Chapter 33: Had a few odd encounters.
(Y/N's POV)
After Gloria and I got our uniforms, we were told by the front counter that we were going to Turffield where the first challenge gym is and it's a grass-type gym with a leader named Milo. But that was tomorrow and so, we got a hotel to stay the night in and it's not far from here so that was that. We walked out of the stadium and went to the shopping area of the city to pass the time and while we walked, Gloria didn't really talk to me the entire time and had a strange look on her face. She smiled but it was more robotic and the fact that she walked like an NPC means that something wasn't right.
Y/N- Gloria? Did something happen? You seem tense.
Gloria looked into my eyes and didn't move one bit.
Gloria- I'm fine Y/N, just...thinking about something....that's all.
That was cryptic but maybe going somewhere in these shops and paying for it would cheer her up a bit, at least I hope.
Y/N- Wait, how about we go into that food shop there and I pay for it, how about that?
She seemed to brighten up a bit and shook her head, yes and so, we went inside this cozy-looking cafe shop and ordered.
Y/N- Hi sir.
The man who was at the register turned around and had a big smile on him.
Man- Well, hi you two! Welcome to the Pokemon battle cafe!
Wait wait?!
Y/N- Uhh... what's that?
Gloria- It's a place where we battle the manager here like himself to order and if we win, we get it for half-off, and if we lose it's the full price we have to pay.
Manager- You got that right!
Y/N- Well, I did say I would treat you Gloria and that's what I'm gonna do. Let's do this!
Gloria- That's what I'm talking about!
Manger- Then it's settled then, let's begin!
All of a sudden, the cafe turned into an empty battleground and my switch went into battle mode.
*Y/N and Gloria challenged Battle Cafe Manager*
*Y/N sent out Ralts!*
*Gloria sent out Joltik!*
*Battle Cafe Manager sent out Milcery and Swirlix!*
Y/N's mind- We got this easy peasy!
(No POV)
And with the combined power of the two trainers, they defeat the Cafe Manger in a landslide, and with that, they got to enjoy some good food and drinks at a discount. Y/N kept his word to Gloria and she was back to her normal side again, all the while making her feelings for him grow even more. After they ate, the rest of the evening was spent in the town checking out the various stores and having a small shopping spree along the way. Also, Y/N had his haircut due to him not having one in a long time, last time was back in his world. Gloria thought the new look made him look even more charming now and noted to get a haircut sometime soon. Time passed and it was almost night so the two teenagers went back to the hotel to rest up for tomorrow.
(Gloria's POV)
This was one of the best days in my life, with Y/N all to myself for the moment. Too bad, that won't last long after tomorrow but once we become champions of the whole region, I can do so many things together with him with no issue.
Gloria's mind- That'll be the day I can't wait for it to come.~
We made it back to the hotel but right away, we heard some loud shouts coming from the front desk.
????- What do you mean by leave now?! We are here to cheer our great Marnie on in becoming the champion!!
????- Yeah! You can't make us leave!!
Without any warning, Y/N went to check it out and I had to catch up to him to make sure he doesn't do anything rash. What I didn't expect to see was a couple of grown people dressed up in all hot pink and black.
And that wasn't it, next I saw...
The girl from the stadium that talked to Y/N. What is she doing here?
????- GO MARNIE!!!
It was chaotic in here and Y/N was confused as well but he was eyeing this Marie girl as I think he remembers her from earlier. I didn't like that.
Y/N- What the heck is going on here?!
Then, the front desk employee looked at us with fear and desperation.
Front employee- Please you two young ones, help me get these ruffians out of here, they are causing a ruckus everyone here.
????- We are not going anywhere, not that our great Marnie is here.
Y/N went up to the weird people and had a tooth grin on him.
Y/N- Then how about we battle it out then?
????- Oh, looks like the kid has guts then. Well, let's see if he can handle two of us. And battle two more for round two?
Y/N- You're on then.
He's gonna fight them all!?
Gloria- I can help Y/N!
Y/N- Not this time Gloria, I want to give my Pokemon some training and level up.
Gloria- Oh...ok then.
I was kinda hurt but what he said but I know it was the pressure from those punk-looking weirdos that made him want to battle them alone.
Gloria's mind- I don't like them, and along with this Marnie girl too.
(Y/N's POV)
It was a tough one but I managed to beat these guys with none of my team passing out so that's a bonus, I checked my switch, and everyone leveled up, with Bounsweet and Ralts leaving up to four levels ahead of everyone else too. Damn.
????- Oh man, we all lost to this kid?!
????- He sure is one tough trainer.
????- We'll leave here now, we're sorry for the noise here. Let's go everyone, let's go cheer Marnie on elsewhere.
With that, the group left the hotel and the person at the front desk thanked me and gave me some potions.
Y/N- Thanks.
Then, I heard someone coming towards me and it was the girl from the stadium and with those people shouting out Marnie, I know her name now.
Marnie- That was some good battling from you, I can see us battling someday soon, someday.
Y/N- Thanks, I'm Y/N by the way. Remember me from before.
Marnie- Yeah I do, I knew something was in you when I first saw you, I'm glad to see I was right.
Y/N- Y-yeah, and I hate to ask but do you know those people earlier?
Marnie- Yes and from the way, they say my name loudly, you know me as Marnie, nice to meet you.
Y/N- You must be very cool to have your own fan club behind your back.
Marnie- I guess you can say that, I don't mind them really so I guess they are like my unofficial team, which is named team yell by the way.
Y/N- Right, well I guess we'll see each other again along the way?
Marnie- I think so, well I gotta go, take care of yourself, and good luck.
She patted my back and headed on her way but not without looking at Gloria for a quick sec and heading out to the door.
Gloria- So, you two got along quickly didn't you?
Y/N- I suppose so although I think once we reach near the end of the challenges, we may have to fight her, after all, only one can be champion.
Gloria- I know and I'll be right by your side when that happens ok?
Y/N- Yeah, thanks, Gloria.
Gloria- Of course.~
And with that, we headed upstairs to our rooms to settle in and rest up for the next day.
Y/N's mind- Today was one eventful day.
(No POV)
As Y/N slept, a shadow figure went inside his room to sneak close to him, and with the moonlight shining, it was Gloria who was staring at Y/N with the most colorless of eyes and a creepy smile. She whispered into his ears and said...
Gloria- "You are mine Y/N, now and forever.~"
Around the same time, Marnie also thought about the boy which made her excited about crossing paths with him again. She couldn't stop herself from feeling this way but one thing is for sure, her journey just got a lot more thrilling.
Marnie's mind- We'll meet again Y/N, more sooner than you think.~
(End....for now)
Thanks for reading folks!! Be on the lookout for my next book: Our special peasant~
By the way, quick question: what gender should the peasant be? Make your answers known right here. Till next time, I'll talk to you folks later!! :) :)
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