Chapter 46: Challenges and new plans.
(Timeskip, 1 week later)
(No POV)
Y/N's training with Bea began to pay off in big ways, the first step was having a rematch with Kabu and he was allowed to use his usual Pokemon along with the one that he used to defeat Y/N, but this time was different, Y/N's team wreaked his Pokemon and Y/N's Kirlia and Steenee defeated Cinderace. After that, Y/N earned his fire badge and he was officially out of the minor league and now on the way to the major leagues but he had to do one thing in order to begin his journey to the championships, he had to battle his own trainer, Bea in her gym. Y/N was surprised to learn that she was a gym leader and fighting-type Pokemon specialist. So, he was on his own in that one but with the skills he was taught by her and sometimes by Oleana, he was ready to defeat her and while Bea herself was going to give it all she had, it wasn't going to be the same battles she had before, this time she had feelings for her opponent. On the day of the battle, Y/N and Bea pretended that they met for the first time so as to not surprise the crowds with their "friendship" and not risk any gossip spreading around. The battle got intense and while the two were equal in strength, Bea knew she had the upper hand as she had a couple of tricks up her sleeve, what she didn't expect was for Y/N to dodge her special tricks along with showing his own courtesy to Oleana. This turned the tide of the battle when it came to Dynamaxing, and Y/N unleashed a Dynamax move and finished off Bea's last Pokemon and won the battle. While Bea felt slightly disappointed to lose, at the same time she felt very happy about his victory and lowkey relieved that she wouldn't be scolded by Oleana if he were to be defeated. He obtained the fighting badge and his team got to their final evolutions. His Drizzile became Inteleon.
His Steenee became Tsareena.
And lastly, his Kirlia became Gardevoir.
With his team reaching their final form, he now had to find two more Pokemon to add to his team. Oleana wanted to change his team and bit and went to him with a gift.
Oleana- Your team is improving more and more Y/N.
Y/N- Thanks, I'm proud of them.
Oleana- And that's amazing to hear but I think it could be a bit better, and that is replacing your Noctowl.
Y/N- But why? I like him, he was my very Pokemon and I have many memories with him.
Oleana- I understand that but you are going to the major leagues and Noctowl is really a minor-league Pokemon, I know this from experience Y/N.
Y/N got pouty with her and was a little upset that she said this, he thought she was telling him to get rid of his first Pokemon. But Oleana patted his head and smiled at him.
Oleana- No need for that Y/N, I'm not saying to get rid of him, you can keep him. You can have him as your personal pet Pokemon, instead of a battle Pokemon.~
She got out a luxury ball and showed it to Y/N.
Oleana- Besides, I have just the right Pokemon to help you get started, and this is a gift from me to you.~
She threw the ball and what went out was a magnificent Pokemon.
Oleana- Y/N, this is Doublade and it is yours.
Y/N's mind was blown, he scanned it with his switch and it got added to the database. He got closer to it and the Pokemon made light swinging noises.
Y/N- Ok Doublade, welcome to my team. And thank you Oleana.
He got Noctowl out of his Pokeball and told him that he was now a normal companion to him and he happily spread his wings.
Y/N- OK, well that settles it.
Oleana- I'm glad, now let's go train some more.
Y/N- Right!
Bea's training became more intense than ever before as she was interested in preparing for the Ghost Gym battle with its leader, Allister. In due time, Y/N was ready and he pressed through the ghost gym challenges and got to meet the leader himself. Y/N was expecting a scary-looking person since ghost leaders in his recent memories of the other games are odd but when he saw the leader, he wasn't expecting someone...younger.
The young trainer had an ominous-looking mask and looked slightly down while walking toward the center of the field. The two stood in front of one another and shook hands.
Y/N- Wow dude, you're like 3 or 4 years younger than me, and you're a gym leader. That's so cool.
Allister- ...Thanks.
Y/N- Well, let's get this started, also by the way that mask of yours adds mystery to you, keep it up.
He did a thumbs up and walked to his side, although he didn't see it, Allister had a small smile on him, it was one of the times he did and won't forget. He quickly focused back on the battle at hand and sent out his first to the battle, Y/N did the same and the fight soon began. The two were dealing heavy attacks against one another and they took each other's Pokemon until one remained, then it was Dynamax time once more, a Dynamax Chandelure versus a Dynamax Gardevoir, the odds seemed to be in Allister's favor. But Y/N got Gardevoir to block one of Chandelure's strongest moves and did a move that did critical damage and managed to get a second turn and finished off Chandelure. The crowd cheered and Y/N celebrated his victory and went to claim his prize, Allister gave him the ghost badge and shook hands in respect.
Allister- Good battle, and best of luck to you.
Y/N- Thanks, that was a great battle, well later bro.
Y/N walked to the exit of the stadium and couldn't wait to show his new badge to Bea and Oleana.
(Y/N's POV)
I exited the stadium and headed to the Pokecenter to heal up my Pokemon and get more potions as I almost ran out of that battle. My Pokemon healed up, got supplied, and went to find Bea or Oleana, I walked out and was actually surprised to see Chairman Rose.
Rose- Hello Y/N, nice to see you again.
Y/N- Oh hi Mr.Rose, how's it going?
Rose- Pretty fine, and I wanted to say congratulations on your victory and getting your ghost gym badge.
Y/N- Thanks, say have you seen Oleana anywhere?
Rose- Yes, well she had to step out to watch over Bede, where they are I'm not sure at the moment, but I'm sure it's all fine.
Y/N- Heh, yeah. Well, I'm off to see Bea, if I know where she is.
Rose- *Chuckle* Well, she isn't far from you in that sense.
Y/N- Hmm?
Then I felt an arm around me and it turned out to be Bea.
Y/N- Whoa Jesus! Bea, you surprised me.
Bea- It wasn't my intention, I walk quietly. Congratulations on your win, I have taught you well so far.
Y/N- Well, I thank teamwork and your skills for that, so thank you for that.
She did one of her rare smiles which I'll still get used to but I'm glad she's relaxed towards me.
Rose- Well, that's Ms Bea for you Y/N, and I must say that Oleana speaks highly of you two, and I now see why. Bea, for being one of the best to train Y/N, and Y/N for taking in the lessons and showing the potential of a champion.
Bea- Thanks Mr.Chairman.
Y/N- Well, I wouldn't say I'm at that level just yet, but...I'm getting there.
Rose- Modestly, not many young trainers have these days, especially Bede.
Y/N- Hmm?
Rose- Oh, have you met Bede? He has short light-colored hair and wears a purple jacket and outfit.
I tried to remember someone like that and...a memory popped up, it was that boy I met back in Motostoke and in the Galar mine. He's such a jerk, an arrogant jerk. Bea let go of me and had a disappointed face on her.
Bea- I know who you are talking about Mr Chairman, I remember him from a few months ago.
Rose- Right, and you may not know Y/N is that Bede is actually under my guidance and watch just like you are with Oleana. You two practically are alike in terms of potential and power terms of personalities, well it's night and day I say.
Y/N- Yeah, you can say that again.
Bea- Y/N, should we go and find Oleana to see what's next?
Y/N- I think we should, well it was nice talking to you, sir.
Mr.Rose- And the same to you two, well I should go look for bede and...
Out of nowhere, we heard a loud sound that came north of the town, everyone ran to the sound to see what was up.
It happened again and I ran towards the sound like everyone else did and saw that that guy Bede along with Oleana and...Sonia as well.
He had an elephant Pokemon with him and it was staring at some kind of wall Mural.
Bede- Come on, we must get these treasure-wishing stars by any means! Now, again!!
Oleana-Bede, stop this at once!!
Bede ignored her and the Pokemon slammed into the wall, now I know what the sound was but I think he has lost his damn mind and I knew right away that this Mural means something around here.
Sonia- Stop!! Your gonna destroy the Ancient Mural and for some wishing stars?!?
He turned around and faced her with a creepy smile and look.
Bede- If destroying this means getting an ultimate treasure then so be it.
I think I need to do something about this, I ran towards him and forcibly turned him to face me.
Y/N- Look, I don't know what you think you're doing but destroying something to get these whatever it is stars of some kind, you have no right to do this. Stop doing this crazy crap!
Bede- *Chuckle* You?! If you think someone like you is standing in my way and thinks are on my level, well think again. You are nowhere near my level and I will get these stars with you out of my way.
He then shoved me out of the way and I fell to the floor hard on my ass.
Oleana- *GASP!!* Y/N, are you alright?!
Sonia- Come on, grab my hand.
Both women helped me stand up and Oleana searched my hands, arms, and legs to see if I had any scratches on me.
Oleana- Are you hurt?
Y/N- I'm fine although my hand is red.
Sonia- Here is some hand cream for you Y/N.
Y/N- Thanks.
Now, I really wanted to kick his ass and not in a Pokemon battle but really in a real fight but before I could really do that, I saw Mr.Rose run in here along with Bea and he saw what was happening and was in pure shock.
Rose- What is going on here?
Oleana- Sir, Bede is trying to destroy this Mural to retrieve some kind of so-called wishing stars. I have tried to get him to stop but he refuses to listen to me.
Sonia- Also, Y/N tried to stop him as well but he said some harsh words towards him and he pushed him out of the way causing him to fall.
Rose- Oh, he did all this? Well, let me resolve this.
He sounded more serious and he walked towards him with clecked fists.
Bede- That's it!! Two more times and it's all ours!!!
Rose- Bede!!
Bede quickly turned to Rose and had a shocked and scared look on him.
Rose- What is the meaning of all this?!?! First, you damaged Ancient property, didn't listen to anybody's shouts for you to stop this, gave very harsh words to Y/N, physically pushed Y/N and hurt him, and most of all, disrespected everything I have given and taught you. Do you have anything to say for yourself?!
Bede was trembling in fear and I couldn't help but feel satisfied by this, he is an ass.
Bede- Well, I only wanted to make you proud by getting these stars and showing you their power. You got to believe me!
Rose- No, I know that's not what it's about, you only want it for yourself and it looks like you have no issue doing this by any means those are disregarding people, rules, and culture at all. I thought you were different from other trainers when I first met you and took you under my wing but clearly, I was wrong. Why, if Y/N wasn't under Oleana's wing, I would've offered him to be with me and be my next successor. I think I have no choice but to do this so Bede...
He turned around and walked away from Bede.
Rose- From this point forward, you are no longer my successor, and I have lost all respect and hope for you. I wish you the best of luck Bede, but you have betrayed me.
Then Rose, Oleana, and Bea left and Bede soon walked in shame out of here but he looked at me one last time with eyes of hate and sadness. Didn't say anything but I turned my face away from him not wanting to see him again. He soon left and Sonia and I were left in the scene.
Sonia- Thank goodness that's over, look at all of this damage he did.
Y/N- I know, but it's not all gone, it still has its colors and whatnot.
Sonia- You are right, it's still here and it is saved from any more wreckage. Do you wanna hear its story?
Y/N- Sure, I'm curious about it.
Sonia- Ok.
We walked closer to the Mural and she began to tell me about it.
(Gloria's POV)
I have heard what happened around Stow-on-side from what Sonia told me, she also said that Y/N was there and tried to face him but got hurt because of that bastard Bede. Oh, he gonna get it really bad but that's in the future, right now I have an idea on how to get closer to Y/N, and the Chairman is the answer, I know he recently let go of Bede and probably is in need of a new successor, well it's his lucky day cause I'm here to fill in the spot.
Gloria's mind- And I can make one step closer to Y/N once more and get him out of that evil bitch's arms and save him from her charms.
(Rose's POV)
I was walking towards the terminal station to get back home and thinking about what to do now that Bede was no longer here as my successor. I had to pick someone fast but it's next to impossible to find someone this fast.
Rose- If only this was easy.
"Oh, I think I can help with your problem, Chairman Rose."
I heard someone behind me, I turned around to see a young girl and I think I may have seen her before.
Rose- Do I know you and haven't I seen you before?
Gloria- Actually, we have met before. Does the name Y/N L/N ring any bells to you?
Rose- Yes I do and were you his travel companion before?
Gloria- I was before he went with Oleana.
Rose- Yes, well anyways, what did you mean by helping me with my problem?
Gloria- I heard what happened in Stow-on-side and heard from a little bird that you have disowned Bede for what he did to the ancient mural.
Rose- Yes...I know.
Gloria- Well, I know you need a new successor and you are short of time too.
Rose- Ms.Gloria, what are you saying?
Gloria- I'm saying is...
She had an odd smile and look in her eyes that told me something was different about her and I couldn't help but feel like she may be it.
Gloria- Let me be under your wing and show you my worth and skill to be your next successor.
(End...for now)
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