Part - 73
Hello all my dear readers 🙋.
Thank you soooooo.... much for all your love for the story.
Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.
Next morning-
Raglak's room:
Laksh opened his eyes and was looking at his wife who was holding him tight. He was smiling unknowingly to himself. Many things were changing in him and his life which he was not realising.
He chuckles remembering his wife's "I'm not talking to you mission".
He was trying to get free from her hold.
Ragini (in sleep): no... let me shleeep... na.
Laksh shakes his head in disbelief.
Laksh: get up. You need to go to office.
Ragini: I don't want to go.
Laksh chuckles.
Laksh: why?
Ragini: because today I have to go to your office na.
Laksh (confused): why mine?
Ragini: because there is a sur....
Before completing the sentence the reality strikes her and she get's up with a jerk.
Laksh: why you'll come to my office?
Ragini: if you can come to mine then why can't I?
She asks with a raised eyebrow.
Laksh: okay, I don't have any problem with it.
He get's up from the bed. Ragini takes a breath of relief.
Ragini (in mind): thank god I didn't spit it out otherwise my brother in laws would have killed me.
Laksh was still standing and was not leaving to the washroom.
Ragini: what happened?
Laksh: you didn't take out clothes for me na.
He's getting addicted to everything she do for him😉.
Ragini smiles at this. She get's up and takes out clothes for him.
Ragini: here...
She hands over the clothes to him.
Laksh leaves to take a bath.
At the breakfast table:
Arjun: bhai, I'll come to office today.
Other's were having normal looks on their faces as if they already knew about it but it was not expected for Laksh. He started coughing badly listening to him. The food got stuck in his throat.
Ragini immediately makes him drink the water and rubs his back.
Ragini: you okay?
Laksh nods.
Laksh: Aru, don't say these type of jokes while eating.
Everyone chuckles.
Arjun pouts.
Arjun: bhai, I'm not joking. I'll come to office with you today.
Laksh: god, how this miracle happened?
Everyone laughs again.
Arjun: yesterday I got bored at home. So, I'll accompany you today.
Laksh nods still not satisfied with his reason.
Sanskar: bhai, Rey have some work at xyz place. So, I'll leave with him and will join you in the office.
Laksh looks at Ryan.
Laksh: what's that work about which you can't tell me?
Ryan: nothing much bhayu, it's just related to my next semester.
Laksh nods.
Sanskar and Ryan stands up and starts leaving. They shows thumbs up to Ragini and Arjun who nods to them in return.
Laksh: let's go.
Laksh was about to sit on the driving seat...
Arjun: bhai, I'll drive.
Laksh: but you don't know driving?
Arjun: so you teach me na.
Laksh: is it the time to teach you driving? I'll get late for the office.
Ragini and Arjun (murmurs): that's what we want.
Laksh: what?
Ragini and Arjun: nothing
Arjun: bhai please I'm your cute little baby brother please... I want to learn driving. All my girlfriends makes fun of me that I don't know driving. I know a little about it. You just need to teach me once. Please.... I'll be a good student.
Laksh rolls his eyes at his overacting.
Ragini: look Laksh how much he's pleading. Let him do it na.
Laksh: okay, fine.
Both Ragini and Arjun grins widely.
Arjun moves towards the driving seat and sit's on it. Laksh sit's at the passenger seat while Ragini was at the back seat.
Laksh (thinks): don't know who's going to leave the world today.
Laksh: hmm, so first thing you should do to drive is...
Ragini: you should sit on the driving seat.
Arjun nods while Laksh gives her a look like "seriously".
Ragini nods cutely.
Laksh (rolling his eyes): I'm proud of you.
Ragini: thank you... thank you...
Laksh shakes his head in disbelief.
Laksh: you should focus on the road and driving not here and there. Got it!!
Arjun nods.
//Learning driving is not an easy task. I got so many scoldings when I learned driving😁😝//
Laksh tells him about breaks, accelerator, gears and all. And finally Arjun starts the car.
Laksh prays to god for their well being
Arjun: bhai...
Laksh: ha...
Arjun: I didn't get one thing.
Laksh: what?
Arjun: why there are only six gears maximum? I mean if we want to drive in higher speed then we don't have any option na.
He says pouting.
Ragini: good question Aru. Ha Laksh why so?
She asks to Laksh, peeping from the back seat.
Laksh holds his head.
Laksh (in mind): god, from where I got stuck in between these two crack pieces of my life. Both are same.
Laksh (irritated): it's a car not an aeroplane. Now stop eating my brain and focus on driving.
Arjun nods gulping.
Ragini: Laksh, one question from me pleach...
Laksh (sighing): ask...
Ragini: an aeroplane has gears?
Arjun laughs at her question while Laksh hit's his palm on his forehead.
Laksh: am I a pilot?
Ragini shakes her head in no.
Ragini: no, you're a business man.
Laksh: then why are you asking me? Now, just keep quiet. Don't increase my blood pressure.
Ragini nods pouting.
For about fifteen minutes Arjun was driving in their house's compound and then finally they left for the office.
He was driving very slow.
Laksh (in mind): till tomorrow we'll definitely reach office.
Many times Laksh has to control on the steering but Arjun was not that bad learner and he already knew basics.
Finally after one and half hour they reached office.
Laksh (sarcastically): finally, you covered the distance of forty five minutes in one and half hour. Congratulations.
Ragini and Arjun chuckles.
Trio comes out of the car and enters inside the office.
Laksh was shocked finding dark in the office. All lights were off.
Laksh: what's this? Where's the staff and others?
He felt Ragini and Arjun moved away from him.
Laksh: where you both are going?
But he got no response.
Laksh: what the hell is...
Suddenly all the lighs turned on and Laksh saw all the staff, his brothers, his sister in laws and his wife standing right in front of him with their smiling faces. He looked around. Whole office was decorated decently just like he loves.
"Congratulations on completing ten years in business sir/jiju/bhai/Laksh" they all said at the same time.
Laksh smiles widely at them. Why not? It's his achievement, only his. Only he knows how he has reached here.
Laksh: thank you. You all are the reason for all this.
They smiles at him.
Ryan: come on bhayu let's cut the cake.
They takes him towards the table and he cuts the cake. He feeds his SILs and brothers and they too feeds him back. Laksh turns to look at his wife.
He finds her standing at a little distance, smiling at her husband's success and achievement with all her heart.
He moves towards her with a piece of cake in his hand.
Laksh passes the cake to her but she opens her mouth to him. Laksh smiles and feeds her with his hands.
Ragini: congratulations on completing your successful ten years in the business world my love.
She too feeds him smiling broadly.
When she said those words Laksh felt like the happiest person in the world. His smile grew wider. Everyone congratulated him but her wishes were something special for him. He was not able to understand the difference but there was a difference for sure. His thoughts were broken by the voices around him.
Ragini was looking at the office staff, especially at the girls.
Ragini (in mind): most of them are beautiful but not more than me, huh.
She chuckles at her own thought.
Laksh was looking at everyone smiling.
His staff was surprised seeing this side of their boss.
Finally, after sometime everyone went to Laksh's cabin.
Laksh's cabin:
All were sitting here and there.
Laksh: why you guys didn't tell me about it?
Misha: it was a surprise jiju.
Sanskar: and if we would have told you then you wouldn't have let us do anything.
Everyone laughs.
Laksh: now, I understand why you were trying to waste time when we were coming to the office.
He says to Arjun.
Arjun nods biting on his tongue.
Ryan: but I think the celebration should be more grand after all it's not a small thing.
Laksh: there's no need for that. It's enough.
Everyone looks at him sadly.
Sanskar: so girls, let's go. We'll show you our office.
The girls nods and all started leaving. Ragini was also leaving with them but...
Arjun: bhabhi, what you'll do seeing the office? You stay here.
Ragini looks at him confused. Before she could say something they left.
Laksh looks at Ragini.
Laksh: so, you're not angry on me now?
He asks wriggling his eyebrows.
Ragini: nothing matters to me in front of your happiness.
She replied with her most beautiful smile.
Laksh's heart skipped a beat listening to her.
"Why he's this much important to her that she don't care about anything else when it comes to him? How could she love him like this even when he's not doing anything special or different for her? What's this thing called LOVE which makes someone else more important than yourself or anyone or anything?" this was something he wanted to know badly.
He moves towards her smiling while Ragini was looking at him confused.
Laksh stops right in front of her and hugs her tightly.
//I just love this scene yaar. The way he hugged her smiling idiotically😍❤//
Ragini looks on shocked, surprised, happy and what not?
Ragini smiles brightly and hugs him back.
She didn't say anything or asked him any questions about his action because she didn't want to spoil that special moment by making him feel awkward or anything. So, she controlled herself from saying anything or teasing him.
He breaks the hug after some seconds.
Laksh: hmm, so don't you want to see the office?
Ragini nods.
Both of them started leaving.
Laksh (in mind): why I hugged her all of a sudden? What's wrong with me?
Next day's night-
All were sitting in the hall all excited for their holidays which they are going to spend away from every tension or work.
Ryan: bhabhi, you know we have so many horses in our farmhouse. We'll ride on them.
He says with excitement written on his face.
Ragini nods happily.
Arjun: omg!! I'm so excited.
All: we too.
Laksh: so, go and sleep now. We have to leave early tomorrow.
Everyone wishes good night to each other and leaves for their respective rooms.
Raglak's room:
Ragini: I packed everything which we'll need. I can't wait for tomorrow.
She says with so much excitement and a big smile.
Laksh: hmm, but you have to wait till tomorrow.
Ragini nods pouting.
Laksh: come and sleep now otherwise you'll do drama in waking up.
Ragini nods and get's on the bed. She hugs him.
Ragini: good night my love.
Laksh: good night.
Laksh always feels an indescribable happiness in his heart whenever she calls him "her love". His heart always starts racing at her words. He feels like listening it again and again from her. But he never thinks much about all these things. He let the things go as they're going and that's the reason he's not realising anything. He's not finding answers to his questions.
He too closes his eyes and slowly drifts into sleep.
Long chappy 😇😁
So, what would you like to say about the changing behavior and feelings of Laksh?
Which one next?
Please vote and comment.
Next: holiday fun begins...
You're gonna enjoy these holidays of theirs for sure. It'll be full of surprises and fun😎.
Those who were waiting to see a jealous Laksh from long there's a good news for them😁. Your wait is coming to an end. Get ready to see jealous Laksh Maheshwari in the upcoming parts😉😎.
Ignore any mistakes.
Thank u🤗
Be happy always😀
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