Chapter 30: Out to the world.
(Y/N's POV)
Gloria, Sona, and I were outside of the professor's house and the professor herself explained everything that was about the Dynamax bracelets and the process of Dynamax itself. But while she talked, I sneaky looked at both Gloria and Sona and they were looking at one another with almost hostile looks. This reminded me of the time when Pauline and Daisy did the same thing to one another which at the time, I didn't understand why but now with my adventures so far...I think it's becoming a bit of a problem with the females I meet but what if my mind is playing games with me but with the stuff happening to me along the way...
Y/N's mind- I don't think it's a mind game.
Professor Magnolia- With the power collecting within itself, your Pokemon can Dynamax and will change the tide of the battle for both trainers so use them when you believe is the time to use such power.
Y/N- Yeah.
Gloria- Yes.
Professor Magnolia- Good, then one last thing before I let you kids go, here are some wishing pieces to get started with.
She gave me three of them and when added to the inventory system, it said to use at a pokemon den to attract a wild Dynamax pokemon. That is pretty rad and totally cool.
Professor Magnolia- Well, that being said and done with, I wish you two the best of luck.
Y/N- Thank you, ma'am
Gloria- Thank you.
Professor Magnolia- No problem and Sona, did you say you were gonna do some research and exploration of the Dynamax and the sword and shield legend.
Sona- That I am going to do, so I will catch you two later...especially you Y/N. I hope we meet soon and I will have something to show you, sounds good?~
Y/N- Yeah, that will be nice.
Sona- Great, see you later!~
Then, she ran off leaving me and Gloria but she kept staring at Sona like she wanted to hit her or something, I tried to avoid that by tapping her shoulder, and she looked at me and looked immediately happy again.
Gloria- Yes Y/N?
Y/N- O-oh uhh... since we have everything we need from the Professor, let's go back to your house and get out there, I cant wait to travel.
Gloria- *Gasp* What are we waiting for?! Come on!!
She then out of nowhere grabbed my hand and ran back to her house, as she changed from scary to cheerful very quickly.
Y/N's mind- It really be, zero to one hundred very quick with this girl. I swear.
We got to her home and her mom was there to get her and my bags ready, then we left the house and walked over to the Wedgehurst train station. Hop showed up by surprise and he had his stuff too.
Hop- Hey guys!
Y/N- Sup Hop.
Gloria- Hey Hop.
Hop- I can't believe this is it, this is where it all begins for me and our journeys together!
Y/N- Hey man, I can't believe this day myself, the things I will see and do.
Hop- And the battles with you and Gloria, and speaking of battles, we got to have one sometime soon Y/N. I want to see what you got too!
Y/N- Sure, sometimes once I get myself a full team.
Gloria- And I want a rematch with you Hop too, so I can both prove myself and Y/N.
Hop- *Chuckle* Well, good luck to you and you too Y/N. Now, it's time to roll!
Just when we were about to take the train, both Gloria and Hop's mom stopped us to give us something. They gave Gloria a camp set and I got some money, a few potions, some more Pokeballs, and finally, a fishing rod. Huh, well I was grateful for this stuff and said thanks, then they wished us good luck and we headed off to the meetup spot.
After being in that cool yet cramped train for an hour or so, we reached our destination and we headed out of the station and stretched our legs for a bit.
Gloria- Well mate, we made it, our first journey.
Y/N- You can say that again, also I cant wait to catch some more team members in my crew.
Gloria- Then let's go then.
We headed out and went to the outdoors where to my front is where a huge area of wild is there, also I saw some Pokemon roaming around so I was already hyped for this. We headed there until we heard someone behind us.
Sonia- There you are!
Gloria- Hello...Sona.
Sona- You too. And hello again Y/N.~
Y/N- Hey Sona, whatcha doing?
Sona- You know, just doing my mission to discover about the legends of the two heroes of Galar, and also, I'm here to give something to you Y/N exclusively.
Y/N- Oh, what is it?
Sona- I think your gonna like it, this is one of the new prototypes and this is the...Pokemon box link.
Y/N- Link box?
Sona- Here, and let me explain the basics of it.
She then gave me this clear white box that looked something like it was from a sci-fi movie like Alien.
Sona- So, this is a device where you can access your Pokemon boxes almost anytime, anywhere. The idea is that it can extremely convenient to switch your team to any pokemon you caught in the routes or wild areas. It also can safely heal your Pokemon that you catch from any injuries or status conditions that it may have when you battled it to catch.
Y/N- Wow, that is amazing first of all and I don't have to find a Pokecenter to switch out my crew. Thanks, Sona, I own you one.
Sona- Your very welcome Y/N and I'll take you up on that sometime soon.~
Gloria- Do I get one?
Sona- Ooh, I'm sorry Gloria but I only had one in my lab so I can't, sorry.
Y/N- Well, that's too bad but I'm sure we can share this Gloria, maybe give your Pokemon to this so you can fill the Pokedex, I know I will.
Gloria- Why, Thank you Y/N.~ And it...ok Sona, I really don't mind.
Sona- It's "totally" my fault here but I'm glad you have someone to share it with you.
Y/N- Yeah, well if you don't anything else, then let's go, Gloria, out to the wilds.
Gloria- Right behind you mate, well it was "nice" to you again and we'll see you later
Sona- Same. Here.
The way they talk to one another is a bit...odd from what the Pokemon Universe is known for, I really don't know what to say or do but I think it's safer for me to just not say anything about it.
Y/N's mind- But this shouldn't hurt me in my very own Pokemon adventure.
(Sona's POV)
I watched the two leave, but then while Y/N wasn't looking, Gloria glared at me with dark eyes and actually gave me the middle finger. I did the same to her and mouthed the word: Bitch. That did not change her face at all and just smiled at me, probably to show that she is with him and that's not me.
Sona's mind- Fine, just you wait Gloria, I will find a way to snatch Y/N from you for as long as I could but soon, I will have him to myself for full-time soon.~
(Gloria's POV)
That woman has some nerve to compete with me, I'll just have to fight her in a Pokemon fight and show her that I'm not one to be messed around with. Y/N is staying with me and together...
Gloria's mind- We will become the Pokemon champions of the whole region.~
I won't let anyone stand in my way, even Hop, Leon, or anyone I know. Only Y/N is what really matters to me.
(End...for now)
Well, guys, I just want to say that this is the 30th chapter of this book, I am so amazed at how far this book went, and all the comments, votes, and reads mean a lot to me and I just want to say thank you all so very much for the support. Now, I normally don't do votes this early in a new arc but you know what... F it and let's do it anyway. Now, do you guys want me to do the Persona Arc next, or do you have another world in might, say Streetfighter, Final Fantasy 7, or anything we can talk about making a reality. So, will it be...
1. Persona 5 arc
2- Any other worlds to an arc.
So, have fun once more and I will talk to you guys later. See ya!! :) :)
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