Chapter 6:
Ryan's pov.
I lie on the cement floor still with the chains on my wrists and ankles. I thought the chains would hurt more then they really have been but I guess I was wrong.
I grab a rock and throw it at the opposite wall. It comes rolling back. This is probly the most fun I have ever had to. I mean, I have been stuck down here for like two years and yet I still don't cry for help? Why? It's because I don't want to show weakness. I am not some weak guy...
" Hello?" Asks a muffled voice. It sounded familiar. But where have I heard it from?
" Who's there?" I try asking. All the sudden I hear a type of running. Finally a figure pops out of the shadows. I finally register it.
" Ryan!" Excitingly states Anna. I smile at her. She wraps her arms around me. I just stare at her for a second. Anna? Shes really here?
" Anna...." I say a bit weaker then I meant to. She pulls away from the hug with tears streaming down her face. I continue to study her seeing some pretty cool wings. They were blue at the moment. I was a little confused..
" I....I...I missed..... You...." Anna sobs as she burys her face into my chest. I smile at her.
" I missed you to." I sadly state with the random voice crack. " All that matters though is that we are both okay. Were together now and that's all that matters..."
Before I know it I hear a dark chuckle. I look at the shadows seeing one way to familiar face. It was Mark. I growl as he takes a hold of Anna.
" Tsk, tsk, tsk" Darkly states Mark. I hear a whimper escape Anna's mouth.
" LET HER GO MARK!" I yell. A smirk forms on Marks face.
" If that's what you want..." Mischievously states Mark. Before he lets her go he injects a werid red glowing liquid into Anna. Anna falls to her knees.
" NO!" I yell. She begins to rise to her feet but she was diffrent. Her wings were now Crimson red. Her eye color changed to the same red. " ANNA! PLEASE DON'T LET THE SERUM TAKE OVER! FIGHT ANNA! FIGHT!"
" Attack...." Commands Mark. Sure enough Anna comes running at me.
Before she reachs me I wake up. I pant heavily playing back through the dream. My cloths were soaked in sweat.
I still have that same dream. Every time I close my eyes I can only see Anna. But it's never the sweet, innocent Anna I know. It's the twisted version of Anna.
I look over at my front door. I was hopeing for someone to show up. But, what I was really hopeing for was to see Anna... After the whole thing went down when Mark stabbed her and when she blacked out. Mark made sure I was numb before taking off the chains that had imprisoned me. When I tried to move I obviously couldn't feel a thing.
Mark had won that round. He took Anna and made sure I had enough of the stupid serum in my bloodstream to where it was a day before I could even move my fingers.
Now, All I think about is Anna. Her face... Her everything.... My own life was getting better with her here. But, Mark had changed it all. He made it to where my life became crap. He made it to where Anna's life had gone to shit since her dad went MIA and her own mom commited suicide.
Even when she was here. I always would blam myself when she got hurt. Its my fault she's gone. Its always been my fault...
" Ryan?" Asks a muffled voice. I knew it was Marzia. " Are you alright? Did something happen?"
" Nah... Im fine." I reply with a little sigh at the end. I get up going straight for the door. There stood Marzia with a smile.
" How's it going?" Marzia asks. I shrug.
" Could be better..." I reply.
" A lot better." Comments Marzia. I chuckle a little and nod.
" Exactly what I was thinking..." I reply and chuckle again. Marzia walks into my cabin just looking at things. I just lean on the wall next to the door. " Find what your looking for?"
" No... Not yet..." Replys Marzia before another knock was heard at the door.
" Marzia?" Asks the muffled voice of Felix. I chuckle a little.
" In here Felix." Announces Mazia proudly. Felix opens the door walking past me without noticing. He left the door wide open so I chose to mess with him.
I close my cabin door chuckling. I then of corse being a mastermind I am, Turn off the lights. I hear Marzia chuckle.
" Well actually it is Felix..." I whisper right next to him now. He falls to the ground as me and Marzia begin to die from laughter. I flip the lights back on still laughing. Marzia helps Felix back up.
" What the fuck?" Asks Felix.
" Felix it was a joke!" Laughs out Marzia.
" Oh... I knew that..." Slyly states Felix as he finally calms down. I can't help but smile at the way he calmed down since he had such a stupid smile on his face.
" Anyways, Why are you guys here?" I finally ask after we all calm down. Marzia frowns at me for a second before she finally answered.
" Well, We have some good news and some bad news...." States Mazia sadly. My smile quickly became a frown. " Which do you want first?"
" What's the good news?" I ask impatiently.
" Good news is that I met up with Zoey and Ken, They told me that Anna is okay." Starts Marzia. I smile. Shes alright... " Bad news, however, Is that she can't come and see you. Zoey told me that if Mark were to find out then both of you would be dead..." I feel my heart shatter. Anna.... Dead? I would lose it if she died. I can't lose her again...
" Hey Ryan, We are going to get her back." States Felix. " Nothing's going to happen to her. Okay?" I nod by head in response. I just can't believe that Mark would kill her. He's taken everything from me basically. It was almost like I had just broken up with that Bitch ex of mine.
Now... Im just, Broken.... I always have been...
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