Chapter 23: Taken to the Academy.
(The next morning)
(Lucina's POV)
I woke up as soon I the sunrays got into my eyes and the first thing I did was to wake up Y/N so we can begin our day. I went to his bed only to find it was empty.
Lucina- Y-Y/N?
I began to panic as I searched all around the room and didn't find him, I felt a tight feeling in my chest of fear, sadness, and a bit of anger. Did he sneak out and leave me behind?
Lucina- I sure hope he didn't cause if he did, I will hunt him down and make sure he never walks away from me again, he's mine.
I ran out of the room and searched for him downstairs and looked around, I didn't see him in the front and began to search in the dining area and luck struck me as I found him eating some food. I was so happy and relieved to see him that I ran to him and hugged him tightly around me.
Y/N- Oof, uh morning Lucina, I-
Lucina- I'm glad you here Y/N, I was so worried that you were gone somewhere when I didn't see you in the room.
Y/N- Oh, uh sorry that I made you worried, I kinda woke up early than expected and I was so hungry. I also didn't want to wake you up so I kinda took it upon myself to go here and order some food for myself.
Lucina- I wished you woke me up when you did, all I care about is your safety, and what if someone took you away or even....killed you and I wasn't there to protect you. So, please...
I put my hands on his cheeks and had him close to me.
Lucina- Don't ever leave my side...ever again. Ever.
Y/N- ...OK, I will.
Lucina- I'm so glad you understand Y/N, now let's eat together and get started in our day.~
I sat next to Y/N and ordered my food and had a conversation with him.
Lucina's mind- I'm so happy he is safe and sound and close to me once more, but the fact he has a habit of wandering off without letting anyone know is a problem I'll have to resolve later.
(Byleth's POV)
I was in my office after I was done teaching my classes with Y/N on my mind and after thinking about it some more, I know how to get him inside the Academy and that's to hire some city guards to escort him here and if he has anyone beside him, they will be escorted out of the scene and if they refused to be escorted, they can be threatening to arrest them on sight and that should work, if not then they will be arrested for real. Perfect, simple but it works well enough for it to work in my favor, pretty soon I shall have a new student with me but...
Byleth's mind- He is gonna be my secret student, who my other students will never get to see but me. I can't wait for you to be here Y/N.~
(Y/N's POV)
Lucina and I were walking to the Academy and discussing how to get inside without getting caught and she thought of an idea that sure was a risk.
Lucina- You can disguise yourself as a new student and once the other professors trust you enough to wander around the place, you can use whatever you have there to find our so-called ship and signal me when you do so I can be there with you.
Y/N- Ok then, sounds easier said than done. Like, what would I say or where I'm from? You know I'm not from here or anywhere here right?
Lucina- Yes, but you need to-
Then, I heard some heavy armor noises coming in our direction and when I turned around, there were two guards coming for us. I stood there with cold feet, fearing for what could happen with this encounter. Lucina had her hand in the handle of her sword in case they attack us, but why would that happen? Soon, they got close to us and the one guard was looking at me directly like he was thinking about what to do with me.
Guard 1- Are you the boy that goes by the name Y/N L/N?
How do they know my name?! Is someone stalking us and snitching my name to them and making me look bad?!
Y/N- Uhh...
I looked at Lucina and she only nodded as a way of telling me to just tell the truth.
Y/N- Yes, yes I am.
Guard 2- We have orders to look for you and to escort you to the Officer's Academy alone.
Y/N- What?! But...why?!
Guard 2- We only have orders to escort you, not answer questions. So, please just come with us and no trouble will happen.
Just then, Lucina got her sword out and looked very angry, I have never seen her so angry before.
Lucina- You're not taking him anywhere without me, now tell him who sent you.
Guard 1- Drop your weapon or we will have to use force on you.
Lucina- Then you have to get through me first.
Guard 1- Last chance, cease your weapon or we won't have any mercy.
Lucina got her stance ready to battle them but I don't want her to get hurt or make the whole city after us label us as criminals. I stood between them hoping they stop, I have to make a sacrifice.
Y/N- Lucina- Don't do this. if you fight, then we will both be in more trouble than we are already.
Lucina- But Y/N-
Y/N- It's ok Lucina, I know what I have to do.
I turn around and looked at the guards.
Y/N- I surrender myself, please don't hurt her. I won't fight back either, just take me to whoever wants me. Please.
Lucina- Y/N?! What.!?
Guard 2- Wise choice kid.
Guard 1- Now, come along.
The guards grabbed both my arms and began taking me somewhere, I looked back at Lucina and I swore she had a tear on her face and that only made me very bad for this choice but no going back now. I just want her to be safe and not be arrested because of me. But before I faced the front again...
Lucina- Y/N!!
I turned around and Lucina had her sword faced at us, with an angry yet determined look on her.
Lucina- I will save you, no matter what!! And those who stop me will meet my blade!!
I have a chance to meet her again but before I could respond, the guards roughly stood me back in place and walked. I don't know where I'm going but I hope that whoever is after me...
Y/N's mind- Is not gonna hurt me too bad or at least tell me why they need me?
(No POV)
Time passed later and Y/N found out that he is being taken to the officer's academy, Y/N didn't know why he was needed there but what he did know was that his switch is making a beeping noise which mean the ship is very near here. The guards were confused as to what the hell that sound was but they were paid to escort him, not to wonder about him. They went inside the gates and were taken to a fancy castle-looking building making Y/N wonder who this person of said influence is. The halls were empty but looked like a victorian manor on steroids, but other than that, Y/N was very nervous to meet this person. Soon, Y/N saw a door and was getting closer to it, praying for a safe encounter...hopefully he thought. The guards stopped and one of them knocked on the door and soon, a response came from behind.
Guard 1- We have the boy you requested.
"Very good, I assume no trouble?"
Guard 2- For the most part...yes.
"Good, you may leave us now."
The guards let him go and walked away without saying anything else. Y/N took a minute to calm himself before he opens the door.
Y/N's mind- Ok ok Y/N, take a deep breath before we do this.
*Deep breath*
Y/N- goes nothing.
He opened the door and the person was sitting down in front of a desk and the person sitting there was...someone he met last night.
"Welcome Y/N, hope the guards didn't treat you too bad."
It was Byleth and Y/N was confused and scared on hats going on.
Y/N- B-Byleth, w-w-what am I doing here?
Byleth- I'll tell you everything but first, take a seat and I will have someone bring us snacks and refreshments. I want you to get as comfortable as possible here.~
Y/N was shocked by this change in her and the only thing he had in his mind...
Y/N's mind- Did this ever happen in the video game?!
(End...for now)
Here you go folks, a fresh new chapter for you folks! Now, I got something you might be interested in, we are close to the end of the fire emblem arc, maybe about 2-3 more chapters. So, it's time again to vote on where the young Y/N L/N should go next. Now, here are the selections that I was thinking of time and time again, so here it is.
1. Persona 5 universe.
2. The Metroid universe( Ex: Dread.)
3. The Pokemon universe.
Here are the available options, for now, have fun voting and like everything else, whoever has the most votes wins. By the way, one more thing, who here is gonna watch the game awards, and which game announcement are you hyped the most? Just wanted to ask you, anyways till next time, this is adventurefan and I'll see you in the next chapter.
See y'all later!! :) :)
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