Chapter 1- Rescued.
(Y/N's POV)
I walked for about 20 minutes now and I haven't seen one creature on sight, just the sounds of birds and the wind blowing. I checked to see how much far I was to reaching my destination and it said for about another hour or so. Man, that sucks, when I meant by "here I go!", walking with no one to talk to or something to do is not what I had in mind at all. I needed a little break, so I lay down on a tree and took some deep breaths, and closed my eyes for a bit but that didn't last long cause then...
*Stomach rumbling*
I was very hungry and Master Hand didn't even make sure I was prepared or anything like that, not even some snacks..nothing at all!
Y/N- Asshole.
So I had to find some food around these woods and I hope I find something that won't poison me or anything like that. Well, I got up from my spot and went to look for food so I started in the northern direction to search.
10 minutes later.
So far, I found nothing that looked good and I was ready to give up and go left when I heard...
*Sparkle Sparkle*
I heard some magic sounds not too far in my direction and I followed the sound and I made it to its location, my eyes were wide and my mouth was watering.
I found a golden mushroom hanging around on a vine and its sparkles looked ripe for the taking.
Y/N- Jackpot!
I grabbed the mushroom, yanked it out of the vine and walked back to my spot so I could eat this bad boy. I wonder what it tasted like, will it be good if it was grilled, oh will it be good with some sides? I had all these kinds of delicious thoughts in my head but I failed to realize that I bumped into something.
Y/N- Oof! Hey! W-
I looked up to see a Koopa trooper.
I slowly stood up, grabbed my golden mushroom without blinking or letting it out of my sight, and slowly made my way on my way. It stared at me with curiosity but also a hint of hostility. I made an effort to turn my back, but I didn't account for the Koopa, and well...
*Koopa sounds!*
He somehow got a whistle and blew it very loudly which resulted in him calling backup of other Koopas including the flying Koopas and even worse, the hammer bros. I ran quickly away from them so I can get to a safe spot but they were quick to catch up to me which was very scary. I ran and ran for my life but it didn't seem like this damn forest had an end or anything. I didn't want to do this but at this rate, I had no choice.
The Koopas ran even faster after my cries for help and that only made me run even more I was starting to get tired and weaker by the second. I looked behind me to see if they were after me, I shouldn't have done that cause I slammed into something.
I slammed into a tree very hard on myself and I fell down to the ground with my vision blurry and my head having a monster headache. I heard the Koopa army closer and closer to me, I was too weak to run any further and laid my back to the tree and thought to myself.
Y/N's mind- Is this the end of my adventure already?
When the Koopas were about to tackle me, I heard something else.
*Beep Beep*
Suddenly, fireballs appeared and it knocked back half of the Koopa troops, and not just all I heard some voices that were oddly familiar.
????- Wahoo!
????- Let's a go!
????- Ooh, yay for me!
I couldn't make out who were the people that were beating the Koopas but I know for a fact that I'm truly grateful to them. I still was weak and had to lie down so I couldn't meet my saviors but I could tell they defeated the Koopas cause I didn't hear their noises anymore.
????- Ah ha!
I heard them coming my way but before I passed for the second time, I heard a female voice say:
????- Are you alright, young man?
Then I blacked out.
I woke up lying down in a very soft and comfortable bed and I was not in the forest anymore also, I was in a bedroom covered in elegant stuff and pink coloring all over the place. I took off the blankets, got off the bed and looked around the room. I didn't want to touch anything so I only looked instead and this is a very feminine room, no disrespect to whoever room this is, it's just how it is. I didn't get to look around some more cause I heard the door open and someone was heading inside.
Oh. It's just Ol' toad here, wait...Toad?! If Toad is here, that means I am at Princess Peach's castle! Oh man, what a turn of events.
Toad- Oh, thank the stars you are ok, mysterious stranger. I'm glad they managed to get you back safely before you suffered far worse.
Y/N- Wait...they? You mean...
Toad- Yeah! The great Mario bros and our great Princess, Peach Toadstool!
So those guys are my saviors, well what am I waiting for?! I want to meet them already!!
Y/N- Awesome! Can I meet them?
Toad- That's why I came to check up on you to see if you woke up and I was also instructed to take you to them when you are ok to walk. As you are fine to walk now, come along...I'll take you to them.
Y/N- Lead the way, Toad.
Toad- Ok! *Laughs*
I followed Toad throughout the castle and my mind was just blown away right now how I am in the real thing. I am actually in the iconic castle that takes me back to my childhood. I always imagined that it would look like this, and not even the best modders in the Mario community could match the real thing. After we walked for a solid 7 minutes, we made it to what is definitely the main hub area of the castle, Toad stopped for a second and looked at me.
Toad- Ok, the dining room area is straight through here, are you ok making the rest of the way on your own?
Y/N- Yeah, I got it from here, but thank you for guiding me, dude.
Toad- It's been a pleasure! Hope to see you again Mr...
Y/N- Y/N. Y/N L/N is my name.
Toad- Ok Y/N, bye-bye for now!
Y/N- Yeah, take care Toad.
Toad then walked off and I headed straight to the dining room feeling very happy but also extremely nervous cause I was about to meet the characters I spent most of my childhood gaming days with. All the way back to the Super Nintendo to be exact, but now I can see them in real life.
Y/N- *Deep breath x3* ok, you can do this, you can do this.
I grabbed the doorknob and slowly opened the door with my body shaking like crazy but I needed to press forward. The doors revealed the heroes and not even a second later, they turned their heads in my direction.
Peach smiled and waved at me while the Mario bros just stared at me with curious eyes.
Peach- Ah, you're awake. That's very good news today, we thought you were much more hurt than that but I'm glad to see we made it on time. Come and sit with us, young man you must be hungry after all of that chaos.
Peach pointed to a chair next to her and Mario so I made my way over there and already a toad was running to my chair and pulled it back to allow me to sit.
Y/N- Thank you, kind sir.
The toad smiled at me and pushed my chair back a bit before he happily left.
Mario- Oh yeah! It's a me Mario!
Y/N-Its very good to meet you, Mario.
Luigi- What about me Luigi?
Y/N- It's nice to meet you too Luigi.
Luigi- Ah hah, oh yeah!
Peach- And I'm Princess Toadstool Peach, and it's a pleasure to meet you, Young man. What's your name?
Y/N- My name is Y/N L/N Ms.Toadstool.
Peach- Oh, you can just call me Peach, I don't mind at all.
Y/N- Ok.
Peach- Well, I do believe that the toads are here with our food right about now.
Then, more toads with wheel carts came inside the dining room and headed our way with individual trays. I got mine and I was about to see what was on the menu, and the toad opened the tray and it already looked very delicious.
A hot bowl of cream and mushroom soup with some bread on the side.
Peach- I do hope you find the food appetizing, I didn't know what you wanted since you were sleeping so I thought some hearty soup and warm bread would do.
Y/N- Oh, well I find it very good Peach, thank you so much for letting me stay here and eating a good meal with you, all of you guys. Thank you...for saving me back there, I thought I was doomed for a split second.
Mario patted my back and gave me a warm smile, with Luigi standing up to give me a big hug.
Y/N- Thank you, Mario and Luigi.
They nodded and did their signature smiles.
Peach- I'm glad you're here Y/N, we can talk more about yourself much later on right now we shall celebrate your recovery.
Y/N- Ok.
Peach- Then let's eat gentlemen.
Mario already went to his food which was Spaghetti and meatballs which looked fantastic, Luigi had a sandwich with flatbread, ham, swiss cheese, lettuce, and mayo. Looking good and Peach had a simple full Caesar salad bowl. Understandable and I tried my soup and...
I didn't stop slurping down my soup and the bread dipped into it only made things so much better. I took a breath for a second and saw the gang eating their food in peace, I turned to look at Peach and for a split second, she looked at me and smiled at me I quickly looked away and went back to my soup pretending that didn't just happen.
Y/N's mind- I feel my face blush for some reason and I don't like it one bit. Damn.
(Timeskip to after dinner)
I was walking around the royal garden by myself since I wanted to look around some more and originally the gang offered to tour me around the place but I said no to that cause I wanted some time. I looked at the beautiful flowers, the decorative star lights, and the pink ribbons all over that fit very nicely here. I sat down on a bench for a minute and took the time to look up at the sky with its infinite number of stars, I was thinking about something about stars when I felt fingers tapping me. I looked forward and.....
Peach- Hello again Y/N.
Y/N- Wah! Oof!
I fell behind me on the hard ground.
Peach- Oh my gosh, I'm sorry Y/N! I didn't mean to scare you like that, here let me help you up.
I reached for her hand and she pulled me back to the bench.
Y/N- Thank you Peach.
Peach- You're welcome and again I'm sorry for scaring you like that.
Y/N- O-oh it's alright, I probably overreacted on my part. *Chuckle*
Peach- *Giggle*oh my so down to earth I see.~
After that little incident, she began to ask me questions about who am I and where I came from. I mostly told her the truth but I either made something up or lied about some things cause I really don't think she would believe me if I told her.
Peach- So, what did you do before you came here?
Y/N- I was mainly a runner for a mailing company and nothing much to be said about that if I'm being honest Peach.
Peach- Must've been hard work for you huh?
Y/N- Yup.
We had a long but fun conversation that lasted about 4 hours straight and I forgot to say that Peach is a very good person to have a chat with cause she is very charming in her words. I wanted to continue but...
Y/N- *Yawning*
I was getting tired and Peach took notice of that.
Peach- Is someone tired?~
I shook my head yes and she offered her hand to me and she guided me somewhere.
Peach- I'll let you take that room you woke up in for the time being.
Y/N- OK...*Yawn* Thank you for letting me stay for the night.
Peach- ...Oh it's nothing Y/N, in fact.. it's my pleasure .~
I didn't follow on that and all I heard was my name as I was getting sleepy by the minute and needed to lay down now.
10 minutes later.......
We went back to the room and she stayed with me till I just jumped on the bed not bothering to take off my heavy clothes. Peach covered me in the blanket and had an unusually warm smile and her eyes seemed brighter. Huh? Eh, whatever I'll think about it in the morning.
Peach- Have a goodnight Y/N, sweet dreams ok?~
I shook my head, yes and I tried to say goodnight to her but......
(Peach's POV)
I watched Y/N for a bit to make sure he was well before I made my way to the door, exited his room, and walked my way back to my own bedroom. I was thinking about the whole day today and how we went from investigating that crash in the Koopa forest to taking Y/N to the castle and nursing him back to good health. At first, I thought he would be kind of hostile to us but it turns out he was the complete opposite of what I had originally thought. He's honest, funny, charming in his own way, and even very bright about many different things. I liked that talk we had in the gardens and how we viewed the stars together.~
I think I will like his company from now on, I just need to see what he thinks about our land and see what happens from here but for now, all I got to say is...
Peach- Welcome to the mushroom kingdom Y/N.~
(End...for now)
And here it is folks, another exciting chapter of my new book. Hope you guys have a fine day and...
See ya'll later! :)
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