Chapter 10:
Anna's Pov.
I continue to stare at the person who stood infront of me now. A little bit of shock and a mixture of suprise now was present between us.
How was he able to find me? How could anyone find me? I was hidden in here just rebuilding my beautiful little home that isn't so little.
" Hello Anna." Greets the guy infront of me. I stare at him blankly.
" How's it goin?" I finally manage to spit out. He smiles.
" Fine I guess..." Replys the guy. I smirk. " How bout you?"
" It's goin places." I reply. He smiles.
" Nice to hear that I guess." Chuckles out Felix. I roll my eyes at him.
Felix was that Swedish kid if everyone remembers correctly. Hes funny, Ill give him that. He can also change the topic rather quickly for a kid like him...
" So, How's Marzia doin?" I question. I was curious about Marzia still. How could someone as pretty as her end up with a guy like Felix? The world may never know...
" She's doin good!" Happily exclaims Felix. A smile creeps onto my face just by the happiness in his voice. Felix could make anyone smile. I swear he has some sort of power to do that...
" How has life been for you then?" I ask once again a little curious.
" Oh, I didn't tell you did I?" Asks Felix with a giant smile on his face. I shook my head. Tell me about what? " I want to tell you, But, I could just show you if you have any Internet or a computer."
" Come on in then." I replie eagerly.
" Alright, So there is this thing called YouTube." Starts off Felix. I already had known of this thing called YouTube. Hell, I already was in love with two Youtubers in particular.
" I already know of YouTube Felix." I point out. He smirks causing me to wonder.
" Well, Then I want you to look up a YouTube channel by the name of Pewdiepie!" Exclaims Felix. I became very curious of why he wanted me to check this channel out. I was already subscribed to it including another channel that for short people called Cryotic.
" I'm already subscribed to that channel Felix." I point out once more. I roll my eyes but relize he was grinning even larger. My suspicions grew larger by the seconds.
" Cool, So your subscribed to my bro army then!" Happily exclaims Felix. I let his words sink in before it finally hit me. Im subscribed to Pewdiepie who's also my friend Felix making these halarious videos...
" What..." I mutter to myself. I see Felix smirk. " WAIT! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL MEH?!?"
" I wanted it to be a suprise!" Happily exclaims Felix. I smile at that. But, I started to wonder about the Cryotic acount. His voice sounded very familiar to me...
( Ryan's pov.)
I sit at my desk. I had just finished one of those YouTube video things that Felix was talking to me about. It was actually kind of fun since I got to play games for people.
But, to be honest with you. I think they mainly do it for the reactions. Felix always plays horror games, So when he gets scared so bad he craps himself he always starts speaking Swedish.
But, It helps his channel. I really don't care if it helps his channel since I still get to play games. Plus, I always get new subscribers. One of which goes by the name NightmareQueen.
I always wondered who that was since their picture isn't even them. Their very protective of their account to since the information they use is almost nothing compared to other accounts.
I want to text her to but I never know what to say to hers. I just want to know the person pretty badly I guess you could say...
I continue to stare at the screen infront of me before I heard a knock at the door. I already knew it was Marzia just by the way she knocks.
Marzia still confused me a bit. But after awhile I decided to not really think about her. She was just some pretty girl that was forced to move to this small town.
" Hi Ryan!" Happily states Marzia making me crack a smile. She had a giant grin on her face making it hard not to smile.
" How's it going?" I ask with that giant smirk on my face. She shrugs.
" I don't know, How's what going?" Asks Marzia. " I mean my cars working fine. The oxygen in my lungs should be fine. I'm pretty sure everything in my life's been going well..."
" That's good to hear?" I state in more of a questioning tone. She smiles.
" I know right!" Happily states Marzia as she starts her way towards my computer. " I'm guessing you made a video just a bit ago? Looks pretty intresting..." I see Marzia bite her bottom lip.
" Yeah, I.... I guess it is..." I simply state. Marzia continues to stare at the games main screen.
" Amnesia?" Blurrts Marzia in a questioning tone. I studied her seeing her eyes move around the screen as if she was reading a story.
" Yeah. It's a pretty fun game to play..." I again simply put. She looks up from the computer. I see her tilt her head.
" Could you get it on my computer at home?" Marzia asks. I think for a second and nod. Her whole face brightens even more. It was brighter then the sun. Before we leave, I stare at the amnesia screen infront of me. It was like amnesia trying to forget pain and I was still recovering from it. But I knew, I wasn't going to recover until Anna was safe in my arms...
So there's your guys chapter! I hope you are all happy now that I've updated! Must I say I do way better with writing when I'm on the go.
Anyways, I hope you guys are enjoying. Now I'm going to ask thy questions!
1.) How do you guys like it so far?
2.) Who's all subbed to Pewdiepie and Cry? Just wondering 😝
4.) Anyone see what I did to make it all fit together?
Okay so those are your questions! I hope you guys will answer them in the comments. You can either answer one or I'll give a shoutout to whoever answers them all! Cool right?
Anyways, Make sure to VOTE! And if you haven't already, Follow! I could use an even BIGGER ARMY!
I will talk to you Shadows and devils and bros later! BAI!
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