Anna's pov.
It was time for our assault to strike. The cold air of the soon to be winter bit our faces as we all waited outside the base.
I look to my right seeing the crimson glow of Shadowmeres eyes. Right by her stood Ken watching the base intently. I look over to my left seeing Ryan's adorable face show the hard stronge figure many have seen. Right by him where both Marzia and Felix. They both never stopped gazing into each others eyes. Then before you know it they smashed their lips together.
I look back towards the base and see the fire of a lantern blaze showing the base clearly. We all take one final look at each other and quickly nod standing from our positions and rushing into the base.
I saw James standing infront of me with a smile wide on his face as he fought agenst his own comrade. Soon we were all being rushed by more of the creepy pasta kids I had to take to Mark. I wince as I feel the cold of steel enter my side. But, I smile at the kid before losing myself to my pasta side...
Shadowmeres pov.
I continue to fight seeing the virus Cry showing off to a bunch of kids with what he can do. Next to him was Anna being a true Nightmare to all.
Felix and Marzia mainly just threw stuff at the growing numbers of teenagers. It caused me to chuckle a little. Everyone was truly losing themselves as I was merely cutting my victims to pieces with no true train if thought. I have let my memory's take controll of my actions and trust me its not very pretty when they do.
But, I was saving that rage for Mark. He was going to pay. Pay for what he did to Zoie and what he did to every victim of his. Mark was to die. No matter the cost....
The only problem about me trying to keep my memories at ease was that it mainly fogged my concious. Everytime I blinked I saw Zoies face. It haunted me... Mark couldn't do that again.....
She's dead because of me..... It was all because of me..... I will always be a monster because of him.....
( Flash Back)
I was getting ready to see Anna before I felt a presence. I knew the presence from anywhere. It was one of my nightmares after all...
" Hello again Shadowmere..." Simply states Mark as a smirk formed on his face. I felt my blood boil. I can't stand him...
" Hello again Mark." I mutter spitting his name with venom. I turn around to see him completly. He stood in place with confidence. It annoyed me very much...
" I was coming to check on how Anna was doing." Simply puts Mark. I roll my eyes.
" You know she won't let you near her. So, Why are you even here?" I ask impatiently. A dark chuckle leaves his lips causing a chill to go down my spine.
" I know. But, I have to make sure she is okay." Simply puts Mark. He walks closer but I quickly step back before he can get to close.
" What do you truly want Mark?" I question with a hiss. He chuckles once more.
" I know Anna has been seeing all her old little friends. I am not so happy about that Shadowmere..." Starts off Mark. I start taking more steps back. " I had no problem with her seeing Zoie and Ken. But, Felix... Now thats not so grand."
I take one more step back before I felt pain rush through my body. He was always one step ahead of me which was also annoying. He seemed to predict a bunch of things causing it to become almost impossible to escape. Now that I was pinned to a tree I knew I wasn't going anywhere.
" It's not my fault that Felix so happend to find Anna's new little home you know." I hiss glaring at him. He chuckles at my hiss.
" Oh but it is." He darkly states. He leans closer to my face. " I have always known that Anna won't let me near her. Thats why I am using you to get closer to her. The only way to teach her a lesson, however, Is of corse by killing a one she loves dearly..."
Before I could do anything a needle pricked my neck. My vision at first started to blurr. But, as time went by I could finally see once again. The only problem was that it was red. I couldn't controll myself to be quite honest. I felt a warm sensation on my cheek and then before I knew it I was off on a mission... A mission I would always regret....
( End of flashback)
I made it to Mark feeling my anger rise. I saw Zoies face more and more with each step I took. I couldn't hear anything as clearly as I thought I would. As I saw a smirk lift onto his face I lost it.
I went berserk. Im blood thursty and I'm going to kill him. Im going to make sure he pays for his crimes. No matter the cost.... No... Matter... The... Costs.......
Anna's pov.
We finish off the last of the teenagers with relief. I looked at everyone. Marzia sat by a body with the persons head in her arms. It wasnt long before I knew who it was...
I looked at Ken seeing him rush over to Marzia. I thought to mainly comfort her. All you could see was the tears rushing down her face.
Before I knew it though, There was a loud cry coming from up the stairs. Ryan and I look at each other and run up the stairs. I slam the door to Marks Room open. There I saw him smiling as he held a bloody blade in his hands. By him lied a body that was to familiar to forget.
I couldn't help myself. I felt a feeling of pain soar through me and soon my blood boiled as I rushed Mark.....
I couldn't really remember much after that. I only remembered the last part. I held onto my side as I ran over to Shadowmere. I looked into her eyes seeing a brown color to them.
She normally had the red colored eyes. Something was wrong. I felt my eyes begin to burn as I continued to stare at her repeating the same words over and over again.
" A...An....Na..." Croaked out Shadowmere. I felt the tears stream down my face like a river.
" Shh..." I whimper out. She smirks at me. I could feel her body slowly becoming more and more limp.
" It... It was... My fault." She whimpered out. I stare at her confused.
" Wha..." I tried to say before she put her hand up.
" I... K... Killed... Zo... Ie..." Shadowmere began to cry at this moment. I wiped the years from her face.
" No... No it wasn't!" I exclaimed doubting her. She nods her head.
" I killed her... I... I..." She coughed causing me to flinch. " I... Im... S.. s... Sorry..."
I shake my head at her still not believing her. I continued to say no over and over again. I couldn't believe her. It had to be Mark....
" A... An... Na..." She whimpers out. I look at her again wiping away more of her tears.
" Y... yes?" I ask shaking more violently.
" For...give.... Me..." She mutters. I nod my head seeing her eyes slowly flutter shut as she continued to say ' Forgive me' Over and over again. I felt her body slowly die as I held her. I shake my head not believing it.
She can't be dead! Not now! Why now? Why now?
" Anna?" Asks Ryan as he comes to me.
" She... Shes go... gone..." I croak out. Ryan nods. I look at him seeing his eyes become glossy. I finally stand while picking up Shadowmeres limp body.
We start to walk back down the stairs leaving Marks body to rot. I see body's litter the floor as people continued to grieve over their loses. I look up seeing Slenderman standing before me. I hand him Shadowmere reluctantly. He teleports away within seconds.
Jeff continued to sit on the floor next to Jane and Sally. He mainly comforted Sally leaving Jane all alone.
Masky and Hoodie helped pick up the body's of the dead Teenagers. I was guessing they were going to burry them...
Soon everything was completly changed. Weight seemed to carry off my shoulders. But soon, I lied on the floor like everyone else.
" ANNA!" Yelled a muffled voice of Ryan. I felt darkness consume me. Soon I felt nothing. There was no pain, No guilt, Nothing.... It was just darkness....
" Anna." Calls out a whisper of a voice. I looked to my right seeing nothing. Then to my left seeing again nothing. But, As I look forward I do see one thing. Light... My parents stood there with Shadowmere and Zoie smiling.
They all waved for me to come over to them. But, I felt like I was missing something. I continued to hear Ryan's voice.
" ANNA!" cried out Ryan. " Please don't go... Not now... Please... Please...."
I couldn't help myself. I continued to walk and soon I saw Felix standing with my family. I wanted to continue. I really did. But, I felt like I was missing something... A certain someone... I was missing Ryan.......
Beep......... Beep........... Beep........ Beep...Beep...Beep. Beepbeepbeepbeepbeep....
" We're losing her doc!"
" We gotta act fast!"
" What will we do?"
" Get the boy over here!"
" One... Two... Three..."
One... Two... Three.... One... Two... Three....
Beep........ Beep.......... Beep.......
" Anna? It's me....."
I slowly open my eyes being blinded by a bright light. I look over seeing Ryan standing by my bed. I was confused for a second before letting the place process.
" Wh... where...."
" Your at the hospital..." Quickly states Ryan.
" Where's everyone else?" I ask. Ryan frowns for a second.
" Their all safe. They're coming here at some point or another..."
" Where Zoie?" I ask impatiently.
" Right here!" Happily states Zoie. I smile at her. " Yours parents are here to! They were worried sick about you."
" Am I dreaming?" I mutter to myself. Ryan and Zoie look at each other.
" What do you mean?" Asks Ryan.
" We're both here. See watch." Zoie punchs Ryan causing him to quickly grab his arm.
" OW!" He screams. Zoie smiles.
" Woops, I missed!" She happily exclaims. Ryan rolls his eyes.
I couldn't believe my eyes. Was I dreaming? This couldn't be real... Could it?
" What about Jeff and Hoodie? What about Mark?"
" Who?" Asks Ryan curiously. I stare at him confused.
" You know! Jeff the killer! What about him?!?"
" Uh... That guys made up... He's not real Anna..." Points out Zoie with a frown.
None of it was real? But, It had to have been... It just had to have happend! I KNOW IT HAPPEND! IM NOT CRAZY!
" Anna. Can you, Uh, Tell us what happend in this ' Dream' Of yours?" Asks Ryan. I nod.
" It all started with me being taken away by Mark I think..."
Dear Journal,
It's adorable they think non of us are real. I have always been real. Just no one lives to tell about my sightings. But, Mark is diffrent from that. He lived only because I felt the connection between us. He seemed to show a type of bond that I haven't seen for years to come. As we stand outside in the woods and brush it was simple to see Anna in her hospital bed.
Everything seemed restored. But no. Nothing can ever be completly restored. Zoie can be. So can Felix... You've just gotta believe magic I guess.... And, Your going to want to believe magic a lot more then you think...
Sooner or later they won't have each other. Even if they think I'm dead. Or if they think Marks dead. Its all false... But, How can you tell humans that all of this is false? Well, You can't. They always find out the truth...
Sooner or later they will find out what I did to get Anna's parents back. Ryan already knows... But, He wants her to be happy. So, When she's able to take her leave from the hospital I get to do what I need to with Ryan. Be ready Ryan. I can't prepare you for the pain your going to experience....
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