Midnight blue
I almost screamed at how hard he bit down on my ear " Blake! That hurts, you know that!
" I know." He chuckled darkly.
I leaned further into his arms.
" I still don't know how to feel..." I mumbled. I had been gently dolled up and in a huge dress, being crowned and all. It was a very big deal but the two of us were pretty chill and relaxed. We were luckily prepared prior but in a very non-traditional way.
" You don't have to feel anything. Although I admit... That almost didn't feel real." He said, with a far-away look in his eyes. " Well, Blake Grimme, the King, what will you do now?"
He looked devilish as he kissed my lips over and over." Either fuck you until we both fall asleep or fall asleep... Than wake up to fuck you. Either way...." He moaned softly " I'm getting what I want."
" Of course... Than I choose the latter. We wouldn't have a lot of fun tonight because we're pretty worn from that stupid coronation. But if I sing you to sleep right now, we can have as much fun as we want tomorrow morning." He rest his head on my chest and nodded.
" Blake..." He gave a very soft grunt while looking up at me.
" I'm happy you're where you belong right now... You know, I'm so happy for you." He looked shocked but not surprised.
" Thank you, so much Mel. You know I couldn't have done this on my own. You lie and pretend but I only have this crown because of you. And that won't change no matter how you look at it."
I sighed and shook my head, disagreeing." You give me too much credit."
" You don't give yourself nearly as much credit as you should." He said truthfully.
" I-"
" No. I'm being honest. As much as I would go out and fight for our lives and make sure we could escape in time, I wouldn't be king at all if you weren't always by my side."
" Every kind word, every time you heal me and aid me back to proper health so that I can go back and defend us from those mercenaries and assassins,
It makes me want to fight harder for what we have... Everytime you treat me well, Every signal you've sent me ahead to keep my eye out for anyone lurking and everytime you feed me yummy food... Don't you realize that what you do amounts to a lot? " he paused, but I knew that he wasn't finished, so I held my tongue.
" I also have to realize though... That that fight for us is thankfully over. And here you are still, getting me through it all." He murmured, lacing his hand through mine.
Instead of rebutting, I simply left it at that. I knew he was tired, and if giving in to his compliments meant that he would be able to sleep sooner and sounder, than so be it. " Thank you, Blake. I'm glad that my help and my care have kept you in good spirits."
" No fair, you weren't going to say that." He frowned, sort of booping me on the nose in a juvenile way.
I pulled the blanket back just a little bit to fully get myself under the blanket." I want to make sure you fall asleep and... Of course, so I can get that treat you promised me early on in the morning."
" You will not disconnect from me tonight. Nor any from here on out." I nodded. It was an order and I could tell.
I started a gentle hymn, just to help him sleep and he did, with little effort. I did too after a while.
Fear. No. Why was I here of all places?
Tears welled in my eyes of everything happening before it even did.
" Who was he? Don't lie to me." Henri growled. I was in bed, in my night gown. " He's that guy, I think he has classes, so he should be a student I guess, I saw him in Lit 330. He likes to pester me in the hallway and in the library."
His hand squeezed my thigh uncomfortably hard and he got even meaner. I became dreadfully uneasy. " Don't pretend you don't enjoy his company. I saw you two-"
I looked over at him, upset " So you've been lying about having classes when-"
" So you do enjoy him... Do you... Like him?" His hand tightened into a fist around the sheets. I shook my head, so confused as to why he'd even think that.
"No, its not like that, baby, just listen-"
His hand gripped my forearm as he stared into my eyes, searching for any hint of doubt.
" I've heard enough." He scoffed at me. My eyes closed and still I spoke " I dressed like this so we could cuddle maybe...and then have a good time." I cried.
I felt a hand slip through my own when my eyes were closed. As I begged and pleaded for him to stop, as I wanted so badly to be cuddled and loved by Henri, there was no amount of beatings that could make his insecure and jealous heart love me the way I wanted. Accepting that was my salvation from this nightmare. I heard him scream at me in a rage. I held that hand and tightened my eyes.
A still silence interrupted all of the chaos " Is it over?" I asked, my voice shaky and these hot tears streaming down my face. I slowly opened my eyes as the room was covered in every shade of blood. Blood was on my hands, arms, feet and my little night gown. My heart slowed to a gentle thud as
Blake stood there, with blood on his face and jacket. The feeling of that hand disappeared. He kneeled and wiped some blood off of my cheeks. " Baby, I love you... If I trusted you, if I had reached out sooner, I-"
" No." He said firmly, dismissing my words " This frantic, mess of a woman was his doing. There's not much you could've done. " He leaned his head into my own and let out a gentle sigh. " You were young and you wanted love... And was that so wrong?"
My eyes opened. The pillow was soaked and my breathe into waking was just as unsteady. But everything, including time slowed as Blake opened his eyes too. It was still slightly dark, so we knew to go back to sleep again. Blake said nothing and gently lifted his hand to my face. His thumb pushed away my tears and as I noticed our hands interlocked, I smiled. My tears eventually went dry and while lying there, we made it through the night just this one time, together.
Blake ( Reflective POV )
That day in the library, you didn't even budge. You were silent and you seemed like you were far removed from reality. I could sense that you were likely abused in some way but I couldn't tell you... I had to protect you by letting you shut me out for a while.
I never stopped but one day... You broke. Tears slid down your face and you didn't turn or move. " You're making this worse for me. Please stop and just go away."
Then I knew. I knew as soon as you said it that it was a jealous lover.
I never went away and pestered you until that day I showed up to your place. When he slapped you across the room and I told you to close your eyes and cover your ears. You trusted me... I took you back to mine for a while, while I cleaned up every trace of him from your life.
" W-what did you do to him?"
" I killed him, Melody." Fear... It was paralyzing fear and you were so scared. " I killed him... Because you're far to precious to me to see you be used like that by him. Now go shower."
You came out and despite my hunger, my craving for your blood, all I said was " You smell lovely."
" But my soap is unscented...." You mumbled awkwardly. I shook my head " That's not what I'm talking about. You have a really nice natural scent to your body after you shower... Sorry if that sounds weird."
Instead of giving in, you were so positive about all of it. " You're so weird!" you chuckled. I swore I'd never stoop as low as to beg for love from a human girl, but there I was. I kept my secret from you for a while, but for the most part, it was almost like you didn't care about who I truly was but treated me with respect no matter.
Of the many people I knew, I couldn't figure you out.
Original POV
I woke up and he was still asleep. It was early, probably 6 from the looks. I quickly showered and pampered myself. I wasn't nervous like I was before... I slipped on a simple mid-length white dress. I knew that for him, all he wanted was me. He didn't like it if I dressed up too much for him. I began to understand why that was. Because he knew me. He knew me as a woman and he's seen me for who I am. That's why.
The thin straps stayed up much better than I thought as I gently closed the bathroom door.
" I'm sorry I left, hun. I had to wash up." I slipped back over him, holding him in my arms and letting him lean into my chest. He gently inhaled but almost paused.
" You..."
" Mmh?" I asked gently.
His hands slipped around my midsection " You smell amazing, Melody." He hugged me closer and inhaled my scent. " You know... I dont love anything more than I love seeing you... Smelling you like this." He chuckled softly.
" I'm flattered..." I chuckled. I left small kisses on his face. I left kisses along his chest too. He kissed my head and took my hand in his " Taking matters into your own hands?" He chuckled.
" Of course. You did promise me, remember?" I felt his hand at my thigh.
" I did, Melody. I promised you and here you are, 5 steps ahead of me." I gently slipped my fingers into his pants and pulled out his member. I quickly soaked the tip to help him. I sat on his member and began before he could let out another sentence. " Yes..." He moaned softly. I continuously moved up and down and up and down and hoped he enjoyed himself as well. I kissed his face and held him as I fucked him. " Please don't stop, sweetheart." He moaned. I continued, reaching for his hands. He moved them to my waist, which helped. After a while I felt him spasm inside of me just before he came and gasped. He let out a deep and lustful moan after letting himself be loved by me and even after finishing I still kept him inside. I softly kissed his lips with want and need. I slipped my tongue out of his mouth and instead left bruises and bites all over his chest.
" That was so good, Melody... I didn't know you could drive me so crazy." I chuckled and got into kneeling position, so that his member slipped out of me easily. His fingers would glide across the skin of my body and drive me over the edge too. " Shut up. Or I'll make you." He chuckled heartily at my threat " I'm ready for anything, babe." He moaned. I blushed and chuckled. " So you're saying I get top this morning?" " If you want to." He murmured, shrugging. I shook my head and he looked on with surprise.
I kissed his ear " You made me a promise last night, Blake. And I really wanted it... " I slipped my hand behind his and kept it over my breast while I kissed him with every ounce of passion my body could muster. I squeezed and used his hand to play all sorts of games with my nipple " I really, really want that, daddy." I moaned desperately and gasped as he tightened his grip on my waist " You're so desperate... So, so desperate aren't you, Mel?"
"Yes!" I cried " I want you, Blake, you know that." I whimpered, embarrassed but in need of his love.
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