Chapter Twenty-One
I needed another drink.
There was no way.
Absolutely no freaking way.
It was almost a second too late when I realized I was still supposed to be Stacey Sardon. I wasn't supposed to know him. Erebus. God. Maybe that's why he never told me his name. It would've given him away as an aristocrat in a second.
I plastered on the most genuine smile I could possibly give and kindly held my hand out for him. He kissed it, as was custom, but made sure to smile grossly at me as he did it.
Just that smile made me wonder if he'd known all this. If he'd been aware that I'd be here...if he knew exactly who I was.
But he couldn't. Unless he was with the rebellion, he couldn't.
"Lovely to make your acquaintance," the hacker said, enjoying my discomfort.
I would literally kill him.
It was just a matter of when.
"And yours," I replied, but immediately pulled my hand back to my chest.
Darius, Erebus's father, was unfazed by the tension between us. "Erebus is one of the smartest of all the people in Antheia. He's been extremely beneficial to our city. I often bring him to some of our Senate dinners, so you'll likely see him there."
What dinners? I definitely had not been warned of that. I hoped we wouldn't be having one soon because I could barely take talking to these people.
"Well, he seems very smart," I commented, giving him the kindest "fuck off" smile I could possibly give.
"Yes, and apparently you are, too. You must be the new Senator?" he asked, already knowing the answer.
"Her name is Senator Sardon. We're beyond excited to have her join the Antheian Senate. She's done such good work elsewhere, haven't you?" Darius spoke before I could reply. I shook my head and laughed, trying to seem modest.
Just please don't ask me about my work elsewhere.
"I would love to hear more about it," Erebus commented with an innocent smile.
I needed to get out of here. "If it's all right, I really must use the restroom," I said to Darius. He just nodded in acknowledgement. I didn't even look at the hacker as I rushed by him.
I was definitely not going to the restroom. Instead, I grabbed a glass from the nearest waiter and downed it. Good god. How did this happen??
I was utterly screwed. Erebus knew I wasn't esteemed Senator Sardon. He knew something was up. And the second he blew my cover I'd be as good as dead.
"Senator Stacey Sardon. It's really funny seeing you here, of all places." He'd followed me. Why? Why couldn't he have just been a good little senator's son and stayed the hell away.
I ignored him. I kept stomping down the hallway, semi-worried I'd poke a hole through the carpet with my heels. I had no idea where to go. I wasn't sure how to get back to the ballroom, but it didn't matter. I just needed to get away from him.
I whipped around. "Do you mind?!"
He raised his hands innocently. "Sorry."
"Stop following me!"
He shrugged. "Okay."
I eyed him suspiciously. Then, I turned and continued storming my way down the corridor. This time, I thankfully didn't hear his footsteps.
But I did hear him.
"You may not want to head that way. That's where the guest bedrooms are and...let's just say they're there for a reason."
I froze and made a face. Okay, he could be lying, but if he was telling the truth...
I faced him again. He was standing in the middle of the hallway. I guess I could just shove past him but...
"What do you want?" I asked. I was getting exhausted. If he'd just let me by...
"Since when is it illegal to walk down a public corridor?" he replied.
"Seriously? You didn't follow me for nothing. Just spit it out." I hoped nobody was close enough to hear all this. I definitely did not sound like any sort of senator.
"All right, fine. I'll just spit it out," he said, imitating my tone. "You ditched me." He honestly didn't even look angry. Just confused.
Did he really care that I'd never showed up again? I guess it would've been a bit rude since I'd said I'd come back and didn't. But also...
Is that what really mattered to him right now?
"Okay...and?" I retorted, crossing my arms pointedly.
He raised his eyebrows. "That's all you have to say?"
I let out a frustrated sigh. "What do you want, an apology?"
"No, I just find it interesting that Senator Stacey Sardon was out at late night clubs asking to have her chip removed."
"Is that a threat?" I felt my face begin to heat. What was this? Was he planning on blackmailing me or something?
He blushed, as if just realizing how terribly his statement had come out. "No! No. Sorry, that's not what I meant. I just...I have a lot of questions."
It was a little odd seeing him so flabbergasted. I was used to his cool, sarcastic self – the one who tried so hard to be mysterious. Obviously, that cover was blown. I knew who he was.
For god's sake, what were the odds I'd hire a senator's son to try to break me out of the rebellion so I could continue breaking the law? Not to mention, the son of the highest-ranking Senate member in the city?
"Right, Erebus. You're the one with the questions," I responded sarcastically, adding as much venom in my tone as possible. He had betrayed me after all.
"You don't need to call me that," he replied. He actually seemed a bit uncomfortable.
I was tempted to push it but didn't. "Then what am I supposed to call you?"
He was about to respond when there was a ruckus from the other end of the hallway. "Get your hands off me! I swear, I'll...
Two men came falling out of the lounge together, rolling on the ground. I couldn't even tell who was punching who. I did recognize one of them to be the red-headed Antiochus Clark from earlier. Very glad I didn't stay to chat with him.
Erebus, realizing how suspicious the two of us looked, grabbed my arm and dragged me into the nearest guest room. He hadn't been lying. Even though this one wasn't occupied, it was obvious it hadn't been for long.
I made a face as he slammed the door shut and locked it. His chest heaved.
I eyed the door where I could still hear a lot of commotion going on. "Is that normal?" I asked quizzically.
"Trust me, it happens a lot more often than you'd think."
I let out a sigh and sat at the edge of the ruffled bed. I tried not to think about who'd been there before more. Frankly, I didn't care enough. My feet hurt.
As I sat there, neither of us talking, I realized something. There was one way to prevent my identity from being revealed. Erebus was an unnecessary risk. Sure, maybe he wasn't as guilty as some of my other targets but...killing was all the same in the end wasn't it?
Hadn't I learned that lesson? After all, it was my fault that I was now parading around in a dead woman's body.
Maybe he'd have good reason to turn me in. Maybe I deserved it.
"Clark tends to get in fights," Erebus explained, still leaning against the door. "With everyone. I'm pretty sure he was fighting his lover's husband. Not the best situation. Makes friendly gatherings a lot more awkward."
"I can imagine," I responded, simply. I slid my heels off and hugged my knees to my chest, conscious of my dress.
How'd I even end up here?
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