Chapter 36: On to Hulbury.
(Y/N's POV)
Sonia was showing me the mountain view of the town where some strange cuttings in the grass looked aline to me but Sonia was explaining to me about the myth of the sword and shield guardians.
Sonia- And so, no one to this day knows who created these works of art telling the ancient tales but what we do know is that the stories will live on for more generations to come.
Y/N- Wow!
It really is a cool thing to see up close and to have someone beside me who knows what they mean makes this experience extra cool.
Sonia- So anyway Y/N, hows...everything so far? I never got to ask since you are so busy with the challenge and...her.
She said that in a strange tone, does she mean Gloria?
Y/N- It's a wild experience so far and Gloria is an awesome girl to be around, I think we make a great team me and her.
Sonia- Oh, well I'm "happy" for you.
Sonia kept a look on her that looked happy but not really at the same time.
Y/N- Hey Sonia, is everything ok? What's wrong?
Sonia then got close to my face and had a determined look on her.
Sonia- Y/N, I never got to ask this back at the hotel before you had to leave but this time, I got to ask you this...
I didn't know what was going on, this is a little strange.
Y/N- Y-yeah?
Sonia- I was wondering if once you complete your journey, how would you like to be my personal assistant to me at my lab?
Is she offering me a job?!?!
Y/N- A personal assiatant?
Sonia- Yes, I can train you in everything you need to know about the world of Pokemon, science, and research of Dyna-max. And don't worry about housing or anything like that of the sort, I can provide that for you and more, all you need to do is say your response.
I was in shock for a moment, one minute we were talking about legends, and the next, she is offering me a job with her.
Y/N- Well...I-I...
She held my hands tightly and her eyes looked creepy.
Sonia- I know this is all of a sudden but I think you are more than capable of becoming a great researcher one day and maybe you can change the world for both humankind and Pokemon alike. You have that drive, knowledge, and charisma of one too, so come on, don't pass up my once-in-a-million offer to you.
The way she said that was more demanding than a question but I wasn't sure what it was since my thoughts were all over the place. Sonia got less patient as I kept stalling for time, so I had to say something, anything at all.
Y/N- W-well Sonia, I-I have to say is...
Her face got more excited as I was saying my last few words, but my brain wasn't ready for this so I had to trust my gut on this.
Y/N- Is...a
A voice shouted my name which caused Sonia to be distracted and I had my chance to walk to the voice, walking towards it lead me to see Gloria from a distance.
She saw me not long after and ran towards me with full force.
Gloria- Y/N! Where were you mate?! I ran from the stage expecting to see you the first thing I walked out of that door but you weren't there. Why?!
Y/N- see...
Then I saw Sonia walking towards us and her eyes were now dull-like, kinda like Gloria's from that one time.
Sonia- He needed to get some fresh air and away from all that noise, and I was in town when I saw him all alone so I provided him company. Isn't that right Y/N?~
Y/N- Well...what she said basically.
Gloria- Oh, well anyway, enough about that. I won my badge so we are both on a good start.
Y/N- What's next?
Gloria- We head east to the town of Hulbury where the water gym resides, and we get our water badge.
Y/N- Well, the way over there should have plenty of routes to go so we can train our Pokemon along the way.
Gloria- Great! Let's get going, like right now in fact!
Y/N- But hold on, I got to tell Sonia...
Sonia- You know Y/N, you can tell time we are alone. I can wait as long as I need to, in the meantime, here is a little present for you for completing your first gym.
Sonia got something out of her bag and took out some very shiny and cool-looking Pokeballs.
Sonia- Some Luxury Pokeballs for your Journey further.
Y/N- Aw sweet! Thanks, Sonia!
Sonia- No problem, anything for you.~
I didn't get to see the Pokeballs for too long as Gloria wrapped her arm around me and had me walk along the path ahead.
Gloria- Well, time to go now Y/N. Next stop, Hulbury.
Y/N- O-oh ok then, bye Sonia see you later!
Sonia waved at me with a smile and I waved back before Gloria held me closer to her and it began to hurt a tiny bit.
Y/N- Uh Gloria, you kinda crushing me.
Gloria- Oh, sorry Y/N, here let me do this.
She let her arm go but she held my right hand in a tight grab but not enough to crush my hand, She smiled at me and looked into my very eyes.
Gloria- Better?~
Y/N- U...Yeah. Better.
Gloria- Good.~
And we went on our way to Hulbury.
Y/N's mind- I wonder what battle the water gym leader will bring to us.
(Sonia's POV)
I watched the two walk off into route 5 with my anger boiling directly at Gloria, the bitch who once again interrupted my time with him and didn't let him finish his answer which I know for a fact he was gonna say yes. I can imagine it all in my head, the two of us making huge discoveries and we become well-known all across all regions.
(Fantasy Start)
I was on my way back to the lab after doing some shopping for groceries while he did more research on Dyna-max. I went inside and saw him typing notes on the tablet and he looked in my direction with that smile I always loved.
Y/N- Hi Sonia, welcome back. I may have just discovered an important clue on our latest project.
Sonia- Well, let me see it.~
He showed me all of his notes and it was nothing but fascinating, this would make huge breakthroughs in due time.
Sonia- Great work Y/N, but I think you should take a short break and I got something for you.
Y/N- Oh? What is it?
Sonia- You'll see.~
I went to the grocery bag and got out his favorite treat
Sonia- Ta-da!~
Y/N- Ah, you know me too well. Thank you.
Sonia- That's what I do and you're welcome.~
I gave him the treat and began to eat them in a joyful way which only made me happier, he took one and snapped it in half, and gave it to me.
Sonia- That's sweet Y/N.~
We just ate and laughed for a while and that moment was a blissful one.
Sonia's mind- I love...
(Fantasy End)
I woke up from my head and found that they are not in my sight anymore which only made me feel bad that the thought in my head wasn't real and he is not here next to me right now. But I'm not gonna stop, oh no not in a longshot. I'll hear him say yes in no time and I will think of a way to begin his training when the time is right to take him.
Sonia's mind- We are gonna be excellent partners Y/N, I know we will.~
(No POV)
After going through the route, the two teens made their way to the seaport town of Hulbury where the water gym is at. Once they made a pitstop at the Pokecenter, a certain figure called their names in excitement
"Y/N! Gloria!"
The two turned around and saw it was Hop.
Hop was happy for the both of them of earning the grass badge and also doing some bragging of his own, particularly of his Poketeam.
Hop- And we have done so much training, I have a feeling I will have a chance for a rematch Gloria.
Gloria- I'll be the judge of that, so anyway Y/N and I need to begin the next gym as soon as possible.
Hop- Oh right! Well, catch you two later then!
He went on his way and the two were about to go straight o the gym but...
*Stomach rumbling*
Y/N- Shit, I'm actually really hungry right now Gloria, we should get a good bite to eat before we do any more battling.
Gloria- Your right, how about that restaurant over there?
Y/N- Ok.
(Y/N's POV)
We couldn't get inside the restaurant become some bodyguards were blocking the door saying that some VIP people are inside right now and to come back later. That sucks cause I'm sure hungry. Gloria wasn't giving up on the bodyguards with arguments and I wanted to search for another place for a bite but when I tried to get her attention, she wasn't listening to me and it was pointless to try and get her attention. So, I went out on my own in search of another restaurant to eat at, and it took me closer to the gym. I wasn't having any luck but I'm sure there was another here.
Y/N- *Sigh* is there another place to eat around here?
"A place to eat, I can help with that."
A voice behind me said something and I turned around to see a girl with blue hair walking toward me.
Y/N- Excuse me?
"I overheard that you were looking for a place to eat, well lucky for you I can help."
Y/N- Well, I do need some help finding it in this place, so thank you for your help.
"It's no problem at all, follow me."
I followed the girl and she toured me around town.
"Oh, and my name is Nessa. What's yours?
Y/N- Y/N.
Nessa- It's very nice to meet you too Y/N, come on we are not far.
Y/N- Alright then.
(End...for now)
Here is the long-awaited chapter here folks. Hope it was worth the long wait but I'm sure it is. Anyway, thank you, and have a good day wherever you are. See ya'll later!! :) :)
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