Part - 66
Hello everyone 🙋.
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Ragini turns towards Laksh with a shocked expression on her face. She was not believing her ears.
Ragini (in mind): did he just say Ragini?
Laksh: what happened? What are you thinking?
Ragini: what you said? Say it again.
Laksh: what happened? What are you thinking?
Ragini: arre, before that.
Laksh: what I said before that? Hmm, give me a glass of water.
Ragini huffs.
Ragini: after that.
Laksh: after that. I don't remember.
He says irritated.
Ragini (angrily): Laksh...
Laksh: Ragini...
Ragini was blinking her eyes at him.
She was feeling like flying hearing her name from her love for the first time. Her eyes were shining.
Laksh (confused): what happened to you?
Ragini: you just called me by my name for the first time.
She says happily.
Laksh was surprised with her words and her behavior.
Laksh (in mind): does it matter this much to her?
Laksh: I wanted to ask you something. This one question is not leaving my mind from the time I have got up.
Ragini nods in a way like "continue".
Laksh: how you... I mean how you came to know that something was going to happen to me? Why you got that nightmare? Why only you not me or anyone else?
He says with a confused look on his face.
Ragini smiles at his questions.
Ragini: maybe because I LOVE YOU ❤.
She says with a breath taking smile on her beautiful face.
Laksh was shocked to hell listening it. He was not believing what he just heard. He was trying to figure out whether he heard it right or not.
Ragini: yes, you heard it right. I LOVE YOU that's why I can feel about everything related to you.
Laksh was having nothing to say. He was still in the shock.
"She loves me. Why? how? from when?"
Finally, after a few minutes he came out of the shock.
Laksh: but I don't...
He was cut by Ragini.
Ragini: I know you don't love me and I'm not forcing you to love me back. I love you and will always love you. No matter what comes in the way but I'll never stop loving you.
She was leaving him with no words.
Laksh: but why do you love me? I mean what I have done to you that you love me? I always get angry on you, shout on you. I never bothered about you. Then, why you love me?
He asks whatever questions were coming in his mind.
Ragini smiles a little.
Ragini: I know you always get angry on me, shout on me, glare me, scold me. But you know what these are the things which I like in you most. I know it sounds weird and insane but I love you like this only. You are different from everyone and I don't want you to change ever. You are the best man I could get. You love your brothers more than your life and that shows that you too have a heart and emotions. I know you don't believe in things like love and I'm not forcing you to believe in it. It's totally your opinion. You are Akdu but my Akdu. I know everything about you and after knowing you I love you more and more. You are mine for every birth. You're reserved for me. (she says chuckling) I can never get tired of saying that I love you Mr Laksh Maheshwari. I love you from moon to the stars. I love you from earth to the sky. I love you from my heart to the soul. I can die for you and also can kill for you. I can happily die for your cute smile. I can go to any extent for you. You have become my heartbeat and I can't live without you. I don't want to. I love you and will keep loving you forever and ever. No matter if you love me or not but you can't get rid of me.
Laksh was too numb to react. His body got freezed.
"She loves him beyond anyone's imagination."
"Bhai" says Arjun entering in the room.
Laksh: Aru, come later.
Arjun nods confused and leaves without saying anything.
Laksh: from when all this is going on?
Ragini (looking away): from our very first meeting.
Laksh's eyes popped out of the socket.
Laksh: whaaatttt?
Ragini: arre relax, I was attracted to you from the first day of our meeting in the college. And with each and every meeting with you I started to fall for you more and more. Now, I'm head over heels in love with you. And you know what you only made me realize my love for you.
Laksh looks at her shocked.
Laksh (confused): me? How? When?
Ragini tells him about the incident when she was imagining Laksh everywhere and the way he was talking to her and was asking questions about her feelings towards him.
//I hope you all remember about it😁.//
She was also remembering that day with a never ending smile on her face because on that day only she realized her love for him.
Laksh looks at her with an open mouth.
Laksh: you mean to say that an imaginary Laksh Maheshwari made you realize your love for the real Laksh Maheshwari?
Ragini: yup...
Laksh: you're antique. But I still didn't get why you love me? What's there in me that you love me?
Ragini: love never happens after thinking. It just happens. And about what I love in you..... (She smiles) I love the way you take care of your younger brothers. I loved to know that you took their responsibility from the very young age. I love it when you think about my sisters and their happiness. I love it when you show your rights on me, like on that day in my office. I loved it when you said that I'm and will always be the only woman in your life. I loved to know that my happiness matters to you. I love your stubbornness. I love your aggressiveness but not always. (she makes a cute pout) I love your care towards me. I love your possession on me. I love your smile. I love your glares. I love your frowns. I love your sarcastic comments. I love your handsome face. I love your fit and well built body. (she says smiling sheepishly) I love your small and sweet gesture for me. I love your self confidence. I love your ordering nature. I love your ego. I love your attitude. I love your smirks. I love to fight with you. I love your pout which I saw for the first time today. I love each and everything related to you. I love each and every shade of yours. Last and the most important I love your heart and soul.
She says with a cute little smile on her lips.
Laksh was feeling goosebumps with her each and every word. His heart was racing.
"How could someone love anyone like this?"
Somewhere in his heart he was feeling happy and overwhelmed by her confession.
Laksh: and what if I have got paralyzed after the accident? What if my face was burnt in the accident?
Ragini first glares him for saying all that and then smiles a little.
Ragini: I love your soul more than your body and your looks Mr Laksh Maheshwari.
She again leaves him speechless.
Laksh takes a few deep breaths.
Laksh: I don't know what to say. I don't have anything to say but I'll say one thing for sure that you are just out of this world. I can't understand you. But from now, I'll try my best to keep you safe and happy always. I'll stand by your side in every situation. This is Laksh Maheshwari's promise.
He passes her his sweetest smile.
Ragini was overwhelmed with it.
Ragini: and that's enough for me. I also wanted to ask you something.
Laksh nods.
Ragini: why you said sorry on the day of your accident?
Laksh: when a person is on the death bed then all his mistakes comes in front of his eyes. At that time I was feeling like I'll never come back from the OT. I was feeling helpless seeing my brothers and you crying. I was feeling guilty for spoiling your life by marrying you. That's why I thought to apologize to you before leaving the world.
Ragini was having tears in her eyes by now.
Ragini: and what made you think that you spoiled my life by marrying me?
Laksh: leaving my wife forever only after a few weeks of marriage. Isn't it the most worst thing a husband can do to his wife?
Ragini takes a deep breath and wipes her tears.
Ragini: first of all I was damn sure and determined that nothing will happen to you and if.... (she pauses) if anything would have happened to you then I would have died the next second. No one can live without their heart and heartbeat. Can anyone?
Laksh again goes numb by her words. He was not understanding what to say and how to react. He composes himself after a few seconds.
Laksh: come here.
Ragini goes towards him.
Laksh hugs her tightly, using his right hand.
Ragini was speechless with his action. She smiles and Laksh breaks the hug after some seconds.
Ragini: I'll bring you something to eat.
Laksh nods and closes his eyes.
Ragini starts leaving but turns.
Ragini: Laksh...
Laksh: ya...
Ragini: Laksh...
Laksh: hmm...
Ragini: Laksh...
He opens his eyes.
Laksh (irritated): what Ragini?
Ragini smiles widely while Laksh looks at her confused. She leaves from there.
Laksh smiles understanding what just happened.
Laksh: so, she wanted to hear her name from my mouth again.
He shakes his head in disbelief.
Laksh: she loves me more than anything. Even more than her life. I still can't believe it. I'm still feeling goosebumps all over my body. This chatter box loves me. Is it a dream? (he pinches himself) Ouch, it's true. How can she love my anger, my stubbornness, my aggressiveness and all the things which people normally hate and no girl wants these things to be in her husband? But how can I forget that she's not normal? (he says chuckling) Now I understood why she was crying for me that day? Why she cares for me? Why she used to wait for me to come back from the office and eat with her? Do I deserve her love or her? I must say that I'm very lucky to get her as my life. (he says smiling) She really loves me yaar and I never cared about her feelings or her. But not anymore. I may not love her but I'll give her everything she deserves as my wife.
He says determined.
He hears the sound of anklets and smile.
Laksh: here comes the chalta-phirta(moving) chatter box.
Ragini: Laksh, drink this pomegranate juice and eat these fruits.
Laksh takes the glass from her and drinks it.
Laksh (eating fruits): call the three idiots.
Ragini chuckles.
Trio brothers enters smiling sheepishly.
Laksh: Rey Aru bring your books and study here, infront of my eyes.
Arjun's face falls while Ryan smiles.
Laksh: Sanky, you also start with the office and give me my laptop I'll start my work as well.
All looks at him shocked.
All four: no ways!!
Laksh: what?
Ragini: you can't start working this much soon. It'll affect your brain.
Laksh: I'm fine.
Ragini shakes her head.
Ragini: you better listen to me or I'll take you back to the hospital.
Laksh looks at her with wide eyes.
Laksh (gritting his teeth): you...
Sanskar: bhai, it's the matter of two weeks only. Then you can work on the PC but only in the house. You'll not go to office before two months.
All four nods in agreement.
Laksh looks at him shocked.
Laksh: two months???
He literally shouts.
All four: yup...
Laksh: shut up. I'll take rest only for 20 days more and then I'll join the office again and I want my laptop in 10 days. Even 20 days are looking very much to me.
All rolls their eyes at him.
Ragini: but it'll take a month for the plaster to remove.
Laksh: ok, then one month. Not more than that.
The four were about to open their mouths to say something but...
Laksh (sternly): and no more discussions.
All four shuts their mouths sadly.
Raglak's room:
Laksh was reading a book, half laying on the bed while Ryan and Arjun were studying sitting right in front of him.
Arjun was feeling like sleeping. He yawns.
Laksh looks up at him.
Laksh: dare you sleep.
Arjun pouts and starts studying again.
Ragini enters into the room with a tray in her hands. She smiles looking at the brothers.
Ragini: here, drink this milk and then continue.
Laksh: no, give them coffee they'll feel more sleepy after drinking milk.
Ragini nods. She passes one glass of milk to Laksh and leaves to make coffee.
She comes back after sometime and gives coffee to Arjun and Ryan. She sits at the other side of the bed.
Arjun and Ryan get's up after sometime.
Laksh: where?
Ryan: to our rooms. We'll study there.
Laksh: why? Is there any problem in studying here?
Arjun: but you should take rest and bhabhi also need to sleep.
Laksh looks at Ragini who was sleeping in the sitting position.
Laksh: ok, but dare you both sleep before 3 and especially you.
He says looking at Arjun.
Both of them nods and leaves the room.
Laksh stretches his hand towards Ragini and shakes her.
Laksh: Ragini...
Ragini opens her eyes.
Ragini: hmm...
Laksh: sleep properly.
He keeps the book aside and lays down. Ragini turns off the lights. She moves closer to Laksh.
Ragini: I can't hug you now but I'll sleep closer to you.
Laksh looks at her shocked.
Laksh: that means you always used to hug me knowingly.
Ragini nods innocently. Laksh rolls his eyes at her.
Soon both of them falls asleep with no worries in their hearts. Ragini was happy that she told her heart out to him.
So, how was Ragini's confession? Please comment about it.
Guys, I want to inform you that I'll not be able to update regularly now because my sessionals are going to start soon and I have to start studying. After that final exams are there😑. So, it's not possible for me to post regularly. I'll update whenever I'll get time.
Next: the culprit
Ignore any mistakes.
Thank u🤗
Be happy always😀
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