Chapter 27: On the way to Postwick.
(Y/N's POV)
I was walking along the path looking at the switch's screen at my Hoothoot's stats, and it tells me everything about this pokemon, so does this thing contains its own Pokedex.
Y/N- Looks like I don't need to visit a pokemon professor's lab to get one, I have my own built-in.
I checked the map and it said I was near a town for about 3 miles so I still have a walk to do. Damn it, well at least I got some company with me now. But then, I saw someone on the side of the path and I didn't see clearly at first but when I got closer, I saw that it was a boy.
He looked like in late elementary school or something but he was just standing there with a Pokeball in his hand. Wait...does that mean...
Y/N's mind- I got to fight him do I?
But wait, I'm not playing the game so maybe the rules of the game don't apply here since I'm the one who is inside the world. I don't know what kind of logic I'm thinking of, I just want to see if this theory I have in my head works. So, let me just...continue walking like normal, get past the boy, and don't make eye contact. Simple...I hope. I walked near him and when I got in his general sight.
I heard him shout hey and for some reason, I can't move any further from him and my body just faced him. He began to walk in my direction and held his Pokeball up in the air.
"It's a tradition for us pokemon trainers to face one another, lets go!"
Y/N- I-I-I...uhh...
*Pokemon Battle engaged*
All of a sudden, my switch was out of my hands and began to float in front of me, the right joy-con got itself out and placed into my right hand and the left one was left there.
*Youngster Jake challenged Trainer Y/N to a duel!*
*Youngster Jake sents out Caterpie!*
Youngster Jake- Say, that's a cool-looking Pokedex you got there! Did you get it from Pokemon Professor Magnolia?!
Y/N- I...Uhh...N-no?!
Youngster Jake- Well, if I beat you then you got to tell me where?!
Y/N- I-i mean..sure!
And so, we were battling.
Y/N- Go Hoothoot!
I selected Moves and saw he had Growl, Peck, and Tackle. I selected Growl and he did the move, the screen showed his pokemon's attack decreased. It was his turn and it showed he selected Bug bite.
Hoothoot's Health: 55...54...53.
*The move was not effective*
It was my turn and I chose peck and...
*The move was super effective!*
*Caterpie's health is at 35.*
*Youngster Jake chose Tackle!*
Hoohoot's health: 50
*Y/N chose Peck!*
*The move was super effective!*
*Critical hit!*
*Caterpie's health: 24.*
Y/N- Ok, we are good so far.
*Youngster Jake chose Bug bite!*
Hoothoot's health: 47
*The Move was not effective.*
*Y/N chose Tackle!*
*Caterpie's health: 16*
*Youngster Jake Chose String shot!*
*String Shot*
*Hoothoot's Speed sharply fell!*
His pokemon is in low health! I know what that means!
Y/N- Time to finish it!
*Y/N chose Peck!*
*Caterpie's health: 0*
Caterpie has Fainted!
His pokemon was sent back to Jake and the screen said...
*Trainer Y/N won!*
Youngster Jake- Oh man, and I thought I get to see your Pokedex!
"Y/N received 460 dollars."
*Battle completed, normal mode re-activated.*
The switch went back to its normal self and back into my hands. I looked at the screen and saw the battle report, Hoothoot gained 120 XP points and was only 90 away to level up. Cool!
Youngster Jake- You have a very cool Pokedex Mister, are you sure you didn't get it from the pokemon professor?
Y/N- Nope, I never even meet her.
Youngster Jake- If you want to, you can follow this trail here and it would lead to the town Postwick. Then, you can ask anyone to the pokemon lab.
Y/N- Huh? I think I will go there, thanks kid for the directions.
Youngster Jake- No problem and thank you for that awesome battle! Here, to show my appreciation, here are some potions to help you along your way.
*Y/N received three potions. Potions added to the inventory system.*
Y/N- Wow, thank you.
Youngster Jake- Your welcome, bye-bye!
He ran to the north of the path and then seemingly disappeared, just like that.
Y/N- Weird, but he did give me potions so that is very nice of him.
Once I was done sorting things out, I continued the path, and on the way to Postwick.
Y/N's mind- They got to have someplace to rest and eat some food.
(No POV)
The path was long and kinda dangerous, while Y/N did want to battle some wild pokemon to get Hoothoot stronger, he didn't want to risk having to waste his potions, and since he didn't have any Pokeballs to catch any, he had to hold off till he stops at a Pokemart to get some more, and the money he got from that boy should be able to buy a couple of them.
Y/N's mind- Just wait till I get some more, I will catch the second member of my crew.
Just when he was about to rest, he heard sounds of sheep, chatter, and laughing. Y/N knew he was getting closer now, he ran to the end of the path and once he did, he found the place.
Y/N- Postwick.
He checked the map to be sure and the map updated itself:
*Y/N's current location: Postwick*
He made it, he found civilization albeit small but better than nothing at all.
Y/N- Yes!
And now, he walked around his way to find the nearest Pokecenter and so begins his journey in the Pokemon universe.
(Y/N's POV)
I walked along the path of this very peaceful town and found the red roof that was the Pokecenter, I walked inside and saw plenty of people here, including the familiar Nurse Joy, and there was both a Pokemart and a thing to the left I don't about. I walked up to Nurse Joy and I did what anyone would do.
Nurse Joy- Hello! Welcome to the Pokecenter! Would you like to heal your team?
Y/N- Yes, please.
Nurse Joy- Excellent! Then let me take your Pokemon and heal them back to good health. This only takes a second.
I got out my pokemon and handed it to her and placed it on the machine, the thing glowed and...
That was quick, as usual in the games.
Nurse Joy- There you go! Your team is now all happy and healthy. We hope you visit us again!
Y/N- Thank you! See ya later.
She gave me my Pokemon and next, I went to the Pokemart and see how many are Pokeballs?
Store Clerk- Hello! Welcome to the Pokemart, what would like to do today?
Y/N- Show me what you got.
Store Clerk- Here is what we have today.
I saw the screen and saw the different stuff they have here but I wanted Pokeballs and I saw they have plenty on stock so I checked the price and it was around 200 dollars.
Y/N's mind- Damn, but I do have 460 dollars I got from battle so I do have enough for two, I can't afford the great balls so I have to wait on that plus some more items I need.
I clicked on the Pokeballs and selected two of them and was ready to purchase.
I clicked off the shop screen and was ready to head out.
Store Clerk- Will that be all today?
Y/N- Yeah.
Store Clerk- Then have yourself a nice day.
Y/N- You too.
I walked out of the Pokecneter feeling ready to travel around some more. I have some money left over so maybe I could get a quick bite to eat before I go but just when I was about to take a right, I heard something.
I heard a sheep and it sounded very closer to me.
I heard a scream too but before I could react, I felt a strong force coming towards me and I fell on my ass on the ground.
Y/N- Ahh! Oof!
"Oh man, I'm so sorry for this! Are you ok?!
It took me some time to clear my head and when I opened my eyes, I saw someone in front of me.
It was some boy with a weird haircut but also he had the sheep by his side
Y/N- Ah god.
????- I'm so sorry again for Wooloo's trouble. Wooloo, next time be more careful, you could've hurt him more. Ok?
????- Do you need a hand?
Y/N- Oh, that would be great. Thank you for the help.
I took his hand and he helped me back up on my feet, I got any dirt off of myself and looked at this dude.
????- So your good?
Y/N- Yeah, yeah I am.
????- Good thing it wasn't too bad, but my pokemon Wooloo will be more careful not to roll around the path like that again.
Y/N- Ok, well I forgive him. Your good, ok.
The Wooloo came up to me to pet him and I couldn't resist petting his fluffy Cotton wool.
????- Well, now that is settled, what's your name stranger?
Y/N- O-oh It's Y/N. Y/N L/N.
????- Interesting name, I can tell you are not from this region at all. Where are you from?
Y/N- Uhh...
????- Oh, I'm sorry, I'm moving too fast, am I?
Y/N- Kinda.
????- I'll take it a little slow then! The name is Hop!
Y/N- Nice to meet you, Hop.
Hop- Nice to meet you too, say are you a Pokemon Trainer too?!
Y/N- Kinda, I just caught this Hoothoot here in the route path on the way here so...yeah.
Hop- A Hoothoot?! Thats a unique Pokemon to start with, I'm about to pick my own when my big brother Leon comes back here later! Hey, how about you come with me and I'll show you around the place and I'll even introduce you to a Friend and future rival of mine. What do you say?
Y/N- Sure, not in a huge hurry anyway.
Hop- Awesome! Come on, let's go!
He ran way ahead of me and it was up to me to catch up to him.
Y/N's mind- I can tell I'm gonna be in for one hell of a ride. This should be fun, to say the least.
(End...for now)
Hi everyone! Sorry, this got out a little bit longer than usual but you know how it is....Work, parents, having to go pay my taxes cause I don't want to be a Yoshi(I Love Yoshi by the way, my dude), and other stuff. But finally, here it is. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and till next time, this is adventurefan and I'll see ya'll later!! :) :)
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