Chapter 24: Forced into the academy and a rescue mission on the way.
(Y/N's POV)
I was drinking my tea while Byleth was explaining what's going on here and what she had to say was kinda scary cause she was talking all about me and how I was not from here like I haven't heard that a thousand times. But the way she looked at me and the way she sounded was the scary part like she found a treasure she searched for ages and now has it in her possession.
Byleth- You see Y/N, what I am about to do is show and teach you the arts of magic, combat, and tactics. Oh, and unlike your previous teachers or whoever gave you your education, I will go all-out on you so it's best you are prepared to face your lessons with patience, focus, and dedication.
Y/N- B-but what happened to me coming in whenever I wanted part?
Byleth- Well, that will have to change now, I didn't think about your full potential when we met and by the time you left, it didn't take me long to see that so I decided to arrange that escort, and now, here you are.~
Y/N- But...I don't want to be here Byleth.
Byleth- But you have no say in that regard and trying to deny me will not be wise to do. If you do, then punishment is gonna be harsh, is that understood?
She sounded like she was not fucking around and not wanting to test her nor find out this harsh punishment, I reluctantly nodded and she seemed satisfied with that, thank god.
Byleth- Very good Y/N, now that we got that out of the way, we can begin your first lesson early morning tomorrow.
Y/N- ...Ok.
Byleth- Excellent, now come with me so I can take you to your own private room next to my office. After that, we can dine for lunch.
I followed Byleth not even paying attention to her but thinking to myself as to why she suddenly acted like this.
Y/N's mind- What the hell is happening anymore?
(No POV)
While Y/N was with Byleth, Lucina was coming up with a plan to sneak inside the academy to take Y/N back, knock him out and go somewhere far away from there where this supposed ship of his was so he can never leave her. As much she feels bad about it deep down, she convinced herself that this was the only way she would keep him safe. After many hours of planning, she decided to go to the market and buy some supplies to get ready for her plan to into action. She walked over there but along the way, she overheard some conversations beside her and it had to do with Y/N, very strange.
"We made it to the city where Y/N is."
"Yes, and I can sense him and he is in that building."
"The Officers Acadamy, we don't know why he is there but either way, we need to get him back at once."
Lucina's interests got to her and looked to see who it was, she turned around and saw three girls.
Lucina was surprised and lowkey upset that Y/N already met some other girls on his travels but as much she felt jealous, she actually thought of something that could help her. Maybe coming up with an alliance of some sorts, this was crazy she thought but if she can pull this off...then it will be easier.
Lucina's mind- If that doesn't work, then I'll have to do this plan with extra caution.
(Anna's POV)
We were chatting amongst ourselves on what to do about rescuing Y/N.
We stopped talking and saw a blue-haired girl in the corner, I wonder what she wanted?
Anna- Can we help you?
"Yes, you see, I overheard about something about this "Y/N". "
How did she know his name, is she someone that Y/N didn't tell us about?
Anna- I'm sorry but we have no idea what you are talking about.
"I know what I heard."
Robin- We were talking about a different kind of Y/N, now please leave us be before things get serious.
"Oh, I know only one Y/N and that is the one you were talking about for sure."
She is starting to pick her nose where it doesn't belong and...-
Corrin- How do you know Y/N then?
"He and I traveled here because of some kind of ship he used to travel here, I know it all."
Anna- I know the look of the ship, I was there with him in the beginning. But, how do you know such things?
"I can tell you everything I know plus more, but for a hefty price."
Anna- How hefty are you talking about?
"That we can all share Y/N."
That price is way too high than any treasure I have sold in my life and she has the nerve to propose something like that but... I can see how the information would be vital to us in the long run. So, I talked about it with the others, and not too surprising, they were all against it. While I agreed with them, I told them about the information she claimed she has can be some help to us, plus when we recuse Y/N and Lucina does something stupid then we can just kill her right then and there. That made them agree with me and we have a deal with the girl.
Anna- Ok, we accept this offer of yours but we warn you: Do anything stupid and you won't have time to apologize.
"I have no intention of doing stupid stunts."
Anna- Then we have a deal then.
Robin- Now, we can truly begin our plan.
Corrin- But what can we do for distractions for starters, and don't even think about me attacking the city in my dragon form. I can get killed pretty fast.
Anna- Maybe we can use our new "ally" for that information, now what is that, uhh...
"Lucina is my name."
Anna- Ok, Lucina, now what can you tell us?
Lucina- Ok, so...
She began to tell us about her knowledge and we may do this in a sneakier way.
Anna's mind- I just want to have Y/N back, to see him again and it will happen, I know it will.~
(Byleth's POV)
I spend all day with Y/N and he seems to be content with it already which was a good thing for me cause it can make it easier for me. I don't have to do anything brash which will be my last resort for any future situations. After it passed 10 pm, I took him to his bed, read him some books before he fell asleep and it was good to leave him unattended. I locked his door behind me just in case and I was heading to my bedroom as well, ready for the next morning.
Byleth's mind- I can't wait already.~
(End...for now)
Alright, folks, the new chapter is here, and to tell you the results and another poll to vote for.
First off, the winner for the new world is Pokemon, so thank you to everyone who voted and congratulations to anyone who voted for pokemon, its gonna come true. Second, now that the universe of Pokemon is so huge, I decided to focus on one region from any of the games I listed below. (Note: These are the regions of the games I played in the past so please bear with me for this.) Ok, so the choices of said regions are...
1. Alola Region. (Pokemon Sun and Moon.)
2. Kalos Region. (Pokemon X and Y.)
3. Galar Region. (Pokemon Sword and Shield)
Ok, these are the regions here so have fun voting once again, and thank you once more for your support. Anyway, this is adventurefan and I'll see you folks in the next one...
See y'all later! :) :)
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