Splash Fest
~Mello's POV~
I woke up the next morning to the soft sound of 'Mirrors' playing. My phone alarm. I sat up and smiled. Today I get to bring Lawliet and {Y/N} home~! I went into the bathroom and took a shower, and then put on my leather clothes.
I went downstairs to see Matt typing furiously on his laptop. Playing computer games, of course.
When he saw me he threw me a set of keys. "'Morning! Here, take my car. You're gonna pick up {Y/N} soon, right?"
I nodded as I went into the kitchen and grabbed a chocolate bar, unwrapping it and taking a bite. "I'm gonna head out now, actually. Wanna come with?" I asked, picking up the car seat/Baby carrier that Mina had bought us. (Along with the equivalent to an entire store...)
He shrugged. "She might kill me, but sure." He said, and then he shut down the laptop.
"Want me to wait in the car?" Matt asked as I parked his car.
"It'd be helpful... That way you can drive home..." I said, and he nodded, switching over to the drivers seat from the passengers' one.
I entered the hospital and went to where {Y/N}'s room was. As soon as I entered, her face lit up. "Marshmello!" She said excitedly, running up to me and kissing me on the cheek. Lawliet was in the nurse's hands, and she placed him gently into the baby carrier.
"Ready to go?" I asked {Y/N}, who smiled and nodded.
She got up and waved to the nurse as we left the room. I felt happy... and then we went to the car. The second {Y/N} saw Matt, she ran up to him and gave him a tight bitch slap. "You... Asshole!! How dare you, Matty?! Talking shit about Mello... Do you want me to kill you?"
I covered my mouth with one hand as I struggled to keep in my laughter. "Mello!" Matt whined. "You didn't tell her?!"
"Matt wasn't being serious! He was using it as an excuse to get some info out of me." I explained, laughing in between words.
{Y/N} looked at me and then Matt, piecing together what I'd said. Even still, she looked like she could kill Matt. "Is this true, Matty?"
Matt, who was holding his cheek, nodded vigorously, in complete and utter fear of what {Y/N} would do if he denied it.
She sighed and gestured for Matt to open the doors. When he did, both of us sat in the back seats, with the baby carrier and Lawliet in between us. "You're lucky that you had a good reason for saying that shit to Mello, Matt, or you'd be bleeding right now." {Y/N} said.
"Thanks for sparing me, then." Matt said sarcastically, pulling out of the parking spot and heading home.
It was a quiet ride home, for once, and a nice one.
~{Y/N}'s POV~
Matt parked the car in our driveway, and I grabbed the baby carrier and exited the car with it. Mello got out of the car and walked to the front door beside me. I unlocked it, but then paused. "Lawliet," I said quietly. "Welcome home." I walked inside with Mello trailing slightly behind.
"Okay, you two have fun!!" Mina chimed as Mello and I walked out the front door.
It's been so long since we've been on a date...
"Are you sure you're okay with leaving Lawliet with Mina and Matt?" Mello asked cautiously.
Yes, I was an overprotective mother. Don't get me wrong; Mello was overprotective, too, but not as bad as me. I nodded. "I need a small break. One day at the beach won't kill us. Besides, it's literally a two minute walk back to the house."
Mello shrugged as he dragged our cooler down the short path to the beach. When we got there I sighed in admiration at the water. "It's so beautiful."
Mello, who put down the cooler, grabbed my waist from behind and kissed my neck. "You're even better, you know."
I laughed and turned around to peck him on the cheek. "I know, Marshmello. I know."
I began to take off my clothes; I was wearing my black bikini underneath. Mello, who wasn't expecting me to start stripping, blushed in embarrassment. "At least give me some kind of warning before you start taking off your clothes..." He muttered, and I glared at him.
"Mello, I'm going swimming, not dancing on a pole." I said bluntly, pulling off the remainder of my clothes and giving it to him.
"Well, you look sexy enough to dance on one." He said, gesturing towards me. I had lost all of my pregnancy fat, but my breasts were clearly bigger. I blushed.
"Yeah, yeah. Are you coming in the water with me?"
"Uh, I'm not-!" He began, but was cut off by the sound of yelling.
"OI!! MELLO!! {Y/N}!!" Someone yelled. Mello and I glanced at each other and sighed. The voice was very familiar.
"Yo, Matt." I said, right before getting overthrown by a hug. "What's wrong?"
"Someone wants to see you..." He said, with rhythm to his voice. Matt let go, and I regained my balance.
And with that, I heard footsteps coming towards me, followed by a flash of white before getting tackled by someone else. "Congrats!!" The person said, and I knew exactly who it was.
"Hey, Near." I said, ruffling his white hair. "What brings you here?"
He let go and smiled. "I came to see Lawliet and you."
I heard Mello scoff, and I shot him a glare. "Well, thanks, Near. We're spending the day at the beach, so do you want to join us?"
"Mina made me change into swim shorts, so yes, of course. She didn't tell you that I was coming?"
"She wanted to keep it a secret." Matt said. "Sorry."
Mello groaned and sat down on the cooler. There were beach chairs on the beach, but no, my boyfriend had to sit on the cooler. "So I guess we're all gonna be hanging here today, then?"
I shrugged, and Near clung to me again. "I was worried about you." He said, and I chuckled.
"You don't have to be worried! I was fine!"
"Yeah, and she was with me..." Mello said. "I wouldn't let anything happen to {Y/N}, Near."
I heard a muffled scoff come from Near, and Mello looked furious. I laughed nervously and pulled the albino off of me. "Come on, how about we go in the water?"
"Yes, I'm okay with that." Near said, unbuttoning his white shirt.
"Sounds good to me." Matt said, pulling his stripes red shirt over his head.
As we got ready to go in, I stopped. "Wait, Mello, you aren't coming with?"
He shook his head and I sighed. Of course not; Near is going with us.
"Well, if you need me just call out to me, okay?" I said before blowing him a kiss and running into the water. Near followed behind, splashing the water up at me. Matt came in last, with a (failed) attempt at a dive.
Then we waded our way to a point where we could actually swim and began to hang out there. "So," Near said. "What's the whole 'mother' thing doing for you?"
I sighed. "I love Law, but I'm not used to it yet. I still have to cope. But Mel's been helping me out a lot, so I'm not doing everything on my own. Even Mina and Matt help, too."
Matt smiled and splashed me playfully. "Of course!! Lawliet is my nephew!!"
"It's good that you named him after L..." Near commented, and I smiled.
"Back when he was alive, he used to tease me and say that Mello was like my husband. And at one point, I think that he knew that Mel and I were gonna end up together. He said it often. He was rooting for us to become a couple." I said, and then I sighed. "It's sort of sad that he won't be able to see Lawliet. Or even Mel and I as a couple, for that matter..."
Matt sighed and then splashed me again. "He's always watching over us. All of us. You know that."
I smiled at Matt. "Yeah, I know." I said before glancing at Mello, who was sitting by himself on the cooler, staring at me. "But if I could just see him again, it'd mean the world to me. To see all of us and how much we've grown."
Near chuckled. "Well, you know that I haven't grown much, so he'd be surprised to see that I'm still the same shorty."
I laughed and splashed him. "Don't say that; you've done so much in the last 3 years; you're the leader of the SPK!!"
"Yeah, but he is still kind of short..." Matt muttered, and I pushed him into the water and clicked my tongue.
"Don't listen to him, Near. All of us have grown. L would be proud. In fact, I'm sure he is proud."
Matt got up and shoved me, almost making me fall. "What was that for?!" He yelled, and I smirked.
"For making Near feel bad. What, are you mad that you got pushed by a girl?"
He grinned and tackled me, making us fall into the water. Near joined in and jumped on the both of us, and we all bursted out laughing.
~Mello's POV~
God dammit . Why'd Near and Matt have to show up? Ugh. And I had a perfect plan, too.
I sighed as I watched Matt tackle {Y/N} and Near jump on top of them, making them all fall into the water. I glanced at the small box in my pocket. Okay, Mihael. You have to improvise. It's something you're good at; it just a proposal!!
I gulped. I had went out during the week to buy an engagement ring for {Y/N}, and now that we were supposed to be alone, I was prepared to propose to her. But now that Matt and Near are here...
"Mello..." {Y/N} said, snapping me out of my train of thought. I hadn't even noticed her come out of the water. "Aren't you gonna go swim with us?"
I grunted and looked away. "I don't really feel like swimming..."
She pressed up against me. "Do you want me to make you feel like swimming?"
With a dismissive click of the tongue, I got up and took off my shirt. "Ugh, fine. It's not like I have anything better to do, anyways."
{Y/N} smiled and pulled me by the hand into the water. It was a bit cold, but I was able to stand it. When Matt saw me, he smirked. "Finally got enough courage to take off your shirt?"
I grit my teeth and pushed him into the water. When he resurfaced, he gave me a glare. Before he could say anything, I smiled. "Don't fuck with me today, Matt. I will drown you if I have to."
Near slowly backed away from me and clung to {Y/N}, who smiled helplessly. "Aw, Marshmello, don't be like that..." She said, "Look, you freaked Near out."
Near seemed to snap out of his trance and let go of {Y/N}. "Ah, n-no, I'm fine."
She gave him an 'are-you-serious' face but focused on me. "Come on, Mello, lighten up!!" She said, splashing me with the water.
I smirked and splashed her back, and it repeated itself until Matt joined in. Then Near started splashing, too, and water was flying everywhere. After a while, Near came up to me and tugged on my swim shorts. "What is it, Near?"
He motioned for me to follow him back towards our stuff, and I nodded and trailed behind him. "We'll be back!" I yelled to Matt and {Y/N}, and they nodded.
We sat down at camp and Near smiled. "How's everything going with you?"
Surprised, I smiled back. At Near. The same kid I used to want to kill. "It's going pretty good, Near. I'm happy, for once."
He nodded and started playing with his hair, a habit from when we at Wammy's. "That's good. In all honesty, I'm happy for you. You're a father, and soon you're gonna be a husband, correct?"
My eyes widened. "H-how did you know, Near?"
He smirked. "Mello, my predictions are never wrong. I figured it out from the moment I saw you."
"Well, it's not happening today." I muttered.
"Why not? We're all here... And it's a beautiful day. And I'm sure it'll be a beautiful evening, too. Perfect for proposals."
I sighed. "Both you and Matt are here. It's not the same."
Near sighed. "{Y/N} would like it better, you know. Neither of you have any sort of family, and so friends are the next best thing. It would mean the world to her."
This brat is actually sort of... Right...
I looked back towards {Y/N}, and gasped as I saw the hugest wave I'd ever seen take her and Matt under it.
~{Y/N}'s POV~
I watched as Mello and Near talked on the shore. "It's nice to see the two of them getting along for a bit, huh?" Matt said, and I giggled.
"Until Mello tries to decapitate him later. Somehow he's gonna flip out on him. It's inevitable. Maybe this time he'll try to drown him in the ocean with rocks chained to his ankles or something." I said, and Matt laughed.
"A vivid imagination you have there, {Y/N}. How many murders have you plotted?"
"Believe me, I have plotted a lot of murders." I said before looking at the incoming waves. They were coming in pretty strong, but I wasn't expected what happened next.
A wave twice my size hit Matt and I head-on, and we fell under the water. At first, there was no sense of panic in me. I was a pretty confident swimmer. I couldn't see Matty, but when I attempted to swim to the surface, I felt a tug on my leg. Of course, something had wrapped around it, making me unable to swim up.
Oh, God no.
I kept pulling and tugging my leg, but to no avail. That's when the panic kicked in. I can't die here! I just had Lawliet... And Mello and I are happy... Oh God...
I felt my chest get tight and my head spin, and I knew that in a few moments, I was going to run out of oxygen. God, if I die here, please keep Lawliet safe, and Mello happy. Don't let this get the better of them.
I felt another pain in my chest. An emotional pain. Mello... I love you. If this is it, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. Love you. Take care of Law for me.
And then it came. The darkness came and I went limp. And in that moment, I knew that if I was to die, I'd die with peace, knowing that I'd died with the love of my life on my mind.
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