too.
"Oh sorry! I didn't see you there! Are you ok?"
Y/N- I-I'm fine I'm fine, I didn't react fast enough to see you.
I still was looking at the ground so I didn't see who was talking to me but I could tell it was a male voice that was speaking.
"Let's get you back up."
I looked up and saw a boy who had his hand up and I got a good look at him.
He was tall, skinny, and had short black hair. Glasses too, looks like someone in high school. He helped me get myself back on my feet and also helped me pick up my bags.
Black-haired boy- Again, I'm sorry for bumping into you. Are you ok for sure?
Y/N- Yeah man, it's no big deal at all and thanks for the help, I appreciate it.
Black-haired boy- Well, I'm glad you're alright.
Y/N- Thanks, well I gotta go and catch up with my friend but it was nice meeting you man, see you lat-
Y/N! Where did you go?!
I heard Hifumi's voice calling out from behind this guy and saw her run towards us then the guy turned his head and said...
Black-haired boy- Hifumi?
Wait!? Does this guy know her?
Hifumi- Ren? This is rather a surprise.
Y/N- Hold on, you know him Hifumi?
Hifumi- I do, his name is Ren Amamiya, and he is another friend of mine.
Y/N- Oh, well then it's nice to meet you, I'm Y/N L/N.
Ren- The same to you, Y/N.
We shook hands and I walked back to Hifumi.
Y/N- I couldn't see you and a huge crowd blocked my view which led me to bump into Ren accidentally but your friend was kind and helped me back up. It's all good.
Hifumi- I'm so sorry for doing that, I must've been so excited that I let myself get distracted that I left you behind.
Y/N- No, it's fine, it's no big deal.
Hifumi- I'm glad you're not mad, I'll make it up by buying you some good Katsudon.
Y/N- Awesome, anyway it was nice meeting you Ren, maybe I'll catch you later or something.
Ren- I hope so, bye.
Hifumi- Bye for now Ren and thanks for helping Y/N.
Then, we were heading towards the restaurant but this time Hifumi held close to me by some hugging my arm as if I was gonna float anyway at any moment.
Y/N's mind- Thats something I am quite familiar with at this point.
(Ren's POV)
Now, that was a very unexpected and strange encounter. When I first saw this boy Y/N, I felt unusual when I shook hands with him, like he had an aura around him like something or someone was watching him. I don't know why I felt this strange feeling right away but I can't put my finger on it. Something tells me there is something that is more than meets the eye with the kid. But, he seems nice and it's surprising that he has met Hifumi and is going shopping with her, I wonder when she met him. I felt my bag shake and pop out another head.
"You felt the same thing I did right?"
I nodded my head.
"We should keep a close eye on this Y/N kid. Something in my gut tells me that he is something other than a normal person."
I agree, I don't think he is any bad but...I don't know.
Ren's mind- We'll see what happens.
(Minor Timeskip)
(No POV)
Hifumi took Y/N to a good Katsudon restaurant they ordered and chatted for a while until the food arrived. Y/N was in amazement when he saw his food in front of him.
It smelled amazing and it came with a soup he had never seen before, also to top it off with a cold glass of tea. When he went to eat, he didn't find a fork, only chopsticks which Hifumi noticed the confused look on him.
Hifumi- Something the matter Y/N?
Y/N- Ah yes, how do you use this weird thing?
Hifumi- *Giggles* that's right, I almost forgot you're not from here, not to worry I'll teach you how to use these.~
She taught him the basic handling and techniques of the chopstick and when put into practice, Y/N failed a few times before finally grabbing a piece of the meat albeit one falling on his lap, looking at Hifumi embarrassed.
Hifumi- *Giggles* here's a napkin for you, use this to clean yourself.
Y/N- Yeah, thanks for that.
He got himself cleaned up and tried again and this time, he not only got a piece of meat, but he successfully put it in his mouth. The taste was tender and juicy, and the sauce was the cherry on top.
Y/N- Oh my god, this is delicious!
Hifumi- I'm glad to hear that Y/N, maybe someday soon I'll show you some more cuisine that you may like if you want to.
Y/N- Sure, maybe.
And for the rest of the evening. Y/N and Hifumi ate some good food, enjoying the endless conversations they had, Y/N didn't realize that he established a bond of some kind and it will only continue to grow. How it will end up doing for Y/N is unknown but that will come sooner than expected.
It was nightfall and the two teens were walking back to Hifumi's house to unwind for the day, along the way back, Y/N was set on going back to Mementos again to possibly get more money, just like when Gardevoir defeated those creatures from last time. He wants to get enough money to buy a suitcase for all of his new clothes and also to rent himself a decent hotel room so he doesn't have to stay at her house for long. While he truly appreciates her hospitality and won't forget it, at the same time he wants a place for himself for the rest of the time he is here in this world. Also, he wants to give some of the money to Hifumi for helping him out so much and treating him so well, he wants to do this personally.
Y/N's mind- Gardevoir?
Gardevoir- Yes Master?
Y/N's mind- We're not done just yet cause I have decided that we are heading back to Mementos to grind some money and possibly get you stronger, how's that sound?
Gardevoir- I am ready for whatever you have planned Master, just let me know whenever you're ready to go.
Y/N's mind- You got it.
Hifumi- Is something on your mind Y/N?
Y/N- Hmm? What?
Hifumi- Well, you seem like you got lost in space when I noticed that you weren't talking as much anymore, is something occupying your mind?
Y/N- Oh, uhh, nothing in mind, just some random stuff.
Hifumi- Hmm, if that's what it is, so be it. We're almost there to the house, come on.
After walking more, they returned to the house and headed inside with Y/N remembering to take off his shoes immediately. A practice he'll have to remember in the future, anyway Y/N went upstairs to the guestroom and waited till it was clear, Hifumi went inside the room.
Hifumi- I had an amazing time Y/N, that was fun.
Y/N- I agree.
Hifumi- Well, I am going to take a shower and head to bed early, I am honestly very tired tonight so if you want, you can watch some TV downstairs if you wish, but please keep it quiet for me.
Y/N- For sure, have a good night Hifumi.
Hifumi- You too Y/N, have a good night.~
She shut the door and walked off to her room, Y/N called Gardevoir to do something for him.
Y/N- Gardevoir.
Gardevoir- Yes?
Y/N- Let me know when she is asleep so we can go to Mementos.
Gardevoir- Ok, I'll keep an earful on her sounds, I'll let you know when I don't hear anything but sleeping from her.
Y/N- Got it.
Gardevoir closed her eyes and focused on Hifumi's sound levels until then Y/N got out his switch and played one of the Pokemon games to pass the time.
(Sometime later)
After a bit of time had passed, Gardevoir finally noticed that Hifumi's sound level was very minimal which indicated she fell asleep, Gardevoir gave Y/N the green light.
Gardevoir- Master, she is asleep.
Y/N paused his game and got the Memento's eye app ready to go.
Y/N- Ok, here we go Gardevoir, let's make it count.
Gardevoir- Understood Master.
And with that, Y/N and Gardevoir teleported in an instant as soon as he pressed the button. With their second trip to the other world, the two will discover something, what it will be? Who knows.
(End...for now)
Hey folks, here is the very long-awaited next chapter for ya'll. It's gonna be longer updates as you know about my situation, but I am not giving up in search of work that's for sure. But with that, I am thankful for ya'll being the most patient people on the platform so I thank you so much. Well, with that said and done, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I will talk to ya'll later!! See you!!! :) :)
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