~Mello's POV~
I walked back to {Y/N}'s room with Matt, L, and Near, laughing and talking with them before taking a deep breath, opening the door, and walking in. Only to see {Y/N} sitting up and talking to her nurse.
Thank god. She's awake.
"{Y/N}!!" I screamed, tackling her and smothering her with kisses all over her face and forehead. When I pulled away, I was replaced by L and Near, who were both very reluctant to get close to her left side.
My heart skipped a few beats in that moment. Seeing her with L and Near, all three of them so happy, it reminded me of the good old days. Well, the "good" old days.
"Hey, Mello," Matt said, "You okay there?"
"Huh? Y-yeah, I'm fine, Matty." I rushed, shaking my head to get myself out of the trance I was in.
~{Y/N}'s POV~
I giggled to myself as L and Near started freaking out over me, both of them giving me lectures about safety and all that.
"Guys, calm down, I'm okay. I've just got a couple broken bones. I'll live." I dismissed, causing them to cock their eyebrows and look at each other with a look that said, 'really?'
I smiled at them and ruffled Near's white hair, causing him to grunt in discomfort. "So, {Y/N}," L said, "Now that everyone is officially themselves again, how about when you get out of this hospital, we all go out for a night out. Yeah?"
I looked at L confused, and then my eyes widened as I looked at Matt. "M-Matty?"
He grinned and ran up to me, hugging me tightly. "I'm so sorry. I had no clue, and then, all of a sudden, it came to me like a flood."
"It's okay, Matty. Man, I missed you. God, it's been so long since I've called you Matty, huh?"
"Yeah. Way too long." He said, a sob escaping with his words.
I gripped his shoulders and hugged as hard as I could, crying into his shoulder. Everyone let us have our moment before he pulled away to wipe his eyes. "Listen. About before, I'm sorry that I, you know."
"I could never be mad at you, Matt. I love you. My little gaming buddy."
"I am not little!" He whined, playfully punching my right arm.
"Whatever," I mumbled, laughing and holding my stomach.
Mello came up to me, without a word, and kissed my forehead, pushing Matt aside. "I'm glad that you're okay."
"So am I," I said, grabbing his hand and entwining my fingers with his. "I don't know why, but somehow, this seems... Unreal."
"That's because it is." Near said, causing Mello, Matt and I to look at him in question.
"Near, what're you-?" I began, only to be interrupted by a series of coughs. Matt and Mello also started coughing, and I felt my heart start to pound in my chest.
"Haven't you figured it out yet, {Y/N}?" L said, "This is your dream. This isn't really happening."
"You need to wake up." Near said.
..wake up...?
...wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up!
...and I managed to finally open my eyes.
"{Y/N}, Jesus, finally!" Mello sobbed, clinging to me. I looked around to see a dark landscape, nothing around us at all.
"Ugh, Mel...?" I managed to croak out, only to be choked by another pair of arms. "M-Matty, can you stop? C-can't breathe..."
"S-sorry," he said, wiping tears from his eyes.
"Shit..." I mumbled, "Where are we?"
The two boys looked at each other and sighed. "MU. Nothingness." Mello summed up, and I looked expectantly at them.
"T-that's it? All you know?" I asked, and then nodded. "Well, shit. So, our rebirth and all that... We died?"
"No. We were never reborn. It was a dream." Matt said, running a hand through his hair.
"What kinda phantasmagorical bullshit is that?!" I yelled, pushing myself up off the ground and sitting up.
" Gorical?" Matt echoed, and Mello sighed.
"Phantasmagoria is a sequence of real or imaginary images, like a dream. Just, don't ask."
"S-so, how did we-?" I began, only to be cut off by Mello.
"We died back when the Kira case ended. What you dreamt, we all saw it. But it wasn't real. We're all here. In Nothingness."
"So, that means, L is here, right?"
"Somewhere here. We have to reconnect with him. All three of us ended up here, mere minutes apart from each other."
"Huh," I grunted, getting up and dusting off my tights. I was wearing the same outfit from the day I died.
Well, I guess that's my eternal look. Hey, at least I look sexy as hell.
"So, what're we gonna do? We've got all the time in the world."
I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "I don't know," I said, "But what I do know is that I'm happy that we got to end up together in MU."
"Same," both Mello and Matt said at the same time, getting up and linking my arms with theirs.
"Come on, guys." I said, "How 'bout we go look for our older brother, L, yeah?"
"Yeah." Matt said, while Mello nodded, as we walked into the depths of Nothingness.
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