I looked at her, confused.
" Kaity, come here." She asked. I was scared but slowly came. I looked up at her " You're wanted by the king. For Treason." A gentle tear spilled from my eye " But I never did anything.
Her eyes were cold. So warm in color yet cold at glance. I looked to Kaden. He gave me a quick wink and quickly slid back. Before she knew it, her throat was slashed by Tristan. Kaden and I walked down the trail, not far.
" Kaden." I hitched " Why?" He looked back at his brother, who was left bloody and slightly dirty. Kaden looked back at me " For Cherry. Let's just say I never won anything with her no matter what I did." I looked at him surprised. He wanted Cherry. That made some sense but... Wasn't he aware?
Tristan pushed his hair back and sighed heavily. " Cherry is taken care of. Come on, lets hurry. Katie get on my back." I nodded. My hands were no longer visible to me and I knew he was using magic again. He came inside without problems and we all came into his room. I grabbed one of his shirts and his pajama pants, quickly heading into his bathroom. There was dirt in my hair and some leaves. I needed to shower and badly. The hot water warmed the air and I began scrubbing my body down and washing myself. Being captive and being hidden most of my time here wasn't the most appealing. Being hidden wasn't as bad but the things that had happened were at best insane. I had to be content with it, though. It wasn't long before his coronation and than, his wedding. Than the being left in the dark was also pretty bad. How was I to execute my part well if I wasn't even aware of the plan?
I waited in the secret room for him, that he showed me how to open. I closed the door, but didn't lock it. I picked up the final diary. My great grandfather left behind a record of how things were ran and what was expected. He was strict but kind. Well, as kind as a born vampire could be.
His son, my grandfather, was the last ruler before my family was overthrown. That meant my father was a young prince when it all happened. There were records prior, but these were the most recent. He fell in love with an Elizabeth who was great grandmother to Tristan. She however was in their relationship for selfish reasons. He ended up having her executed, because he caught her in his counselor's bedroom, disrobed and on her knees.
As much as my kin had proof of her infidelity, her family was still angry and swore vengeance. They murdered both my great grandfather and grandfather. They would have killed my father if they could've but he was clever. I'll have to ask my dad when all of this was over what his side of the story was, and how he escaped Tristan's grandfather.
I clutched the book to my chest. It was old and dusty with blood locks and such. It was all I had of my family. My mother died and I was worried sick for my father.
We were the only ones left. I didn't know where my family's portraits were. Even then, could I get to them without getting caught? I could give it a try. The door unlocked and Tristan stepped in. " Is everything okay?"
I nodded gently. He could tell that that wasn't the case. " I'm the last aren't I?" His eyes dropped to the book and he nodded as well. " You are the last of your family line. Your mother was turned so there's no way she- " he paused.
I stared at him, blankly. I had blanked because I was upset. That implied that... My mother was alive. I slipped on a yellow shirt, that was off shoulder and tied his pajama pants at my waist. I put on my slippers. Tristan didnt even stop me. I shut the door behind me and I knew I was lost. That didn't matter to me. My mother was still alive. She was alive.
I walked up a flight of stairs that were draped in red carpet and had gold railings. The castle was beautiful. Velvety curtains hiding floor length windows and gold lamps. This was lavish. The ceiling was high, with intricate detail in the beige ceiling.
I had made it around the corner. Big pictures. Almost the size of the windows I'd passed. They were old but kept and preserved. I reached the end of the hall. My hazel eyes came from my mother so I didnt look like my fathers who had eyes that were closer to being green than they were hazel. My father sat in his fathers lap in this picture. My grandfather held a gentle smile and my father held a bright smile. He was very young, so it made sense. He was so hopeful.
" Those are your fathers, you know." I nodded, looking back at Kaden. He had come from the opposite end of the hall. " Word from the guards is we have new prisoners of the old royal family. They are to be beheaded tonight. I'll help as best as I can. But Ruby is back."
I looked at my father's picture but looked back at Kaden " Who's Ruby?"
Kaden looked at me in return " Cherry's older sister. She was a spy sent to find your father. Just as Cherry was to befriend Tristan to make sure you weren't in the picture so everything would go according to my father's plan."
I was frustrated " And his plan is for Tristan to marry Duchess. " Kaden nodded. " Precisely. She was handpicked for him. She was trained to be his future wife. He didn't love her, though." I almost felt bad for Duchess.
" Duchess, however doesn't mind. She told me she had her eyes set on someone else recently as well. Anyways, we should head to the dungeon. Its 2pm and they have a good 6 hours to live if we don't."
" I know it won't be easy. The guards are on high alert. They have been since I was missing." We both sighed. This could take a while, but my dad was priority. If my mom was alive like Tristan implied, maybe we'd find her too.
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