Part - 20
Hlo all 🙋
I hope u all are enjoying the story. Keep supporting. Next part is here.
In the jungle:
Sounds of various wild animals can be heard from every direction.
Laksh was sleeping but Ragini was not getting any sleep due to the scary noises. She was clutching Laksh's arm. Scared, she leans more and more into him. There was no space, even for the air between the two. She was feeling safe near him. She smiles looking at Laksh and closes her eyes.
Soon she too falls asleep.
Sanskar: let's go now.
All nods.
Ryan: wait, he comes back with a chalk box.
Misha: what is this for? Are you going to teach wild animals in the jungle?
She says laughing while Ryan glares her.
Ryan: you can never use your brain. It's for marking the path so that we don't lose our way. I bought it when we came to know that bhai is in jungle. I knew we'll need it.
Misha makes faces while others gives him a "smart boy" look.
With this all enters into the jungle. They were walking in the jungle using lights of their phones and making cross marks on the trees.
Swara: god, please keep them safe.
Naina: from wild animals.
Arjun: no from each other😂.
Everyone giggles.
Misha: point, they both can't stand with each other for some minutes and now they both are together from hours.
Sanskar: hmm, they would have scratched each other's faces till now.
Arjun: how we'll recognize them now?
All laughs at his statement.
They keeps walking while the sun rays starts penetrating into the jungle.
Ragini's sleep get's disturbed by the direct sunlight falling on her face. She opens her one eye cutely and glares the sunrays😂.
She feels Laksh's hot breathe on her neck and was feeling weak due to that. She lifts her head up to look at him and was spellbound by his facial features.
They were way too close to each other that she can smell him.
Ragini (in mind): oh god!! This man is so handsome. He smells really good. I'm losing myself in him. What's happening to me?
(She was studying his face like she has to write an essay on his looks😂) Ragini control yourself. Stop drooling over him. Sharp nose, lips, god this man can't smile even in sleep. Who on the earth sleep with such a serious expression? (Just then her eyes falls on his chest which was little visible due to the first two open buttons of his shirt.) No doubt Mr Maheshwari works hard on his body. Rough and tough man. Hmm, (smiles) whatever he's cute. And looks more cute when he's angry😝. But ya he's very strict and short tempered too. Always makes me scared with his dangerous looks.(she pouts) Always passing glares at me. Never talks politely😒.
Just then she noticed Laksh getting up from the sleep. He was opening his eyes slowly.
Ragini (in mind): if he caught me checking him out then he'll leave me in this jungle only, to check out the wild animals.
She looks at Laksh and closes her eyes, pretending to sleep.
Laksh opens his eyes only to find Ragini too close to him. She was keeping her head on his shoulder.
Laksh (in mind): how she came this much closer to me? We were a little away from each other. (He too feels her breath on him.) Looking like the most innocent girl in the world while sleeping. It will be very grateful if she'll stay this much silent always.
Laksh: oh, get up!! Or you are planning to settle here forever?
Ragini opens her eyes slowly as if she's waking up now only.
Ragini: what happened? Let me sleep for a few minutes more.
Laksh shakes his head.
Laksh (yells): gettttt upppp...
Ragini immediately stands up.
Ragini: chale. Let's go!! We have to get out of this jungle. Get up man.
Laksh looks at her like "seriously".
He too gets up and wears his coat.
Both of them starts walking.
Ragini was going here and there waving, like she was on a picnic 😂.
Laksh (whispers): in the night she was sticking to me like chewing gum and was not leaving me for a second and look now... This girl is too much.
Laksh: stop your jungle dance and walk straightly.
Ragini pouts and starts walking besides him.
Naina: I think we should inform police.
Sanskar: They'll not file any report before 24 hours and will not help us before that.
Arjun: bhai, must be working on his projects in the jungle too.
He says laughing hard.
Misha: same with di too.
She too joins Arjun.
Swasan: stop it both of you.
Swara: we are here to find our siblings who are missing for more than seven hours now. Instead of being tense you both are laughing.
Naina: they are laughing to hide their fear and emotions di.
Both Misha and Arjun scratches the back of their heads.
All looks towards each other and becomes sad.
Ryan: don't worry. They'll be safe.
All: hope so.
Ragini: Mr Maheshwari, why don't you talk much?
Laksh: same goes to you. Can't you talk less?
Ragini: no, because talking is my life, my hobby. I can't stay silent more than a minute.
Laksh: hmm... itna to main jaan hi gaya hu. (I have known this much.)
Ragini smiles sheepishly. She looks at his head.
Ragini (concerned): it will pain a little. Do dressing of your head once you reach your house.
Laksh: thank you so much for your expert advice.
He says sarcastically.
Ragini: your welcome 😁. Uhm... I wanted to say something.
Laksh: say everything today only. Nothing should be left.
Ragini pouts.
Laksh: now say it.
Ragini: first you promise me that you'll not get angry on me and will not shout on me.
Laksh (confused): okay!!
Ragini: uhm... that girl who clutched and scratched your hand, during the horror movie in the movie hall that day was me only.
Saying this she closes her eyes expecting his shouts but when got no reaction she opens her eyes only to find Laksh taking deep breaths to control himself 😂.
Laksh: you...
Ragini: you promised me that you'll not get angry.
Laksh: hmm... There's nothing new in it. From the first day to till now, whenever you have met me I got hurt by you always. Sometimes on hand and other times on head. Every time I meet you, I land in trouble.
Ragini starts thinking from the very first meeting with him.
1st meeting: she squeezed and scrached his hand in the movie hall😁.
2nd meeting: his hand started bleeding while clutching her shoulders after their fight in the college😁.
3rd meeting: she hit the hockey stick on his head during the fight with the goons😁.
4th meeting: uhm... when she met him outside the college after the meeting with Arjun. That day she didn't hurt him yaar😒.
5th meeting: this car accident in which his head started bleeding😁.
Ragini (in mind): he's saying the truth😅.
Laksh: where are you lost now?
Ragini: on our fourth meeting, outside the college, I did nothing.
Laksh rolls his eyes.
Laksh: ha, just because I was at a distance from you.
Ragini: sorry...
Laksh: if you started saying sorry for every problem or siyappa you have created for me then we'll never be able to get out of this jungle. Now move.
Ragini makes a sad face.
She was walking a little ahead of Laksh when they heard a roar. She scares, stumbles and turns and hits with Laksh. Both of them falls down.
Ragini was over him. Her hair were covering both of their faces from others but they can see each other's faces.
Laksh (trying to be calm): what happened now?
Ragini: uhm... that noise you didn't hear that?
Laksh: I think it was a tiger.
Ragini: ti...tiger...
Laksh: yes ti...tiger...
He says copying her😂.
Ragini: you are not scared? There is tiger in this jungle.
Laksh: tiger will be in the jungle only.
Laksh: now get up from me. You are fat.
Ragini: haww, I'm not fat. I'm a slim and trim, beautiful girl.
Laksh: huh... beautiful, just get off.
Then only their brothers/sisters reaches there.
Arjun (whispers, only audible to them not Raglak): here we are tensed and getting thin thinking about both of them and they are busy romancing in the jungle.
Misha (exited): isn't it filmy? Just like in movies.
Sanskar: hmm... live show.
Swara: and we were thinking that they must be pulling each other's hair.
Ryan: no one can understand both of them.
Naina: hmm... right. Can't guess what they'll do next when they are with each other?
All looks at them and then at each other and smiles.
All together: bhai/di
Raglak: this voice...
Laksh tries to look in the direction of the voice but was unable to see anyone due to Ragini's hair.
Laksh (irritated): oh maate (goddess) remove your hair and get up from me.
Ragini tries to get up but falls on him again. Their chests dashed with each other's and their heartbeat stops for a second.
Laksh: what are you doing?
Ragini: I'm trying to get up na.
She again tries and gets up this time.
She extends her hand for Laksh but he didn't hold it and gets up on his own.
Ragini looks him angrily.
Both of them turns and finds their siblings standing there, smiling at them.
Boys and girls runs to their respective brother and sister and hugs them.
Ryan: bhayu your head. It's fine na?
Laksh: ask your RG g.
Ragini: I didn't do that intentionally.
Laksh: who gave you the license of driving when you don't know how to drive?
Sanskar: ok ok stop it now. We can't change what already happened.
Arjun: we were scared for you bhai.
Saying this he hugs Laksh again. Both Sanskar and Ryan too hugs him.
Both: we too...
Laksh smiles.
Laksh: now I'm fine na. No need to be scared.
All nods.
Same happened with the girls too.
Misha: let's go before the wild animals start partying and make us their party food.
All chuckles and nods.
Laksh: thank god you all came. Otherwise my ears would have started bleeding listening to her non stop bakwaas.
Ragini: yes and I would have slipped into coma being with this man who talks only to prove that he can talk.
Both of them glare each other while their siblings shakes their heads in disbelief at them.
All (in mind): who'll say that they are our elder brother/sister. They are fighting like nursery school kids😂.
Both Raglak kept taunting each other all the way😂.
All kept walking using the signs made by them on the trees and were finally out of the jungle.
All were standing near their cars.
Sanskar: uhm... I think we should leave now.
All: hmm....
Ragini to Laksh: when we'll meet again?
Laksh: never!!
Saying this he leaves followed by his brothers.
All sits in the car and drove away waving their hands to the girls.(of course not Laksh 😂)
Ragini: Akdu!!
Naina: di, let's go now.
And they too leaves for their house.
So finally the jungle journey has come to an end. So tell me how's it through ur comments. This is the longest part till now. About 2000 words😳.
Ignore grammatical mistakes.
Next: Naina and Misha in MM.
Thank u🤗
Be happy always😀
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