Chapter 54: Not in my world after all
(Y/N's POV)
I was riding in the passenger seat of the kid's car after he offered me a ride out of there which I happily took since I knew I would die down there even with Gardevoir by my side, speaking of Gardevoir I had to put her back into the Pokeball since there was no room in the car but she told me she didn't mind it one bit so I did just that. I had to ask him where are we going and what this place to begin with, he told me that we were heading to the upper levels of Mementos. I had no clue what he meant by Mementos so I asked what that was and from what he told me, it was a gigantic palace where the people's hearts and desires resided in. I thought that was weird but I didn't say anything so I nodded in agreement, any info on where I am is better than none so I can't complain.
Strange kid- Well, I don't know who you are or how you got here mister but it is a miracle you didn't die down there. And whoever your companion is, I'm sure you would've met your end so you are lucky.
Y/N- You got that right, I am lucky to have her to save my butt. But let me ask you something, what's your name?
Strange kid- The name's Jose, what's yours, mister?
Y/N- Y/N.
Jose- Nice to meet you, Y/N. It looks like we are heading to level one in an hour, you should get comfortable.
I laid my back on the seat and rested my eyes, trying to get some rest even with the loud engine and bumpy road in mind.
An hour later...
Some time later, I felt the car stop which meant we were there.
Jose- Wake up, we're here.
I opened my eyes and saw in front of me three escalators leading to somewhere on top, I got out of the car and walked over there to see it up close, I felt some chills just looking at them and I didn't know why.
Jose- Here we are Y/N, the first level of Mementos. Up there, you should be able to go to the other side.
Y/N- Other side? Like the real world?
Jose- I suppose so, I don't know, never seen or even know what the real world even is so that will be up to you to find out.
That didn't help my chills a bit but he was right about finding out on my own, then I felt the Pokeball shake which I assumed Gardevoir wanted out so I took her out of there.
Gardevoir- Master, are you feeling alright?
Y/N- Not really to be honest, but I'm sure we will survive whatever is out there.
Gardevoir- Whatever it is, I'm here for you master, no matter what.
Just her saying those words made me feel a bit better, whatever happens, it is against whatever is out there.
Y/N- Thank you, I needed that Gardevoir.
Gardevoir- I'm always there for you master, you can count on me.~
Jose- Master? Well, it looks like she is not a companion but a servant to you.
Y/M- Well, I didn't order her to say that but if that's what makes her comfortable around me by calling me that, that's fine. Doesnt bother me much.
Jose- Whatever you say Y/N, you are an odd human.
Y/N- ...Sure, well I gotta go to the other side. Maybe we'll see one another again who knows.
Jose- If you do come back here, I have an opportunity for you that can get you some sweet stuff, if you're up for it.
Y/N- I'll keep that in mind in case I teleport here somehow, anyway see ya.
Jose waved bye back, got in his car, and drove off into one of the lower levels, don't know why but I'm not to question things like that.
Y/N- It looks like it's just you and me again Gardevoir
Gardevoir- I'm ready when you are master.
Y/N- Then, let's go.
We both went to one of the escalators which were turned off so we had to each step on our own but we got to the top fine and all I saw was a reddish sky with dark buildings with dull lighting all over. The air was eerily just right in temperature and the wind was mild, and in front of me looked like some kind of warped portal that looked like an alleyway. I walked close to it and put one of my fingers to touch it and it pulled my finger surprising me which caused me to pull it out.
Y/N- Looks like the way out of here, when we get to normal civilization I will have to put you back into your ball Gardevoir.
Gardevoir- Understood, but let me look at it for just one second.
Y/N- OK, well here goes nothing.
We both walked toward the portal and all I saw was a distorted white flash.
Y/N- Wha?
Then, my mind went blank and I felt nothing.
20 seconds later...
My body felt odd as I regained my vision again and what I saw was myself lying on the ground with my back against a building.
"Y/N?" "Master, are you ok?"
Then I saw Gardevoir standing in front of me, towering over me almost but glad to see her in the real world with me.
Y/N- I'm fine, just give me a minute.
I stretched my body to build some strength to stand up, Gardevoir had her hand extended to me which I took to get myself back up.
Y/N- Thanks.
Gardevoir- Glad to help.
Y/N- Now, let's see.
I still had my backpack on me but I had to make sure I had all of my supplies including my switch, I put it on the ground to open it up and check, and I was relieved nothing got lost from that portal jump or something. I brought my switch out and put it into one of my jacket pockets just in case it downloads a map of the place.
Gardevoir- What is this place?
Y/N- I'm not so sure, all I know is this isn't the Galar region or any other world I have been to before, it may be very far-fetched but I'm hoping this is my world.
Gardevoir- Your world?
Y/N- Yeah, I wasn't born in Galar when we first met, I am a multiverse traveler if that makes any sense.
Gardevoir- I see, it's just so confusing now.
Y/N- I don't get it either but I'll tell you more soon right now, no one can see you, or else we will both be big targets to the police, the military, or even the government. And I don't want any trouble like that for the both of us, so it's time to return to your Pokeball.
Gardevoir- I understand. Please stay safe, ok?
Y/N- I will, I promise.
I got out the ball, and she returned inside and put the ball in the backpack. I walked forward to the end of the alleyway, I heard chatter on the way which meant I was on the right path, but something about that felt off like I couldn't understand what was being said. I made it to the end and I saw a store that had some strange lettering on it.
I didn't know what it meant and I saw more stores with signs with the same strange lettering, which confused and worried me more. People were walking in the streets where I was and to see if my worries were true, I walked up to one of them to talk to them and see if I could understand anything they said.
Y/N- Excuse me?
Y/N- Huh? What?
Oh no, I can't understand what is being said to me, which means I'm not in the U.S., this isn't home.
Without a second thought, I ran away from the person to try to find a place to recollect my thoughts in privacy. The place was like a maze or something cause everywhere looked kinda the same and it was a packed crowd walking around too so finding a hiding spot wasn't easy. Then, I saw a small-looking store that almost no one in it so I went inside, the environment there was quiet so it was good for now. I sat in one of the chairs and began to think about that experience.
Y/N's mind- I know that I'm not in America so I'm not anywhere near home but a language I can't read or understand at all, it could only mean one thing. I'!!
It makes some sense since I did come across Japanese dubbed media on YouTube before and while I couldn't understand anything, it was kinda intense...Ugh, not now. I have to find a way to understand this language if I am to survive in this world.
Y/N- But how?
Then, I heard my switch make a notification noise, I got it out and saw a message box that said...
"Error: Language translation not functional due to lack of data. Press ok for more details."
I was confused about what the switch was talking about but I pressed the button and it showed a percentage bar which was at 0%.
"Collect data of the unknown language by doing any of the following: vocal, written, and conversation. Once reaching 100%, you will be able to read, write, and speak in the language you do not understand, this will be automatic. When ready, press the data collect button to begin.
I still am at odds on what this all means but if it means that I can understand Japanese then I'm in. It said I can overhear people talking, or read enough of the books. Ok, this seems simple I guess, well no time to waste. I got up from my chair, exited the store, pressed the button, and began to walk around the place.
Y/N's mind- I hope this works.
(No POV)
The day went by as Y/N walked around the city to collect data for the translation software, he went to some stores that carried small books or magazines and began to read them page by page, the data from that went from 0% to 40%. He then switched it up by going into large crowds where lots of voices were there, once he found a decent-sized group he made himself comfortable and lent his ear and the switch's mic along with it to collect more. It was going smooth so far but while he was doing that, he was bummed that he thought that he may be finally back to his home world but, after seeing a creepy place called Mementos, arriving in a country that he doesn't belong to, and collecting data to have its language translated proves to him once again...
Y/N's mind- I'm not in my world, shit.
But while he was doing that, a mysterious figure was watching him through a viewing mirror of some kind. It was in a blue room, that had fancy-looking floors and jail cells all over the place. It viewed the boy with a curious point of view, it knew when the strange top-hat-looking ship in the sky arrived, many odd things began to happen that could change everything.
"So, you are the young boy that arrived in this world. I must say, you did so in a very big way. The rest of the populace saw it too and now, it's all they talk about. Very interesting indeed."
Y/N has caught the mysterious figure's attention and plans to meet him, it wanted to know more about him and that interesting "Persona" the boy had.
"What a mysterious yet marvelous Persona."
Y/N's journey into this new world was about to get more wild and...Bizzare.
(End...for now)
Hi everyone!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was a slower chapter but it will get more interesting as it goes on so be sure to stick around for it. Also, I used Google Translate for this chapter and if I got it wrong, well sorry for that but it's Google Translate, we all know it's not accurate at times. Anyway, enjoy this new addition and I'll talk to ya'll later!!
Bye!! :) :)
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