Part - 21
Hello everyone 🙋
Thank you so much for all your love to the story.
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The brothers reaches home.
Laksh: I'm very much hungry. Tell the servants to get the food ready fast. I'm coming after taking a bath.
His brothers nods to him and he leaves for his room.
Ragini: oh my god!! I was hungry as hell.
She was stuffing the food in her mouth.
Naina: di you should take a bath first.
Ragini: I'll take it after eating.
Her sisters smiles at her.
Ragini: I'm feeling so good now.
It was afternoon.
Raglak were sleeping in their rooms tired. All the others were tired too but they woke up after sleeping for some hours.
Swara: hello, you said that it's over between us.
Sanskar: but now bhai has agreed for the marriage. So patch up again.
Swara (rolls her eyes): now patch up and after some days you'll break up again. Right?
Sanskar: no this time pakka wala patch up. Please... Sorry, last chance.
Swara: last one if you again did it then I'll kill you.
Sanskar: thank you so much and I'll never let that happen.
He kisses the phone.
Swara smiles.
Misha: di, I'm going.
Swarna: where are you going?
Misha: I told you na that I have to prepare a project with that bandar. So I'm going to his house. We'll work upon it there.
Swarna nods.
Swara: ok go but take driver with you and Nainu you also go with her.
Naina: me, why?
Swara: it will be good if you'll be with her. She'll not prank on anyone.
Naina: ok...
And they leaves for MM.
Sanskar, Arjun and Ryan were sitting in the hall. Trio were looking in the laptop with too much attention. They were just ready to get into the laptop.
Ryan: nah, she's not good looking.
Arjun: this one is a little fat. She'll not suit our bhai.
Sanskar: she's too modern to handle. She's not worth of being our bhabhi.
Ryan: no she'll not look good besides bhayu. Has god stopped making beautiful girls? There's no one who is just perfect for bhayu.
Both the others nods.
"Ding dong" the door bell rings.
Sanskar and Arjun: Rey, open the door.
Ryan (pouts): this is not fair. I'm the younger one that's why everyone gives me work.
Both rolls their eyes at him.
He goes and opens the door.
There standing Naisha.
Ryan (totally ignoring Misha): hello, Naina g
Hearing Naina's name Arjun looks towards the door. He jumps from sofa and goes there while Sanskar was looking at him confused.
Naina: hello, Ryan
Arjun: hi Naina and Misha.
Both: hi...
Arjun: come
All enters.
Sanskar: hello girls. Nice meeting you again.
Both: hi and same here sir.
Ryan (indirectly to Misha): I told you to come on time but you are late.
Misha: shut up and tell me where we are going to start our work.
Ryan (glaring): come with me.
And both leaves for Ryan's room.
Sanskar (shouts): arre, let her have something idiot.
Ryan (shouts back): she don't need anything bhai.
Sanskar and Arjun rolls their eyes at him.
Sanskar: Naina, you sit here I'll come in a few minutes.
Naina nods and sits.
Arjun too sit's beside her.
Arjun: so what's up?
Naina: today's morning only we met na?
Arjun: ya, but in the tension I didn't even said hi to you.
Naina: I'm fine thank you.
Arjun: now, you ask me if I'm good or not?
Naina shakes her head at him.
Naina: how are you Arjun g?
Arjun: my name looks so good from your mouth. But please don't call me g. I feel like an oldie. By the way, I'm good too.
Naina: hmm...
She notices his T-shirt which has "SINGLE" written on it.
Naina: is it true?
Arjun: what?
Naina: that you are single.
Arjun looks at his T-shirt and smiles.
Arjun: ya, I'm single and ready to mingle.
Saying this he winks at her.
Naina shakes her head again.
Naina: I can't believe it. Being such a big flirt you're single.
Arjun: hmm, even I myself can't believe it😂. (whispers "I'm single only for you my angel")
Both of them laughs.
Just then Sanskar comes with coffee for them.
Naina: there was no need of this sir.
Sanskar: why it was not needed? You are our guest.
He passes coffee mugs to both of them.
Arjun: Sanky bhai makes the world's best coffee. He and Rey are the good cooks among us brothers. Me and Laksh bhai to...
Trio laughs.
Naina: you're right. The coffee is really good sir.
Sanskar: thank you. I'm going to give coffee to Ryan, Misha and bhai. I'll be back in few minutes.
Saying this he leaves.
Ryan and Misha were sitting on the ground, working. Sheets, paints, stationary, books were spread all over the floor.
Ryan: hey, work properly. Don't make my room a mess. I like it neat and clean.
Misha: but I love to work like this only.
Sanskar (entering the room): here's coffee for both of you.
Ryan: thank you bhai it was really needed. She has given me a headache.
Misha glares him.
Misha (taking the coffee mug): thank you so much sir.
Sanskar: my pleasure. You both carry on. I will not disturb you.
And he leaves.
Misha: we'll paint this part pink.
Ryan: no, we'll paint it blue. Pink will look so girly. Blue will look good.
Misha: no pink...
Ryan: blue...
Misha: pink...
Ryan: you chipkali, I'm saying na blue.
Misha (angrily): how dare you called me chipkali?
Saying this she throws the pink paint on his face.
Ryan looks at her dangerously.
Misha scares and runs away from there.
Ryan was following her with two paint bottles in his hands.
Sanskar knocks on Laksh's room's door.
Laksh: come in.
Sanskar enters only to find Laksh sitting on sofa and working.
Sanskar places the coffee on table.
Sanskar: I thought you must be sleeping.
Laksh: I have to complete this file and today I took a leave from office then I have to work here only.
Sanskar sighs.
Sanskar: you'll never change.
He passes a coffee mug to him and sits beside him having his coffee.
Laksh was working while having his coffee.
Both of them starts talking about their projects or any other things.
Misha: Nainu di bachao.
She came running to the hall where Arna were sitting and hides behind Naina.
Naina: what happened?
Just then Ryan comes with pink face.
Ryan: I'll tell you.
Arjun: who are you?
Ryan: bhai, I'm your Rey.
Arjun laughs hard looking at Ryan's face.
Naina (glaring): you did that?
Misha: di he was calling me chipkali.
Ryan: I'll not leave you. Naina g please move aside.
Saying this he throws the blue color and.......... It directly goes on Arjun's face as both Naisha bends down.
Ryan makes an innocent face while Arjun was giving him killing looks.
Naisha startes laughing.
Arjun: my handsome face... Rey ke bachche ab tu bhaag. (Rey, now you run.)
He runs behind him.
Ryan: sorry bhai.
He too starts running.
Arjun snatches the green color bottle from him and was about to throw it on him but Ryan's leg slips and he falls down and..... the color goes on....... Misha's face.
Arjun: sorryyyyyy...
Naina makes a distance from Misha.
Naina: oh, my Mishu's beautiful face. Arre re...
She chuckles.
Misha: di...
She goes towards her, Naina was stepping back.
Naina: no...
Misha holds her and rubs her face with her's and starts clapping, jumping up and down while Naina makes a crying face.
Misha: hmm... now we both are looking like sisters.
Arjun: you ruined her beautiful face.
Trio looks at him.
Arjun (stammers): I... I meeaan.. all of ours faces are ruined. This happened because of you Rey.
Ryan: no bhai, this happened because of this chipkali.
Misha: no, it was your fault.
Trio starts blaming each other.
Naina was just looking from one's face to the other's.
"What's going on here?" they heard a voice from upstairs.
All turns in that direction only to find Laksh standing there, crossing his arms around his chest and Sanskar was standing besides him, trying hard to control his laugh.
Four of them stands in a cue like school kids.
Ryan: bhayu this happened because of this chip... I mean Misha.
Misha: no sir, he started it by calling me chipkali.
Arjun: bhai, Rey made me a joker from a handsome hunk.
Laksh (to Naina): you don't want to say anything?
Naina: no sir, because the fault is my sister's. She painted Ryan first.
Laksh: chalo koi to hai samajhdaar. (atleast someone has sense)
Sanskar: you all are looking so funny.
Laksh: it's enough now. You both go to your rooms and clean your faces and Misha and Naina you both come with me I'll show you the guest room. Sanskar, you tell the servants to clean all this.
All nods.
Arjun: before that let us click a selfie.
Misha: yeah...
Others shakes their heads in disbelief and poses for the selfie.
After sometime all comes to the hall.
Laksh: done with the project?
Ryan: no bhayu, not done yet.
Naina: I think we should take a leave now.
Misha: next time you'll come to my house. Ok.
Ryan: I know.
With this both the sisters leaves bidding bye to the brothers.
Naisha enters in the house and sees swaragini sitting in their garden. They directly goes to them.
Ragini: Mishu, what's this behind your ear?
Naisha: paint...
Swaragini (confused): paint?
Then Naisha tells them the whole incident that happened in MM.
Both swaragini were laughing their hearts out listening to it.
Ragini: you're just impossible. Mr Maheshwari didn't say anything to you?
Misha: no, he was behaving nice with us like always.
Ragini (in mind): then what I have done with him that he's always ready to eat me alive😐?
So how was this part?
Tell me through ur comments. And plz vote.
Next: the realisation of love❤.
Ignore any mistakes.
Thank u🤗
Be happy always😀
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