-{Y/N}'s POV-
"O-Oi, wake up, idiot." A voice said, and I felt a soft shake on my shoulder. Groaning, I opened my eyes ever so slightly, to see Matt hovering over me.
"Ugh... Matt, why?" I sluggishly moaned, and he clicked his tongue.
"We have to help Mello. He's burnt the hell up, remember?"
"Can't you do it?" I said, closing my eyes again.
"Hey, I'm not the one married to him. Plus, I really don't wanna see him naked."
My eyes snapped open again as I realized what he'd said. "Why would he be naked?"
"He can't bathe properly... And I really don't wanna help him..." Matt whined, and I pulled myself off the bed and glared at him.
"I really hate you for waking me up... But I'll do it."
Matt smirked and ran to the door. "Have fun, super lover!" He cheered before running out of my bedroom. I got off the bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up before going to Mello's bedroom.
He was laying on his bed, biting his lip and staring down at himself. I knew that he must've felt awful, and I didn't blame him. It's not like he looked bad, but Mello never really took change all that well. Sure, he was normally the one to cause change, but I'm positive that his near-death experience wasn't exactly his fault. I stepped into the room and went up to him. "Hey, baby, what's wrong?"
He gave me a weak smile and scoffed at himself. "Look at me! I'm a fucking mess... You deserve someone much better than me..."
I kissed Mello on the forehead and put his head to my chest, cupping it in my hands. "Mel, I know you're hurting, but you're not a mess, okay? I love you. Marrying you is the best decision I've made so far."
He gave me a pouty look and put his head back. "I'm sorry for bringing you into this huge mess."
"Nah, I'm fine. Think about it, we've always been like this; we're bound to beat Kira!"
He chuckled and gave me a loving gaze, which made my heartbeat quicken a bit. "You always know what to say, don't you, you freaking romantic."
I raised my hands in a 'what-can-I-say' manner. "I'm a slut for the romantic shit."
"So, what brings you here first thing in the morning anyways," he changed the subject, "Normally you don't get up this early."
I groaned. "Matt, being, well... Matt, asked me to help you with taking a bath. Do I have to sponge bathe you or something?"
A light shade of pink dusted Mello's cheeks and he sighed. "Y-yeah... I can't shower 'cause it hurts with the burns. You don't have to sponge bathe me, per se, but at least help me bathe."
Dammit, Matt! What the hell did you get me into?
"I'll help you out..." I mumbled as I helped him up and lead in to the ensuite bathroom in his room. I ordered him to sit on the toilet while I got the bath water ready. Once everything was set, I helped him into the tub. He winced at the initial contact, but then was fine thereafter. "You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, it just stings. I'm fine." He said, blushing, and I splashed some water on him.
"Why're you blushing, Mel?" I teased, and I splashed me back.
"You're a freaking bitch..." He muttered, and I grinned.
"The best in the business!"
"Yeah, yeah," he said dismissively, "Can you just get this over with already?"
I took the bar of soap and began helping him clean, which was awkward for not only him, but me as well.
~Mello's POV~
I blushed as {Y/N} helped me take my bath. Honestly, it's not like I minded her helping, far from it, but it was the fact that I looked so helpless that made me embarrassed.
"Okay, if you want, just sit here for a few minutes and call me when you need to get out. I've gotta go use the bathroom, myself." {Y/N} said before leaving the bathroom.
I stared at the mirror across from the bathtub and sighed.
This helpless feeling reminds me of that time...
"What was that, Roger?" I exclaimed, "What did you just say?"
"I'm afraid L is dead..." Roger, an employee at Wammy's House, muttered.
No, it can't be true! It's impossible!
"Mello...!" He exclaimed as I grabbed him and shook him, almost as if to interrogate him.
A noise caused the two of us to look back at Near, who had turned over a puzzle he had presumably just finished solving. "If you can't win the game... If you can't solve the puzzle, you lose, end of story." He said, starting to place the pieces together again.
Slightly annoyed by that, I turned back to Roger. "So, which of us did L pick? Me or Near?"
"He hadn't chosen yet," he replied after sighing quietly. "And now that he's gone I'm afraid that he won't be able to."
No, no, no!! This cannot be happening! But... I was so sure he would make it back! {Y/N} was so sure! She was almost certain that he'd get Kira!
I stayed silent for a second as I pondered what I was going to do. I could work with Near, even though he annoyed the hell out of me. Or I could go off and solve the goddamn case by myself.
I'm not first in line, so I can't be L's Successor. Not really. It wouldn't be right. I wanted him to choose me, not for me to just be given the position because he can't choose!
I stole an extremely quick glance at Near, who kept on with his puzzle. The sight sickened me. Working with Near? Can I really do that?
I had never really gotten along with the brat, he was always better than me, and it infuriated me to the core.
Fuck that! I can survive on my own. I don't need anyone. All I need is myself!
"You know what?!" I spoke up again, "It's fine. Near should be the one to succeed L. He's not like me. He never gets emotional. He just uses his head. Like its a game, or a puzzle. And as for me, I'm leaving this institution." I turned on my heel and began to walk out, causing Roger to reach after me, but not really stop me.
"Wait, Mello!" He called, but I didn't.
I'm second-rate, I can't succeed L unless he chooses me himself. And now that he's dead, that's gone. Fucking Kira.
"Don't waste your breath." I snapped. "I'm almost 15 years old. It's time I started living my own life!" I closed the door behind and went back to the room I shared with Near and began packing my stuff. I had no clue where I would go, but as long as it was away from there, I was fine. As I was packing my bags, I stole a quick glance at the time on my phone, and my wallpaper made me stop dead in my tracks.
It was a picture of {Y/N} and I on my birthday. She was wearing the nicest black dress and a leather jacket over it.
Shit, I can't just leave without a goodbye...
A lump formed in my throat, but I held back the tears. I knew that she had class, and plus, if I'd saw her at that time, I wouldn't have been able to leave. Sighing, I grabbed a piece of lined paper and began to write a letter for her.
"Dear, {Y/N},
By the time you read this, I'd have already left the institute. L is dead. Kira killed him. And he hadn't chosen who the successor would be. I gave it to Near. Listen, I want you to know that I'm gonna come back for you. Once Kira is caught, I'll come back and get you. For now, stay with Matt and Near. I love you. God, I love you. Please, stay safe. For me. Love you. Don't forget that.
-Mihael (Mello) Keehl"
Smiling sadly down at the sheet, I put it into a black envelope and planned to put it in her room.
Wait, the locket!
I had bought her a locket a while back, and had planned to give it to her on her birthday, but I knew that I couldn't really visit her after leaving. All I would come back for is to get her out of there. Taking the box that had the locket in it, I snuck into her dorms and her room, placed the envelope on her bed, and looked down at the locket in its box.
"Don't forget me." I said, hiding it in her Attack on Titan sweater. Then, before I could start crying, I went back to my dorms, finished packing my bags, and got ready to leave.
Sorry, {Y/N}, but I don't want you to have to deal with that bastard, Kira.
And Kira, look out. I'm coming for you, asshole!
Snapping out of my trance, I got up from the bathtub and grabbed a towel that was placed neatly on the sink counter. Staring at myself and sighing, I didn't notice {Y/N} come in and stand in the doorway. "I told you to call out to me. Stupid."
"Well, I'm perfectly fine with getting out of the tub myself, okay? I'm not an old man." I scoffed, and she rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, blondie." She said, "Listen, Matt's downstairs, so we're gonna go play some Zelda games and then we'll work, yeah? Go get dressed and then come down!"
"Okay, whatever." I dismissed, chuckling at the fact that she called me 'blondie'.
Only my wife.
"Okay, we'll beat Ganondorf's ass tomorrow." Matt said, nudging {Y/N} with his elbow.
"Yeah, we've gotta freaking plan this whole thing." She groaned, and I sighed.
"I just wish that Kira would realize that he, himself, needs to die because he's a shitty criminal like everyone he's killed."
"Except for L." {Y/N} added.
"Yeah, except for L."
All of a sudden, the phone in my pocket rang, and I looked down to see an unknown number. I accepted the call and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"
"Hey, Mello." A familiar voice said, and I felt a pang of annoyance hit me.
"Near. What is it?" I scoffed, my voice dripping with a venomous tone.
"Listen, Mello, half of my team has been murdered. By Kira. I may need to discuss some things with you in case you're targeted next."
Looking over at {Y/N}, who looked worried, I nodded. "Okay. We'll come see you soon enough."
"Okay. I will see you when you get here."
I disconnected the call and gave Matt and {Y/N} a smirk. "Get ready, guys. We're gonna go pay our 'old friend Near' a visit."
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