Stage's Birthday!!!!
So it's been a while...
Stage: browadway_crackers
Cards: meeeeeeeee
"I think you need a partner in crime. Y'know two extra fists in a fight, someone to travel the world with,"the smaller girl says in an attempt to convince the taller boy.
"I really done think you should be fighting anyone," he comments.
"But you could still use a partner in crime!"
"Two extra fists in a fight," Stage sings along to the song.
"No!" Cards replies. "You aren't fighting anybody if I can help it."
"But whyyyyyyyyy," the girl asks.
"Because the last time Albert gave you a stick you had a bruise on your cheek for almost a month," Cards replies giving her a look. "I've got the evidence for it,"he adds, pointing to the set of polaroid pictures hanging by the fairy lights around their window. More specifically the one of stage smiling with an ice pack pressed to her face with the comment 'stage is not to use a stick June 2020' written underneath it.
"It was one time and three years ago," Stage points out. "It'll be easier now because I'm older and less clumsy."
"You tripped over nothing yesterday."
"It wasn't nothing it was my own two feet."
"That's not helping your point."
"Pleaseeeeeeee,"Stage begs. "Pretty please."
"Nooooooo," Cards replies. "Either way the Newsies and I have a surprise for you and it should be ready by now. If they haven't mucked it up."
Stage gives her partner in crime a look. "You guys really didn't have to," she says. "It's not the most important thing in the world."
"It's your birthday I'm not gonna let you go the whole day without at least one surprise," Cards points out and takes Stage's glasses off of her face, placing them into his pocket and covering Stage's eyes with his hand.
"I can't see," Stage says and sticks her arms out in front of her. "That's point isn't it?"
"Yep," Cards replies and slowly leads his friend through the corridor and down the stairs towards the living room where the newsies had set up her surprise. He presses a finger to his lips, gesturing for the Newsies to be quiet. The taller partner in crime switches on the lights and takes his hand off of stage's eyes.
"Surprise!" The newsies call out with jazz hands. "Happy birthday Stage!"
Stage squints her eyes slightly, trying to figure out what had happened. "Oh yeah you kinda need your glasses." Cards hands Stage her glasses and she blinks a few times as she puts them on.
Covering a blank wall was a bed sheet and opposite the wall was a computer set up to a projector with a few blankets covering the floor with some spares on the sofa. A few presents on the floor with Jack, Davey, Crutchie, Katherine, Sarah, Race, Albert, Elmer, Henry, Specs, Romeo JoJo, Buttons, Finch, Mush, Blink, Mike, Ike, Les, Lucky, Tumblr, Smalls, Sniper and Tommy Boy sat on the floor with grins on their faces waving at the birthday girl.
"Cards I told you guys you didn't have to do anything but thanks anyways," she says and hugs her partner in crime. She feels Cards hug her back and the newsies join in the hug. Eventually her friends let her go and sit back down.
"We've got Come From Away, Hamilton, Mean Girls, Wicked and SIX on bootleg with subtitles and some snacks here," Les says excitedly taking Stage and Cards by the hand and leading them to the sofa to watch the bootlegs.
"Leave the poor girl alone," Davey says. "You can open your presents first if you want."
"I'll open them later. I wanna watch Hamilton," Stage grins and pulls a blanket up over her and Cards. The newsies reach between them for food and drinks, people only moving when Specs got up to change the bootleg. By the time the bootlegs had finished it was around 7pm and Les and Lucky had both fallen asleep.
"I always forget how depressing Hamilton is," Race comments as the credits roll for the final musical.
"Anyone ever notice that one of the nerds looks a lot like Race in Mean Girls," Finch points out.
"We don't speak of that. Ever," Race says quickly. "Either way Stage close your eyes with have a surprise for you!"
Stage looks at Cards slightly confused but closes them anyways, moving about so that Cards can stand up. She waits around for a few minutes unsure of where her friends are, only aware of their presence through their whispers. "You're all still here right?"
"Yep now open your eyes!" Cards says excitedly. The girl opens her eyes to find a messy pastel blue cake with messy pastel pink icing reading "happy birthday Stage" as a smile breaks out on her face the newsies begin to sing happy birthday. As they finish Stage blows out her candles and hugs her partner in crime again.
"So this is why you have flour in your hair and on your face?" Stage laughs and starts to wipe it off her friend's face, going on her tip toes to reach.
"I have flour on me?" Cards asks with confusion in his voice. "Why didn't you guys tell me?" He asks the newsies, slightly annoyed that they didn't say.
"Because it was funny. Now let's cut the cake and give stage her gifts!" Buttons says, quickly changing the subject as Cards shakes his hair to get the flour out, only getting more of it on his face.
"Yeah but I wanna know what Stage got,"Lucky says.
"Me too," Stage agrees, leaning down slightly as Lucky pulls on her hand.
"Alright then you can open ours first," Tumbler says excitedly, clapping his hands and handing Stage a small cube wrapped in light blue paper. Stage opens the paper neatly to find a box with a picture of all the students of the school's news club (hence the name newsies) stuck to the front with the words "memory box" neatly painted on the front. "Look inside it!" He adds. Stage gives Cards a look who just shrugs as she opens it to find a picture of her, Katherine, Sarah, Tumbler, Lucky, Smalls and a slightly annoyed Les in dresses from a few months ago when Tumbler wanted to try on the girl's old clothes on and ended up keeping them. The small girl sets the box on the floor and wraps her arms around the younger Newsies.
"Thank you," she grins. "I'm gonna keep this forever."
"Open mine- ow I mean ours next. It's from me, Albert, Finch, Henry, Romeo, Blink, Tommy Boy, Mush and Specs,"Race says and hands her a long object wrapped in newspaper. "Not sure how much Cards is gonna agree with this one,"he snickers.
Stage takes off the wrapping paper to find a stick and a note reading "free lessons on how to use a stick and not get a bruise happy birthday". Stage laughs slightly and hugs the nine boys with a quick thank you.
"This one is from the rest of the "sunshine squad","Buttons smiles and hands her a rectangular shaped gift also wrapped in newspaper. She peels back the wrapping paper to see a recipe book for various things to bake (A/N basically just cakes and cookies that kinda stuff). She opens the front page to see what's in it buts stops at inside cover to see a picture of her and the rest of the sunshine squad and various happy messages written underneath it.
"We also added the recipe Cards, Albert, Elmer and Race used for your birthday cake," Crutchie adds.
"We can all make stuff some time!" She suggests excitedly. "Thank you guys."
"This is from my siblings. They said sorry they can't be here they're busy but Charlie is coming round tomorrow," Cards says and offers her a small messily wrapped box.
Stage takes off the wrapping and opens the lid to reveal a box filled with her favourite sweets and a small note reading happy birthday. She flips over the note to see the words thanks for keeping our brother mostly out of trouble but don't tell him we said this
"What's the note say?"Albert asks.
"Happy birthday and have a nice day?" Stage says slightly unsure of herself.
"Sure it does,"Cards says and raises his eyebrows, giving her a look.
"This next one is from me, Katherine, Davey and Jack," Sarah says quickly and gives her friend a rectangular box wrapped in yellow wrapping paper. Stage takes off the paper to see with a clear chess board but a set of chess pieces and draughts in two neat plastic wallets.
"Thank you so much but you guys really didn't have to,"Stage grins. "We can play this later,"she says turning to Cards and pointing to the chess packet.
"I don't know how to play chess I only got taught how to play card games and mahjong as a kid."
"Great I can teach you," Stage says with a growing smile on her face.
"Sure,"Cards smiles awkwardly. "Sounds great."
"This has been lovely but it's time for you all to go to bed. It's ten o'clock and you've got school tomorrow," Medda says with a kind smile on her face. "Happy birthday by the way Stage."
"Thanks Miss Medda."
"Now off you go you need your sleep," the woman says and shoos them off. Cards and Stage run up the stairs to their room and close the door behind them laughing as they hear the other boys complain about having to go to bed.
"Before we brush our teeth and stuff I've got you some stuff," Cards says and hands her a small box and a rectangular shape messily wrapped up in lined paper. "Sorry it's not wrapped that neatly or in any decent paper. I had to ask Charlie to help me wrap it up."
"Cards you really didn't have to get me anything. Being partners in crime is enough," Stage reassures.
"One you're joint most sun-shiniest of the sunshine squad of course I got you something," Cards says.
"Am not. That's Elmer,"Stage protests.
"That's why I said joint. Two I'm gonna get you something because we've known each other since kindergarten and you've been putting up with my stupidity for even longer,"Cards adds.
"It's not stupidity it's just fun," Stage counteracts.
"Stage no matter what way you look at it, it's always going to be something stupid that gets me in detention," Cards debates. "Now open you gifts."
She takes the wrapping off the rectangular shape first to find a pastel blue cover of an A4 notebook with a pastel yellow spine and pink coloured edges of the pages. The front cover had a photo strip of the two girls from when they went to a theme park together and a couple of stickers with music notes, chess pieces and a few musical logos stuck in the front. The writing at the top of it reading "stage's thought book" in what was very clearly not Cards' handwriting.
"You didn't write this did you?" Stage asks.
"I used a stencil to trace out the words but it's pretty much my writing," Cards says with an awkward grin. "Do you like it?"
"Of course I do," stage says and wraps her arms around her partner in crime's neck, going on her tip toes to reach.
Cards hugs the smaller girl back, crouching down slightly to make it easier for her to reach. "Open the front cover."
Stage gives him a suspicious look and opens the front cover to see various pictures of the entire newsies group (including the Brooklyn newsies and drifters), stage with the sunshine squad and a separate picture of her with the not so sunshine squad, another of her and the other girls sticking their tongues out at the person taking the picture and one with her. On the first page was a note attached by a paper clip in Cards' messy handwriting reading "for you to carry around when you have a thought you wanna remember and a set of songs when your life is missing a bit of Newsiesand Cards". On it was various songs from the musicals they both liked but also some more comforting songs from Cards' favourite band.
"You truly are amazing Cards."
"I know now open your other present!"
"You were clearly taught modesty as a child," Stage jokes and gives Cards a look before opening the box.
"I learnt from Charlie,"he jokes back and watches as Stage opens the box to reveal a small necklace with PIC engraved on a small charm on one side and Seize The Day engraved on the other side.
"How? Where did you?" Stage asks and as a smile breaks out on her face. "Thank you,"she says and hugs her partner in crime. "Do you mind helping me put it on?"
Cards quickly hugs her back and puts the bracelet on around her wrist. "Take it you like it?"
"I love it. Where did you get this?"
"That stays with me."
"You truly are the best, Cards and I couldn't ask for a better partner in crime."
"Same goes to you too Stagie. Come here let's take a picture," he says and picks up the Polaroid camera they got a few years ago from the newsies for Christmas.
Cards holds the camera up in front of them with both of them showing the jewellery they'd gotten each other. For Cards it was a blue and silver friendship bracelets and a joint ying yan necklace they had. For Stage it was a necklace with a dancer charm and her half of the ying yan with her new charm bracelet. At the last second Cards puts two fingers behind Stage's head and scrunches up his face as Stage puts her hand across his eyes.
They both laugh as the picture comes out and Cards reaches up to clip it to the lights around their window frame after Stage writes the date and occasion beneath the image.
"Did you have a good day?" Cards asks.
"Any day with my partner in crime is a good day," Stage replies and starts to walk over to the bathroom to brush her teeth but trips over the carpet and stumbles slightly, causing Cards to laugh.
"Except for when you do stuff like that. That makes my day,"he comments.
"Cardsssssss whyyyyyyyyyyyy?"
"So you'll be my partner in crime?"the smaller girl asks.
"I guess so?" The boy shrugs. "You look like you need some company."
"So do you,"she smiles. "But I gotta give you a nickname. A newsies name. Like Race, Specs and Buttons. So tell me about yourself."
The boy looks at her slightly confused but does as she requests. "I'm born in October, my favourite holiday is Halloween, I'm half Chinese, I'm a middle child but I've got a lot of siblings who I live at home with, my favourite colour is blue, I can tap dance pretty well, I play bass, I really like card games and I'm really good at them. I've been a newsie since I was little um- what else do you wanna-,"he's cut off by the smaller girl.
"Cards! I'll call you Cards!" The girl says. The boy smiles at it and nods.
"I like it too. Now you tell me about yourself," he says.
"Well I live with medda in the care home, I like musicals, singing and baking, my favourite colours are pastel colours and I want to be on broadway when I grow up and today is my birthday, I've been a newsie for a while and I'm a drifter like you. I don't have any siblings, i wear glasses, I can't play an instrument-"
"Stage!" Cards says loudly. "I'll call you stage because you like musicals and wanna be on broadway."
"I love it! Now we truly are partners in crime," Stage grins.
"I've gotta talk to Race and he's at the care home right now so I'll walk you back there," Cards says, not trusting the girl to walk back on her own in case of the Delancys.
"Alright," Stage grins as they start to walk towards the care home. "Wait," she says and stops quickly. Cards stops and gives her a confused look. "Partners in crime forever?" She asks and holds out her right pinky.
Cards grins and locks pinkys with her. "Partners in crime forever," he agrees and spits into his other hand and holds it out for her to shake. Stage gives him a look and spits into her hand and shakes it afterwards they continue walking back to he care home together talking about various musicals.
"Oh yeah stage one more thing."
"Happy birthday."
A/N a little something from me
Stage you have been my partner in crime for two years now and I couldn't ask for someone better for a partner in crime. You truly are incredible and have given me all kinds of support and I really wish I could be there in real life for you because you truly do deserve all the hugsies, lovelies and cookies in the world. You've always been able to brighten up my day whether it was with your daily messages on my message board or just saying hi. You always put a smile on my face and you've been putting up with my nonsense for ages and I'm sorry I went offline for so long and that I couldn't be there for you I well and truly am and I just wish I could help you out with things whether it's homework and revision (not sure how well I could do with that) or panic attacks and anxiety I wish I could be there for you and I swear one day I'll be able to give you something physical whether it's a notebook and charm bracelet or a hug.
You've been one of the most consistent people in my life for the past few years and I'm glad you have because things have changed a lot and it's not always for the better but I'm glad you've stayed with me for all of it. You've been there with me for my highs, lows, good days, bad days, good moods, bad moods and rants. Thank you for everything. I know that nothing is ever going to be able to amount to the constant support that you've given me for ages.
Okay sapiness over. No but seriously I love you more than you will ever know (make my wish come true all I want for Christmas is you) just kidding by the way though that love is entirely platonic.
Okay now I'm done byeeeeeeee :)
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