ODW Chapter 6: goodbyes' and hellows'
Ohayo minna im bieng cheery today but i dont know ( >=^=>) hmmm, anyways on with the story
Lucy's Pov
*knock knock*
"Come in" i said now standing up then the door creaked and i saw our castle stewart(and was once the personal maid of moma) when moma died shes the one who take care of me and since shes so close with moma shes the one who trained me and some of my collected spirits.
"Princess lady Erza and lady Mirajane are ready to go- your highness its a surprise seeing you here" spetto said shocked and bowed with respect she is realy a wise old lady and like a second mother to me shes kind, loyal, caring, and most of all loved all around her she is often strict but still sweet even if the maids and butlers gone wrong with the job are doing but their trying there hardest to impress spetto who will someday someone take her place.
"Yes, yes thank you very much spetto and it must be risky for you to do this not telling the others and i am sorry if i troubled you" popa said in a calmed worried sad tone and smiled and we were now continuing walkin down the hallways plue beside me and me carrying my sister-doll. When we were outside the castle three female figures behind them was a caraige and infront was two flying pegasus.
"Princess Lucy, princess michelle are you ready"Erza asked and i nodded while my head is slightly down.
"Are you sure lucy" mira asked with a sweet worried voice of how i was acting quiet.
"Big sister"my sister doll said while me holding her of course the others can hear what she says since they were close to her before even spetto.
"I . . .im just worried of that i might never see you all again" i said in a sad tone and trying to hold back the tears that are falling and they were shocked of what i said but soften there gaze to me and i felt a big masculine (a/n: gomen is my spelling right and dont be afraid of commenting) arms wrapped around me.
"Lucy, michelle my dauthers the three of you will meet us again someday and that someday is what we'll hope that it will happend" popa said his arms still wrapped around me and me holding michelle in my hands to my chest still holding back the tears threatining to come out but i gotta stay strong i dont wanna let anyone think that im weak i have to stay strong for my love ones and i felt something wet on my chest the first thing that i thought was me crying but i was wrong my sister doll michelle was crying (even tho shes a doll she still has emotion and can cry and become sick often too)my eyes soften.
"Hey michelle shhh . . .shhh its okay you heared what popa said right we will meet someday" i said in a very sweet voice comforting my sister doll.
"Y-yes b-big s-s-sis daddy's right" she said and i gave my warmest smile and hugged and say goodbyes popa, spetto,even ms. Eileen after that erza and eileen were having a short mother and dauther moment and i was just happy that they're together again and sad that they are not spending time with eavh other because erza is coming with me protecting me but she ressured me that its fine and she will be glad to come and protect me and have some fun in life of the human world and i just shrugged asking and got inside the caraige erza was sitting beside my left and mira sat across from us and a i will little information about her shes a pure demon herself but shes a good demon shes realy sweet, kind, loyal, caring and also beautiful and did i mention that shes a matchmaker 'cause you dont want i repeat dont want to mess with her what do call those ships and otp's of her you dont want to get to her bad side because your about to see a glimpse of hell to what she visions her home before.
"Lucy whats wrong"erza and mira said in unision worried plastered in there faces and before i knew it i can feel something hot from my face and my vision became blury because of me crying and remembered this day's events and me, my sister and popa's father and dauthers moment a few hours ago.
'I want to go back to popa alread i dont care of what he says that someday we will meet again i just want to . . i . . .I WANT TO GO BACK TO POPA ALREADY'
"LUCY SNAP OUT OF IT" erza yelled shaking me that coused my doll sister to fall from my arms and fell right unto too my lap phew that was close.
"Big sis a-are you okay erza-san and mira-san were waking you up from your 5 min trance" she said worriedly i wipe my tears away that i didnt expect i have and shrugged it and i was about to say 'that im fine its nothing to worry about but mira-nee beat me to it.
"Its okay to cry lucy after all you and the highness just have a first time ever father and dauther moment" she said and i was shocked that how she knew about that.
'How did she knows about that i didnt tell her about that . . .wait . . . . IS MIRA-NEE A WITCH CRAFT'
"NO I AM NOT A WITCH CRAFT" she yelled which coused me to flinch.
"Sorry about that what i mean is im not a witch craft you were speaking aloud" she said in a its obvious tone and i just nodded sadly and surprisingly hugged her she tensed up a bit but returned the hug and more big ball of tears fell from my tear stained plush cheeks but i broke the hug and put my hands covering my face still crying.
"Im sorry m-mira*sob*im just . . .i-i*sob*. . .im . .im gonna miss all of *sob* them and you to" i said while sobbing and in my surprise she hugged me and stroked my long golden blonde hair.
"Lucy" she said softley i looked up at her and she gave me a warm smile.
"We will miss you to and dont worry erza and michelle, plue and your spirits are with you and please dont cry the king-er your f-father did this not only for the saftey of the kingdom but for you and your sister to be safe aswell and dont worry we wont forget you"she said which made my confidence build up after that little speech she gave the caraige stopes and wipe my tears and gave her a warm smile and she happily returned the favor.
After that we got out of the caraige and into the tenroujima (a/n: gomen forgot to tell you guys that there will be floating islands and forest since they live above the sky/heavens and gomenasai i realy have memory gaps so its normal to me but not for the others okay i'll shut up) and this is a floating island said the forgetful author (-_-").
(A/n: hey its normal to forget lucy-san and im just a kid ( >3<))
Yeah, yeah excuses-excuses.
(A/n: hmmp meanie (^>3<^))
Anyways it was quiet but comfortable while we were walking towards our destination and me lifting my gown with one hand and the other holding my doll sister who is wearing a baby pink doll gown and a matching baby pink summer hat and after the long walk we stoped at a realy big tree was a . . .well it looks like a grave stone it looks like it has a keyhole in it.
(A/n: gomen i dont have any ideas so i used the grave and its still a grave but the people/angels in the island didnt know what its for but thought it was a designh so yeah)
"Mira" i whispered and noticed some carvings are letters that realy look a bit familiar and mira put her hands on the top of the gravestone and whispered the words that i cant actually hear and a big portal that fits all of us appeared infront of us and the first things i saw was the sunrising and wierd buildings reflected at the rising sun and there arent that much trees but all i can say that it was . . . . . . . . Beautiful
(A/n: to be continued hehe cliffhanger)
Hehe cliffhanger right anyways that was 1478 words so far and thank you for reading and coment if my memory gaps are normal ( -_-") anyways~
Author-chan over the m✩✩n and out~;)
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