Chapter 39: Simple answer, hard consequences.
(Y/N's POV)
Oleana had asked me an offer about being under her guardianship to reach my "full potential" as she said, and while I'm honored to be a considerable candidate, the thing bothering me about it was the fact I have to be under her constant supervision and I won't be able to have time for anyone as she told me that I will be training for most of the time. I already know what my answer is and unlike when Sonia asked me a question and I hesitated to give my response to her, that won't be the case for Oleana, I'm gonna be straight with her in this one.
Oleana- So, is it a yes? Cause I would like to star-...
Y/N- Wait, I have to say this. I thought about it and while I appreciate the great opportunity you gave me, unfortunately, I have to decline.
Her face changed for the first time and she was in genuine shock.
Oleana- W-why is that the case Y/N?
Y/N- I want to experience this journey without constant supervision, I want to be able to do this at my own pace and not under a strict schedule. And with the full potential stuff you said, while I know I need some kind of guidance for that to happen, I want to reach that level on my own with my own mistakes and learn from that. Only then, I'll know how to reach that full potential. However, I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to reach out to me and offering me this, I believe someone else would be glad to take your offer but it's not for me, again thank you.
I said what I wanted to say and hope she understood my reasoning, and she went back to her blank face but this time it seemed even colder which was kinda creepy. Then, she took out a napkin from the table and a pen out of her shirt and began to write something on it. I couldn't see what she wrote but she got done writing, slide it in front of me and stood up, and began to walk out. But, she turned to face me again and said:
Oleana- I hope you succeed in your journey your way...but sometimes you never know when you hit a roadblock and for that, you may adult's help for that.
She then left the restaurant without saying anything else, I looked to see what she had written on that napkin and it said:
"In case you have a change of heart, you decided what to do next. -Oleana"
It had a phone number on it too so there's that, I almost feel like I will never dial this number but mom always said never say never to anything in life so I decided to put the paper in my pocket, just because why not. Then, a waiter walked over to my table with a receipt.
Waiter- Here is a printed receipt sir, Don't worry Ms.Oleana paid for it earlier so you are all good to go. Also, she also told me that you can order anything else to go and it's paid for also, so is there anything you want before you go?
Well, I might as well bring some desserts and drinks to share with Gloria before we head over to the next town.
Y/N- Well, I'll take two boxes of Creme puffs to go along with two sweet teas, please.
Waiter- Coming right up sir.
While I waited, I texted Gloria to meet me by the restaurant entrance and told her I got something for her. But that whole experience with Oleana left me feeling strange, I couldn't put it into words but the feeling was there.
Y/N's mind- I'll try not to let my choice get to me now, I'll live up to my answer.
(Gloria's POV)
I got the text from Y/N to meet him by the restaurant right next to the Pokecenter, I searched all around the damn town for him and now he lets me know where he was now. I'll make him make it up to me, I just need to know what. I got to the entrance of the restaurant and I saw Y/N exiting through the doors, he was carrying some to-go boxes of something in it and two drinks. I ran to him but didn't hug him this time cause of his full arms but this is the only I will do this, next time it back to hugs for him.~
Gloria- Took you long enough to text me Y/N! Let alone, told me what was going on when I didn't see you back at the gym.
Y/N- *Nervous laughing* Well, it all happened so fast, this woman named Oleana showed up saying the chairman wanted to meet me and such other stuff like that. Again, happened all fast you know.
I wonder what they talked about that made him feel this way, hope they didn't put any ideas into his head.
Gloira- Well, as long as you are fine, I can't stay mad at you Y/N. Say, what's with the boxes and drinks?
Y/N- Well, I wanted to have to make it up to you for disappearing from you again, and lowkey hope you forgive me by sharing some creme puffs and sweet tea with you. Is that alright?
My heart skipped a beat from his gesture, he wanted to make it up to me!!
Gloria- *Squealing~* You are forgiven Y/N!!
I hugged him tightly and heard a puff from him but I knew he doesn't mind it at all.
Y/N- I'm glad my plan worked, shall we sit down and chow on the treats before we go?
Gloria- Absolutely, lead the way Y/N~
He handed me my drink and without any warning, he held my hand and walked to a nearby bench with me. I couldn't help but blush at his action.
Gloria's mind- But at the same time, I'm feeling very happy right now and all of that stress from earlier is gone. I love him.~ *Giggle*
(Oleana's POV)
I was in my office making some phone calls to the various other gym trainers about future training and challenges for a boy named Y/N. He will come to me and beg for reconsideration about his choice and the way I was planning to do that was to pull some strings to the next gym trainer he is facing next, Kabu. He is close to retiring in a few years for good and if I were to threaten of making him retire early if he doesn't defeat Y/N, that will for sure make Kabu have no mercy on Y/N. Already having such a notorious reputation of being a roadblock for many trainers from exiting the minor league, that sure will be such a case for Y/N
Oleana- Don't worry Y/N, I will be right there when you give me a call when you need me.~
*Knock Knock*
The knocks on my door interrupted my train of thought and that kinda made me upset, but let's see who it is.
Oleana- Who is it?
"It's me, Rose. Do you have a minute?"
Oleana- Yeah...I do.
The Chairman entered inside and he didn't have Bede this time around.
Chairman Rose- Good afternoon Oleana, how are you doing?
Oleana- Alright sir, is there anything going on?
Chairman Rose- Oh no, nothing like that I just wanted to say something about Y/N, you said he is going to be under your care right?
Oleana- Yes sir, and he said that he will be here with me as soon as he challenges Kabu, the fire gym leader. Win or lose.
Chairman Rose- I see, well it would be nice for you to lead a young man's way throughout his Journey. You have shown that you are a capable guardian in a way you know.
Oleana- I couldn't agree more sir, now I just need to finish up some work and I'll give you an update on that.
Chairman Rose- Understood Ms.Oleana, bye for now.
He left and closed the door behind him which was great because now I need to have a chat with Kabu about the current situation. I dialed his number and sure enough, he picked up.
Oleana- Ah yes, good afternoon Mr.Kabu I wanted to have a talk about your gym challenge.
Kabu- Yes? What's the matter?
Oleana- You see, there is a young trainer in particular that needs a..."firm" defeat later today and I know what you need to do.
(No POV)
Throughout the Journey to Motostoke for the fire gym challenge, the young teen duo had to once more battle trainers but this time, they were a lot more tougher and had better Pokemon than they should have. But the battles were different between the two, Gloria would beat them easily while Y/N won but with barely any pokemon left and had to revive and heal them back to health each time. He soon ran out of resources and had to use Gloria's instead but she didn't mind that one bit. The reason is that Oleana hired a bunch of trainers ranging from children to normal citizens and even other traveling trainers alike and much more with one purpose, to make Y/N's travel to Motostoke more challenging than ever. Oleana instructed them to not bother with the girl Gloria and focus on Y/N no matter what. She also gave them Pokemon much stronger and better than what Y/N has with him, how she did all this is forever a mystery but she has her ways and with all the wealth and power she possesses, she can make it happen. Hours passed and with many hard battles later, they made it to Motostoke and Y/N went to the Pokecenter to not only heal his team but also to buy many more items for the upcoming battle. After that, they went to the gym and Y/N got picked to go first and went to change into his uniform again but this time, he feels very anxious about the battle and didn't know what to expect from this. But he is not gonna give up, he will get the badge. However, he doesn't know what's coming ahead.
Y/N's mind- I can do this, I can do this.
(Y/N's POV)
After all of the trials and puzzles, I am now at the final stage of this stadium and about to meet the leader. It's now or never Y/N, lets's do this. I walked to the center stage and saw the leader was waiting for me and had a face of power on him.
He dead ass looked straight at me and the more I walked up to him, the more chills I got on my spine. He went in for a handshake and I noticed he only had one Pokeball on his person which I was very confused about why.
"You must be Y/N L/N I heard about recently."
Y/N- Y-yes sir.
"I'm Kabu and you are now in the last battle before you enter the major leagues."
Y/N- Can't wait.
Kabu- But beware, half of the trainers here don't exit the doors to the major leagues. Let's see if you are any different.
Y/N- S-sure.
We shook hands and went to our side of the arena and got my first Pokemon ready.
Y/N- Ok, Drizzle you're up!
I figured I can take out his Pokemon with Drizzle out first, maybe I have a chance after all.
Y/N's mind- Come out Kabu's Pokemon, bring it on.
He threw his Pokemon out and it was an evolved Scorbunny.
I checked my switch and it was a Cinderace and it had very crazy stats. Ok, I ordered my attack first and it said it was very effective but very strangely, its health didn't go down all that much. He went next and shot a flameflower attack and it should do too muc-
Wha-what?! The attack was super critical and Drizzle got knocked out. He took out my water pokemon quickly, that shouldn't be possible. Ok, stay calm, stay...calm.
Y/N- Noctowl, go!
I made my attack with an air spin attack and the Cinderace blocked the attack whole, and he did a Double kick move.
The attack was critical again and caused Noctowl to pass out?!!?
Y/N's mind- Shit!
How is this happening right now?!?
Y/N- Steenee, your next!
I wanted to do something different, so I had her increase her defense stat twice, Cinderace went for the attack but she thankfully dodged attack and the next step was to use sleeping powder on him. It worked and now I can attack for real, I had her do a Poison mist move and now it was poised. I was about to make another move but Cinderace woke up so fast and made its move fast and did a fireball attack and my Steenee got knocked out of the fight.
Y/N's mind- What the fuck is going on with Kabus Cinderace?!!?
This is my last chance, don't fail me now.
Y/N- Kirlia, let's do this!!
It was time for Dynamax so I took my chance right away and did just that with her. Now, I have a powerful psychic move I can use against him. Kabu used an item for something but now is not the time to think about that, it's time to end this.
Y/N- Now Kirlia!!
She used her attack and it was so huge, strong winds were everywhere and I hoped to see an almost empty health bar heart stopped. The bar moved a little move and I was about to scream but I held myself back, then Kabu looked at me and waved the empty item and it turns out, he used a psychic defense item and a very strong one.
Y/N- Grr...
He dynamaxed Cinderace and did his Mega Fire attack straight away and I knew right then and there....I..lost.
Kirlia's health went down and that's it, all of my Pokemon were out.
*Gym Leader Kabu wins!!! Oh boy, a single Pokemon battle and still won, what a new tactic for Kabu this time around!!!*
While the crowd cheered for him, I went straight back to the locker room not even bothering o face him.
Y/N's mind- I don't know what's gonna happen now.
I was sitting in the locker benches just laying there in depression, I lost and I felt a major disappointment to Gloria, Sonia, and everyone else I met so far. I told them I will win every single battle I faced and now that I lost, all of that is now cheap talk with no backing to it at all.
Y/N- *Sigh*, I am in deep trouble now.
*Knock Knock*
Y/N- Huh? Who is it?
"I am a locker attendant and I was sent to give you a letter that was passed to me to give you."
Y/N- Do you know who?
"I wasn't informed on who sent it but can I give it to you and you find out?"
Y/N- Sure.
I went to the door and the note slipped underneath the door and I grabbed it to see what it said and who sent it. I opened it and it said:
"It has appeared that you lost your gym challenge today, and that is very unfortunate for you but this is where the more bad news comes to you. When you lose a battle, you have to restart your whole Journey again and that means turning in your previously earned badges and having to go over the battles again. However, there is one exception to this rule, you can have an experienced and well-respected trainer take you under their wing and train you from the ground up, and also be able to provide you with everything you need for the remainder of your journey. I know you have someone in mind that can do just that, you were given a form of contact also in case something like this happens. The choice is up to you know, all you have to do is to make a choice. I hope you know what you are doing this time around,
Sighed, O."
I don't know who this O is but what I do know is that I cannot do this all over again, especially since I don't think Gloria is gonna is stick by me and wait for me to catch up. She will continue without me and I don't want to be a major burden to her, so now I may need to dial the number, I have no choice but to crawl back to her but I pray she takes another chance with me.
Y/N- Here goes nothing.
(Oleana's POV)
I was patiently waiting for the grand moment to take place, I stared at my phone and at last...
I picked up the call and he sounded very sad which made my heart hurt a little bit.
Oleana- Hello?
Y/N- H-hi Oleana.
Oleana- What seems to be the problem?
Y/N- I-I-I was wrong, I was wrong!
He was very upset which is perfectly understandable for what he has faced, now time to make my move.
Oleana- Wrong about what Y/N?
Y/N- Everything! I was so blinded by fame and glory, I failed to even live up to that expectation of myself and everyone I know. At the restaurant, you said something about being under your care and whatnot.
Oleana- Yes?
Y/N- Do you think....we can have another chance of talking about...that. I understand if you do not want to make the time bu-
Oleana- Of course we can talk again, I am more than happy to do so. How about we meet at the Motostoke restaurant around 11 pm?
Y/N- Why that late if you don't mind me asking?
Oleana- This is a very important talk we are gonna have, I don't want anybody to bother us and I just want it to be the two of us only. Do you see where Im getting at?
Y/N- Y-yeah.
Oleana- Excellent, I'll send you the address to the place so please be there at 11 pm sharp also, make sure you are alone and no one else knows where you are going. Can you do that for me Y/N?~
Y/N- Yes, Yes I will. I'll be there.
Oleana- Great, I'll see you then. Bye for now.~
I hung up on the call and I had the biggest smile I had ever made on my face it's been ages since I lasted smiled. But this was a very special occasion, and Y/N is coming to me now for his journey.
Oleana- I have you now Y/N, my plan worked and I can now reap the rewards.~
(End....for now)
Whew!! This took a long while to get this out but I hope you folks enjoy but now on a note. I know the last few months and more, I have made a lot of books and then canceled them out of nowhere and I had fans of those books and I left those behind. Well now, I won't do that anytime soon, I will commit to the books I have still going and make more once I complete those books. Also, I will make another chapter of this book so I can leave chapter 40, another milestone in this book's history. As a way to say sorry for all of this and hope you guys continue to like my work and whatnot. Anyway, I thank you folks for everything and I will talk to y'all later!!
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