Chapter 37: Water Gym Challange
(Y/N's POV)
Nessa led me to a hotel-like building on the other side of town and when we got inside, it looked cozy and whatnot. Plus, I saw many tables to the left which means food is served there.
Nessa- Here you are Y/N, just sit down at the many tables there and someone will come to you and take your order.
Y/N- Neat, thank you for your help by the way.
Nessa- No problem, so if you don't mind me asking, what brings you here to this town?
Y/N- Well, I am here with someone and we are both here to take on the water gym challenges.
Her face switched a bit before looking at me again.
Nessa- Ahh, so you're going to earn your water badge then.
Y/N- Yup, that's the plan and I know I'm gonna get it on my first try.
I got a little cocky there but she didn't seem to mind at all, she actually smiled at that comment.
Nessa- *Chuckling* Is that so? Well, I really wish you the best of luck with that. And speaking of luck...
She looked at the wall clock and began to head to the front door.
Nessa- I actually have to go, sorry for leaving so early so quickly on you Y/N.
Y/N- Oh no, it's no trouble, and besides I got to call my friend about this place so we can get some food.
Nessa- Thanks for understanding, and let me say this. I know for a fact, this isn't the last time we meet so be aware of that. It may be sooner than you may expect.
Y/N- Oh, well ok then. See you soon.
Nessa- See ya!~
She ran off and I went to grab my phone that Gloria gave me on the way here so I can call her at all times, at least that's what she wants me to do when we are apart for some time. I dialed her number and waited till she picked up right away.
Gloria- Hey Y/N, where are you?!
Y/N- I'm at a hotel of some sort which is also a restaurant, it's on the other side of town, and its looks like an old building from like the 19th century or something.
Gloria- Ok, well I'll see you there and don't start eating without me.
Y/N- OK ok, see you.
I hang up the call and went to find a table and found one near some windows which had a good view of the town. I sat down and decided to let my Pokemon out for now.
Y/N- Out you go everyone.
They did some body stretches and not long after, a waiter went up to me.
Waiter- Hello sir, is everything alright today?
Y/N- Hmm? Oh, it's fine.
Waiter- Good, are we ready or...?
Y/N- Oh no, I'm waiting for someone else that will dine with me.
Waiter- Ok, then call me whenever you and your Pokemon are ready to order.
Y/N- Thanks.
I waited for Gloria to come by and both Steenee and Kirlia jumped on my lap and played around with each other for a bit. I pat both of their heads and smiled, it was good to see my Pokemon crew getting along. Minutes went by and I saw Gloria enter. I called her name and she saw me and ran towards me.
Gloria- Hey Y/N, I searched for you for a while you know. Could've taken me forever if you hadn't called and told me where to look as a clue.
Y/N- Damn it, I should've told you the name of the place, my bad.
Gloria- Well, as long as I'm here with you, that's all right.
Y/N- Thanks. Well, let me call someone over here.
I called the same waiter as before and we took our orders and also got some snacks for our Pokemon too. We spent the next hour or two just chatting and hyping each other up for the next gym challenge.
Y/N- I wonder who the leader of the water gym is, I don't even know their name too.
Gloria- Well, whoever they are, let's give them our best just like the last one.
Y/N- Yeah!
After we got done eating, I paid the bill and we were off to the gym straight away. We got to the huge gym near the city shores and went to the front to enter in and get dressed up once more. After that, we were told that I would once again be the first to go and I was fine by it since I want to know who I'm up against.
Gloria- Go and show them what you're made of Y/N!
I smiled at her and ran inside and got to my first gym puzzle area.
Y/N's mind- Here we go!
(No POV)
Y/N went through the gym's multiple challenges and trainer gym battles once more and while he was getting through it, he never once let his guard down, and after all of that effort, he made it to the final trail exit and went to the main arena itself and is wondering on who is the leader of this gym this time.
Y/N- Ok ok, like last time, give it all you got.
He walked towards the center stage and waved to the cheering crowds and didn't see the leader till a little bit later and when he saw who it was, his eyes were filled with shock.
"Well well, look who made it here to my Gym.~"
Y/N- Nessa?!
Nessa- *Giggle* Yup, and good to see you again, in a short amount of time too. I did say back at the hotel I would see you again sooner, didn't I?~
Y/N- I wondered what you meant by that but I never thought it would be this soon.
Nessa- Yup! But now, I think we left the crowd waiting long enough. Show me what you got ok?!
Y/N- *Chuckle* Ok then, your on!
We shook hands and we went to our spots and the timer rang. Let the battle begin!
(Gloria's POV)
My hands turned into fists once I saw on the TV screen who this Nessa girl was that Y/N talked about back at the hotel and now to see her in the flesh and battling Y/N is making me very upset.
Gloria- It seems like I have another girl to watch out for.
"Your not the first one you know"
I turned to see who said that and I already got more upset about who showed up.
Gloria- Oh it's you again.
Sonia- And hello to you too Gloria.
Gloria- Why are you here?
Sonia- I don't have to answer you, child.
Gloria- You wanna battle me? Do ya bitch?
Sonia- Thanks for the offer but I got more things to worry about and it's that Nessa girl. God, I wish I could separate them and have him in my arms instead.
Gloria- *Snort* you wish.
And then...
The Dynamax battle began and all of my focus was on him instead of Sonia, he Dynamax his Kirlia and she Dynamax her Drednaw so this was a fierce final round.
Gloria- Come on Y/N, you got this.
Sonia- Give her hell Y/N.~
I only gave Sonia a quick glare but she did say one thing right, do give her hell Y/N.
Gloria's mind- Especially for me.~
(Y/N's POV)
After some close calls and a few super potions later, I won this second gym battle against Nessa and that water badge is rightfully mine. I walked up to her and she looked happier than usual, especially after that loss.
Nessa- Well, I was right about you from the first time I saw you, you got skill. And to show that, here is the water badge.
We shook hands once more and she handed me the badge and it looked beautiful.
I put the badge next to my other badge and went to go change back but not long before Nessa put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me closer to her and whispered in my ear:
Nessa- "Meet me by the locker doors after you are done ok?~"
I nodded and she walked away to stare into the crowd. I wondered what kinda surprises she has next but I gotta get changed before I find out. So I ran to the locker room to change into my normal clothes and got my stuff from my locker and ready to head out. I walked out only to see Nessa waiting for me.
Nessa- Hi Y/N.~
Y/N- Hey, so what is it that you wanted to tell me?
Nessa- I wanted to say what an amazing battle we had together and wanted to see if you were interested in staying connected with each other.
I did like our time before and after the gym challenges, she's cool and very passionate.
Y/N- Sure.
Nessa- Great, here.~
She then handed me a piece of paper that had a phone number on the front of it, I felt my face get a little warm all of a sudden.
Nessa- Since you have a phone, you can talk to me whenever you wish and I really mean anytime or day, I will answer in an instant!
Y/N- Y-yeah, thanks.
Nessa- *Giggle* You're welcome, now I must get ready for the next battle, so farewell for now Y/N.~
She walked off but she looked back at me doing the "call me" hand sign and winked at me, I shyly waved back and walked to the exit without looking back.
Y/N's mind- I got a girl's number!!
I walked back to the main lobby of the gym and saw both Gloria and Sonia waiting.
Gloira- Any win in the bag Y/N!
Sonia- congratulations to you Y/N!!
Both girls ran towards me and Gloria tried to get to me first, but Sonia hugged me first and she hugged me tight, which took my breath away for a bit.
Y/N- S-Sonia...n-need air!
Sonia- Whoops, sorry about that.~
She let me go and Gloria hugged me from behind, another hug attack brought down on me.
Gloria- I knew you would kick but back there and I got to see who Nessa was.
Y/N- Yeah, now you know. And I guess it's your turn now.
Gloria- Oh yeah...right.
She didn't sound happy this time.
Sonia- Why yes Gloria, it is your turn so run along, you don't want to keep her waiting.
Gloria only stared at Sonia and walked to the door without a single word.
Y/N- Wonder what's up with that?
Sonia- Oh, don't worry about her, I'm sure she is gonna be ok.
Y/N- Yeah, I know.
Sonia- So anyway, about that what we talked about back at Turffield, did you think it over?
Y/N- I did and I gotta say that being your assistant sounds like a great deal.
Sonia- *Gasp!* So does that mean you accept?!
Y/N- Well, you see I...
"What's this about accepting what Y/N?"
Just when I was about to tell her about my situation, I heard Marnie's voice from behind. She got close to my side and looked at me curiously
Sonia- And who are you?
She looked at Sonia with an unimpressed look.
Marnie- Name's Marnie.
Then she looked at me again.
Marnie- Now what are you talking about what offer with this woman Y/N?
She awfully questioning for some reason.
Y/N- W-well...
Sonia- Excuse me Marnie but I was talking to him before you showed up so...
Sonia then grabbed my hand and began to walk off.
Sonia- We are going to continue to talk in peace.
Then Marnie grabbed my other hand and that halted our steps.
Marnie- Oh no, you had your time and talk, now I want to have mine too.
Sonia- But this is between us only, so no need for you here.
Marnie- Oh no, this now includes me too, so I am at right to be here thank you very much.
They both had my hands locked with theirs and did tug of war with me. It got to the point where I was now sandwiched between them and their chests.
Sonia- Let go of him.*Grunt!*
Marnie- No, you let go of him. *Hmph!*
Y/N's mind- What in the fucking hell is going on here?!
(No POV)
Meanwhile, a woman who watched Y/N's battle was intrigued by the boy and wished to meet him.
"He may show greater promise than Bede, I just got to know what he is like himself. Let me go find that out."
(End... for now)
Hope you enjoyed it! See ya'll later!!
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