Chapter 9: New York
Sage: broadway_crackers
Grace: meeeeeeee
Sage looks around the train station anxiously for somewhere they could sneak onto. She hears Grace call her over.
Grace pulls open a door. The girls throw their one bag in. Grace climbs in and helps Sage up. The girls pull the door shut and grin to each other.
This is more fun than I imagined. Over the past decades the two girls had imagined doing crazy things like this even when they were both mortal.
Sage opens the bag and pulls out their blankets and places them neatly on the floor of the carriage. She lies and looks to the ceiling.
"What are you doing?"
"Enjoying the quiet whilst I still can. It's a long train trip and trains mean loud noises,"Sage replies and gets comfortable. Grace shrugs it off and lies down beside her.
The pair enjoy the silence together a little longer. A sudden jolt of movement brings them back to reality as the train moves out of the station.
"So where do you want to head?"Grace asks.
"I wanna see the Brooklyn Bridge!"Sage replies eagerly. "It would be so cool! What about you?"
"Sheepshead Races. Someone I met went there and it sounds awesome!"
"That's on the list too then."
"Alright. What are we doing for work?"Grace questions.
Sage shrugs. "What jobs are there?"
Grace thinks a little bit. "Match sellers?"
"No, poor pay."
"Factory workers?"
"No safety on the job."
"Trolley workers?"
"No official working hours."
"Sweatshop kids?"
"Course not!! Anything could go wrong!"
"Jesus Christ you're picky. How about shoe shiners?"
"We don't even have shoes on our feet. Waitresses?"
"Nah too many guys trying to hit on you."
"Well what then?" Sage asks exasperatedly. "I can't think of anything else."
"How about I see if I can find a job at the Sheepshead Races and you see if you can find us a place to sleep?"Grace offers.
"Smart idea,"Sage replies.
"I'm not just a pretty-faced blessing,"the older girl replies.
"You are neither pretty nor a blessing,"Sage replies bluntly with a straight face.
"I'm a horrible influence on you."
"I thought that was obvious,"Sage scoffs.
"Well buenas noches for the trip,"Grace replies and lies down better to sleep.
Sage wakes up as she feels the train come to a sharp stop. She starts to stir and sits up. She comes to her senses and starts to poke Grace till she wakes up.
Grace groans and rolls onto her side. She bats away at her best friend's hand. Sage rolls her hand and stands up, tugging the blanket put from underneath her best friend. Grace opens her eyes and sits up again.
"Alright alright,"she mumbles and rubs her eyes. "I'm up." Grace stands up and dusts herself off. The girls pack up their bag eagerly and open the door, jumping off the train to the platform.
"Alright which direction do we go?"
Grace plucks a map from a man's back pocket and opens it. "So that way?"Sage asks after a few minutes of analysing it, pointing towards the north. Grace points her best friend's finger around to the north. "So that way?"
"Yep and it's that way,"she replies. "And it's only twenty minutes walk."
Sage jumps up and down eagerly. The older girl chuckles and folds the map back up and shoved it into her pocket. She picks up their bag and feels Sage grab her hand and drag her off.
~~~~~~~~~~ time skip brought to you by the driver who didn't let Sage and Grace hitch a ride on the back ~~~~~~~~~~
Grace and Sage skip eagerly through the streets of New York City. "Come on! Come on!"Sage calls and runs ahead. "It's the Brooklyn Bridge!"she squeals eagerly. Grace starts to run faster but holds onto her cap so it doesn't fall off.
"Wait up!"she calls and laughs as she runs. "I'm the one with the bag!"
"Hurry up,"Sage yells and skids to a stop. Grace stops beside her and looks to her slightly confused.
"What'd you stop for?"
"Put the bag down,"Sage instructs. Grace nods and puts the bag down.
Sage pulls Grace into an awkward side hug as soon as her friend stands up straight. "We're finally here!!"
(A/N the awkward side hard Race gives Albert right before King of New York and Grace is Albert and Sage is Race. I can't find a gif for it)
Grace looks at her for a few minutes and bursts out laughing. She unhooks Sage's arm from around her neck and leans against Sage. She places her arm onto Sage's shoulder, grinning like an idiot.. "Yeah we finally are and it feels great,"she grins and takes in the view. "To think we thought we'd be stuck in Treegap our whole lives but yet we've travelled to nearly every country."
"Yeah it's weird,"Sage replies and removes Grace's arm from her shoulder. "We should go. It's getting dark."
"Yeah,"the older girl mumbles and picks up the bag.
They start to walk down the street. They find themselves deeper into Brooklyn after hitching a few rides on the back of carriages and by a small diner. "You got any money for food?"
"Yeah. Just about enough to have a spare cent though,"Sage replies after fishing around in her pocket.
"Can't do much harm to share a meal though?"
"Nah. We gotta save change for tomorrow."
"Then let's go." Grace pushes the door open to the small diner and Sage finds a small table. It was a small place and quiet. Nobody was around except a few staff members and one or two customers. Grace places the bag underneath the table and sits down beside Sage. The girls order a glass of water and a sandwich.
They were talking about where they could sleep when their attention turned to a loud group of boys storming in and pulling up a bunch of chairs.
The waitress brings them their food and drink and Sage pulls her attention. "Who are they?"she asks.
"There the Newsies. They come in everyday,"the waitress, Alexis, replies and places their plates on the table.
"Where do they sleep?"Grace asks and looks over Alexis' shoulder at the loud group of boys.
Alexis shrugs it off and looks over her shoulder in mild disgust. "Streets. I'm not sure,"she tells them. "Never asked."
Grace nods and hands Alexis the money. "Thanks mate,"she says and the waitress walks away. "I saw an alleyway beside the diner,"she says. "We can sleep there."
"Not a bad idea."
The two friends soon finish their food and walk out the diner. They immediately turn left into the alleyway. A few crates littered the place along with some old bottles and stacks of old newspapers on the crates.
"Could be worse,"Sage shrugs.
"What could make it worse?"
"I don't have my partner in crime with me."
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