~ Lawliet's POV ~
It wasn't often that I missed Mom and Dad, but that day, I missed them a lot. I didn't know whether I should have felt scared, because now there was no one running the orphanage, or whether I should have felt happy, because Near's killer had been put to justice.
Myra and I stayed in my room that entire day. Neither of us ate, and we only left to take bathroom breaks before returning to our room. It was unlike me to keep in one spot, however, no one thought that it was strange because I usually kept to myself. The others knew that I was more of an introvert and never came to connect the dots on how unusually secluded I was that day.
The other kids needed a leader. They needed someone to help them figure out their lives, and who was supposed to do that now? Even me, who was going to become the Watari to my L?
"You're awfully quiet..." Myra commented at one point, but I didn't bother replying. I was too enveloped in my own brain to care.
Everyone else... I can't leave them to take care of themselves. This place is already a shit show. Dragging everyone further down the rabbit hole will only make everything worse.
"I need a Watari," I mumbled to myself. Myra didn't hear me, or she didn't care, because she didn't reply or question what a Watari was.
Hours passed before she broke the silence. "You know, I said that I would do it."
I shook myself out of the haze I was in and looked at her questioningly. "Huh?"
"I said," she turned to face me. "I would do it."
"Do what?"
"Be your Watari," she explained, "And I know. I'm new here. I didn't grow up at Wammy's House, and I'm not a genius. But, this is the reason why I'm here now. You even said it yourself, Matt's genes were good enough to get in."
I paused my thoughts for a moment and pondered the idea. Myra was clearly smart, but I had no idea whether she could handle being Watari. I mean, she was brand new to this. To the orphanage. To the orphans. To me.
"I don't know," I said, still unsure. "The Watari job... it has a lot of meaning to it."
She shook her head, grabbing hold of my hands. "Quillish Wammy protected L because he had to. All that time he spent as a Watari was because L was like his son. He found L. He raised him. And therefore if anything had to happen, he wanted to be there. After L died, things needed to change."
She's not wrong, but...
"You need to let things change, Lawliet," Myra continued, "With Near, he had both Gevanni and Roger as his Wataris, switching between the two depending on the case. He was fluid, and didn't really need a Watari linked to him."
"Myra," I protested, "We're two stupid thirteen year-olds."
"L was young when he started criminal cases, too."
I was upset that she was so good at persuading me. It was beginning to work, and get under my skin. She knew a lot... almost too much.
...something's not right here...
"How do you know so much about L and Wammy?"
~Myra's POV~
Shit, shit, shit!
I sat in front of Lawliet as my eyes slowly widened. I'd been caught. All the information that I knew, revealed to him just because I was too hasty.
Goddammit, Mom, I never was good at talking, now was I?
"Okay, fine, you got me." I sighed, placing my hands up in the air. "I've done some research."
Immediately, Lawliet moved himself slightly away from me. I was a little hurt by that, but decided to pretend not to notice. Instead, I angrily ran a hand through my hair. "I'm not a criminal. And I really am Matt's daughter. But there's a reason I'm here."
"Yeah, well, no shit," Lawliet said, and I rolled my eyes.
"Spare me the attitude, okay? I'm not here working for anyone but myself and my Mom." I snapped, "And... everything I told you about me was true."
Lawliet scoffed, "Get to the point already."
I crossed my legs and looked down at the space between them. "My Mom... after the Wammy's House Rejects all died, and they took you away, all she had was me. And even though it seemed useless, she was the one that told me everything. The famous detective L, Quillish Wammy, Wammy's House, all of it. The Kira case was always the most prominent."
Lawliet nodded, but still looked a tad suspicious.
"Soon, I began to see what Wammy's House's deeds did to her. The trauma from the Kira Case ate at her like a disease. She lost her whole family in the matter of minutes. Mello, who was Matt's best friend and your father. {Y/N}, her best friend and your mother. And of course, my father and your uncle, Matt. She had this weird thought process that somehow if she used me, she could stop herself from losing more, or regain what she'd lost. So she started training me herself, my body and mind. She wanted me to be part of the story, and fix everything that took her life away from her."
The both of us were silent and unsure of how to get the heaviness of the conversation out of the air. After about thirty seconds, Lawliet spoke up. "What you said... about not having been on a bed for a while... was that true?"
Embarrassed, I nodded. A teenage girl having to go homeless in order to carry out the one task she was assigned looked pathetic, and probably even more so to someone such as Lawliet Keehl, who grew up taking on task after task.
But instead of pitying me, he wrapped his arms around my torso. "Sorry," he mumbled, and I hugged back.
"It's okay."
"It must've been hard for you... so I'm sorry."
Unsure of how to respond, I remained quiet and enjoyed the hug. After all, it came accompanied with a feeling of accomplishment.
Mom... I made it.
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