This is part two since writing an actual chapter is a pain and I feel bad for not writing a chapter chapter for ages.
Stage: broadway_crackers
Cards: moi
Emetophobia warning
In Britain we don't have A's and F's we have 1-9 1 being the lowest and 9 being the highest
Two updates in a day? Whattttttt
This only took me over a month to write heheheh*nervous laughter increases*
- Cards and Stage basically have a bar for the Newsies
- No matter what the era
- Kloppman or whoever runs wherever they stay allows it
- It's not an actual alcoholic drink
- Just a mocktail or fizzy drink
- Cards makes the drinks
- Stage gets the orders and listens to the Newsies
- They have a list of Newsies who aren't allowed in which includes Race, Albert, Jack and Spot
- They also have a list of everyone's maximum drink amounts
- They'll both listen to the Newsies rant about their bad day
- Which is why Jack isn't allowed in
- In the Lodge or Care home there is a Newsie sickness week every month in the Winters
- Everyone knows it's the second week of a month
- It is very specific
- Every Newsie in Manhattan will wake up on a Monday feeling like hell walked into them
- They wake up next Monday feeling right as rain (I don't care if this is inaccurate medical terms it's bugging me but just go with it)
- Stage stays at Cards' place during that week
- Cards isn't happy about it since she has a more crowded home than the Newsies
- It's still better than Stage getting sick though
- They will go to the Newsies home on weekends with masks on helping the Newsies
- Cards and her siblings are half Chinese
- During the week of Chinese New Year Cards and Charlie will clean Brooklyn, Manhattan and The Bronx Lodging House from top to bottom and force the Newsies to help
- They also make sure that all the inhabitants of the Lodging Houses wash their hair on Chinese New Years Eve
- Sometimes they'll even clean bits of the classrooms if they're early for class
- Cards and Charlie are very aggressive about it
- The Delanceys leave them alone because it scares them
- Cards and Stage will make some new red and yellow clothes for the Newsies as well
- Cards and Stage will sing and dance in the rain
- Cards has taught Stage how to play multiple card games
- Except gambling ones
- Whenever Stage can't sleep she goes to the living room and reads
- Stage gets pretty worried about tests
- Cards is so chilled
- Nobody gets why
- Maybe it's because Cards studies when she tests Stage
- Stage has an average of 7-9
- Cards has a strict average of 5-7 unless it's History
- She gets a 9 in History
- Stage loves cooking
- Mainly baking
- On Monday's she'll sometimes bring in food she baked on the weekend
- She offers some of it to the Delanceys
- Both of the brothers take it to most people's surprise
- It's mainly cupcakes
- If there's some left at the end of the day she'll find a small area that a lot of people walk past and leave them there with a sign saying "take one they aren't dangerous (: "
- She also adds a recipe list for anybody who wants to make them
- Cards has a spare water bottle, stress ball, paracetamol, raspberries and a notebook full of excuses to leave school early in case Stage is sick and has to leave school
- All of them have been used at least once
- Sometimes as a reason to leave school just because Cards is bored
- They went to an arcade once with 10 dollars each
- They walked away with two toys each and 45 dollars each
- Stage had a yellow and purple bear named Sunshine and BoBo (BoBo was named by Lucky)
- Cards has a blue bear and grey penguin named Sky and Pencil (Sky was named by Elmer)
- They also got friendship necklaces of a Yin Yang
- When they go to a book store they spend hours in there
- Stage hates public speaking
- She has to do a speech in front of the whole school once
- Cards was stood in the wings of the stage
- At the end it was shortly followed by a hug, raspberries and a stress ball
- The start began with a panic attack
- Stage prefers TikTok
- Cards prefers YouTube
- Nobody gets why
- For Mother's Day they did a performance of "Defying Gravity" for Medda and Cards' mum
- Stage was Glinda
- Cards was Elphabeth
- They shared the last few verses though
- They went to Coney Island together after several years of saving up
- Lets just say they had fun
- They found a photo booth and took four photos
- The first one was them awkwardly squished inside
- The second was them doing bunny ears to each other
- The third was them pulling a funny face
- The fourth was Cards bopping Stage's nose and taking her glasses and Stage pulled Cards' hat over her eyes
- Their favourite place to hang out was a local diner where they always got a milkshake
- Cards almost got banned from going in for punching a guy in the face
- In her defence he was hitting on Stage
- In the 50's Cards didn't wear a dress
- She wore a blue stripped t-shirt, greaser jacket and trousers
- Stage wore a long skirt and a white shirt with an ascot
- They both miss Cards' t-shirt
- Why? Because it looked like Evan Hansen's shirt
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