Part - 9
Hello everyone🙋
Thanks for your votes and comments.
Here's the next part.
Abc college:
Naina and Misha were seen sitting in the college canteen as their lecture was free.
Misha: I didn't see that bandar Ryan today. I think he and his brother both are scared of us.
She pulls up her imaginary collar and gives a victory grin.
Naina shakes her head in disbelief.
Naina: there must be any other reason.
Misha: huh, I know this must be the only reason.
Naina: ok, I have to leave now. You carry on your self praising.
Misha makes faces and Naina leaves for her class.
Trio were sitting in their drawing room and playing carrom.
Arjun steals the queen, trying not to be noticed.
Sanskar: Aru, don't try to cheat.
Arjun smiles sheepishly and puts it back.
Ryan's turn comes and he wins the queen. He gives victorious smile to Arjun who glares him in return.
Just then sanskar gets a call. He picks it up.
Sanskar: hello. Whhaattt?? (his voice starts shaking) When?? Where??
He seems really tensed and worried.
Arjun and Ryan notices him and get's worried too.
Ryan: what happened bhai?
But got no response from Sanskar. He was still sitting with no movement. Arjun shakes him.
Arjun (worried): bhai tell us what happened? Your silence is killing us.
Xyz cafe:
Laksh enters holding his coat in his hands. He holds a chair of a free table. Along with him a girl also holds the same chair. Both looks each other and get's shocked.
Together: tum/aap!!!
Laksh glares her.
Yes yes you all guessed right the girl is one and only RG.
Ragini was looking him and was feeling butterflies in her stomach.
Ragini (in mind): oh god!! I didn't know that you'll fulfill my wish this much early.
She was very much happy from inside but didn't show. Why to boost his ego?
Ragini: hello, Mr Ak... Maheshwari.
She says smiling sheepishly.
Laksh: what are you doing here?
Ragini: why? I can't come here? Is this cafe yours?
Laksh: talking to you is just waste of time. Leave this chair. This is mine.
Ragini: really, but I'm holding it too and I can't see Mr Akdu written on it anywhere. So, this is mine.
Laksh (angrily): I said leave it and dare you called me that again.
Ragini scares with his tone but didn't show.
Ragini: no, you leave it.
They kept on arguing. Just then the manager of the cafe comes.
Manager: sir mam please stop fighting I'll show another table to one of you.
Laksh: ha, please take her away. (to Ragini) Go with him.
Ragini: you go na.
Manager: ok ok you both sit on this table on different chairs.
Both nods while glaring and sits opposite to each to each other. Laksh sits on the chair he was holding. Ragini leaves that chair because in these two meetings with him she came to know how much adamant he is.
Laksh (whispers): don't know whose face I have seen in the morning that I met her.
But our Ragini heared that. She glares him.
Ragini: you are very lucky to meet me. Now rest of your day will be good.
Laksh gives her "I don't care" look and ignores her.
Ragini was looking at him sometimes but he was not giving any heed to her. He was busy in his phone, behaving like he was sitting alone on that table.
Ragini (in mind): he's behaving like I don't exist. Huh, how can he ignore me like this? A beautiful and cute girl is sitting in front of him and he's not giving any heed to me. Akdu, anger is always dancing on his nose. Don't know how his brothers bears him. I pity on them.
Just then his phone starts ringing. He picks up the call.
Laksh: hello...
Op: Laksh Maheshwari do you know where your younger brothers are right now?
Laksh: you bas***d, I'm not gonna leave you today. Try to hide as much as you want.
Op: oh my my anger. First you think about your lovely brothers and then think about me. Who knows you'll be able to see your brothers ever again or not?
Laksh: you bl**dy moron, if anything happened to my brothers, if they got even a single scratch I'll make your life hell that you'll regret the moment you met me.
Opposite person laughs and disconnects the call.
Laksh: hello hello...
Ragini too got worried seeing him and was feeling hell scared seeing him this much angry. She gains some strength to ask him.
Ragini: Mr Maheshwari what happened? Is everything alright?
But he didn't heed to her question. Laksh tries calling his brothers but there phones were unreachable and if it connects none of them was picking up.
Laksh: damn it!! Why they are not picking up my call?
Ragini was trying to figure out the things looking at his tensed figure.
Laksh tries their landline number.
Their servant picks up the call.
Laksh: kaka, where are Sanky, Aru and Rey?
Kaka: beta they all left the house in hurry before fifteen minutes.
Hearing it Laksh immediately cuts the call and holds his head in tension.
Laksh: I strictly told them not to go out. Why they left the house?
Fear was clearly visible in his eyes. Fear of losing his life, his brothers.
He immediately leaves the cafe wearing his coat, followed by Ragini.
Laksh sits in his car and ragini too sits on the passenger seat.
Laksh looks at her confused.
Laksh: what are you doing? Get out of my car.
Ragini: I'm coming with you.
Laksh (roaring): are you out of your mind? Just get out!!!
Ragini flinches a little but she was determined.
Ragini: no I'll come with you too.
Laksh (angrily): why? Who are you to come with me?
Ragini thinks that he's right. She don't have any right or reason to accompany him. Ragini was not getting any reason so she said whatever came in her mind.
Ragini: hmm... ha I'm a fairy and I'm here to help you.
She shows him all her teeth😀.
Laksh looks at her like she has grown two heads.
Laksh: thank you soo much fairy g but I don't need your help. Get off my car.
Ragini: no I'll not. You just start the car. Don't know how must be your brothers?
Laksh was hell angry on her but he didn't have that much time to waste fighting with her.
He starts the engine. His hands were shaking. Ragini sees that.
Ragini: don't worry, everything will be fine.
But Laksh was not saying anything. He was trying to call someone while driving. Ragini noticed it and snatched the phone from him. Laksh looks at her angrily.
Laksh: what now?
Ragini: you should not use phone while driving and definitely not when you are driving thinking it as an aeroplane.
Laksh gives her killing looks.
Laksh (gritting his teeth to control his anger): I need to call someone urgently.
Ragini: ok, tell me his name I'll call him and you talk to him through your earpiece.
Laksh nods in defeat.
Laksh: call Aryan.
Ragini connects the call and signals him.
Laksh: Aryan listen to me carefully. Track anyone of Rey, Aru or Sanky's location through the tracker in their phones and send me the location according to it.
Aryan: ok I'm tracking and sending you the current location and the guidance according to the change in their position.
Laksh: do it fast.
After sometime a message popped in Laksh's phone.
Laksh: find the way to this location on google.
Ragini nods and searches for the place.
Ragini: I got it.
Laksh: ok. Guide me with the way.
Ragini nods and guides him according to the changing places shown by the tracker.
They reaches on a lonely road out of the city.
Ragini: take a right.
Laksh does as said.
Laksh: now?
Ragini: tracker has stopped at this location. I think they are somewhere around.
Laksh nods and comes out of the car. Ragini too comes out.
Laksh: you stay here I'll find them. It must be dangerous.
Ragini (shaking her head): no I'll come with you too.
Laksh: it's not a game for kids.
Ragini: and I'm not a kid.
Laksh: you are just impossible. Do whatever you want.
He starts looking for his brothers here and there and Ragini too was doing the same.
RG fashions:
Swara was sitting in her cabin tensed.
Swara: I don't know why I'm feeling worried? Di also hasn't come till now. She must have come till now. Hope everything is fine.
She calls Misha and Naina to know whether they are fine or not. She then calls Ragini but she was not picking up.
Swara joins her hands and prays to god.
Swara: god please keep everyone safe.
Done with this chapter. Do tell me how is it? Raglak together on an adventure.
Next: action time😉 with fun and laughter hehe.
Ignore any mistakes.
Thank u🤗
Be happy always😀
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