Chapter 52: Escape from the Galar Region.
(No POV)
With Y/N now captured by Gloria, Sonia, and Nessa, his fate is now up to them, and who knows what plans they have for him? Then, echoes of heels clicking in the tunnel walls could be heard only by the person who walked and that was Oleana who looked at the aftermath of the battle with worry and hidden rage inside. She looked at Bea who was still knocked out and walked over to her, she then crouched to her and tried to wake her up.
Oleana- Bea? Bea?
She lightly tapped her cheeks to wake her up but there was no response. Then, she added a bit more force on the taps.
Oleana- Bea. Are you ok? Bea? Bea?!
Oleana was beginning to worry for her and wondered how badly she was hurt, she thought she may have to add more force but then...
Bea- *Groan.*
Bea began to stand up slowly on her own and didn't see Oleana till she got up.
Bea- O-Oleana?
Oleana- Bea...what happened here? And...where's Y/N?
Bea didn't say anything but she got on her knees and her head was down, Oleana also heard whimpering coming from her which shocked her a little.
Bea- I'm sorry. I'm very sorry!
Oleana knew she couldn't hold on to her emotions anymore, they both knew the situation was deadly serious.
Bea- I failed! I failed you, myself, and importantly him! I tried to get him back to us but he kept caring for this Marnie girl and something inside of me snapped and I attacked her, causing Y/N to resent me a bit. I even had him forced to the ground to use the tool you gave me but before I could use it, I got shot by an Ice beam and I passed out. And now, because of this, he has been taken away and I have no idea where he could be. I failed! Please forgive me!!
Oleana couldn't be too mad at her, she didn't see that attack coming and she already knew what to do to find him.
Oleana- Bea, look at me.
She then placed her hand on Bea's shoulder and looked directly at her eyes.
Oleana- I'm not angry in the slightest, you have carried out your mission with everything you could do. Unfortunately, yes it did fail and now Y/N is in our enemy's hands and we need to rescue him. There's no need to apologize, but you have to be more careful about how you are around Y/N next time so this kind of situation won't happen again. So, stand up and let's go get him back and when we do, we are going to go somewhere else for a while. So, are you up for it?
Oleana reached her hand to Bea, and she looked up at her and took Oleana's hand, stood up from the ground, and had her normal face again. She calmed down and now has determination in her, to get her "lover" back.
Bea- I am and I won't fail this time.
Oleana- I know you won't cause I'm gonna be here this time, and good thing he never took off those bracelets I gave him.
Bea- Thats perfect, his location is showing on the device.
Oleana- Yes. Come on.
Bea- Wait. What about those two?
They both looked at Melony and Marnie who still lay unconscious on the ground.
Oleana- As much as I want to make them suffer, we don't have time. Y/N is our number one priority now, we can deal with them for another time.
Bea- I can't wait.~
The two began to walk out of the tunnels and headed toward Y/N's tracked directions.
Oleana's/Bea's minds- We're coming to save you Y/N.~
(Y/N's POV)
I woke up feeling very groggy and my vision was blurry for a while, I felt like I couldn't move my body in any way, it felt stiff as hell.
Y/N- *Ugh* What is happening?
My eyesight came back and I saw that I was in a bedroom of some kind with dim lights on and the windows covered, I knew I wasn't in there before I was...
Y/N's mind- OH SHIT!!
I remembered what happened before I blacked out, Gloria, Sonia, and Nessa held me down and caused me to sleep acting very terrifying too. Then I looked around and I saw I was in a bed with both my hands and legs tied up with rope. I panicked and tried to pull myself out of the bed with all of my strength but the rope was tied well cause nothing on the rope moved, not even an inch.
Y/N- Shit Shit Shit, this can't be happing. This can't be happening!
Then, I heard a door opening and my body felt cold, the sweat on my face pouring. I heard three voices say...
"Oh Y/N, this is really happening.~"
There they were, Gloria, Sonia, and Nessa standing by the door with sickly smiles on them.
Gloria ran towards me and hugged me tightly close to her chest, her face on the top of my head, and rambled about something cause I couldn't hear it.
Sonia- Look at that, young love. Don't you think Nessa?~
Nessa- Yup, but save some for us Gloria, remember the deal right?
Gloria- *Sigh* Yes I do, but I'm lying on his lap.
Nessa- Fine.
Gloria let go of her hug and got on the bed to lay herself on my lap with her head in between my legs. Sonia wrapped her arms to my right side and pulled me to her, to the side of her stomach and breasts. Nessa did the same to my left side and tried to do the same but Sonia looked at her with possessiveness and kept me locked on tight to her.
Nessa- *Tch* Fine.
Sonia- Good. Now, we'll all discuss the rules and all the other stuff later, but right now...
Gloria/Sonia/Nessa- We'll enjoy our hard-earned reward. Y/N.~
Y/N's mind- What the fuck is going on?!
(Melony's POV)
I woke up with a nauseous feeling inside, my memory was a bit foggy but then I felt a sharp pain on the side of my neck, I put my hand to the side of my neck and pulled out a small syringe and then I remembered what happened.
Melony- We were drugged while comforting Y/N and I bet it was that Gloria girl and her gang of no-good psychos.
I heard Marnie wake up and she quickly stood up and had a panicked look on her.
Marnie- Melony, what the hell happened?! Where's Y/N?!
I felt the pain in my heart knowing that she won't like the answer and she already knows about his capture but she is in denial.
Melony- He...he has been kidnapped.
I saw tears coming out of her eyes and she silently cried, all I could do right now was hug her and just wait for her to let it all out. This lasted for a little while before she let go of the hug and wiped her face and had an angry look on her.
Marnie- We need to go and rescue him.
Melony- But how? We don't know where he could've gone.
Marnie- I have a way, let's just say I had a little tracker put in his phone one day and that's how I was able to stay close to him wherever he went. And by the looks of it...
Her phone screen showed his pinpoint location, what a clever girl.
Melony- You are such a sneaky girl aren't you?
Marnie- Have to be since I'm his girlfriend despite what he said to me earlier, I'll forgive him for that.
Melony- Well, you'll have to tell me that later but right now, let's go and get him back.~
Marnie and I set out to find the place where he is and prepare to attack his kidnappers with our lives, anything for him.
Marnie's/Melony's minds- We're your heroes Y/N.~
(No POV)
While all of this was happening, back in the Odyssey, the ship's computer booted up by itself and powered itself on. The computer sent a signal to Y/N's switch and pinpointed his location, once it did the computer sent a signal to the switch to let it know that it was on the way and could be boarded at once. The ship then powered its rocket propellers went into the sky and flew in the direction of the user. Help was on the way for Y/N but how would he get himself out of his captors?
(Y/N's POV)
I was being fed dinner by Gloria which was grilled steak, potatoes with a salad, and a glass of cola. But she made it more scary by staring into my eyes the whole time and having me tell her compliments all through the meal.
Gloria- You're doing so good with the praises for me love, it makes me so happy.~
I would tell the truth and say that this was insane, I ended up getting yelled at by her which terrified me so now I have to lie to not go through that again.
Y/N- Yup, cause your happiness is what makes me happy too.
I can't believe I'm saying this.
Gloria- Awww... you're so sweet. ~
She kissed me on the lips and I kissed back to make her satisfied and not bring out her other side.
Gloria- And look, the plate is empty. You sure were hungry.
I only nodded.
Gloria- OK, well I'm going to help out with Sonia and Nessa in the kitchen to clean up and once I'm done, I'm coming back here and we are going to cuddle here for the rest of the night. Sound good honey?~
I nodded again and she only smiled and skipped out of the room and shut the door. Once I listened to her footsteps getting quieter, I tried to get the ropes loose by pulling them hard again. I was doing this until...
I heard a sound to my right and saw my switch which Nessa gave back to me to incentivize me to behave and obey them to let me one day play with it. Luckily for me, they didn't know that this device is much more than a gaming console and can control a ship. I looked at the screen and saw the Odyssey was on its way, I praised the heavens for that news and I pulled even harder to escape this madness. Then, I remembered that Sonia put my Pokemon carrying case with my Pokemon in the dresser in front of me and it was standing on the edge of the corner. Maybe I could make it fall down and maybe the Pokeballs will roll down on the floor to me so I can grab a random one and summon a Pokemon to cut these ropes all. So I stomped to the front of the dresser as hard as I could to make it fall, I did this over and over again and it was close, but I remembered just before I did another stomp that the loud sound was gonna attract the three back here and if that happens before I can escape, I would be triple fucked so I had to mentally prepare myself to go with this before Gloria comes back.
Y/N- Ok, one....two....three.
The case fell and hit the floor.
The Pokeballs flew everywhere and one of them miraculously landed on my head so I was able to let it slide into my hand, I released the Pokemon and who I got was like double the miracles today.
Y/N- Doublade! Quick, cut these ropes, please!
The Pokemon did just that and I was free but then I heard multiple footsteps.
"What was that sound?!"
"It came from Y/N's room, come on!!"
"We need to make sure he is not trying to do anything funny!"
I quickly looked for anything to barricade the door and saw another dresser cabinet so I pushed it to the front of the door, now I had some time to get the hell out.
Gloria- Y/N!! Y/N! Open this door right now!!
Sonia- You are in so much trouble, young man!!
Nessa- When we get in there, you are gonna be punished big time!!
I grabbed the rest of the Pokeballs and my switch and broke a window to climb out, I used the swords to slide down safely. I heard the door break open and I ran not looking back and ran towards the direction of the ship's landing spot.
The screams got quieter as I made it deep into the woods and saw I was close to the spot, then I saw up in the sky.
Y/N- It's good to see you again.
The ship began to land and I waited in anticipation to get out of here, anywhere else away from Gloria, Sonia, and Nessa. While I do feel a little bad leaving behind the others however I made up my mind to leave this world.
Y/N- In no time, it's see you later Galar Region.
"What do you mean by that Y/N?"
I jumped to hear a voice close to me and I turned around to see both Bea and Oleana standing there.
Y/N- Jesus!!
Oleana- What is this interesting-looking ship? Is that yours by any chance Y/N?
Bea- And what did you mean by seeing you later Galar region?
Y/N- Look, to tell you the truth, I'm not from this region or hell any region in this world, the thing is... I'm an alien, from another world. I don't belong here and I want to go home. I need to go.
Oleana looked at me with anger and sadness.
Oleana- You can't Y/N, I won't allow it! You were supposed to be my perfect champion of the Galar region and I did everything to ensure that it would happen and it will, you made a promise you would to me!
Bea- I also won't allow this Y/N, I love you! I love you so much! You were the first boy that made my heart skip a beat when I first saw you and from then on, I knew you were the one for me. Don't go, come back to us and we can protect you better, from Gloria to Melony, to everyone! Just come back.
Bea extended her hand to me but I didn't do anything, as tempting as it sounds, I want to go.
Y/N- Bea, I'm sorry but my decision is final.
Both of them looked at me with dark eyes.
Oleana- Very well then, looks like we'll have to do this the hard way. Bea, grab him.
In a flash, she grabbed me by both arms and Oleana got close to me, she had some kind of spray can in her hand and pointed at me.
Oleana- This will make you sleep and all of this will be like only a bad dream. And when you wake up, you will be my darling champion.~
Just as she was about to use it, two shouts were heard behind us.
Bea turned around and that allowed me to see who it was and I was a bit relieved to see them.
Melony- You let him go, right this instant!!
Marnie- Y/N! Don't worry, leave this to us.
Bea- *Tch* Annoying, ruining everything once more.
Oleana- You won't have him, he is ours.
Marnie- You are sadly mistaken.
Marnie realized her Pokemon and it shot a lightning bolt at Bea and it caused her to fall, I was let free and I ran out of the way.
Oleana- You're not going anywhere Y/N!!!
She had her Pokemon out and it did a move where my feet were stuck to the ground so in a panic, I released another Pokemon and it was Tsareena.
Y/N- Tsareena! Get my feet out of this!!
She stomped her foot to the ground causing it to shake and my feet felt loose again and I used to chance back to the ship. But Melony and Marnie blocked me.
Melony- Sorry Y/N, but we're not letting you leave here. We'll take you away from this place and we can live in peace with me and Marnie.
Marnie- I love you Y/N, and I won't be restrictive like Oleana and Bea, you'll be much happier with me.
Melony/Marnie- But if you don't come with us willingly, then you us no choice but to use force like the others did. What will it be Y/N?
I couldn't fight these two alone so I called Tsareena and had another released and it was Inteleon this time.
Y/N- Sorry you two, but I'm getting out of here. Inteleon use Whirlpool and Tsareena use sticky trap!
They did their moves and it caused them to go in different directions then the sap shot out to their spots and had them stuck so I made my move. I opened the door to the ship then I saw a bright light behind me, it was Oleana and her Pokemon looked like it was about to shoot a light beam or something but what scared me was that she had the scariest face I had ever seen.
The beam shot out and I thought it was gonna hit me, I heard a metal clashing sound, and when I opened my eyes I saw Doublade in front of me. It protected me from the beam, I thanked it and went inside the ship, I placed the switch into the main computer and set course into the skies. I heard shouts and the ship taking a beat from their Pokemon's attacks. In what seemed like forever, the ship began to take off and I looked out the window to see everyone looking up all of them had saddened yet angry looks on them. Then, Gloria, Sonia, and Nessa got there and looked and did the same thing. Gloria especially had a look almost like Oleana's but more fearsome. Once the ship was heading into space, I sat down on the couch and realized that in my jacket pocket, I had one last Pokeball with me. I wondered who was inside of it but didn't want to release it yet in case we land either at home or in another world where Pokemon don't exist.
Y/N's mind- I wonder where I'm going next, I hope it's to my home world. But...who knows?
(Master Hand's POV)
What I just saw was by far the craziest incident I have ever seen with young Y/N's journeys.
Master hand- This is getting a bit out of hand.
Crazy Hand- YEAH! And here I thought I knew crazy but that...was the craziest I have seen too! What are your plans now!? Are you gonna summon him here?!
Master hand- I don't want to summon Y/N here just yet, there is still one more world I have in mind before we do just that.
Crazy hand- Ooh!! Where!?
Master hand- The world of...Persona.
And with my plan revealed, I sent all of the Pokemon games to his switch as a reward.
Master Hand's mind- Let's see how this will play out once more.
(End...for now)
And here we go folks, the official end of the Pokemon arc and we are now heading into the Persona arc. Hope your ready folks, cause I sure am. Well, hope you enjoy this chapter and till next time, I'll talk to ya'll later!!
Bye bye!! :) :)
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