The Wedding
~{Y/N}'s POV~
"So," Mina said excitedly, "Are you nervous?"
"Of course I'm nervous!" I exclaimed. "Today's the day I get married!"
Yes. The day that a lot of girls dream about. Their wedding day. So, how did we get here? Let's trace back to when Mello proposed to me.
I'd almost drowned at the beach, and when I came to, he popped the question. So for the past few weeks, Mello and I planned a small wedding ceremony, since his upcoming mission in America would be dangerous. I wanted us to get married before he left with Matt. So here we are, at Mina's place, getting ready to become Mrs. Keehl.
Ugh. That sounds so cliché.
"Wait," Mina said, "If you don't mind me asking, who's gonna walk you down the aisle?"
I smiled. "I was abandoned at the age of 3. I don't have parents, Mina. I'll just walk down by myself."
Sucks to be an orphan, or abandoned... Or whatever. I don't care. I'm better off this way.
"You sure? I'll walk with you if you want..."
"Nah, Mina, it's fine. I just wanna get the ceremony over so we can go to the reception hall, get drunk, and party."
Mina laughed. "No wonder Mello and Matty love you. You're the life of the party, girl."
"Damn straight." I joked. "They're so boring without me. Trust me."
I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a mermaid-style dress, which was a sexy-sweet kind of look on me. I was wearing white heels and diamond earrings to match, and my {H/C} hair was flowing behind me freely. I hope Mello likes it...
For once in my life, I actually cared what I looked like. Well, besides the dates with Mello. He was the only one I really dressed up for. He was the only one I ever wanted to think that I was beautiful. With the exception of L, who always thought I was beautiful. So did Mello, but L was like an older brother to me.
That's right... He was the only one who would've walked me down the aisle.
"{Y/N}, you're dressed awfully nice today..." L said. "What's the occasion?"
I pouted. "L, did you forget?! It's Yellow Mello's birthday today!"
L smiled and picked me up. "Of course I didn't forget, I was teasing you. You planned a party for him, didn't you?"
I nodded. "Yeah, me and Matt. He has no clue!!"
"What'd you get for him as a present?"
I grinned. "Chocolate. And lots of it, too."
L sighed and put my down. "You two are unbelievable. Just like a married couple."
I scoffed. "Mello?! And me?! L, seriously? You're a genius. You can do better than that. You know that I'm only interested in anime boys."
"Watch and see," he teased. "You two are gonna end up together. I know it."
"Earth to {Y/N}. C'mon, are you listening?!" Mina said, waving a hand in front of my face.
"Ah, sorry, I spaced out. What did you say?"
"I said, the boys are done getting dressed. Even Lawliet is ready. They're headed towards the gazebo in the park. Are you ready?"
I took one last glance in the mirror. This is it, {Y/N}. Your last outfit of your single life.
"Yeah, let's go, Mina." I muttered as she helped me up. The heels were a bit uncomfortable, but I could walk in them, at least. She lead me to her car, helped me into the back seat, and went to the driver's position. Unlike Matt, she drove at a normal and safe pace. It gave me time to think. Time to recall my past.
"Hey, {Y/N}, what's wrong? You seem upset." Mello said, sitting beside me on a bench just outside Wammy's House.
I wiped my tears away and faked a smile. "Nothing, Mello, I'm fine."
He raised his left eyebrow in disbelief. "You're not fine. Who do I need to kill?"
"No one, Marshmello. I'm fine." I lied.
"I know you're not. C'mon tell me, don't you trust me?"
Those words felt like a punch to the gut. "Mello, I didn't mean-!"
"Then tell me. What happened?" He ordered, and I sighed.
"I miss L, Mello. He was one of the only people we could trust. And now he's all the way in Japan. I don't have a family. I'm just an unwanted child that-!"
I was interrupted by arms that wrapped around me and caught me in a warm embrace. In all honesty, I hadn't expected that. At all, really. Mello, who was normally the one I had to comfort, was comforting me instead. "It's gonna be alright. You have me, and Matty, and even that brat Near. And you're not unwanted. We care about you. We're your family."
That was one of the many times Mello had healed my heart. When I was broken down and a hot mess, he would always step in to help, no matter what. In fact, I should've realized back then that he was in love with me. And even though I didn't know it yet, I was in love with him, too. Desperately, in fact. But it was something that was there, but was hidden away. Until now.
"Fuck..." Mina muttered as she slammed on the brakes. "We might be a bit late, {Y/N}. There's a shitload of traffic."
"Oh, that's okay. I'm sure that Matty's gonna get there before us anyways. He has to set up some things for me." I said with a smile. There was no way I could feel negative. Not now.
Matt, he was another one, too. Another person that I always loved and adored. Not like a lover, but like a brother, the same feeling as L. He was always there for me, even if I didn't want him to be.
"Ah, which reminds me, Near is gonna stay with Lawliet. Is that okay with you?" Mina asked, and I grinned.
"Keep the childish one with the child. Yeah, sure. Although, Mina, I don't mind keeping him with us. We're not going on a honeymoon or anything-!"
"{Y/N}. I swear to God. You need to have a lovey-dovey night tonight. You two haven't done anything since the pregnancy."
"Yeah, I know, but-"
"But nothing. We're more than happy to keep Law with us. Near, too. It's completely fine. Go have some sexy time with Mello."
I giggled. Mina and Matt were like Law's second set of parents. In fact, Mello and I decided that if anything were to happen to us, Mina and Matt would take care of Lawliet. It was a given, considering that Matt already claimed Law as his... Yeah. That happened.
Near, however, wanted Law to be trained at Wammy's House. He knew that our smarts would end up in him, but I knew that I didn't want Lawliet to grow up with the same lifestyle that we had. Mello had promised me that Lawliet wouldn't have to deal with that, with the constant feeling of loneliness.
Near understood. He knew that I wanted my kids to be better than that. Better than me. I wanted them to grow up normally, with parents and a normal school. Not having to compete with others for the top set of marks.
"Near!!" I yelled as I ran towards the large play room at Wammy's House.
"Yes, {Y/N}? What's wrong?" He responded as he carefully placed another domino in the long line he had set up.
"I got a 98% on the last test we did!! What'd you score on your last test?"
"100%. It wasn't that hard." He muttered with his usual monotone voice. I sighed and clicked my tongue.
"As expected of the genius Near. Did you even try?"
"Of course I tried. It's just not difficult."
I faked a smile. Whenever I compared my marks to Near, I felt so stupid. Even when I compared them to Mello, my marks seemed low.
"Hey, {Y/N}, are you alright?" Near asked, giving me a concerned look.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I said.
"Listen, just because my marks are higher than yours doesn't mean that you're stupid, you know. I just grasp concepts really easily. You're still extremely smart."
I looked at Near in shock. "If you can't beat the game; If you can't solve the puzzle, you're nothing but a loser. Who's the one who lives by and loves that quote?"
"Yes, but you're not a loser. You've beaten the game, you've solved the puzzle. And the fact that I can admit that is proof in itself." He said, setting down the dominos and coming up to me.
"T-thanks, Near. And in fact, I wanted to ask you something."
"What is it?"
"I wanted to ask if you'd help me out with something... I need your thoughts on a certain topic."
"A... Topic? What topic?"
"Uh... Well, Mello kind of confessed to me a few weeks ago... And I need your insight on what to do..."
Near sighed but smiled gently. "Alright. I'll see what I can do."
"Okay, we're here." Mina said, parking the car at the side of the road. Right beside my door was the beginning of a path that lead to a gazebo. In the distance, I could see a small crowd of people setting up chairs.
And then the nervousness and anxiety kicked in. Okay, {Y/N}, just breathe. I took deep breaths and eventually, Mina looked back at me from the drivers seat worriedly. "Hey, are you alright? You look like you're about to pass out."
I smiled and nodded. "I'm just a bit nervous. I'll be fine."
Mina handed me a bottle of water. "Just breathe. It's only getting married. It's not like you're going to perform the hula for 20,000 people. Calm down."
I laughed and took the water from her, drinking only a small amount, since I knew I wouldn't be able to use a bathroom for a while. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Matt walk up to the car and knock on my window. I rolled it down and smiled. He looked incredible. His messy red hair was combed back and proper, and he was wearing a tuxedo. "Hey, pretty lady, how're you doing?" He asked me, and I rolled my eyes.
"You're so cheesy. I'm fine. Where's Mel?"
"He's trying not to kill everyone in sight. He's nervous."
"Yeah, so am I. When are you guys walking?"
"You mean down the aisle? In a few minutes. But I'm not walking with them."
I blinked. "Why? Matty, you're the best man. You've gotta walk with the rest of the-"
"You'll see why in a few minutes." He said dismissively, and then turned around and walked back to the gazebo. I heard music play and saw the ceremony start, with Mello standing at the altar. I gulped. Any doubts or second thoughts that I had... It was too late to change my mind. Much too late.
"Listen, the bridal party has to go up, so I'm gonna go. You'll be called down in a second, okay?" Mina explained, and I nodded in agreement. She walked down the path and then I saw Matty come to the door and open it, help me out of the car, and hold my arm protectively.
"Did you really think that we'd let you walk down the aisle alone?" He asked, and tears stung my eyes. "That I'd let you walk down the aisle alone?"
Matty. One of the best people I knew.
"Matty..." I whispered. "You better not let me fall. This dress is kinda long."
He chuckled. "I wouldn't let that happen. Remember, I promised you that I wouldn't let anything happen to you!"
"{Y/N}! I brought you some flowers." Matt exclaimed as he barged into my hospital room. "Mello just took Near back to Wammy's, but he'll be back later. How're your arm and leg feeling?"
"Like shit." I groaned. "I feel like shit. I shouldn't have gotten into that situation without Mello or your help."
Matt smirked. "So you admit that you need us? Sweet!"
"Shut it, Matt. I'm not in the mood."
"Anyways, I came to ask you, Mello... seems to be acting strange. Did you two get into an argument or something?"
"N-no, but... He did something and he thinks that I don't know about it."
Matt gasped and leaned in. "What'd he do?! Do I need to kill him?"
I shook my head. "No, Matt, just listen!! He kissed me!"
Matt gasped again and grit his teeth. "He's dead. I'll kill him for you. Just give me a day or two to plan his murder-"
"Matt. I don't know what he meant by it. All I know is that he kissed me and he thought I was asleep. I don't know if it was intended as a lovey-dovey thing or what..."
Matt shrugged. "I don't know. Mello is weird when it comes to things like that. Maybe he likes you. But are you sure that you don't want me to beat the shit out of him?"
"Matt, what's wrong with you? Under normal circumstances, you're not nearly as protective as this..."
"{Y/N}, I just thought that you were dead. So I just made a promise to myself, and now a promise to you; I'm not gonna let anyone, or anything hurt you. Understand?"
I was surprised. Matt, the gamer boy, the slacker, the joker, was dead serious. And it was about me, too. Looking back at that day, I realize that maybe Matt loved me, too. He would've never told me, though. He loved Mello and I too much to destroy that relationship.
And Matt could've easily beaten both Mello and Near for the spot as L's Successor. I was the only one that knew that he slacked off on purpose, because he could never bring himself to hurt Mello like that. And when he told me, he was shocked that I didn't scold him. I understood why he did what he did; precisely because I would've done the exact same thing. Maybe that's why we were so close. Matt and I... My relationship with him was much different than with Mello. It was more sisterly and brotherly than anything else.
"Okay, {Y/N}. We're gonna walk now. Are you ready?" Matt asked, and I took one last deep breath.
"I'm ready, Matt." I muttered, and on cue, 'Bridal March' played.
Slowly but surely, Matt helped me make my way towards the altar as I passed by tons of familiar faces. Mina. Near. The Mafia guys. Roger. Lawliet. And finally, we stopped at the gazebo.
He was standing in his tuxedo, biting his lip to prevent from crying. Matt took my hand and placed it in his. I took one last glance at the red-head and smiled, almost as a goodbye.
And then I looked into Mello's eyes. They were glistening, and I knew that at any moment, we were both going to break down and bawl our eyes out.
However, we managed to hold out until we put on the ring. I was given a ring to place on Mello's finger, and as I repeated the traditional words, I broke down. The same happened to Mello. When he placed the ring on my finger, he realized what it meant, and began to let the tears stream out of his eyes.
And the rest was a bit of a blur, until the words I'd been waiting for were said: "You may now seal your vows with a kiss."
Mello put one arm around my waist and the other behind my head, and pulled me into a long and passionate kiss.
That's right, this was what love is about.
When we pulled away from each other and looked back to the crowd, everyone cheered. Mina came up to me and gave Lawliet to me.
He was smiling, and Mello and I laughed. My baby...
"We have to head back to my place to get ready for the reception. It's at a banquet hall, correct?" Mina asked, and I nodded.
"You're leaving already, babes?" Mello asked, and I nodded.
"I need to put on lighter clothes. This dress is heavy as fuck."
"Okay, well, I'll see you later. Stay sexy."
"I always do. Love you."
"Love you, too." He said as I handed Lawliet to him. Law seemed to get annoyed that I had to leave, but didn't cry.
Mina led me back to the car, helped me in, and I broke down in the backseat. "I'm married!! I'm married, Mina!!"
"Yeah, it's amazing. I'm happy for you." She said, handing me a tissue. "Now, it's the part you've been waiting for!"
I laughed and sniffed. "Well, the part before the part I've been waiting for."
"Well, I kind of have a surprise for you, so this is the beginning of the part."
"Mina, you've done so much already, I can't possibly accept anything else!"
"{Y/N}. Stop it. It's your wedding. It's a super special occasion."
I sighed in defeat as Mina drove down the highway back to her house.
"There. All done!" Mina cheered as she finished helping me get my dress on. This dress was a simple white dress with a sweetheart cut, and it cut off at my ankles. "See? You look amazing!"
I smirked and posed like a model. "I like it. I could easily seduce Mello in this."
Mina chuckled and grinned. "According to Matt, you would be able to seduce him in anything. You're all he talks about."
I blushed and clicked my tongue. "He needs to stop telling Matt about our love life."
"Yeah, in truth. But he's proud to call you his bitch, you know." She said, taking a sip of water.
"That's not how it is. He's my bitch." I explained, which almost made Mina choke on her water.
"Ah, which reminds me..." she said, handing me a red box. "Here. Happy... Wedding, I guess..."
I opened the box and found a diamond necklace inside. I look apologetically at Mina. "Mina, I can't accept this! This must've cost a-"
"Stop. It's for my sister-in-law. Here, I'll help you put it on." She ordered, and within 30 seconds, it was around my neck.
"Mina... Thank you."
"No problem. You're basically my sister-in-law now. It's the least I could do. Anyways, enough sentimental shit. We have to get going. Now."
"Here we are. The Banquet Hall." Mina announced as she parked the car.
"I've gotta meet Mello before the entry. He's inside already. He texted me about 20 minutes ago."
"Then let's get you inside." She replied, getting out and opening my door. Together, we walked into the large building, and a worker was waiting for us inside.
"You two are Mina and {Y/N}, correct? The groom and best man are upstairs." The worker said, gesturing towards a set of stairs.
I groaned and quickly walked up the stairs, trying my hardest not to trip and fall. When I got to the top, I saw Matt and Mello talking through a window. They were inside of a private room. I knocked on the door, and Matt opened it. I went inside and hugged the living daylight out of him. "Matty... Matty!" I cried as I squeezed him tightly.
"{Y/N}..." He responded, rubbing my back. "Did you like the little surprise I had for you?"
"Walking me down the aisle? Matty... You didn't have to do that."
"No, I had to. You've always put Mello and I before yourself. So today I tried to give a bit back to you. I take it that you liked it?"
"Of course, Matt!!" I said before laying eyes on Mello. I ran to him and tackled him. "Marshmello!!"
"Hey there, Mrs. Keehl. Are you ready to get drunk and party?"
I smirked and pecked him on the cheek. "I've never been one to turn down a good time, babes, so, damn straight I am!!"
"Good. Our entrance is in 20 minutes. Then it's eating, speeches, our first dance, cake cutting, and then partying and drinking until we leave."
Matt cleared his throat to get our attention, and when we turned to him, he had 4 glasses and a bottle of alcohol with him. "I'm sure that we can start the drinking part a bit early." He coaxed, and poured each of us a glass.
"To the Union of {Y/N} and Mello!" He exclaimed. "CHEERS!!"
We touched glasses and chugged the alcohol like there was no tomorrow. In fact, it cleared any anxiety from my system.
"Okay, we have to go downstairs. They're starting now." Mina stated, and we nodded.
Mello, who was holding my hand, tightened his grip around it. "You ready?"
I grinned and nodded. "I've never been any more ready in my life."
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