Part - 30
Hlo dearies 🙋
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Ragini was sitting on her bed keeping both her palms on her face. She was blushing really hard.
Ragini: oh god, what I did today? He must be hell angry on me. (pouts) But it was not totally my fault I didn't know that he was here. Hehe, his angry red face was worth watching. Now, I have to take these stupid self defense classes. That man clearly warned me. (immitaing Laksh) If anyone do any drama then directly call me. Akdu.
Laksh is seen sitting in his cabin.
Laksh: that girl is totally crack. Don't know when she'll grow up? Always behaving like a child. (he holds his head) And the most hilarious fact is that I have to tolerate her life long. Till now I have to take care of three idiots and after marrying her one more idiot will be added. She can't even wake up herself. One is needed to wake her up. She's so unique, out of the world. I really doubt the fact that she alone takes care of their business and her fashion house too. Indeed she's talented. Her work shows that but very immature and childish. Hope she'll change a little after marriage.
Next day:
"Yes, now do it like this" said the girl trainer to Naina while giving her tips to trick a person.
Naina was trying to do as said with proper focus.
BT: Misha, make a tight fist and hit it on this punching bag with full force thinking it a bad boy whom you don't like.
Misha smirks hearing it.
Swara: about whom you're thinking?
Misha: I'm thinking about that bandar Ryan.
Ragini: hey, don't call my Rey bandar.
Misha (pouting): di, you changed party. That's really bad. From now only you're taking side of your brother in law.
Ragini: because he's a good boy.
Misha makes faces hearing it.
Swara was stretching herself before starting with the training when her phone rings. She goes to a side.
Swara: Sanskar, call after sometime. I'm busy now.
Sanskar: achcha, which work is important to you more than me?
Swara: don't you know I'm taking self defense classes at my home? Now if you ever tried to dominate me then I'll not leave you.
Sanskar (thinks gulping): bhai, what you did?
Swara: now where are you lost?
Sanskar: no where, I'm here only.
Swara: ok then bye, talk to you later.
She cuts the call.
Our Ragini was sitting on the floor huffing after skipping for 3-4 minutes😂.
GT: Ragini mam get up. We have to proceed further and you didn't even do 40 skippings.
Ragini (glaring): can't you see I'm taking rest?
GT: but...
Ragini: no if no but. I'm not going to do anything. I'm leaving for my room.
BT: but Laksh sir has strictly warned us not to left our work incomplete. You should cooperate with us.
Ragini: don't you know that man is mad? So, don't take his words seriously.
Her sisters looks at her horribly.
Trio: di...
Ragini: I'm going.
She was leaving but stopped hearing something.
BT: sir, Ragini mam is not listening to us and is not doing her training.
Laksh (gritting his teeth): this woman never listen to anyone. Give the phone to her.
He goes to Ragini.
BT: mam, sir wants to talk to you.
Ragini passes daggers to him while her sisters laughs at her condition.
Ragini: he... hello...
Laksh: why are you not listening to them?
Ragini (innocently): arre, they are lying. It's not like that.
Laksh (frowning): really, and why they'll do so?
Ragini: uhm, because they don't like me.
Laksh rolls his eyes at her.
Laksh: stop your nonsense excuses and do what they say. Otherwise, I'll come there and will make sure you do it for two more hours.
Ragini (gulps): nooo no need for it. I'll do it. I'm doing it. You don't need to come.
Laksh: good...
And he disconnects the call.
Ragini glares the trainer.
BT: let's start otherwise I'll call sir again and will tell him that you were calling him mad.
Ragini closes her eyes to control and looks at her sisters who were laughing at her while doing their training.
Ragini: ok. Tell me what I have to do?
Some days passed with not much contact of Raglak with each other.
Ragini was thinking of different ways to meet him😂. Laksh was busy with his business.
While Risha were keeping their record of not to leave a single chance of insulting each other and fighting.
Swasan's love was reaching it's heights. They were continuing with their secret meetings, dates, movies and late night talks.
Arna were good friends now. Their bond is increasing day by day. Flirting with Naina has become Arjun's daily routine and Naina don't mind it now. As she has understood that he's like that only but good from heart.
The brothers were sitting at the dining table.
Sanskar: bhai, I think we should do the engagement now. It's been 15 days to roka now.
Laksh looks at him for a few seconds and nods.
Laksh: hmm...
Ryan: wow engagement.
Arjun: we'll do masti, dance yippie.
Sanskar: we should talk to the sisters about it.
Saying this he calls Swara.
Swara: hello...
Sanskar: Swara, everyone there?
Swara: yes...
Sanskar: put the phone on speaker.
And he too does the same.
Trio brothers: hello girls. Hi bhabhi.
Sisters: hi...
Arjun: we wanted to talk something important girls.
Ragini: ya say...
Laksh was least interested in their talks. He was simply sitting, having his breakfast silently.
Ryan: we have talked to the pandit. He said there's a good muhurta for the engagement after three days.
Laksh looks at his brothers shocked.
Laksh (murmurs): they even talked to the pandit about muhurta. Unbelievable!!
Misha: oh that's great.
She hits her shoulder with Ragini's, winking at her.
Ragini blushes a little.
Naina: but isn't it too early?
Laksh (murmurs): only she's intelligent and mature among these all. She's becoming my favorite now.
Arjun: arre Naina, it's not early. Everything will be done. Don't take tension.
Laksh (murmurs): tujhe badi jaldi hai.
Sanskar: bhabhi you're fine with it na? I mean you don't want to say anything?
Laksh (murmurs): ha she'll be perfectly okay with it. After all she'll get my rare O- blood to suck after marrying me.
Ragini: uhm, no I don't have any problem with it.
Laksh (murmurs): I knew it!!
Swara (happily): then it's final. The engagement will be after three days.
All claps happily.
Laksh: before that I have an important work to do.
Finally he spoke instead of murmuring to himself😂.
All: what?
Ragini (in mind): oh god, is he going to make a contract that there will be nothing like husband wife in between us ever? As happens in serials?
Laksh: announcement!!
All (confused): announcement?
Laksh: yes, I have to announce in the business world that I'm going to get engaged with her.
Ragini takes a sigh of relief😂.
Sanskar: ya, that's true.
Laksh: Sanskar, arrange press conference tomorrow.
Sanskar: ok bhai...
Laksh (indirectly to Ragini): you too have to come in it.
Ragini: hmm...
Laksh (strictly): on time!!
Ragini: ok...
Arjun: bye girls
Girls: bye...
Misha was jumping up and down in excitement.
Misha: yeah di's engagement. I'm so happy.
Swara: we all can see how much happy you're.
Naina: we don't have much time. There are many works to do.
Swara and Misha: ya...
Ragini was smiling seeing them and was thinking something which took away her smile.
Ragini (in mind): engagement in three days. After that marriage and I have to leave this house and my sisters. Everything seems too fast. God, don't know what they'll do without me? Who'll take care of them?
She closed her eyes.
Misha shakes her.
Misha: di what happened?
Ragini: nothing...
Swara: don't hide from us di. We know you're tensed for us.
Naina: that after marriage you have to go away then who'll take care of us?
Ragini nods with teary eyes.
Her sisters hugs her.
Misha: di don't cry. Otherwise we'll start crying too.
Naina: waise bhi, there's time in the bidaai.
Swara: and you don't take any tension about us. We'll be fine and you'll come to meet us every week after your marriage. Hai na?
Ragini nods.
She kisses the foreheads of three of them.
Ragini: I love you and I'll always be there for you whenever you'll need me.
Trio: we know and we love you too.
It was dark in the house. There was extreme silence.
Just then the main door of the house opens slowly and someone comes inside. That person closes the door behind not making any sound and starts moving upstairs, trying hard not to make noise. But suddenly the lights goes on and the person gets shocked.
The person turns and is revealed to be................................................. guesss guys😂.
How was this part? Comment about it. And plz vote too.
It's not much long but not short too. Waise bh something is better than nothing 😂.
Ignore grammatical errors.
Next: press conference.
Thank u🤗
Be happy always😀
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