Part - 78
Hello everyone 🙋
Thank you as always for all your love and support to the story😘.
Guys, I always inform you about the next updates in the last of every part. Like when I'll be late or when I'll be updating. Please don't ignore it and do read those notes😊.
Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.
Laksh comes out of the washroom and finds Ragini laying on the bed after changing her clothes.
Ragini looks at him and turns her face away in anger.
Laksh chuckles lightly.
He moves towards the bed and lays down on it. He tries to hug her but she pushes his hand away. Laksh shakes his head in disbelief. He pulls her closer to himself and hugs her tightly.
Ragini pouts finding herself weak in front of his hold.
Laksh: good night.
Ragini (in mind): what's good in this night? Huh...
Both of them falls asleep.
Next day-
Raglak's room:
Ragini opens her eyes only to find the other side of the bed empty. She scans the whole room to find Laksh but he was not there. She get's up and leaves for the washroom.
Sanskar and Swara were in Swara's room talking about something and Sanskar was massaging her shoulders.
Sanskar: Swara, this is not fair yaar. First you cheated in the match and now you're ordering me to massage your shoulders.
Swara: everything is fair in love and war. My shoulders were aching due to yesterday's match. I'm feeling so good now. Now stop talking and focus on your work.
She says pouting.
Sanskar (in mind): god, ye kaha phas gaya main?
Naina was chopping the vegetables and Arjun was helping her. She didn't order him to do so but he was doing it on his own.
Misha and Ryan were fighting like always.
Misha: don't eat my brain. Go and bring juice for me.
Ryan: god has given you two legs. Use them.
Misha (smirking): you're forgetting about the condition of losing.
Ryan huffs and leaves for the kitchen and comes back with the juice.
Ryan: here it is madam.
He says making faces.
Misha: hmm... good boy. Let me drink it then I'll tell you your next work.
Ryan glares her while Arjun chuckles looking at them.
Arjun: Naina, from when you're going to join bhabhi's company?
Naina: I'll join it immediately after these holidays. What about you?
Arjun: I'm not going to join the business this much soon.
He says with a bored expression.
Naina: I know you don't want to but you have to. I know jiju better.
She chuckles while Arjun pouts.
Arjun: yaah, my hitler brother.
Just then Ragini comes there.
All four: good morning di/bhabhi.
Ragini just nods her head.
Naina: di, what would you like to have with your morning tea?
Ragini makes a crying face by taking out her lower lip.
Ryan: what happened bhabhi?
Ragini signs them that she can't speak today by signing towards her mouth but the four didn't get anything.
Misha: di, what are you saying? I'm not getting anything.
Trio: we too
Ragini looks around to find Laksh but he was not there. She tries to ask them about him by signing towards her nuptial chain.
Naina: di, what are you trying to say? We know your nuptial chain is beautiful.
Ragini hits her palm on her forehead.
Misha: di speak from your mouth na.
Ragini shakes her head and stamps her feet feeling irritated.
Just then Swasan too comes there.
Swara: what's going on guys?
Ryan: bhabhi is trying to say something but we're not getting it. She's not speaking.
Sanskar: what's wrong bhabhi? Are you feeling any pain in your throat?
Ragini shakes her head in no.
Ragini (in mind): where's that Mr Akdu Maheshwari? All this is happening because of him.
Arjun: bhabhi, have you kept any maun vrat? Why are you not speaking?
Ragini makes an angry face remembering what happened last night. She again signs towards her nuptial chain and her room to know about Laksh but it was of no use.
Arjun: oh, I got it. You want to play dumsharas. Right?
Ragini holds her head feeling frustrated.
All six: then what are you trying to say?
"She's asking about me" comes Laksh's voice from the door.
All turns to look at him.
They then looks at Ragini who nods to them.
Naina: then why she's not saying this from her mouth?
Laksh: because she's ordered to not to speak for a day by me.
All looks on shocked.
All six (shouts): what?
Laksh (keeping his hands on his ears): aahh, don't shout.
Ryan: bhayu, why you did like this with bhabhi?
Ragini too nods in like "ha, ask him".
Ragini (in mind): hamari khushi bardasht kaha hoti hai inse. Jalte hain ye humse. Khud to poora time sadu banke ghoomte hai. (He can't handle my happiness. He's jealous of me.)
She makes faces.
Laksh: don't you feel that she talks too much? Always talking about this and that non stop and eating my brain. So, I gave her tongue a day off.
Ragini glares him while others chuckles.
Arjun: but bhai, how bhabhi will live without talking that too for a whole day?
Ragini (in mind): aww, my lovely BIL. Ask your Akdu brother about it.
Laksh: it's not that tough thing. Let her stay quiet for a day.
He leaves for his room saying this.
Ragini looks at the others with a crying face while they looks at her with sympathy.
Ragini too leaves for the room.
Raglak's room:
Laksh was sitting on the bed taking out his shoes when Ragini enters. Laksh looks at her.
Ragini signs him about where he was.
Laksh: I was just walking around the farmhouse.
Ragini nods and takes out clothes for him. Laksh leaves to take a bath and comes out after some minutes.
Laksh: what's there in breakfast today?
Ragini looks at him angrily.
Laksh (chuckling): oh, I forgot about it.
Ragini gives him pleading looks and signs if she can speak.
But Laksh shakes his head.
Laksh: no ways, I'm feeling so peace today.
Ragini huffs and starts hitting him on his chest.
Laksh loses his balance with her sudden attack and falls on the bed with Ragini over him and her lips directly lands on his neck. Both of them widens their eyes at this.
They becomes numb for a moment.
Laksh comes back to his senses. He flips and comes over her.
Laksh: what are you doing, you idiot girl?
Ragini was continuously moving her lips and Laksh was very well understanding that she's cursing him.
Laksh chuckles and get's up. He starts leaving but Ragini holds his hand. He turns to look at her.
Laksh: what?
She signs to something on his neck.
Laksh: arre, we'll talk later. For now I'm feeling hungry.
He leaves from there and Ragini hit's her palm on her head and runs after him.
All were sitting in the hall when Laksh comes there.
Laksh: what's there in breakfast?
Naina turns to look at him.
Naina: jij...
She starts giggling noticing something.
Laksh looks at her confused.
Others too looks at him and starts giggling like Naina.
Laksh (irritated): what's so funny that you all are laughing?
Arjun: aha... bhai in the morning itself. Not bad.
He said in a teasing tone.
Laksh (confused): what in the morning?
Just then Ragini comes there running with her pink face.
All looks at her teasingly.
Ragini glares them controlling her blush. She holds Laksh's hand and was trying to pull him with her.
Laksh: arre wait na. Let me know why they are laughing? Tell me.
He asks to others.
Ragini (in mind): arre hamare patidev agar inhone bata diya na to fir muh chupate firoge. (Oh my husband if they told you then you have to hide your face somewhere.)
Sanskar: bhai, I think bhabhi wants to tell you something.
He says chuckling.
Laksh looks at them angrily.
Laksh: what the hell is happening here? Will someone do the honor of telling me?
Ragini uses her full strength and pulls him with her to their room.
Other bursts out in laughter.
Raglak's room:
Laksh: arre, why are you pulling me like this? What's wrong with you idiot?
Ragini makes him stand infront of the mirror and points towards his neck.
Laksh looks at his neck shocked.
Ragini's lipstick mark was there.
He then looks at Ragini who was looking away with a red face.
Laksh: what the hell? Why didn't you tell me about it? They were laughing on me.
Ragini turns to him angrily and signs towards her mouth.
Laksh hit's his palm on his head and vanishes to the washroom.
Ragini chuckles.
Ragini (in mind): he's shooo cute.
All were sitting in the garden after their lunch when Kabeer comes there.
Kabeer: hey guys...
All: hello
But Laksh doesn't give any heed to him.
Kabeer: hi angel...
Ragini nods her head smiling.
Kabeer: why are you not speaking anything?
Laksh: she's not speaking that means she don't want to talk to you.
Kabeer: really angel? You don't want to talk to me? But what I did?
He asks shocked.
Ragini shakes her head in no and looks at Laksh angrily.
Laksh shrugs his shoulders.
Others tells Kabeer about the reason behind Ragini's silence.
Kabeer: ohhh, zalim pati.
Ragini nods in agreement while Laksh glares Kabeer. Others laughs hard.
Suddenly Ragini get's an idea in her naughty brain. She get's up and holds Kabeer's hand and leaves from there.
Laksh looks on shocked. He too runs after them.
Others looks at them confused.
Ragini was walking in the farmhouse with Kabeer and was laughing on the jokes he was cracking.
Kabeer: you know only last year of my MBA is left then I'll get free from the studies.
He says happily.
Ragini chuckles.
Laksh comes there and holds Ragini's hand and pulls her towards himself.
Kabeer smirks.
Laksh: what are you doing here with him? Let's go.
Ragini shakes her head and was trying to free her hand from him.
Kabeer (controlling his laugh): why are you forcing her dude?
Laksh (gritting his teeth): it's none of your business.
He pulls Ragini away from there.
Kabeer bursts out in a fits of laughter.
Kabeer: I have never seen someone this much possessive about his wife in my whole life. He looks so cute when he feels jealous and I love to make him jealous.
He leaves from there laughing.
Ragini was standing in front of Laksh with an angry face and was asking him why he did like that, ofcourse through actions😄.
Laksh: what? I'm not understanding what you are trying to say?
He lied.
Ragini rolls her eyes at his fake innocence.
Just then the others comes there.
Arjun: bhai bhabhi let's go up on the mountains. The sunset view from there is just awesome.
All: yess...
Laksh was about to say something but Ragini holds his hand and gives him a pleading look.
Laksh: okay...
All jumps in happiness and leaves the farmhouse and starts walking up to the mountain.
They were chatting and giggling and enjoying the moment.
Swasan were walking with their hands intertwined with each other's.
Ragini looks at them and then at Laksh. Laksh too looks at what she was looking. He smiles lightly and intertwines his hand with her's. Ragini smiles widely.
Others too noticed that.
Misha: uhm... let's go in different directions and we'll see who reaches there first.
She said it intentionally to give some quality time to Raglak.
All nods unterstanding her motive and goes in different directions.
Misha pulls Ryan with her.
Raglak, Swasan, Arna and Risha were on different ways now.
Swasan's side:
Both were walking enjoying the beauty of nature when Sanskar stops suddenly. Swara looks at him confused.
Swara: what happened Sanskar?
Sanskar: Swara, you said about some surprise. Where's that?
Swara: wo, I said that only to divert your mind.
She chuckles.
Sanskar: but I want something now.
Swara: what?
Sanskar pulls her closer and seals his lips with hers.
Risha's side:
Ryan: oh, you chipkali why you pulled me here?
Misha shakes her head in disbelief.
Misha: you bandar, I wanted di and jiju to spend some time together. We were kabab mein haddi there.
Ryan nods.
Misha: waise, I wonder how your wife will tolerate you all her life? She'll die of boredom. You're such a kachcha nimbu in romantic things.
She laughs at him.
Ryan: oh, don't judge me like that. You haven't seen my romantic side till now.
He said without thinking and mentally slaps himself after realising.
Misha looks at him with wide eyes.
Misha: omg omg, you can be romantic? I want a demo.
She says exitedly.
Ryan: shut up. Only my wife will get the demo. I can't romance with a chipkali.
Misha glares him and Ryan shows his tongue out at her and starts running. Misha was running after him.
Arna's side:
Both were walking talking about random things. Arjun was enjoying Naina's company. Suddenly Naina's leg gets twisted.
Naina: aahhh...
Arjun (concerned): what happened?
Naina shows towards her leg.
Arjun makes her sit properly and removes her bellie.
Naina was crying in pain.
Arjun: shh... don't cry. Let me see it.
He holds her leg in his hands.
Arjun: look at me.
Naina looks at him.
Arjun makes funny faces to divert her mind.
Naina starts laughing and getting a chance he twists her leg.
Naina shouts and hit's him. Arjun bites on his tongue.
Arjun: wait na, now see if it's paining?
Naina moves her leg and she was not feeling any pain.
She hugs him in happiness.
Arjun get's freezed by her move.
Realising what she did Naina breaks the hug and stands up.
Naina: uhm... chale.
But she gets no response from him. She shakes him lightly.
Arjun: uhmm... haa... yess...
Naina: let's go.
She says smiling.
Arjun get's up scratching the back of his head and starts walking with her smiling maniacally.
Raglak's side:
Both were walking silently with their hands intertwined in each other's. Ragini keeps her head on his shoulder. Laksh smiles at this.
Long chapter😁💃.
Please vote and comment if you liked it😊.
Next part can be a little late this time.
Next: the sunset view and Laksh missing Ragini's bakbak😉.
Ignore any mistakes.
Thank u🤗
Be happy always😀
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