Chapter 6: Goodbye for now
Sage: broadway_crackers
Grace: me
This is gonna be a short one but I promise you the next one will be longer. Maybe.
"Morning Sage!!"Grace says as she climbs into Sage's bedroom. "Right this is the day I leave Treegap for six years so what'd you wanna do for the next few hours because I leave at midday."
"I was thinking we could go to our tree,"Sage replies and stands up with an eager grin.
It hurt both girls more than anything about the fact that Grace had to leave but it was six years. They'd have amazing stories to tell each other.
"I love how you call it our tree," Grace comments and starts to head towards their tree with Sage by her side.
"So do I."
"So when'd you reckon you're gonna ask if you can go out?"Grace asks randomly.
"Probably once you leave so that I can leave Treegap with grandma's knowledge and I don't get into trouble,"Sage replies and kicks a pebble along the ground.
Grace kicks the same pebble along the floor and nods. "You still got the music box?"
"Of course."
"And you know my parents said they'd let you stay at theirs at any time right?"
"Yes, Grace,"Sage smiles at her friend's concern. "In your room and that I can go any time."
"Good just wanna Make sure that you know,"the immortal girl replies and climbs up the tree and sits a few branches above her usual branch. "I've also got you this,"she says and hands Sage a small vile of water looped on a string.
"What's in here?"
"A bit of the water from the spring,"Grace replies.
"Why are you giving me this?"Sage asks and puts the necklace on over her head.
"Because I'm around 99% sure that you don't remember where the spring,"Grace replies and dangles upside down by her legs so her head is level with Sage's.
"Hey I remember where it is!"Sage protested and folds her arms over her chest.
Grace gives her a look and Sage sighs. "Fine I don't,"she mumbles.
"Thought so,"Grace laughs.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ time skip brought to you by a clueless author ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Grace pick up her bag and slings it over her shoulder. There wasn't very much in it except some clothes, money, maps and a drawing by Sage of the pair of them. She hugs her mother and father one last time and then shakes hands awkwardly with Liberty and Daniel.
She stumbles slightly and falls backwards when she feels Anna and Beck hug her legs. She smiles slightly at them and sits up straight.
"Don't worry. It's not going to be too long,"she promises them.
"It's ten years,"Beck says and squeezes her leg even tighter.
"But it will go by sooner than you can say 'Daniel is the most annoying brother ever',"she smiles and pulls her legs out of her siblings grasp but receives a glare from Daniel. She stands up again and picks up her bag.
A tug on her shirt draws her attention back down to Anna. Grace crouches down again and looks to her little sister and feels a piece of thread with a charm on it get thrust into her hands. "Keep it to remember me,"Anna says and hugs her sister. The older child blinks and loops it over her neck.
"I promise I will,"she says and stands up again. She turns around to see Sage and smiles at her best friend. "I'll see you in a while then,"she says and hugs Sage. "I'm still older and you're still shorter than me,"she whispers into her best friend's ear.
"You really don't have to rub that in,"Sage whispers back slightly annoyed.
"Yeah I do. Just don't get a new partner in crime,"she says back in a normal voice.
"Like I could ever find a better partner in crime,"Sage replies and lets go of Grace, wiping a tear from her eye. Sage steps back to join the rest of Grace's family.
"Alright a few last notices,"Grace says. "Pa don't forget Ma's birthday or your anniversary. Ma, don't clean up my room,"she reminds her parents then turns to her siblings. "Danny hurry up and move out already your five year younger sister has moved out before you. Lib, Sage is your new bridesmaid. Beck and Anna take care of each other,"she says and points to everyone individually.
"And Sage don't get a new partner in crime whilst I'm gone,"Grace says and picks up her bag. "See ya'll in ten years then,"she adds and starts to walk away from her childhood home.
A/N: I promise you the next chapter will be longer. Maybe. If I get round to it I also feel a little bit bad for what I'm gonna do in the next chapter.
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