Chapter 1: The meeting that sealed the deal and something more.
(Lucy POV)
I got the room all clean and tidy for Darian. Now all I have to do is go and greet him in the front. As soon I was about to head to the door, I heard knocking.
*Knock Knock*
What that Darian?! I didn't get to tell him where to go, let alone greeted him.
Lucy- Wha-!? I-i mean hello Mr Darian, its nice to meet you.
Darian- Why, its nice to meet you too Ms.Lucy.
Lucy- Ah come in and make yourself comfortable sir.
Darian- Why thank you.
Darian sat himself in one of the chairs and I think I'm seeing things but do I see a smile on him? That's..odd, but I held my breath when I realized that I have to radio Y/N and John that it's time for their lunch breaks.
Lucy- Mr.Darian, I have to apologize but I must radio two of my employees that its time for their lunch breaks.
Darian- Oh it's no problem at all, but who are those employees?
HUH!? Why would he be curious about two employees but I had to answer if I were to score this deal.
Lucy- OH it's John and Y/N.
As soon as I said Y/N's name, I saw Darian's face lit up a bit and smiled more. I thought it was extremely weird but I shrugged it off.
Darian- Oh then, go ahead we wouldn't want them to starve since they did such busy work "especially Y/N"~.
Lucy- Thank you sir.
I clicked on my walkie talkie to talk.
I took care of the last customer from my lane that had a big line a while back. Whooh, that was intense then suddenly I heard my portable walkie talkie go on.
(** means talking in the walkie talkie)
*Y/N, this is Lucy*
Y/N- Yeah Lucy what's up?
*Its time for your lunch break and tell John its his too, don't worry I already got two people covering for you. Enjoy your break.*
Y/N- Thank's boss. Y/N out.
Man, lunch already? Well, today was busy so it made time go that fast. Well, I walked over to John to ket him know.
Y/N- Hey John, guess what? It's lunch time for us.
John- Well hot damn! Already? Well, I know where to go, hey care to join me?
Y/N- Yeah! Let's go.
John and I walked to the back and took off our vests and head on over to the lot and I agreed to carpool with him.
Y/N- So where we going?
John- Hmmm. How about.....McDonald's?
Y/N- Classic. Let's do it.
So we went to McDonald's to eat over there. Im gonna order my F/O(Favorite/Order) from there.
Y/N mind- I wonder how Lucy's meeting is doing?
(No POV)
While the two were on their break, the meeting between Lucy and Darian was about to begin but not before Darian starts it out with this.
Lucy- So sir, if you don't mind me asking this but how did you find this room quickly because I never told you any directions, and I was suppose to greet you out in the front.
Darian- Well, I have to give my thanks to an employee who goes by the name Y/N.
Lucy- Y/N sir?
Darian- Yes, I was lost and couldn't find any employee of yours to help me because either they were busy or just ignored me in order to avoid me. When I went to Y/N, not only he was very helpful he was also really friendly and kind to me.
Lucy- Well thank you sir, Y/N is generally like that almost every day and that is why he is one of my best employees.
Darian- I see. Well I must ask you this...Ms Lucy. You know that my company is in the W.C program this year and I'm already packed with approved requests but I have one trouble at me. Im missing one more request and I need someone to take that request. And I think I found the one for that...Mr Y.N~. Would you consider letting Y/N sign up for it and put my company Walmart as the first?~
Lucy was surprised to hear this coming from the man himself. She didn't know what to say or what to think about all this. Darian wants Y/N to join the W.C program and his company. She did asked Darian something else.
Lucy- W-well sir even if I said yes, what about Y/N, surely he wouldn't say yes right away. He is one of the more loyal employees who will stay with you even struggling times and will only leave if their were enough convincing or if your business went bankrupt and has to go somewhere else.
Darian- That's exactly why I want him to join the program with me being first. Besides, how about a deal hm?
Lucy- And what would that deal be Mr.Darian?
Darian- If you convince Y/N to join, I'll be more "convinced" about the deal and if I shall see a lot more business for your store. What do you say?
Lucy was surprised beyond belief. She was about to score a deal this big, but all she had to do was give her most valuable employee to the program and work for Mr.Darian. She was conflicted with this choice, should she do it or not she thought.
Lucy- Sir, t-this is truly a s-surprise to me. I don't know if I can.
Darian- Well, if you think about it he would be very happy to explore different companies besides this one and if I'm being honest with you, i'm sure he would get bored of here sooner or later and have a want for change don't you think Ms.Lucy?
He did had a fair point, even though Mr.Y/N is a good hard working man who is almost always happy to get a job well done, he is human after all and with that, he would naturally would want change and go somewhere else for work. He probably knew he couldn't stay there forever, and this opportunity would change his life for the better. Lucy was thinking really hard about this while Darian was patient and thinking about the future with Y/N as his number one employee, working together. What seemed like forever, Lucy finally made her decision.
Lucy- Mr.Darian.
Darian- Have you decided then?
Lucy- Yes, and my answer is yes. I want him to be out there, expand his wings a lot more and I pray to him that he has a good future ahead of him. I admit I will miss him dearly but I know its for the best. So, you got yourself a deal sir.
Darian- Excellent choice Lucy, then I decided that I want to go though with the deal already and we can get started with the store.
Lucy- R-Really?!
Darian- Yes, after all....I got Y/N now and you proven yourself wise, so you deserve to have this deal and more business added to the matter.
Lucy- Im honored sir for this. Thank you for taking your time for this and I promise to not let you down.
Darian- I know you won't, now let's shake on it shall we?
They both shake hands and it was a closed deal that ended in favorable results. Lucy just changed Mr.Y/N's life and fate forever with just one day. Darian's life was changed too for the better and he will make sure it would stay like that forever now that he found someone who he could spend his life with. Mr.Darian walked out of the room and after a few minutes, Lucy got up from her chair and stated to dance like crazy for this strange but victorious day for her.
(Darian's POV)
Today was the best day ever for me. I just scored a deal of my own too and that's a future employee in my team who will have special treatments and benefits that fits with the W.C procedures with a twist added to them. I walked along the lanes and looking at lane 20 where I first met him, he wasn't there sadly just another employee who was nothing like him at all but its understandable because he's on lunch break at the moment. I walked over to my car and drove off back to my office building where I can start my plan of making Y/N my employee, mine indeed hopefully for good once he ends his program journey.
I called my secretary Ava to get the paper's of employment started for him and to contact the W.C service to add him to the list and request for my company to be the first one he works for.
*Hello Mr.Darian sir*
Darian- Hello Ava, listen i want you to do something for me.
*Of course sir, what is it?*
Darian- I want you to see the employee files for Bed Bath & Beyond store 109 please.
*Yes sir, and which employee am I looking for?*
Darian- His name is Mr. Y/N L/N.
*A Mr.Y/N L/N, hold on a sec. Not him. Ahh, here we go, I got his work profile on here sir*
Darian- Excellent Ms.Ava. Now I want you to contact the W.C program officials and put in a request for him to join the program and a request for Walmart for to be the first one. After that, I want you to create a work profile for him and I want it to be the store closest to the office building.
*Yes sir, and the store closest is store 509*
Darian- Then it's settled then.
*I'll get started right now Mr.Darian*
Darian- Good, then I'll see you when I get back.
*Ok, goodbye sir*
Darian- Bye Ava.
I hunted up and drove with a sense of victory. I fantasize about the future together and living a life of comfort and luxury.
Darian mind- I cant wait to see you again Y/N but this time you will work for me and soon... your future husband once its all over.~
(Timeskip, 20 minutes later)
John and I were headed back to the store since our breaks are over, we walked over to the back and put back our vests on. John went back to the cash registers after I waved at him and thanked him for lunch. I started to walk over there too until...
Lucy- Y/N!
Lucy was walking towards me with a huge smile on her I couldn't help but do the same.
Y/N- Lucy! How was it? Did it work out?
Lucy- Yes it did!!. He said yes and guess what?
Y/N- What?
Lucy- He mentioned you and wants you to work for him under in the W.C program!
I.....was.......SHOCKED! Holy crap, this is actually amazing!! The CEO of Walmart himself offering a position and mentioned by him was an even a shock to me.
Y/N- Hold up, really he did!?!
Lucy- Yes! I was surprised like you are,
Y/N- Awesome!!
Lucy- Yup but I'm gonna miss you, you know.
That's right, I won't be working with Lucy anymore and that actually made me sad. I loved working with her, we always had the best of times even in the craziest days we had here. I hugged Lucy and she returned it and we were quiet for a full minute. After that, we broke off the hug and smiled.
Lucy- Don't worry Y/N, I'm very happy for you, this is a game changer for you and this is a chance to build a life you want if you manage to land a spot in the corporate side of things.
Y/N- Yeah, that'll be the day. Well, I know the day is not over yet but Lucy...It's been an honor to have you as my boss.
Lucy- Same for you Y/N, you were one of my best employees here and I loved coming here everyday to work knowing that you were there to get shit done.
Y/N- Hell yeah, Thanks Ms.Lucy It really means a lot to me. Now, I shall get to the storage room and finish my remaining tasks and go home to think over what just happened today. I guess this is my last task huh?
Lucy- Yes it is. Hey Y/N, when you clock out, head to my office and I'll give you a farewell present for you.
Y/N- Oh ok, I'll be there. See you till then.
Lucy- See ya.
I walked over to storage still couldn't believe what just happened. I feel like my career is about to change and I was very nervous too because I heard the W.C program is notorious for having employees like myself disappear without a trace if they fail to follow a simple rule they have in place and it was scary and bizarre for me. But at the same time, I was very excited low-key for something new I admit but I will always miss this place. It holds good memories for me and everyone here was nice and friendly to me and everyone. I made it into storage and I quickly had to change my mind from thinking mode to working mode.
Y/N- Well, let's finish here with a bang.
(Timeskip, 2 hours later)
I finished the task and was time to clock out....for the last time to never clock back in again.
I was still sad to go but I know that I couldn't back down now. The future depends on me, my future I mean. I went to the clock machine and putted my ID number slowly. Once it read my clock out info, I went over to Lucy's office and I knocked the door.
Lucy- Come in.
I opened the door and Lucy was standing behind her desk holding a present which I assumed was for me.
Lucy- Hey Y/N.
Y/N- Hey Lucy.
Lucy- I wanted to give you this, as a thing to remember me by and for being the best employee a manage could ever asked for.
She gave me the gift and I opened it. What I saw what was inside I saw...
A very nice watch that I most likely costs a lot. I looked at Lucy with big eyes and she just smiled.
Y/N- Lucy, I couldn't possibly.
Lucy- Oh Y/N, of course you deserve this. I wanted to at least help you in your W.C adventure by giving you a tool for checking time. And.....I believe a little luxury couldn't hurt anyone right?~
Well, she was right and I love the style of this watch. I put the watch of my right arm and it looked mighty good on me already.
Y/N- Thank you Lucy so much. I will miss you.
Lucy- I'll miss you too...working man. Come here for one last hug.
I went over for one big hug, and when we broke it off I walked off to the door. But before I opened it.
Lucy- Y/N?
I turned around and Lucy got close to me and I was about to ask what's up...
*Kiss forehead*
Lucy- Farewell, my wonderful employee.
Then she walked away with a hand on her face and it was all red. My face produced a blush and I opened the door and exited her office. While I walked to my car, I had the image of Lucy kissing my forehead. Why did she do that? Did she always wanted to do that? I didn't know the answer but either way it made my face slightly red every time. I got to my car and played some music that fitted my mood right now and headed home.
(Timeskip, 1 Hour later)
I was back in my apartment and just laid on the couch after a long day of work.
Y/N mind- Im so freaking tired right about now. Today...was a rollercoaster and it brought me goodbyes but a new beginning as well.
Ahh, I think a quick nap should make me feel better. I- think it would......
(No POV)
As Y/N was taking a nap, somewhere else Darian was preparing for your arrival and was coming up with plans to whoo your heart.
Darian mind- Soon my darling...soon~.
(End....For Now)
Annddddddd that's a wrap folks. Hope you enjoy this chapter.
until next time, this is adventurefan2020 and I'll see you in the next update.
See ya'll later!👋..........
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