The Baby Shower
~{Y/N}'s POV~
"Oi, babes, get up." Mello ordered, playfully shaking me softly.
"Tell that to your son. He kept me up all night." I groaned. By this time, I was 7 months along with an energetic baby to deal with. Especially during the night. The kid always kicks during the night.
"Aw, just get up. Leave the kid alone. His sleeping schedule doesn't line up with yours."
I rolled my eyes and say up. "Well, I like my sleep. I love the kid, but I need my sleep."
Mello smiled and kissed me on the cheek. "Well, I have to go shopping for some stuff, and Matt has something to do already, so do you mind coming with me?"
I groaned in annoyance but agreed. I got up and got ready, grabbing some chocolate on my way out. Mello and I hopped into Matt's car, (we couldn't take the motorcycle with my pregnant self...), and drove to the mall. We hadn't moved the investigation due to the baby, but Mello was working from home. He seemed excited for something, but I couldn't make out what it was.
"Ne, Mel," I questioned. "What's up with you? You seem really cheery today..."
He looked at me like I was crazy. "Eh? What the hell are you talking about?"
I shrugged. "Today you seem... Happier than usual. Did something happen?"
He gave me a grin. "What, is my stoic mood a turn on or something?"
I rolled my eyes but then blushed. "S-shut up, idiot!! Don't be stupid!"
" I'm right then, huh?"
I looked away and remained in complete and utter silence. Mello really knew me like the back of his hand, huh?
"Mello!!" I called, "Matty won't play with me, and L is helping Near with work, so will you play with me?"
The blonde was sitting on the couch reading a novel, and as soon as he heard my voice, he set the book down. "Okay. What do you want to play, {Y/N}?"
I shrugged. "I don't know." My 7-year-old self was bored and had nothing to do, really.
Mello snapped his fingers, something he did when he had an idea. "How about we play 'Family'?"
That game was my favourite game to play with Mello; it gave me a chance to boss him around and not get told off for it. But he never liked playing it, so when he suggested it, I was surprised. "Uh, okay... You be the Husband, I'll be the Wife, and..." I instructed, my voice trailing off in thought. Who's gonna be our kid?
As I was about to ask Mello who our kid would be, Matt walked up to me and ruffled my hair. "Okay, I beat my game. What're we playing?"
Mello shot him a glare. "We're gonna play 'Family'. I thought you told her you weren't gonna play."
Matt took his DS out of his pocket and showed Mello. "I beat my game. She caught me at the final set of levels; a bad time for gamers."
"Well, {Y/N} and I are the husband and wife, so you have to be the kid." Mello said, adding, "Or you can play by yourself."
Matt groaned. "Ugh. Fine."
The next hour consisted of various role play situations, and then we were all called for dinner. I sighed. I was having fun! When Mello saw that I was disappointed, he patted my head, and then snapped his fingers. Again. "Hey, {Y/N}?" He asked, and I looked up at him.
"Yeah, Yellow Mello?" I answered.
"How about, when we get older, we get married in real life? Then we can play Family for real." He said, and my face lit up.
"Really?" I said, giving him a hug. "Thanks, Mello!! I love you!!"
Mello blushed but hugged back. "Y-yeah, love you too."
I smiled to myself at the memory of Mello and I. It was something so simple, and yet it made my day.
"Oi, we're here." Mello said, snapping me out of my trance. We got out of the car, and he gave me a look. "What's wrong?"
I shook my head. "Nothing, why?"
"You seem completely out of it..." He muttered, coming to my side.
I laughed. "I was thinking of that time when we were kids, how we played 'Family' and when we were called for dinner, how you said that we could get married and have a real family. And look where we are now."
He blushed. "Wow, I can't believe you even remember that. And I was close. We're gonna have a family. But we're not married."
"Yeah..." I muttered as we walked into the mall. "Now, what is it that you need?"
"Some more clothes. Since someone used my old stuff as cosplay." He said, giving me a blaming look.
"Hey," I defended, "I needed some leather, and you had it. I'm your girlfriend. I've worn your underwear, for goodness sake!"
This is was actually true. When I was around 3-4 months pregnant, I hated my panties, so I just used Mello's boxers. It was actually really comfy. I stole like, ten pairs from him.
"That's different. My leather is my favourite thing to wear." Mello said, and I sighed.
"Then I'll pay for it. What was it, a jacket... And a pair of pants... And a vest, right?"
"Yeah, but I'm not gonna make you pay for it." He told me. "Save your money."
I gave him an 'don't be stupid' face, but he refused let me pay. Even when me actually went to the store, he told me flat out, "Don't even think about paying."
I sighed and walked behind him, or rather, 'waddled', since my huge belly was making it hard to walk straight. For 10 minutes, I followed him like a puppy until he had finally found what he wanted. "Just let me try these on, alright?"
I nodded and sat down in front of the change room, since I knew Mello would show me the outfit. And of course, I was right. He came out wearing the outfit, striking a sexy pose.
Oh my God, he looks so sexy in leather...
He really only wore leather when he went to 'work', so I never really got to see him in it. But now, if I wasn't pregnant and in public, I'd be feeling him up already. "How do I look?" He asked, and I grinned.
"Super sexy, Mel. I won't even lie." I said, looking him up and down.
"And they fit perfectly. I'm gonna get them!! It's settled!" He said, heading back to the change room. Only 30 seconds later, did he come out, still wearing the leather clothes but carrying his other clothes.
"I'm gonna wear them today, alright? Let me go pay." He said, heading right past me and to the cashier. He pulled the tags out of the clothes and giving them to her. The lady was taken aback but still scanned the tags, let Mello pay, and we left the store. "Now, I wanna go get you something to wear, too." He told me, and I groaned.
"Mel, I'm not in the mood to go get new-!" I began, but he glared at me and pulled me into the maternity store.
Immediately, I saw a black dress that I liked, and ran up to it. Maybe it was because it matched Mello's clothing, or that it looked like something from a shoujo anime, but it looked amazing. "You like it?" Mello asked, and I nodded.
"Then go try it on, babes." He added, and I walked cheerfully to the change room.
I took off my current clothes and slipped the dress on. It looked really good. I went out to show Mello, and his eyes widened when he saw me. "Jesus Christ, you look like a pregnant angel!"
I smiled. "Aw, thanks, Mel! I'm gonna wear this today, so we'll match, alright?"
He nodded and I went back to the change room to grab my other set of clothes. I pulled off the tag of the dress and went with Mel to the cash, where he insisted to pay. I let him, of course. I didn't have the energy to argue with him. "Are you hungry?" He asked when we left the store.
I shrugged. "I could go for some lunch. I did bring chocolate with me, though."
His face lit up. "You did? Thanks, babe!" He exclaimed, smiling and then kissing me on the forehead.
"Y-you're welcome." I stuttered. Seeing Mello smile always threw me off guard and made me blush. His smile could cure cancer and end wars. "But I think I should eat something. Before I faint. Again."
I'd fainted a lot during the pregnancy. There was the first time with Matt, then a week later while I was cleaning the house, and quite a few more times after that. Mello would always freak out; he didn't like seeing me hurt or unwell, so everything was hard on him. But in all honesty, he was extremely helpful and understanding. And I loved him for it.
"Okay," Mello said, "What do you want?"
I thought about it for a minute. Okay, what do you want, kiddo? I had a sudden craving for French fries, and told Mello. We went to the food court and I sat down as he went to buy the food. He came back a few minutes later, and I literally stuffed my face with he food.
"Holy shit," he muttered, "How hungry were you?"
"I don't know..." I replied, swallowing everything that was in my mouth. "Ask your son when he's born."
He smacked his forehead in embarrassment and sighed. "You're such an idiot, you know that?"
I grinned. "Yeah, but I'm your idiot. And you love me."
He smirked. "Yes, I do. I love my pregnant idiot."
I faked an offended look and kept on eating. When I was finished, we decided to leave. Well, Mello insisted that we left. Mello is acting... Strange.
When we went into the car, I decided to question him about it. "What's going on with you today?"
He froze completely, but then must've caught himself. "Eh? What're you talking about? Stop being so paranoid." He dismissed, and I obeyed.
Maybe the pregnancy is going to my head... He's probably right; I shouldn't be too paranoid about everything.
We drove in silence back to the house. I noticed some parked cars along our street, but I shrugged it off. Stop being paranoid...
When we finally pulled up to the house and Mello parked the car, I got out, but Mello ran to my side with a grin on his face. Okay, this isn't paranoia. He's planning something.
He unlocked the door and I walked in, setting my purse down. It was dark, and I could barely see.
I was almost knocked off my feet in shock. The lights turned on and I saw Matt, his girlfriend Mina, and Near standing there.
"Holy shit..." I managed. "What's this about, guys?"
Mina smiled. "Mello wanted you to have a baby shower, so we planned this. You like?"
The whole main floor was decorated with blue decorations. I usually don't like decorations, but this is nice.
"And I came because I had to see you before the kid was born." Near said, raising his hand.
"Aw, thanks, Near. I'm sure you're super busy with the SPK. You didn't have to come all the way here for a baby shower."
He shot me a glare. "Yes I did. When you called to tell me about the pregnancy, I was surprised. I hadn't predicted it."
"So," Mello asked. "Why are you so hellbent on telling Near?"
I glared at him, dialling the number. "Because I was friends with Near and I feel bad that I left and haven't really kept in contact with him. Besides, he should know."
Mello rolled his eyes and watched as I dialled the number for Wammy's House. On the first ring, someone answered. "Wammy's House. Roger Speaking."
"Ah, Roger, it's {Y/N}. Can you call Near for me?"
"Certainly." He said, and the phone was put on hold.
A few minutes later, the phone came back on the line. "Hello, this is Near."
"Near!! How're you doing?" I said excitedly, and I heard a small gasp.
"{Y/N}, wow, I haven't spoken to you in a while! I'm good, how are you and Mello?"
I put the phone on speaker. "We're good. You're on speaker."
"Hey, Near." Mello muttered.
"Hey, Mello." Near said. "Well, is something wrong? You normally don't call out of the blue like this..."
"Actually..." I explained. "I have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
"I'm pregnant, Near."
Near gasped again. "No freaking way... That's amazing! What is it? A boy or a girl?"
"I don't know yet, but when we go get our next ultrasound I'll call and let you know."
Mello scoffed, as to say he didn't want to call again. Typical Mello.
"Well, that's extremely good news." Near said. "Wait, so who's the dad? Do you know?"
Mello gritted his teeth. "Me, obviously! Idiot!"
Mello, he doesn't know we're a couple yet!!
"So then... You two... Are a couple?" Near clarified, and I nodded, even though he couldn't see me.
"We're a couple. But not married, so make sure if you tell anyone, it's someone you can trust to keep a secret."
Near scoffed. "I don't have much friends, {Y/N}. Well, besides you. Anyways, who would I tell?"
"You can tell your detective friend if you want, but that's it. I know that you're close with the SPK detectives."
"Okay," Near said. "Well, I'd love to talk more, but I've gotta go compile some information about the Kira case. I will call later."
"Bye, Near." I said, and Mello grunted as if to say it too.
"Wow," I said, "Thanks, you guys. I appreciate it."
I sat down in the living room, and noticed that there were presents, too. I didn't say anything; I was sort of winded from the shock. Mello sat down beside me, playing with my hair. "So you planned this, you sly devil. I knew something was up." I grinned.
He snickered. "You should've seen the look on your face."
I elbowed his stomach and he doubled over in pain. This freaking asshole...
Mina then covered my eyes from behind. "We have a special surprise for you..." She sang, and I smelled something sweet. When I opened my eyes, Matt and Near were holding a huge chocolate cake.
"We made this for you while Mello took you to the mall." Matt explained.
"Yay!! Food!" I clapped, doing my fat girl dance. "Pregnancy craving powers ACTIVATE!!"
Mello smacked his forehead and sighed. "Only you, I swear..."
I grinned. "Hey, if it weren't for your cock, I wouldn't be in this position. You don't get to judge."
Near looked confused, and then his eyes widened. "I don't wanna hear that!!" He yelled, covering his ears.
Mello grinned. "Oh, you don't wanna hear how she seduced me while grinding on my-!"
I hit the back of Mello's head. "Mello!" I scolded. "You're so embarrassing!! Spare Near the details of our sex life, please! Jesus!"
He smirked and licked my ear, making me moan a bit. "Gross!" Matt yelled, throwing a fit.
Near, who was blushing a bright red, covered his eyes and ran out the room. "Near! It's okay, come back!" I called after him, hitting Mello in the ribs.
This asshole is gonna pay...
Mina sighed. "I'll go get him." She droned, and I smiled in appreciation.
Matt handed me a knife and fork. "When they come back, cut the cake. Before Mello does any more lewd and embarrassing things."
I nodded and grabbed the utensils while Mina came back in with Near, who looked truly horrified. "Are you okay, Near?" I asked him, and he nodded slowly.
"Ugh. You couples are too lovey dovey, you know..." He replied, and came and sat down on my lap in front of my belly. "Are you gonna cut the cake?"
I smiled. "Yes," I sang, putting the knife and fork in front of me and slicing into the cake. Matt, Mina, Near, and Mello clapped as I took a small piece into the fork and put it into my mouth. "Wow, this is good." I muffled. "You guys made this?"
"Yeah," Mina said, "I looked online for a recipe, though."
"Holy shit, that's amazing! Thanks, you guys!"
"Well," Matt said, "If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have any of this..." He gestured outwards, signalling that he meant the house.
"That's not true." I corrected. "I'm sure you would've gotten this without me."
Mello nudged me. "Don't. Please. We love you."
I reached up and pulled him towards me, kissing him on the cheek. "Thanks, Mel."
-45 Minutes Later...-
"So," Near asked. "Have you two decided on a name, yet?"
I leaned my head on Mello's which was placed gently on my shoulder. "Well," I explained, "We have a few runner-ups, but I really like... Lawliet." Mello glanced at me with a smirk.
"In honour of L, huh?" Near thought aloud. "Sounds nice."
"Yeah, it's really nice. {Y/N}, Mello, and Lawliet. Triple threat squad, right there." Mina said.
I laughed. Lawliet... In honour of the only person who knew about us before we left. The only person who believed in us, really. L...
"What's wrong?"
I looked down at Mello's head to see that he was staring worriedly at me, his eyes glinting in the light.
"Nothing. I'm just tired." I said.
"Then sleep." He told me. And so I did. I closed my eyes and dreamt. I was happy, too. Mello, and Matt, and all of them... They cared for me so much. It was touching really. And in that moment, I also felt L there with us, too. Not because we were naming our son after him, but because he knew that Mello and I had finally found each other.
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