Part - 23
Hlo everyone🙋
Next part is here. After this part ur pov about Laksh will change.
Laksh: what are you waiting for now? Go and sleep. It's quite late.
Ryan: uhm... bhayu, the girl is not Kavya Malhotra.
Laksh: what? Then?
Arjun: we were just trying to know if you'll agree to marry ANY GIRL whom we choose? Anyone...
Sanskar: we'll never let you marry that chudail Kavya, not even in our nightmares.
Laksh rolls his eyes and gives them "unbelievable" look.
Laksh: then who's the girl?
Trio looks at each other.
Laksh looks at them in confusion.
Laksh: what happened now?
Trio (in a voice which was not even audible to themselves😂): RG
Laksh: I didn't hear that. Say it loud.
Trio (again in same pitch): RG
Laksh (gritting his teeth): can you please say it a little loud so that I can hear it?
He says stressing each and every word.
Trio (closing their eyes and a little loud): RG!!
Laksh: oh...
Realising what he heard, he looks at them with wide open eyes.
Laksh (confirming): did you just say RG?
Trio opens their eyes and nods innocently.
Laksh (shocked): RG!!!
They again nods.
Laksh: are you guys insane? You want me to marry that All India Radio. You don't love me?
Trio chuckles at his last sentence.
Laksh: I'm not going to marry her at any cost.
Arjun: bhai please. She's just perfect for you, for us, for our family.
Sanskar: Arjun is saying right bhai. She's the best girl for you. Waise bhi, you said that you'll marry any girl of our choice and Laksh Maheshwari never backs off from his words.
Laksh: no ways!!
Ryan: bhayu, please try to understand. She's a nice lady, having all the qualities which we want in your wife and our bhabhi.
Laksh: how you three even got this idea in your stupid brains?
Trio looks at each other and then at Laksh and goes into flashback, when they got this idea.
Three of them were sitting in Sanskar's room.
Arjun was making a list about the qualities the girl should have.
Ryan: so bhai, what all you wrote?
Arjun: she must be beautiful, cute, smart, intelligent, traditional as well as modern, mature, understanding, good natured, bhai is silent so she should talk more, bhai is strict so she should be naughty, she should be "happy go lucky" types.................. so on😂.
As he finished with his list he looks towards Ryan and Sanskar who were lost somewhere.
Arjun shakes them.
Arjun: where are you both lost?
Both of them looks towards each other.
Ryan: bhai, are you thinking the same?
Sanskar nods.
Arjun looks at them confused.
Arjun: will you tell me what you both are thinking? Because I'm not thinking anything same.
Ryan: bhai, all these qualities which you just said are in a person.
Arjun: really, who's she?
Both: RG!!
Arjun: ya, Ragini Gadodia. You both are right.
Sanskar: she's the perfect girl we are looking for.
Ryan: ha, only she can handle bhayu.
Arjun: right, waise bhi whenever they both have met something unexpected has happened.
Ryan: yes, infact that day after the conversation with her, bhayu was even blushing.
Sanskar: she helped us that day even when she don't have any relation with us.
Arjun (remembering the meeting with her in mall): she's fun loving and smart too. No doubt beautiful also.
Ryan: it's final now she'll be our bhabhi.
Sanskar: we have to talk to bhai, before that we have to talk to RG.
Arjun: no bhai first we have to talk to her sisters.
Ryan: Aru bhai is saying right.
Arjun: Rey call Misha and tell her to come to xyz cafe along with her two sisters.
Ryan: why me?
Arjun: because only you have her number.
//Arre, Sanskar is also having Swara's number😝//
Ryan nods and do as said.
Next day:
Xyz cafe-
All were sitting on a table.
Misha: why you called us here?
Sanskar: listen to us carefully.
Ryan: ha, specially you.
He says pointing to Misha and gets a glare in return.
Naina: say it.
Sanskar: we want our brother and your sister to get married.
Trio girls: what?
All people in the cafe were looking at them.
Arjun: relax girls. Bhai, you continue.
Sanskar: look we feel that they both are just made for each other. Just remember their each and every meeting.
Trio sisters thinks about all of their meetings.
Misha: but they are totally opposite to each other.
Ryan: and opposite attracts. But how will you know? You don't have any interest in studies na?
Misha glares him.
Swara: guys stop it and just talk about the main thing. I don't think it's a bad idea.
Naina: me too. Our di is an innocent soul who believe everyone easily and Laksh sir is a mature man. He'll be perfect for di.
Sanskar: and we promise, we'll be always there for your di. We assure you that she'll be very happy with our bhai.
Arjun: our bhai has suffered too much. From very young age he got the responsibility of us and business on his shoulders. You know what, he didn't even cry when our parents left us. He's broken from inside but never shows. People judge him from his behavior but he's not like what he shows.
Ryan: no one understands him. All thinks that he's a rude businessman man, always angry. But only we know he's keeping many things in his heart which he don't share even with us. We just want a pure soul in our bhai's life who'll take away all his sorrows and will become his soulmate.
Sanskar: he's just strong for us. He don't want to show himself weak in front of anyone. He can't tolerate even a single scratch on us. Then just think how much he'll do for the girl he'll love. He's a kind hearted man. Can go to any extent for his loved ones. And we're hundred percent sure that he'll love your sister more than his life someday.
Listening to all this a feeling of "huge respect and sympathy" for Laksh was seen in the girl's eyes.
Sanskar: this is all what we wanted to say. Now it's upto you girls. But please just think about it once.
Saying this the boys starts leaving.
Swara: don't you guys want to know what's our decision?
The brothers turns and looks at her.
Swara : we'll be very much happy to make your brother our JIJU.
She says smiling broadly.
Naisha also smiles at this.
Ryan (happily): really?
Trio nods.
Arjun: thank you thank you sooo muchhh...
Naina: thank you to you too for bringing the best proposal for our di.
Sanskar: now we have to talk to bhai.
Swara: and we have to talk to di.
The girls and the boys says all the best to each other and leaves for their respective homes.
Fb ends.
Laksh was looking at them with shocked expressions.
Laksh: you even talked to her sisters. (They didn't tell Laksh the complete conversation)
Trio: yup...
Laksh: but she's so irritating. How will I tolerate her my entire life? I'll die with noise pollution.
Arjun: bhai, it's not like that. It's just because you talk less that's why you feel like this.
Sanskar: please bhai.
Ryan: we want you to marry RG. If you'll not marry her then we'll not let you marry anyone else and we ourselves will not get married ever.
When Ryan said this Arjun looks at him shocked while Sanskar nods in agreement.
Laksh sighs.
Laksh: you three are getting more and more stubborn. Now you started blackmailing too.
Trio shows him their teeth😁.
Sanskar: so, you agreed na bhai.
Laksh simly nods.
Three of them becomes more than happy and hugs him.
Trio: thank you... thank you... thank you... thank you... sooooooo....much...... bhai.
Laksh: ha ha, now stop your overacting. But before reaching to any conclusion I want to talk to her first.
Sanskar: ok. We'll arrange a meeting for you both tomorrow only.
Laksh: hmm... now go and sleep.
Trio: good night bhai.
Laksh: good night
They leaves and Laksh closes the door.
Laksh: I can't believe I just agreed to marry her. Will she agree for this marriage after knowing that I'm just doing it for my brothers sake? And I'll never be able to love her and give her all the rights of a wife? Hmm... let's see tomorrow.
Misha: di please atleast meet him once. Please... (puppy eyes)
Ragini: I already told you that I'll not marry before you. Then what is this proposal and all?
Swara: we know di but please meet him once for us.
Naina: please diii...
Ragini: ok ok, don't plead this much. Who's he? And where we are going to meet?
Swara: he's uhm... Laksh sir.
Ragini (in mind): he may be any other Laksh.
Ragini: who Laksh?
Misha: Laksh Maheshwari!!
Ragini (in mind sadly): I'm going this much mad in his love that I'm hearing his name only.
Ragini: uhm... what you said?
Trio: he's "The Laksh Maheshwari".
Ragini (shocked): you mean Mr Maheshwari... Mr Akdu?
Trio nods.
Ragini was not believing her eyes and ears.
Ragini: he agreed for it?
Misha: yes, Ryan just called me and said that he agreed to meet you.
Ragini was too much happy from inside.
Ragini (trying to hide her excitement): hmm, ok I'll meet him tomorrow.
Her sisters hugs her in happiness.
Trio: thank you di
Ragini: now go and sleep. Good night.
Trio: good night di
They leaves from her room.
Ragini was smiling happily.
Ragini: oh my god.... Thank you so much for such a good surprise. I'm going to meet him tomorrow that too for our PROPOSAL. I still can't believe that he agreed for it. I'm so much happy that it can't be expressed in words. Meet you tomorrow Mr Maheshwari.
Saying this she goes to her bed and sleeps with a smiling face.
So how was the surprise😁? Do tell me how much you all were surprised with this?
Now many of ur doubts must be clear about Laksh. He's not that bad. But there are many sorrows in his heart which he don't want to share to anyone bcoz he don't want to make his brothers weak showing them that he's broken from inside.
There is much more to come.
Next: Raglak meeting and their decision.
Ignore grammatical errors.
Thank u🤗
Be happy always😀
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