Chapter 18: On my own again.
(Timeskip to two days later)
(No POV)
A couple of days has passed and Corrin has been nursing Y/N back to health while building a strong connection with him and she hopes that this will convince him to stay here in her home forever and spend their lives together but unfortunately, her plans will get complicated. Both girls Anna and Robin are on their way to Corrin's woodland home to kill her and take Y/N back with her but also...Y/N is planning to leave this place to go back to Robin and hopefully can convince her to look for Anna so they can meet each other. But, oh how things are not what they seem for him.
(Corrin's POV)
I went to check on Y/N to see how he was doing so I can do one last bandage replacement on him, after that he is good to go but I know he wouldn't want to leave this place. He seems to love it here and wants to settle here, that's good cause I support this all the way.~ I opened the door and there he was, wide awake laying down reading one of the books I gave to him so he wouldn't be bored here.
Corrin- Good morning Y/N~ How was your sleep?
Y/N- Wonderful as always Corin, are you here to change my bandages?
Corrin- Yes I am and guess what? Today is the day you are in good health again Y/N.~
Y/N- Really?! Oh yeah! Let's go!
He danced a little and I had to calm him down a little so I can put them on correctly. Once I did that, he walked around the room with a jolly smile on his face which warmed my heart, I'm so glad I have him here and I will make sure he has a good life here with me.
Y/N- Man, two days passed already?
Corrin- Yes it did, insane right?
He nodded and I grabbed his hand to lead him to the dining room where I prepped him some food to eat.
Corrin- I made this extra special for this day, the day you're all better.~
He sat down and began to eat and I joined him not long after, I was in a blissful mood enjoying his company but a feeling of caution is still in me. I know that the one who hired me is no doubt coming this way to our home which is why I'm gonna have to get some traps and deadly defenses around outside so when they come here, I'll be ready to slice their throats.
Y/N- Hey Corrin.
Corrin- O-oh yes Y/N?
Y/N- Are you ok? You were in dreamland over there for a minute.
Corrin- O-oh...well, I was just thinking about unimportant stuff of mine but don't worry about that, I want to put my full attention to you.~
Y/N- Ok.
We ate in silence for a bit and I can tell by his face and eye expressions that he has something to say to me but doesn't want to hurt me in any way.
Corrin- Y/N? What's the matter?
Y/N- ...Nothing.
Corrin- Come on Y/N, you can tell me anything ok? I won't judge at all, so what seems to trouble you.
Y/N- Well, now that I'm all better, I was wondering if you know, help me get back to a nearby town so I can find my friends Robin and Anna, I think they are worried about me and I want to get back with them soon, so...would you?
Those words out of his mouth made my heart shatter, my eyes wanting to tear up and my mind couldn't stop spinning.
Corrin- You....want to...leave here? To...go back?
Y/N- I mean, I want to go back and try to live my life with them. But I mean no offense to you, Corrin, I owe you a lot for not only nursing me back to health but also giving me a warm place against that dragon that is maybe still out there. But...I want to see them again, they took me in when no one else was around so... I want to go on an adventure to find them.
I couldn't believe the words he is saying, he still wants to see those women even after all I have done for him. I did nothing but been there and this is what he has to say to me? I...think...I need to do something about this.
(Y/N's POV)
Corrin was staring at me with an almost cold and emotionless face, she didn't say one word to me since the last ones and it was starting to creep me out.
Y/N... C-Corrin, is...something wrong?
She stood up and walked towards the front door where she...
She...snapped the doorknob clean and dropped it on the floor then she walked to the other doors and I heard the same snap noises and it made my heart drop in fear. What's going on? Why is she doing this?! She pushed and pulled on the doors and they didn't open or budge at all, she had a creepy smirk and went back to the table and ate her food. I was so scared to eat now and I wanted to cry a bit, she turned her head towards me with a crazed look on her face.
Corrin- you don't have to search for them anymore, now you have me to take care of you.~ You never have to leave this house, plus I'm not letting you, it's not safe to out there. After all, you did say there is a dragon on the loose so that's another reason to not leave here.
Why is she doing this?! I want to leave to find them!
Y/N- ...Corrin..Please. You don't have to do this.
Corrin- Y/N, I'm not letting you leave me. That's final, now please...drop this leaving nonsense at once...Now!
I put my head down and nodded at her which she hugged me and cooed soothing words to me.
Corrin- Oh Y/N, don't take what I said as hostile, I'm not your enemy but an ally to you. I only want what's best for you plus your very good company in this otherwise lonely house. Ahh~
Corrin is not herself, she wants to keep me hostage in this place and doesn't want me leaving. this isn't right, I need to get out of here.
Y/N's mind- I'm sorry Corrin but...I have to leave. I don't belong here or in this world anyways.
It was nighttime and Corrin finally was asleep after waiting for a few hours pretending I was asleep and her looking at me and trying not to move a muscle. Anyway, I sneaked downstairs with a backpack-looking thing to take some supplies with me and anything I need to survive the woods out there. I took spices, bowls, a pan, a pot, some utensils, and anything kitchen-related. Next, I got a knife to defend myself from animals or some bandits, then I saw an old lantern with some oil still in there so I can use this to see through the dark. I sneaked to a nearby window but...
I made a loud noise and I stood very still so I can hear if she heard that. Standing still for a little bit and it seems she didn't hear that so I'm safe. I moved more slowly to the window then I began to loosen the window so I can take it off without breaking it so I don't make any noise to wake her up, I can't let that happen for damn sure. It took some time and looking my back before I popped the window off its holding place.
Y/N's mind- Yes!
I gently set the glass window on the floor then I dropped the backpack on the other side then climbed my way out of the house. I landed in a quiet matter, grabbed my backpack, and went towards the woods. I ran and ran till my legs were numb, my legs did that eventually so I stopped and turned around to see the house at a distance. I felt guilty leaving like this but I wish she didn't go all crazy and kept me trapped there for a time. We could've looked for them together but now I'm back to where I was when I got here....alone.
Y/N- Farewell Corrin, wished things turned out differently but it didn't happen. But I hope you live a peaceful life and again thank you for nursing me back to health.
I continued my walk to the north of the woods not knowing what's up ahead but I have to keep moving if I'm gonna see those two again.
Y/N's mind- On the road again...solo this time.
(End...for now)
Hope you enjoyed this chapter folks and have a goodnight! :) :)
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