Chapter 25: Sneaking out to the ship.
(The next day)
(Y/N's POV)
I woke up feeling very odd for some reason and then I remembered that I wasn't at home, nor anywhere else that's not at the academy student room where I was dragged to by Byleth forcefully. The way she was yesterday was not something I want to experience every day but what choice do I have when I have no chance in fighting her at all, and the fact I have no combat experience at all and the magic spells I have are not combat-related, I would be toast before I know it. So, without any hesitation, I got out of bed, went to the restroom it has here, and took care of my business for the day I knew I wasn't ready to face at all. Once that was done, I got out of the room and was about to put on the robe Byleth gave me last night to put on cause she thought it suits me well, I took it with no comment and just closed the door and went to bed after that.
*Knock Knock*
And speaking of the devil...
Y/N- Yes?
Byleth- Are you done in there? We have a full day ahead of us.
Y/N- ...Yes, I am.
Byleth- Ok, well I'm coming in to make sure.
Then, she opened the door and she had a smile on her which means that I didn't screw it up already, that's good.
Byleth- That's more like it Y/N, you look so better you know that?
Y/N- I-I guess so.
Byleth- *Giggle* I'm glad you do.~
She had me follow her to her main office where she picked a red book from the shelf and it moved by itself revealing a secret path leading to somewhere. We went down the path till we stopped at a room well lit up, some tables, charts, and some much more shit around the place.
Byleth- Welcome Y/N, to our own private area where I will teach you the basics of defensive magic, basic combat, and much more.
Y/N- Yippe.
Byleth- Well, with that being said... let's get started, shall we?
She pointed at a chair and I had known she wanted me to sit so sit I did and then she got out a chalkboard.
Byleth- Now, let's begin.
Y/N's mind- Oh boy.
(No POV)
While Y/N was with Byleth, Anna and the others were underground heading to the academy by ancient forgotten tunnels that Anna found out by some city elders who she paid them for that info.
Anna- We should be getting closer, I can almost feel it.
Robin- We have to find some kind of hiding spot somewhere that has no guards or anyone passing near.
Corrin- We'll find it and even if we get caught...
Lucina- I bought plenty of sleeping darts for everyone here so we can knock them out and hide them somewhere so they don't alarm the guards.
Robin- Good thinking.
Anna- Wait...I hear water dripping...That means we are right here.
And soon enough, they were and Anna got out a lockpick and opened the metal gate to get inside. Then, it was to search a good spot to hide in but what they expect was to find...
Anna- Ok, so we can-...No, no way.
Robin- What is that...thing?
Corrin- I have never seen anything like this.
Lucina- Same here.
Everybody except for Anna was in awe and shock of the big, red hat-shaped ship that Y/N arrived in.
Lucina- this?
Anna- Y/N described this thing as a ship.
Robin- Ship? But I don't think this ship can float in the oceans.
Anna- No, in his world, a ship is not only a thing that can cross oceans but also is another term for flying.
Corrin- In all my days in the sky, I have never seen this kind of flying "ship" before.
Anna- It's amazing what Y/N told me when I first met him, I knew right then and there, he was someone extraordinary.
Lucina- Thats the same feeling I felt too, and I swore to protect him from that day I met him.
Robin- This ship is giving off some unknown but powerful magic to it and I can't quite get any information too.
Corrin- We haven't got time for magic, we need to find Y/N and take him back.
Anna- Right, well at least we know that this is heading closer to him, so I think we should split up and search around the whole academy.
Robin/Corrin/Lucina- I agree.
And so, the four split up and went in different directions.
Anna/Robin/Corrin/Lucina's mind's- We're coming for you Y/N.~
(Y/N's POV)
It was lunchtime and Byleth brought some grilled meat, bread, some kind of sweet juice, and roasted corn which was good but a bit of time to myself would be nice at least.
Byleth- So, tell me Y/N, how are you doing so far into your first day.
Y/N- ...Fine, I guess.
Byleth- Thats an ok start for now, but soon we will work your way up from fine to extraordinary.
Y/N- We shall see then.
I continued to eat my meal and Byleth kept talking about whatever she was saying, but then I heard a knock from the door and Byleth went to answer whoever it was.
Byleth- Huh? What do you mean they are intruders here?
Intruders? I hope they aren't here to assassinate anyone here, I couldn't fight an assassin if it saved my life.
Byleth- I see, I'll go investigate.
The person left and Byleth got her weapons on hand.
Byleth- I'm sorry Y/N, but some tedious business came about and I'll have to lock you here for a while.
This could be my chance but first...
Y/N- I understand.
Byleth- I'm so glad you understand, I'll make it up to you in the future. But, for now, I'll be back.~
Then, she left the room and I waited for a minute then began to do the plan I came up with last night.
Y/N's mind- I guess Byleth failed to realize that there was a secret hole that leads to out of this room and close to the place where the ship is.
Y/N- Here we go Y/N, I'm done with this place. I want to go somewhere else or even better...back home.
I made sure I got my backpack of everything I have, had my switch in my hands, and jumped out of the room to the floor of the lower section of this building. I began to follow the map to where the ship was and I had to do this quietly or else one of the guards will alert everyone around here and attract Byleth's attention. And that would be my doom for sure.
I wasn't taking the shortcut to the ship and instead had to take another way cause two teachers were blocking the way and couldn't pass through. This sucks but oh well, I kept my ears sharp and heard footsteps and hid in a corner but the voices I heard.
"Anything at all?
"No, I check the lower floors, and nothing so far."
"Don't worry, he should be down here somewhere. Keep looking."
The steps to quieter and I could've sworn that those voices sounded familiar but I can't afford to check right now, so I moved forward.
Y/N's mind- Almost there.
I was only one mile away from the ship but then I heard another beep that showed on the screen.
Y/N- It's red.
It kept getting closer so I sped-walked to try and get away from it but then at the moment, I saw a shadow and bumped straight into it.
Y/N- O-oh god, ow.
"Y/N? I-is that you"
Y/N- Huh? W-what?
My vision came back to normal and I saw who this figure was.
Anna- Y/N!!!
She flew herself to me and ended up hugging me very tightly while laughing and cheering, I was happy to see her too but I had some questions.
Anna- Oh Y/N, It's been too long since we last saw each other. This will never happen again.~
Y/N- I'm glad to see you too did you know I was here?
Anna- Oh, let's just say for now that I had some help along the way but it matters little, you're finally here..with me.~
Y/N- Well, it's good to be around some familiar company.
Anna- Well, I have some other friends you might be glad to see, come on, I'll take you to them.
Anna grabbed my hand and began to drag me along the path towards the ship.
Y/N's mind- I hope this doesn't go wrong.
(Byleth's POV)
I was heading back to Y/N's room to check up on him, so far no signs of intruders that the man claimed to be, I'm starting to wonder if he was even a staff member of this academy. I'll have to question him later but for now, Y/N is my top priority.
Byleth- Y/N...?
*Knock Knock*
Byleth- Are you here?
I didn't hear any responses from him si kept knocking but not a single sound came from him so I had to force my way in.
Byleth- *Heavy sigh* Since your not answering me, I'll have to let myself in.
I opened the door and saw that Y/N was not here, this was super odd since this door was locked.
Byleth- Y/N? Where are you?!
I searched the whole room from top to bottom and he was in sight at all, this was making me very worried and angry.
Byleth- Y/N?! Come here right now!
This was starting to anger me as I had no idea how he could've escaped this room without any help or advantages. But then, as I stomped my foot out of anger, I felt something hollow.
Byleth's mind- Strange. I wonder...
I stomped, again and again, to hear the hollow again but also where it was, I followed the sounds and saw it was slightly open so I opened it fully and saw the lower section. I connected the dots and my heart was on fire in pure rage.
Byleth- How dare he does something stupid as this.
My new task is to find Y/N, bring him back here, and figure out his punishment for this kind of stunt.
Byleth- I'm coming for you Y/N and when I find you, you have a lot of explaining to do mister.
I followed the footprints that a little magic can track down the path he went, now the hunt for him back...begins.~
(Y/N's POV)
After so much running, we made it to the spot where the ship should be and my wish came true...
The big beautiful red odyssey ship right in front of me looked as clean as I first saw it back in the Mario world.
Y/N- Ah, it's good to see that again.
Anna- Me too Y/N, especially since it gives me memories of how we first met.
Y/N- Ahh right, so anyway, who are these friends that you were telling me about?
Anna- They should be...
"Anna...Is that...?"
Anna- Here, hey guys look who it is.~
I walked towards the voices and saw it was...
Robin?! Corrin?! And Lucina?!
Y/N- G-guys?!
Robin/Corrin/Lucina- Y/N!!
They too also gave me very bone-crushing hugs and spoke all at once that I couldn't hear anything of what they were saying.
Robin- I thought we would never see you again.
Corrin- I'm glad to have you in my arms again Y/N.
Lucina- Are you hurt Y/N? Did anyone do anything horrible to you?
Y/N- No Lucina, Im fine. Promise.
Lucina- Oh, thank goodness, for a second I thought I would have to track down anyone who did hurt you.
That was weird coming from her but I didn't mind that as I finally get to see all four girls again but then...what now?
Y/N- So, what now? What's the plan? Cause I got one.
Robin- Really...tell us.
Y/N- So, this ship is how I got here in the first place and I originally was gonna camp there until it powers on again but seeing it here says that it's back online, I can leave this place and was hoping that I could take all four of you into an adventure. How cool would that be guys...guys?
Their eyes were colorless and looked at me in full focus.
Y/N- Robin? Corrin? Hello?
Anna- You see Y/N, I'm afraid we can't go with that plan.
Y/N- Wait...what? Why?
Robin- Because we know why you really want to get close to this...thing. To leave this world..forever and we can't allow that to happen.
Y/N- Robin, I don't understand at all.
Corrin- I couldn't understand why you left my house Y/N, don't think I forgot about that. I did nothing but nursed you back to health and this is how you repaid me...escaping me.
Y/N- Thats because you acted all crazy and stuff, it was very scary.
Corrin- Cause I wanted you in my house, till we both pass away. I don't think that was scary, it was doing what's best for you.
Lucina- And Y/N, what you did was brave of you to do, but I just couldn't stand seeing you being dragged away. I felt like I failed to protect you and wanted to rescue you.
This was getting weird and insane, why are they acting differently than before.
Y/N- Guys please, I will take you guys along with me, I promise.
Anna- Those words won't do anything to convince us Y/N, and besides, we teamed up and decided that we were gonna do things our way.
Y/N- Y-your way.
Robin- Yes, first I'm gonna have to put some kind of sleeping spell on you so we can take you far away from here and especially away from that damned ship.
I began to walk slowly away from them but they followed me into the back of the ship's door.
Corrin- Don't think about running Y/N, we can easily overpower you and you know that.~
The door wouldn't open and I was like a deer in headlights, nowhere to run.
Lucina- Please don't hate us for this, in the very end, you will see that this will be the best thing change that could ever happen to your life. After all,
Anna/Robin/Corrin/Lucina- You changed ours and we couldn't be any more grateful to you.~
Robin waved her wand and it began to glow and head towards me.
Y/N- P-please, don't do this.
Robin- Shh Y/N, this won't hurt one bit~
It got closer and closer...
Y/N's mind- Somebody help me!
Robin turned around and then this huge shot of light went towards us but didn't hit any of us.
I saw that it was...
It was Byleth who had a huge bow in her hands and began to reload another shot.
Byleth- That doesn't matter when you have that rightfully is mine.
Robin- YOURS?! He is not yours by any means?!
Corrin- And just who are you?!
Byleth- Oh, you don't need to worry about that.~
Byleth- Oh, I'm gonna kill them but you are not out of trouble once I take you back to your room.
Lucina- You're not taking him anywhere, you have to get past all four of us and we will not fail.
Byleth- Oh, I wouldn't count on that.
Anna- Everyone, kill this bitch!
Then, the four got out their weapons and began to fight Byleth and I couldn't be out in the open. Just then, I heard the door open and I fell inside the main deck. I quickly closed the door and saw the action in the door window and it looked like they are both powerful in their own forms. I couldn't watch much longer cause my switch was making a weird sound and when I checked to see what it was and it opened up an icon that looked like the ship and one big button said: Launch sequence.
Y/N- Launch?
I figured that this was to activate the ship from this but I didn't press the button. I don't know where I'm gonna go if I press it and god help me if I end up in a dark world.
Y/N's mind- But if don't press it, Byleth could defeat them and my life will be more hellish if she gets me.
I didn't know what to do but then, something happened that I had no idea how I did it.
"Warning, manual launch sequence has been overridden and auto-launch has been activated, please stand clear. "
The switch said that the ship was taking off on its own and this time, I had nothing to do with this unlike in the Mario universe. I banged on the door for help and the doors were locked once again. Then, the engines were on and the girls stopped fighting and looked up in shock and horror that I was getting away from them. It didn't take long when they began to fire at the ship to damage to ship but for some reason, it wasn't doing anything.
Y/N- Just how strong is this ship in the first place?!
The ship reached the roof and it broke through it with no damages at all and then we were off to the skies.
Y/N- Just where we were going this time?
I checked through the window and saw that Anna and the rest are on top of the damaged room but what I saw next shocked me. Corrin began to glow and when it stopped, I saw who that dragon was the whole time.
It was Corrin this whole time?!?!
Y/N- So, she was the beast this whole time. I-I...
Dragon Corrin flew towards me with Anna, Robin, and the rest on top of her chasing me down. But, it got worse when her mouth began to glow and I knew it was some kind of dragon fire aiming at me and the ship. This ship couldn't survive this kind of blast so I'm doomed if nothing happens soon.
Y/N's mind- Please, teleport me anywhere but here. Anywhere else..Odyssey...Master hand?!
Just when Corrin fired the shot, a purple portal popped up and took the ship along with it, and just when the fire got close, the portal closed and I was in dark space again.
Y/N- I...need to....I don't know...
(No POV)
In somewhere in the dark space world, Master hand was observing this whole scene with amusement and thought of something.
Master hand's mind- It happened again, the main females acted very odd once more and it was all because of this Y/N boy.
Master hand slightly congratulations Y/N for surviving and as his reward, he got some fire emblem games and a couple of extra surprises when he gets to his next world.
Mater hand- Keep up the interesting work Y/N, and your gonna need the surprises I have in store for you, cause...your gonna need it for your very own...pokemon adventure.
(End...for now)
Ok, guys. We officially are out of the fire emblem arc and into the pokemon arc!! And the winning region for this is the...GALAR REGION!! Congrats to everyone who voted and thank you for supporting this fantastic book. With that being said, I hope you enjoyed this exciting chapter and till next time, I'll see you in the next one.
See ya'll later! :) :)
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