Part - 74
Heya all my lovely readers 🙋
Thank you soooooo much for all your love for the story.
Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.
Raglak's room:
Laksh was sleeping peacefully but our Ragini was not getting any sleep due to excitement.
Ragini: Laksh...
No response.
Ragini: Laksh...
Again no response.
Ragini (shaking him a little): Laksh...
Laksh (in sleep): hmm...
Ragini: Laksh listen na...
But got no reaction from him.
Ragini (shaking him with all her strength): Laksh....
Laksh get's up with a jerk.
Laksh (scared): wh.. what happened? Why are you shouting in the middle of the night?
Ragini (pouting): I'm not getting any sleep.
Laksh: what the hell? You woke me up because you're not getting any sleep.
Ragini nods.
Laksh: so, should I sing a lullaby for you?
He asks irritated.
Ragini (happily): good idea.
Laksh looks at her shocked.
Laksh: are you crazy? Just sleep and let me sleep.
Ragini looks at him angrily and get's up from the bed. She goes towards the balcony and sits on the couch there.
Laksh: what happened to her now? Koi aatma to nahi a gayi?
He too goes there lazily.
Laksh: why are you sitting here?
Ragini: I'm not getting any sleep due to excitement then what should I do?
Laksh shakes his head in disbelief.
Laksh: come on, get up and move to bed.
Ragini shakes her head in no.
Laksh (in an ordering tone): I guess you didn't hear what I said?
Ragini looks at him irritated.
She get's up and stamps her feet in anger. She goes to the bed and lays down.
Laksh follows.
Ragini: you're bad.
Laksh: thanks for the appreciation.
Ragini (angrily): I'll not hug you now.
Laksh frowns.
Laksh: really?
Ragini nods.
He moves towards her and hugs her tightly.
Laksh: now say!!
Ragini looks on shocked and surprised. She was trying to push him.
Laksh: try as much as you can.
Ragini pouts being unsuccessful.
Ragini: don't try to dominate me.
Laksh rolls his eyes at her statement.
Laksh: really, I'm dominating you?
Ragini nods. She starts hitting him with her hands.
Ragini: now, see my power.
Laksh (in mind): god, my wife has another level of madness.
Laksh: stop it. You mad woman.
Ragini looks at him angrily and starts hitting him more hard.
Laksh even got a few scratches on his face because of her bangles.
Laksh (shouts): stooop....
He holds her hand tightly, glaring her. In the process her bangles breaks.
Ragini: aah...
Laksh: what happened?
He looks at her hand.
Laksh: oh my god!! It's bleeding. (angrily) Mil gayi shaanti ab?
Ragini looks at him with watery eyes. Laksh sighs. He makes her sit properly and takes away the broken bangles.
Laksh: wait, I'll bring first aid kit.
He runs towards the drawer and takes out the first aid kit.
Ragini's heart was jumping seeing his concern.
Laksh: show me your hand.
Ragini shakes her head.
Laksh: don't make me more angry.
He holds her hand forcefully and applies ointment on it.
Ragini (crying but it was more fake now😝): it's paining.
Laksh: sshhh... it'll pain a little.
After completing, he looks at her.
Laksh (concerned): is it paining much?
Ragini nods.
Laksh: you're not a kid anymore to do these things.
He says angrily.
Ragini: now, don't shout on me after taking out your work.
Laksh: my work?
Ragini: ya, you applied ointment without my wish. Apna kaam ban gaya na.
She says looking at him with a cute angry face.
Laksh hits his head on the headboard of the bed.
Laksh: god, kill me please.
He get's up and drinks some water.
Laksh: I'll not get any sleep now.
Ragini: hehe... same here.
Laksh glares her.
She shows him all her pearls in return.
Both of them lays down on the bed but sleep was far away from them.
Next day:
Trio brothers were waiting for Raglak to come downstairs. They were all set to leave.
Finally they comes down.
Ryan: bhayu bhabhi why you got this much late today? And bhayu what happened to your face? These scratches...
Ragini looks at his face.
Ragini (in mind): oh no... these scratches came because of me. He'll kill me now.
Laksh (angrily): all because of your not so sweet and not so lovely bhabhi. She became a wild cat last night.
He says passing daggers at her.
The brothers looks at them confused.
Ragini: what was my fault ha? I was not getting any sleep and I shared it with you then Mr Maheshwari got in his most favorite mood and...
Laksh: what mood? The fault was yours only. Why you went to the couch?
Ragini: why you ordered me to go to bed? Why you hugged me when I was angry on you?
Laksh: I just hugged you but you started that game of power and domination.
Ragini: you broke my bangles in your aggressiveness.
Laksh (in mind): seriously, she's calling my self defense as aggressiveness?
He gives her an unbelievable look.
Laksh: it was also your fault. You can't stop your childishness in any situation.
Ragini: and what about when you shouted on me after taking out your work?
Laksh: it was not my work only. Don't call it my work again and again. You needed that.
Ragini: I never needed that.
Laksh: really? Then why you let me do it?
Ragini: I'm scared of your anger na. I knew if I'll not do what you say then you'll get mad at me.
Laksh shakes his head glaring her.
While fighting, they both didn't think about the brothers who were listening to them with their jaws touching the ground and were getting some other images of their last night😂😜 due to their most wrong choices of words😂.
Inbetween their talks Arjun kept his hands on Ryan's ears😂.
Trio looks at Raglak and then at each other with their red faces. They gives each other looks like "have they lost their senses?".
Arjun (in mind): mood, hug, wild cat, domination game, broken bangles, aggressiveness, needs.... omg.... Bachcho ki jaan loge kya....
Arjun: bhai bhabhi please stop it. I'm feeling like blushing.
Ryan and Sanskar: we too
Raglak (confused): why?
They looks at each other angrily.
Sanskar (in mind): they're behaving so innocent after singing their night story in front of us.
Laksh: let's go. Already we're late because of someone.
Ragini makes faces.
In the car:
Raglak were sitting at the back seat. Arjun was driving while Ryan was sitting on the passenger seat. Laksh was feeling tired because of not sleeping properly so he was not driving. Sanskar was in the different car with the Gadodia sisters.
Laksh was relaxing with closed eyes.
Arjun: now?
Laksh (still with closed eyes): right...
Ragini looks at him surprised.
Ragini (in mind): his eyes are closed na, then how?
Laksh: aage se left...
Ragini looks at him with an open mouth.
Ragini (in mind): am I married to a robot?
She shakes her head at the thought.
Finally, they reaches their destination. Sankar's car too reaches there.
All of them comes out of the car. They looks at the farmhouse and the place.
The farmhouse was on a hilly area. There was mountains and greenery everywhere.
Ragini: the place is so beautiful.
She says smiling.
All nods. They goes inside.
Sanskar: let's take rest for sometime then we'll go to see the farmhouse.
Everyone nods in agreement and leaves for their rooms to take some rest after such a long drive. Arjun shows a room to three of the sisters.
Raglak's room:
Ragini looks at the room with her big eyes.
The room was beyond beautiful with modern design. There was a small swimming pool attached to it. Only a glass door was inbetween the two.
Ragini: it's just awesome.
Laksh lays down on the bed and closes his eyes. Ragini looks at him making faces.
Ragini: boring Maheshwari
She too sits on the bed to take some rest after all she needs energy to enjoy to the fullest.
I'm so so so so.... sorry for wasting your time with this useless part😶. Please don't kill me for it🙏.
Rivals will be the next and after that I'll not be able to update for some days due to some reasons.
Please vote and comment.
Next: horse riding with hubby😉 and a new entry to boil Laksh's blood😝.
Ignore any mistakes.
Thank u🤗
Be happy always😀
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