I felt tired. My whole body ached, my head hurt, my eyes felt sore. I move my hand a little and I touch a patch of grass, it was cold and it felt damp. I open my eyes and I'm met with a bright blue sky with a few white cotton clouds moving slowly across the blue sky a slight breeze blew a strand of hair out of my face. Forcing my aching body to move I groan before sitting up, looking around I find myself in a clearing I was surrounded by tree. I rub my head "Where am I?" I say out loud tiredly. I stretch my arms above my head and I hold it there for a second before hearing a popping sound, sighing I proceeded to pop my knuckles, wrists, back, and neck before standing up. A bird lands in a branch above my head and starts to sing, I automatically smile. "Nice tune." The bird was a shade of blue with a white puffy chest and a scaly pattern of blue and white along its wings. The bird stays perched on the branch and finishes it's song before flying off into the forest, I sigh. 'Now what?' I thought to myself. I decided to check my inventory, I checked my pockets, everything seems to be there... My knife... guns... knives... a few smoke bombs... ammo.... "Everything seems to be here." Organizing everything back into my pockets I looked up at the sky, the sun shined brightly as it stayed in place in the middle of the bright blue sky. "Midday..." I say out-loud to myself. Suddenly I hear footsteps, instinctively I turn towards the direction of the noisy footsteps... Multiple footsteps. I remembered something my teacher told me... "It's always best to asses the situation than to jump in without figuring out what's going on first. This is how we avoid making enemies with the wrong person." I turn to the nearest tree, an oak wood tree, and I jump up the a low hanging branch and I pull myself up and up onto the branch above and so on and so forth. I chose a nice sturdy branch and I stay perched on the branch and I place on my hood, the footsteps got louder and louder... I take a deep breath and I close my eyes. ... 'One person... Running away from what sounds like a group of people. Judging by the heavy footsteps these people are either in armor or on horses... But that wouldn't make sense since horses are much faster than people. So it must be a group of people chasing one person...' I hear the footsteps underneath me and I open my eyes to a peculiar sight, well... Something I don't see everyday at least. A young woman... running away from a group of armed... Knights? She was wearing a mix between emerald and pine green colored hoodie with boots and stocking that climbed up to just before her thighs and really... really short shorts. The knights were wearing chain-mail and the leader of the pack was wearing what seemed to be an iron helmet, chest plate, boots, and leggings. They were all armed with bows and swords.
She was running, it seems as if she had been running for awhile. Her breathes were quick and short, she was bleeding from her left thigh and there were scratches all over her clothes. This looked... unnecessary at best, abusive at worst, brutal to be extreme. She ran past my tree and was about to get the other side of the clearing, before she slipped on a patch of moss and fell down scraping and rolling against the grass before stopping short against a tree. Panting she props herself up with her back against the tree which gave me a look at her face, she had cuts and purple spots on her face, she had tiger orange eyes and orange hair. 'Strange... Yet attractive in it's own ways I suppose. Wait. NO. Focus! Assess the situation.' The knights stopped in the middle of the clearing, the man leading the group was just below my branch. Everyone but the leader all drew out their bows and aimed an arrow at her, the iron-armored one took an authoritative step forward. He silently cleared his throat before speaking, it was smooth, authoritative, strong, unfaltering. 'I bet he's popular with the ladies' I thought to myself jokingly. "You surely gave us a hard time, but it all ends here. You will die just as your kind have died, without mercy or second thoughts, and with several arrows sticking out from you body. Prepare to die you horrible monster." I bite my lip 'Judging by their armor these people come from a nicely fortified base... Or castle since they're all wearing old-style armor. And they all seem very intent on killing her... They wouldn't go too far just to kill a singe person for a small offense... But they might. But still the logical thing would be to let them kill her and they could go and then I could go without any sort of confrontation. But their are half a dozen people there... It'd be a brutal death for just one person... It's better for me not to intervene but... I can't stand by and let them just kill her like that. I can't no matter what she did she doesn't deserve to die like this' Making up my mind I look down at my target and I position myself, the leader pulls out his own bow and an arrow taking aim at her. "Men! On my mark. Ready... Aim..." I take a deep breath and I ready my wrist gauntlets, 'If they were all just grunts then the best course of action would be to take someone in the middle out and go from there but with a leader the best thing to do would be to take out the leader, that will either scare them off, intimidate them, confuse them enough for me to take down at least half or cause them to fire at the girl and rush forward at me... One out of four... Seems like the odds are in my favor.' I smirk and I jump down from my tree branch.
I ready my left hand, my hand is opened and I close my hand slightly. "Fir-" I land on the iron-armored man. The concealed blade comes out of my wrist gauntlet and into the back of his neck and across his throat killing him almost instantly as I land on his back and cause him to fall forward onto his face. I stand up and turn around towards the group "Sorry, but you won't be killing anyone today." I say, 'If I let one live they could come back with a bigger force, if she wasn't injure that wouldn't be a problem... because I could possibly get her far away enough. But since she is injured I guess I don't have a choice...' I turn my head slightly towards the girl's direction, she's looking at me in awe and a bit of fear. I reassuringly smile at her "It's ok, don't look during this part alright?" She nods and she leans her head back against the tree tiredly and closes her eyes. I turn my full attention to the stunned group and I pull out my combat knife. "This is going to be bloody." Sprinting into the group I slash one person in the throat and I stab another in the eye. The both go down, 3 down... 3 more to go. When those two go down the other 3 come back to their senses and aim their bows at me a little too late. I reach over and grab the one closest to me and I turn his bow towards his teammate face as he lets go of his arrow causing it to sink into the other's eye socket, he immediately falls. The other has his bow aimed right at me and I pull the knight in my grasp towards me using him as a human shield as the arrow sinks into his back. The one I'm holding yells in pain and I let him fall, I walk towards the last man standing. He steps back "What are you?" he asks with terror in his voice, I smirk "I'm just a passerby." He turns around and starts to run, "No..." I protest "Don't run..." I pull out my throwing knife and I expertly throw it into the back of his knee. He yelps and goes down, before walking over to him I crouch over the guy with the arrow in his back and I bring my combat knife up to his neck and I slice his throat. Heading over to the last guy I sheathe my combat knife, I sit on the man's chest before pulling out my throwing knife, he yells when I do. "Y-you bastard. You're going to regret this! You're making a big mistake you hear!?" I sigh, "Look Mitch." I start, "My name's Will!" he protested. "Yeah ok, Cornelius. I don't give a shit. We all make mistake, some are just mistakes and others are fatal mistakes. You're fatal mistake was teaming up with a bunch of other guys to kill one girl. And frankly I highly disagree with that." I wipe the blood off my knife and I put it away before pulling out my combat knife. "You don't understand, she's-" "Yeah. I still don't care. Trying to kill someone the way you did is low... Very low... And I hate that." "BUT SHE'S-" He's cut short when I stabbed him in his eye, he immediately goes limp. I pull my knife out and I stand up. I walk over the bodies and towards the girl, I crouch in front of her. "Hey, it's ok now. You're safe."
She opens her eyes and looks at me, she moves her head to look around me and I stop her and shake my head. "It's always better not to see." She looks at me and nods. "Can you walk?" I ask, she hesitantly nods her head. "Good, can you walk?" She shrugs and makes a tilting motion with her hand. "Need help to walk then?" She nods, I help her stand and I have her lean on my shoulder for support. "Let's get away from here, someone will be here looking for them eventually. We started walking away and I noticed she's about half a head shorter than me. We continue walking for awhile with no real destination, she got really tired of walking and I choose a nearby pond with a tree to rest by. I help her sit down against the tree and I sit down next to her leaning back against the tree. I had just closed my eyes when she said "Thank you..." I smile "You don't need to thank me, I just happened to be there is all." Silence, then "Can I ask what you're name is?"
"Shawn. What's yours?"
"Strange name."
"Y-your name isn't that common either."
"From where I'm from it's not that common, but not super popular either."
"So Cupa."
"Where do you live? Do you live near here? I bet you family's worried sick."
"No... I don't know where my home is... I'm lost."
I open my eyes and look at her "Lost?" She nods "Yeah... You see I was with my friend Andr..." 'Another weird name...' "And we got separated, I don't know where she is and before I knew it I was being chased by that group of men and well... Then you showed up." I nod and she hugs her knees "Now I don't know where to go or what to do... I'm kinda scared." The sun had shifted slightly and the light reflected against the water. I look at the pond for a moment before standing up and facing her. "Well don't worry about that, I'll stick with you until you're all healed up, until we find your home, and until we find you're friend. Whichever comes first!" As if on cue I hear a noise... A familiar noise... I turn around and I'm met with a girl a head taller than me with a tall trench coat with a scarf and a hat. I look straight into her purple eyes, "Woah..." I silently say to myself. She frowns and I could've sworn I heard her growl before I'm sent flying into the pond with the wind knocked out of me. "Andr! Wh-" I heard Cupa start before she was cut off. Landing in the pond it was deeper than I thought, I swim up and I breathe in fresh air. I make my way to the edge and I lay down flat on my back, I close my eyes and listen to nothing. Then suddenly the air is filled with scolding. "I told you it wasn't him!" Cupa... "How was I supposed to know?!" Andr... "Ok... That's a fair point but did you have to knock him into the water with your fist?!"
"He looked me in the eyes! You know how that makes me feel!"
"Yeah but he didn't!"
"... Fair enough."
I open my eyes and I'm met with Cupa and Andr looking down at me. Cupa nudges Andr, "Go on."
"I can't... He's so... Wet."
"Cause you threw him into the pond."
"Yeah but..."
I sigh and I stand up, I turn to Andr and Cupa, Andr takes a step back but is stopped by Cupa. Andr sinks into her turtleneck before talking, which was mumbled. "What?" I ask, Cupa pokes Andr again. Andr emerges from her turtleneck "Sorry for knocking you into the pond." I shrug "It isn't the first time I've had to be thrown into water." Andr lets out a sigh of relief and Cupa steps forward towards, her cuts have healed and her bruises were slowly fading away. 'That fast?' I thought, Cupa bows before me before standing and hugging me "Thanks again for saving me! I really appreciate it!" She lets go and I nod, "No problem."
"By the way... What are you by the way? A zombie? No... You still have color in your face... You can't be a creeper... Otherwise you most likely would've blown up... A skeleton? Maybe... But you don't seem to have a bow... You don't have a big nose so you can't be a villager... Spiders are short so not that either... Silverfish are basically children... You don't have pointy ears... Or a tail so you're not a wolf. You might be an Enderman..." "Not." Andr chimes in "He would've teleported as soon as he hit the water."
"Shoot you're right." I laugh, "What are you talking about? I'm a human just like anybody else." Cupa and Andr's eyes widen. "A human?!" They both say in disbelief. "Yeah... What else could I be?" Both Andr and Cupa start talking over themselves.
"It's unheard of... A human not killing a creeper on sight?"
"A human killing his own flesh and bone?"
"And he... He saved you..."
"Yeah... He did..."
They both look at me, I take a step back. "Is there a problem?" Andr sighs "The problem is that you're human." "Ok..." Cupa scratches her head, before raising her index finger into the air "I got it!" "Got what?" I ask. "Well, since you're human both me and Andr have to kill you." I give her a blank stare "What?" "But since you saved me..." She continued "We'll let you live! Andr can drop you off in the nearest village and you won't have to die! We'll act as if this never happened." She finished, "Me?!" Andr protested, "Why me?" Cupa sighs "Because you're the only one that can take him there really fast! Besides, if we walked there it would take forever!" Andr looks at me "But he's so... Wet." "Because you threw him into the water." "..."
"Fine! But only because you're my best friend."
"Yay! Thanks Andr!"
They both turn to look at me, only to find me on the other side of the pond. "How'd he get over there?" Cupa asked "He must be really sneaky" Andr replied. Suddenly she was in front of me she grabs my arm "Let's go." I was next to Cupa and suddenly I was several feet away from a village gate. I fall to one knee and I feel my world spinning, "Oh god... How do you withstand that?" I ask feeling nauseous, Andr shrugs "I got used to it." Cupa laughs "I didn't!" "Cupa I'm right here." "Hm? Oh." I stand up and I take a deep breath, I turn to Andr and I hold out my hand to her, she awkwardly takes my hand, I shake it when she does. "Thanks," Andr blushes "D-don't mention it..." I let go of her hand and she looks away breathing heavily. "TOo much contact... With boy..." Looking at Cupa I raise an eyebrow and motion towards Andr with my thumb, "Is she going to be ok?" Cupa nods "Yep. She's just really nervous around other people. But she's really nice once you get to know her. Which you won't because you won't see us again!" I nod "Right..." I stick out my hand, Cupa takes my hand and I shake her hand "Thanks for taking me to this village." She nods "Thanks again for saving me! And for deciding to stick it out with me if things got worse. I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you." I let go of her hand and shrug "You don't need to. It's ok." She pouts "No it's not!" I shake my head "It's fine. Thanks anyways" Andr steadies her breathing and looks at me. "I just realized you're a lot more ok with what is happening that you should..." I shrug my shoulder again "This isn't the weirdest thing that's happened to me. Which is something I'd rather not get into. See ya." I turn to leave but I felt someone grab my hand, I realize it's Cupa and I sigh and turn around. "Look it's fine, you don't have to-" My body tenses up as Cupa leans in way too close to my face, she heads straight towards my lips before moving to the side and kissing my cheek. Andr's eyes widen and I'm left speechless, and kind of disappointed when she pulls away. Her cheeks have turned a shade of pink, she walks over to Andr and grabs her hand. Andr gawks at her, "Ready! Let's go Andr," Andr is left speechless as she turns her head and looks straight ahead. Cupa looks at me and smirks, she's still blushing. "C-consider that partial payment handsome." Andr's eyes pratically came out of her head as she snaps her head towards Cupa before they disappear leaving me alone. I touch my cheek where Cupa kissed me and I slightly smile "Huh. Never got one of those before..." I look at the sun, it had started to set creating an orange colored sky as it became dark. Turning towards the village I started walking to the village gate.
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