The Idiot Couple Becomes an Idiot Family
~Mello's POV~
"Matt? What's wrong?" I said, answering my cell phone. Matt had called, which was extremely rare for him. However, I was at 'work', so I knew it would have to be urgent business, for him to call while I was there.
"Listen, it's happening. {Y/N} is in labour. Can you make your way to the hospital? I'm at the hospital right now, with her."
I almost dropped my phone in surprise. No way...
"I'll be there as soon as I can, alright? Wait for me." I told him, and ended the call.
I looked at the other mafia members and sighed. "My girlfriend went into labour; can you deal with the rest of the work by yourself?"
They nodded and saluted as I grinned and ran to my bike. I rushed to put on my helmet and start the engine, and then took off as fast as I could, heading towards the hospital. Holy shit, this is it. You're gonna be a dad, now, Mihael.
I sped down the highway and came off at the exit right in front of the hospital. Quickly, I parked my bike and called Matt. He answered on the first ring. "Hello?"
"Matt! Okay, which room are you guys in?" I asked, going inside and running through the halls like a jackass.
"Uh, Room 802. I don't know what's going on in there, really, but you'll see when you get here."
I hung up the phone and found my way to Room 802. Matt was sitting directly beside the entrance to the room, playing on his DS nervously. As soon as he saw me, he set it aside and ran up to me. "She's inside. I can't... I can't be in there with her. It's gonna freak me out, seeing her in pain." He said, and I nodded, opening the door.
"Oh thank God, Mello!" {Y/N} said, breathing heavily.
Immediately, a nurse took notice of me and gave me a stern look. "Uh, I'm sorry, who are you?"
"I'm {Y/N} {L/N}'s boyfriend. The baby's father." I explained, and she presented me with a bunch of hospital clothes.
"Here, put these on and go wash your hands. Then you can help with delivery."
I did as she had asked, rushing quite a bit in order to help {Y/N}, who was panting and covered with sweat on a bed in the room. She seemed to have a small comfort with my being there, but she was still in pain.
"Okay, so we need your cervix to be at least 10cm before you can have the baby, alright?" The nurse told her as I came and stood at her bedside.
She nodded, her eyes full of tears. She's in pain... Oh, God, please hurry up and let her have the damn baby so she's not in pain...
"Mello..." {Y/N} said, "Don't worry... I'm fine..."
I grit my teeth but didn't say anything. She knows that I'm worried. Shit.
I smiled. "I know, I just don't like you to feel pain."
She smirked. "It's inevitable right now, so if you want me to have the kid, you're gonna have to put up with it."
~5 Hours Later~
"Okay, babes, it's gonna be okay," I coaxed. "Just one more push, alright? I promise. Please."
She nodded and pushed, and two seconds later, we heard the cries of a baby fill the room. "Congratulations," the doctor said, "Its a boy!!"
My face immediately lit up, and I looked at {Y/N}, who was clearly exhausted but happy as well. Wow, Mihael, you're a dad!
"And have you decided on a name?" The nurse asked, and {Y/N} nodded.
"Lawliet Keehl." She muttered, and I smiled. "L. A. W. L. I. E. T. space K. E. E. H. L." She spelled.
At first, I hadn't wanted the baby to have my last name. But as {Y/N} persuaded me, I gave up my argument. Lawliet Keehl. It sounds nice...
"And the father is...?"
"Mihael Keehl." I responded, giving my full name. Why not? Even if Kira were here, nothing could really ruin this moment for me.
"Mel..." {Y/N} whispered, "I love you. I know you're gonna be a great dad."
I grinned. "I love you too, and of course! I've been taking care of you and Matty since... Well, forever!"
"You're right... By the way, where is Matty? This is his nephew... Is he still at the hospital?"
"I don't know..." I muttered. "Let me go check, alright?"
I walked out the door and saw Matt still sitting in his chair, his earbuds in his ears and dead asleep. "Oi, Matt, wake up." I said, and he opened one of his eyes.
"What's wrong, Mello?" He asked.
"{Y/N} had the baby boy. Lawliet. Your nephew." I quickly said, going back into the room. {Y/N} say quietly on the bed, holding Lawliet in her soft and gentle hands. The nurse had cleaned him and being in the hands of his mother had calmed him down, making the crying stop.
~{Y/N}'s POV~
"Matt's outside," Mello said. "He's still half-asleep. Just give him a minute and then he'll come inside and see you."
I smiled and looked down at the little baby boy in my arms. My little Lawliet...
I felt my eyes sting with tears, but made no attempt to hold it back. I began to cry, the tears being of both happiness and fear. Happiness of the blessing; Fear of the unknown.
"What's wrong?" Mello asked, taking off the green hospital clothes and sitting on the edge of the bed.
"It's just..." I said, my voice cracking and fragile, "I don't want him to have the life we did. The life we have... It's not what I want for Lawliet. Promise me, Mello. I can't do this on my own, you need to be there for me. For us. I'm not gonna be able to handle this without you."
Mello smiled and extended his arms, motioning for me to give Lawliet to him. With little hesitation, I slowly place the baby into his arms. "I'm not going anywhere." He said. "Especially now. Once we finish Kira off, we're done. Matt can do whatever he wants, but I'm not doing any more cases. This is it."
I nodded and then heard the door open. When I looked, I saw a shocked and pleased Matt standing in the doorway. He came up to me and hugged me. "Congrats, {Y/N}!" He said, and then grinned at Mello. "You're a daddy now, huh, Mel?"
"Shut it, Matt." Mello snapped, glaring at him. "You're an uncle."
Matt smiled. "And Mina's an aunt, huh? Awesome. So, you named him Lawliet?"
I smiled. "Yeah. Lawliet Keehl."
L, if you're watching, which I'm sure you are, please, please watch over Lawliet, too. Wow, that sounds weird, but I know you get what I mean. I don't want him to grow up like we did.
"Wanna hold him, Matty?" Mello asked. I gave him a shocked look; I wouldn't have expected Mello to ask Matt to hold Lawliet. Matt seemed as shocked as I was, but then quickly recovered.
"Uh, sure." He said, and Mello gently handed him the baby. As worried as he looked, Mello seemed to trust Matt. Well, of course. But Mello usually doesn't let Matt touch anything fragile, much less our baby.
Lawliet was fairly small; not too chubby, and yet not too skinny. He had my {H/C} hair and Mello's blue eyes. He looked like a perfect mixture of Mello and I, in all honesty. Well... We didn't know if he had Mello's anger or not yet... But when it came to looks, he was an angel. Or rather, an angel's son. Mihael... An angel indeed, huh?
"Here, {Y/N}," Matt said, giving Lawliet back to me. "Mello and I are going to go outside for a bit, alright?"
I smiled and nodded, wrapping my arms around Lawliet once again. "Be careful, you two. Come back soon." I said, and looked down at my Lawliet.
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