Chapter 43: The Stoic trainer coach.
(Timeskip to evening)
(Y/N's POV)
After eating a good big lunch and some more training later, Oleana said we were done for the evening and I followed her to wherever we were going next.
Y/N- So, I got a question.
Oleana- Go ahead.
Y/N- Where am I going to stay exactly? Is there a hotel nearby I can stay at or...
Oleana- Oh no Y/N, your not going anywhere away from me, I need to be able to make sure I can keep an eye on you as much as I can, so your going to stay with me at my personal residence.
Y/N- Oh...really? That's very kind of you Oleana, thank you.
Oleana- It's really no trouble at all Y/N, really no trouble.~
We walked over to the upper section of the city where all of the fancy houses were and some were huge like holy shit, like a wealthy wonderland. We walked for some time more till we turned right and walked to this particular house and it was just as luxurious if not more so.
Oleana- Welcome to my house Y/N, please make yourself at home and make sure to take off your shoes before you enter ok?
Y/N- Yeah.
I went inside and took off my shoes just like she said and with that, I looked around the living room, and wow, big comfy couches, a big flat-screen TV, and huge surround sound systems.
Oleana- Like what you are seeing Y/N?
Y/N- Yes, yes I am.
Oleana- *Giggles* Good, take a seat and you can watch some TV while I take care of some minor business, ok?
Y/N- Got it.
Oleana- I'll be right back...oh, I almost forgot, if you want something to drink or a small snack to eat, take whatever you want.
I nodded happily to her and she went upstairs to do whatever, I turned on the TV then went to see what she had to drink.
Y/N's mind- This is a fine life, awesome.
(Oleana's POV)
I was on a call with her and in the talks of her pay, training schedule, and how Y/N is as a trainer as of right now. I told her all she needed to know for now and would explain more details when she gets here by late morning tomorrow.
Oleana- I already sent your express ticket by email and your deluxe suite is ready as well.
"Understood, I'll see you then."
She hung up the call and I went to change into simple night attire as we both will be going to bed soon, we have a big day ahead tomorrow. I got out of my bedroom and went downstairs to see what Y/N is up to and I saw he was watching TV eating chips, drinking water and had his feet on the coffee table. Normally, that would really annoy me but since it's a sign he is relaxed here already means that I am winning him over. That's good news so he can keep doing what he is doing, besides I can always buy a new table.
Oleana- Y/N.
He got his feet down, paused the TV, and looked at me.
Y/N- Yeah?
Oleana- Come upstairs so I can show you where you will be staying.
Y/N- Ok.
He got off the couch and followed me, I made sure to make his room as comfy as possible, after all a future champion should get the best environment and sleep possible.
Oleana- Here it is Y/N, your own room.
He had an adorable shocked face on him when he looked around the room, took in the sights on the outdoor balcony, and jumped on the bed, laying down with a smile that was dreamlike.
Y/N- Ahh~
Oleana- Comfy? Everything to your liking Y/N?
He nodded as he continued to lie down on the bed which was an adorable sight to see, I sat down next to him and stared at him for a bit.
Oleana- Now that you have seen your room, go take a shower, brush your teeth, and head to bed as soon as possible, we wake up early in the morning to begin training with a professional trainer to help you become better.
Y/N- Who?
Oleana- You'll see tomorrow, have a good night Y/N.
Y/N- Goodnight...and thank you for everything, I'll never forget it and I will make you proud.
I couldn't help but give him a hug and smile which felt strange to me but felt so good.
Oleana- I know you will make me proud, Y/N. Goodnight.
I walked out of his room feeling more joy with Y/N even more now, tomorrow is a new day for both of us.
Oleana's mind- This is only just the beginning.
(Timeskip to Morning)
(No POV)
Oleana woke up at 7 am to get ready for this important day, she took care of her personal stuff and then went downstairs to cook a nutritious breakfast for the both of them, and she was anticipating for Y/N to wake up by the loud but effective alarm clock she bought for him room and it was set for 7:30 am sharp, she was preparing the food while counting the time till it sets off.
Oleana- Almost there.
She was almost done with prep and then...
Oleana- *Chuckle*...Bingo.
In the room, Y/N was making all kinds of loud noises after being woken up so suddenly. Oleana couldn't help but feel a bit amused by that, anyway soon enough she heard footsteps rapidly coming from the stairs and there was Y/N.
Y/N- *Yawning*
Oleana- Good morning Y/N, hope you slept well and are ready for today.~
Y/N- I am...I guess but was the loud alarm really needed?
Oleana- Oh, it's not so bad, you needed that but the good news is, breakfast is served.~
Y/N looked at the table and saw a couple of bowls of kinda strange-looking food.
Y/N- What is that?
Oleana- Smoothie bowls, filled with fresh berries of all kinds, granola, and a smoothie made with fresh milk, and raspberries.
Y/N- Oh, that's cool.
Oleana- Enjoy and I got some toast, orange juice, and milk.
Y/N- Great, thank you for breakfast.
Oleana- You are very welcome, now eat, we got to start as soon as we can.
Y/N- Oh right, can't wait and also can't wait to meet this trainer.
She nodded and the two began to eat together and chatted to make the time go by.
Sometime later...
Y/N and Oleana were in the training room with Y/N doing random practicing with his team to pass the time before the trainer gets here and Oleana hired the best one for the job to help train him.
Oleana's mind- She won't let any emotions get in the way of the goal and that's why she is the best to train Y/N.
(Y/N's POV)
I was curious, excited, and a little nervous to meet this coach trainer of Oleana's who claims that she is the best and will work me into shape. Don't exactly know what she means by that but I can tell she won't be easy on me at all, great.
Y/N- Oh boy, ok what should we do next?
But before I can do anything else, I heard the door open and Oleana stood up from her seat and walked to the door.
Oleana- Ah, it's nice to see you...Bea.
I turned around and saw the trainer and oh boy.
"It's a pleasure Oleana."
She looks freaking strong and her eyes...cold and...sorta lifeless in a way.
"Is this who you were talking about?"
Oleana- Yes, Y/N come here and introduce yourself to her.
I walked over to the two and she was looking at me as if she was trying to observe me or something, I was shaking a little on the inside.
Y/N- Hello, I'm...Y/N. Nice to meet you.
We shook hands and even her grip is tight, I am going to be my ass whipped by her in the beginning, I can already tell.
Oleana- Excellent, now Bea I want you to get Y/N started with basic exercises and how to do them right.
Bea- Understood.
Oleana- And Y/N, I want you to follow her every word, piece of advice, and command she puts out ok?
Y/N- Yes I do.
Oleana- Then, begin you two.
I nervously nodded at her and followed Bea to the middle field.
Bea- First thing to being an effective trainer is to do warmups for yourself first, it will relax your body to better train your Pokemon. So, follow my lead.
I followed her moves the best I could and it was certainly hard, and when we got to the back exercises, I did one move and I heard loud claps.
Bea- That's not the right way to do that Y/N.
Y/N- What? I have my back straight like you did.
Bea- No, having your back straight when stretching down is not good for you, it would cause serious cramps in time. Here, watch closely.
I watched her and she did it in a way I had never seen before and never had to back home in gym class.
Bea- Now do you see?
Y/N- Yeah.
Bea- Good, now let's have you do it ten times. Go.
Y/N's mind- Oh boy, this is gonna be a long morning.
(Bea's POV)
In my first lesson with Y/N, so far he is in need of many improvements like Oleana mentioned but besides that, he did well keeping up with me, most would give up in 20 minutes but in the almost two hours of intense workouts, he had strength even if it wasn't fully realized yet, it was there. While Y/N was doing sit-ups, I saw Oleana tap her watch at me which was a signal to call for a break. Very well then.
Bea- Ok Y/N, you can stop now.
He stopped and panted heavily, and had a face of relief on him.
Y/N- *Heavy Panting*
Bea- I think that's it for now, let's take a break.
He only got up and went to the water fountain to take a drink, I walked to Oleana to give my report to her.
Oleana- What is the situation?
Bea- He needs improvements but I can tell already that he will work very hard for the champion title.
Oleana- I knew I got the right person for the job, keep up the good work and produce more excellent results.
Bea- Of course.
Oleana- Well, now I'm gonna have Y/N wash up and take him to eat lunch, you can stay here or go get yourself something too, doesn't matter to me but we will continue later in the evening.
She walked over to Y/N and the two walked out, but the interesting part was that he was full of energy again, and just a moment ago, he was exhausted but now he is fine. Smiling carefree like life was perfect and full of emotion. I never saw anyone recover from my training that quickly ever in my life, and for some reason, this has got me curious about him and I have never been this curious for anybody as long as I can remember. Y/N...
Bea's mind- I wonder what kind of boy you are.
(End...for now)
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