I've always wanted to do this so...
To my dudes in the WNA,
If you want to be in this let me know
Stage: broadway_crackers
Cards: meeeeeeeeeee
- Cards can't swim
- She was just never taught how to
- Nobody believes them
- Not the Newsies, not her siblings not anybody
- Stage once had to save her life
- Nobody believes that part either
- The clothes they hid under a tree were Cards' old clothes
- Yes they fitted Stage
- They has a challenge to see who could hang upside down the longest from a tree
- Cards won but a lot of blood went to her head
- If Cards ever has a question she'll always go to Stage first
- Even if it's three am
- "Stage I just realised in little kid drawings, we draw water as blue. Sunlight as yellow and plants as green. I struggle counting without my fingers but yellow and blue make green and sun and water are something plants need."
- "Cards."
- "Yeah."
- "As much as I love you platonically. GO TO SLEEP!!"
- *5 minutes later*
- "You know what you have a good point."
Cannon Newsies era
- Cards still can't swim in this one
- Even if she's immortal
- Only Stage knew
- Stage is a good swimmer
- The Newsies didn't know until they playfully shoved her into the water under the Brooklyn Bridge
- Stage has to drag her to land
- Cards was not impressed by the boys
- Lets just say most of them did not sleep properly for a month
- Stage and Cards are the queens of prank wars
- If they want to pull a prank always look over your shoulder every three seconds
- They pulled one once where they removed the simple supports from underneath every single floorboard
- Kloppman, Katherine, Medda, Hannah, Smalls, Snipeshoot and Sarah were all in on it
- Katherine, Smalls, Sarah and Snipeshoot helped
- It was only enough so their feet would fall through the floor if they put enough pressure on it
- The first person to fall victim to it was Spot when he came to visit Race, Elmer and Albert (Spralmer forever)
- Stage was terrified
- Cards was laughing hysterically
- The boys only jumped on beds for weeks
- Every boy fell victim to it eventually
Modern day
- Stage and Cards will bake together
- It ends very very messily
- And with something burnt
- Everyone knows because there will be a lot of musical songs coming from the kitchen
- "Two extra fists in a fight!"
- "I don't think so!"
- Yes it's very chaotic
- "Cards take the tray out the oven with oven gloves on
- Cards: *takes the tray out the oven without oven gloves on five seconds later*
- Stage and Cards have always gone to the same school
- Even the same preschool and kindergarten
- The only time they didn't was for around three weeks
- Cards broke a boy's wrist in sixth grade
- The boy was picking on Stage
- Cards loves video games
- It has even been known for her to be up at 2:30am and Stage has to tell her to go to sleep
- Stage enjoys football (I mean soccer football)
- To a lot of people's surprise though
- Only Cards knew because they have a kick-about sometimes
- It came as a shock to the boys
- But Stage is the one of the better football players in the Lodging House
- She often helps the younger kids learn how to play
- When the girls (Sarah, Smalls, Katherine, Snipeshoot, Stage and Cards) play against the boys the boys loose miserably
- Cards however plays tennis
- Nobody likes to play with her unless they're on her team for doubles
- Not because she's a bad opponent
- Or because they don't think they can win against her
- But because they don't want to be on the other end of a smash shot or serve
- Instead of a Lodging House in modern it's a carehome
- The boys are bunked together
- Two per room
- Cards and Stage have their own room
- Cards doesn't live there
- Doesn't matter she's with them enough anyways people think she lives there
- When a social services inspector came round Stage had to tell the person in advance to ignore Cards' behaviour because she doesn't live there
General/any time
- Everyone thinks they have a psychic ability/can read each other's mind
- Even Weasel and the Delanceys think it
- Even Snyder when he saw them together for the first time
- They won't even be making eye contact and will be on the other side of the room to each other facing away then burst out laughing at the same thing
- It creeps everybody out
- Weasel, Pulitzer, Delanceys and Snyder included
- Stage spends Christmas Day with Cards' family no matter what the era
- Cards' family basically adopted Stage as their own
- On Boxing Day Cards' and Stage spend the day together with Stage's family aka the Newsies including a few Brooklyn Boys
- The day after Boxing Day they'll spend it just the two of them and nobody else
- They do Secret Santa
- It's not really secret if it's just them though
- The best thing Cards got Stage was a small necklace with a small dancer on it
- The best thing Stage got for Cards was a light blue and silver friendship bracelet
- Neither of them have been seen without it since
- Modern Era Christmas:
- Day after Boxing Day they watch a lot of films
- Disney, Comedy, Musical
- Everything
- They spend hours watching films
- From 6am-8:30pm watching films together
- They night let the little ones watch one film with them
- Only if they're under 8 though
- Everyone (even the Brooklyn's) know not to disturb
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