Meeting L's Copy
~{Y/N}'s POV~
"Motherfucking hell..." I swore, gripping Mello's hand tightly. "Jesus Christ, how big is this fucking MU place, man?!"
Matt sighed and ruffled my hair, squeezing the hand that he had been holding. "Don't get impatient already. We've only just started walking again."
"I know, but shit man, MU... this is so fucking huge. And no, Matt. That's not what she said."
Matt pouted and Mello chuckled, knowing that he would've said that if I hadn't said anything.
"Wait... I hear something... Hello?!" A voice yelled, and we all immediately looked towards the direction. It was a voice we recognized.
"H-hello?!" I yelled, and then I heard footsteps advancing towards us. Mello stood slightly in front of me, placing himself protectively in front of me. I felt Matt tighten his hand around mine, and I squinted at where the voice had been heard...
As the person approached, I could recognize who it was from the mere figure. Slim, poor posture, and an odd stance...
"Holy fucking shit..." I yelled, breaking away from both Mello and Matt, "L!"
"{Y/N}!" L yelled back, grabbing me by my shoulders and pulling me in for a hug. I buried my face in his chest, crying and shaking.
"Are you... really... L?" Mello asked from behind me, and I could feel him nod. It was only mere seconds before Mello and Matt hugged L from behind me. It had been forever. More than ten minutes passed before we finally calmed down a bit and parted.
"Y-you guys," L said, "I'm so proud of all three of you. {Y/N}, Mello, you got married! I was right! And Matt... No matter what, you were always there for the two of them. I'm so proud of you all!"
"T-thanks." We said in unison before breaking into a mix of giggles and sniffs.
"Lawliet, you ran off," someone said from behind L, "Where'd you- Oh. You three."
"Who's that?" Matt questioned, and Mello and I looked at each other. The man looked extremely similar to L, with the exception of the eyes. They were shaped the same, but the man's eyes seemed somehow... different. He seemed as if he were a copy of L.
There's no way that that's--
"Guys, meet Beyond Birthday. The 'Wara Ningyo' serial killer." L said, with a completely uninterested tone.
"Oi, L, at least show some interest." Beyond said, walking closer to us.
"Beyond Birthday... That means, you're B!" Mello exclaimed.
"Uh, yeah." B replied, rolling his eyes, as if he were bored of Mello's voice already.
"That's B?!" Matt gasped, and then gulped and hid behind me. "S-serial killer...! You're the Los Angeles BB killer?!"
"No shit, Sherlock. God. These are your successors? Come on. I was clearly a better copy."
Wasting no time in doing so, I quickly raised my hand and my middle finger, sticking my tongue out. "At least we didn't turn into raging psychopaths."
"Yeah. Talk to your husband about blowing himself up. And then come back to talk to me."
"Why, you motherfucker..."
Pissed off, I started advancing towards B, but Matt grabbed my arm. "I'm not letting you fight a serial killer, love. Sorry."
"Anyways. You three haven't met Light Yagami here by any chance, have you?" L interrupted, and I shook my head.
"Nope. And I'm gonna assume you haven't either, huh?"
"He's around here somewhere, at least." Mello said. "I mean, come on. If B's here, then he's gotta be here, too."
"I guess," I mumbled, straightening out my clothes and then standing beside Mello. "So? Now that we're in a group, what do you say our next actions should be?"
Mello smirked and looked at me, his eyes full of mischievousness. "Get back at Kira?"
I smiled and motioned towards Beyond Birthday. "This time we got our own notorious serial killer, huh?"
We kept staring at each other and smiling until B cleared his throat at get our attention. "Already planning to get him, huh? I'd expect nothing less from the Wammy's House Rejects."
"Uh, excuse me? The what?" Matt demanded.
"The Wammy's House Rejects," L said, glaring at B. "It's what the runaways or the failed successors are called. B is a reject. But you three were perhaps the greatest loss for Wammy's. So you guys got the nickname. The Wammy's House Rejects."
"We did? I had no clue." Mello said, and then grinned. "It's cool."
"It makes us sound like a gang." I commented, not agreeing, nor disagreeing with him.
"I mean, we were in the Mafia, so it should be nothing particularly new." Matt scoffed, flipping his short red hair. I rolled my eyes and elbowed him in the ribs.
"It's not like it's much of an honour, you know," B stated, "I mean, I'm a reject, and look at me. I was a serial killer. That liked jam. Wammy's House delivers practical mental torment to it's students. And I made it out, and I turned out one of the best trained, physically and mentally. And I'm a psychopath. It's either stay there, at that orpahnage... or turn into a psycho."
"Mafia leader. Addicted to chocolate." Mello said.
"Mafia fighter. Self-trained and taught in martial arts, and in weapons training as well. Addicted to anime, Mello, and also chocolate."
"Street racer, Mafia member, and hacker. Addicted to videogames. And cigarettes." Matt mumbled.
"Not gonna lie, the world outside of Wammy's House was bad, but we didn't go completely psycho. We tried our best."
"O-okay, so maybe these rejects aren't as bad as I thought." Beyond said, turning to L, "But still. They're no better than the rest. At least A had the simple common sense to kill himself and end his suffering from that stupid hellhole and the world itself instead of running-"
"Do not use A's unfortunate death as a example. He broke under pressure. And look who's talking, alright, because you ended up trying to do the same thing. Burning yourself to death, since you couldn't find another way to make your case unsolvable. So don't bring A's situation to light."
"A was a coward, alright? He cracked under pressure. Did any of us crack? No. I didn't crack. It was part of my plan. And as much as I hate to say it... you guys stayed strong."
"Listen, B," Mello admitted, "You're the one that preceded all of us... The second letter. And no matter how bad people made you seem, I'd always respected you. But there's two thing I have to say. One is that you're an asshole. The second is that I have the utmost respect for A as well, since the poor man ended his own life, not being able to deal with the pressure of being L's successor."
"C-can we not talk about this right now, and maybe move on to more current matters?" I intervened, getting the feeling that things were going to escalate if no one stopped the two from arguing.
"Like...?" Matt pondered, and I sent him a deathly look, that definitely scared him, from the look of hsi reaction.
"What happened to Near? And Lawliet?" I pressed, and L smiled.
"Wammy's House happened. Wanna go look?"
"We can see them?!" I asked excitedly, looking at Mello, who nodded and took my hand. "You know I wanna see my baby."
"Ugh, love. Disgusting." B mused, and I gave him the finger again.
"Don't be jealous that Naomi liked L better than you, alright? At least we didn't die virgins. Life did fuck you, but that's the only fucking you ever got... and will ever get." I countered, and Matt hissed in the background.
"Oh shit, {Y/N}, shots fucking fired!!" He yelled, laughing at Beyond Birthday, who seemed to have no reaction to the small fit.
"Listen, kid. At least I wasn't pregnant at 17. I wasn't whoring it out with my best friend. Love slows you down."
"Excuse me?!" Mello cried, "Uh, sorry, that's my fucking wife that you're talking to, and serial killer or not, I will beat the living shit outta you if you keep talking. 'Whoring it out'? We love each other. Not that I'd expect you to understand. Don't think that I don't know why you really are the way you are. Because if I'd been little more depressed when I was at Wammy's... I would've been just... like... you." He paused to watch Beyond Birthday lock eyes with him before smirking and looking at me. "Come on, babe. L, lead the way."
"Y-yeah," He agreed, motioning for us to follow him. Mello, Matt and I trailed behind while Beyond Birthday stood motionless, watching ahead with shocked eyes.
As we walked, I looked up at Mello with curiosity. "Babe," I whispered, "What'd you mean with the 'I know why you are the way you are' thing?
Mello sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "It's hard to explain. You'll find out soon enough, okay?"
L stopped walking in front of us, and gestured to a large sphere, surrounded by fog. "We're here, guys," he muttered, "Welcome to the Earth Observation deck."
"H-how can we see Lawliet?" Mello demanded, and I nodded, not even able to speak, due to both excitement and anxiousness.
"You see... That's the thing..." L muttered, "It's weird. You'll have to pinpoint the exact time and place, where you think he'll be right now. Then you can literally stalk him."
"...I t-told Near to take him to W-Wammy's House, so he's there, most likely." I said, pushing Mello out of the way.
I imagine the area around the building, and just like that, it zoomed in on Wammy's House. "He's a baby, still, so he's probably in the nursing area." Mello said, and I nodded, picturing the room.
And there he was. Our little baby, in the arms of Roger. I felt tears form in my eyes as I watched him drink a bottle, Roger sitting patiently with him.
My baby... My poor, poor baby.
"T-that's Lawliet, right?" Matt stuttered, and both Mello and I nodded vigorously. How could we not know our own child?
"Ah. Which reminds me. Thanks for naming him after me." L blurted, "I know how much you both thought of me, even after my demise. So thank you. I'm glad that you both cared as if we were family."
"Of course we did. I consider Matt my brother. And the same goes for you."
"Yeah, and after you died, look what happened. We left Wammy's House. We loved you, L." Matt uttered.
"...Yeah," L replied, "I guess so."
I looked away from L and back at Lawliet.
My baby, I'm so sorry that daddy and I left you all alone... But I know that you're our baby, and that if you're anything like your father... you'll be strong.
"It's okay, baby, don't cry..." Mello cooed, stroking my head lovingly. I could hear the slight crack in his voice, and I knew that he was fighting the urge to burst into a ball of hysteria.
"I'm not crying..." I insisted, even though I clearly was.
But it only got worse as I saw Near come into the room and take Lawliet from Roger, before sending him out of the room.
"Hey..." He whispered to the baby. "It's Near here. Listen. I know it's illogical to talk to you, since you can't respond, but... Somehow I feel as if it's what your mom and dad would want. And since they're... Gone... I'll do it in their place."
My hand went straight over my mouth, masking the loud sobs that were escaping.
"God, you look so much like the two of them. Your father was such a smart man. He may not have known it, since I was always coming first, but he was smart. Smarter than anyone else I knew. And your mother, God, her presence alone could light up a room. She was beautiful, and her personality was amazing. She was strong, and did anything for what she loved and what she thought was right. Maybe that's why your father loved her. Because she made sure that he was in line. Because she was one of the few people that cared about him. So he tried to give her back all of that love."
I glanced over at Mello, who was biting his lip as tears streamed down his face. "D-damn it, Near..." He whispered, and I flung my arms around him.
"Lawliet Keehl. I look forward to seeing you replace me in the future. Your mother's personality and your father's smarts... You're going to make them proud." Near continued, "They didn't deserve to die. But you... I'm going to protect you with my life. You're the last thing that they had left. So I'm going to protect you with all I've got. Mello, {Y/N}, if you can hear me... Don't worry. Law's in good hands. I'm gonna take care of him. Just like L did with us."
"N-Near..." I managed, "We know."
Both Mello and I smiled as he kissed Law's forehead before walking out of the room with him.
That's enough heartaches for me today.
"Hey, Mel, whattya say we head somewhere and sit? Give ourselves a break." I suggested, and he nodded.
We walked away with Matt trailed behind us. We hadn't noticed at the time, but Matt was crying, too. L stood there a moment longer before walking beside Matt, awkwardly patting his back in an attempt to calm him.
"Our baby's gonna replace Near, huh?" Mello commented, and I grinned.
"I guess. N's successor. Sounds like something our child could do."
"...we didn't deserve this..." He whispered, and I sighed.
"We really didn't. I should be there. With you. And Matt. And Law."
Then we went silent, in fear of breaking into a crying messes again. We couldn't change the fact that the state we were in, was in fact permanent.
"Hey, you know I love you, right?" I assured, placing my hand in Mello's and entwining our fingers.
"Of course I do. I love you, too. Why?" He cautioned, unsure of what I was going to say next.
"Nothing, really. I just really love you."
"Well, I love you, too." He said, pausing his walking pace for a moment to give me a quick kiss.
I blushed a bit and smiled widely, continuing to walk with him. Because I knew that even though this was permanent, that I'd have my life after death no other way.
With Matt, L, and of course Mello there... it was absolutely perfect.
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