(A/N: For those still reading, thank you for being so patient with the on and off hiatus that I keep going on! I'm trying my best, and I hope that I'm really back this time. The sexual assault recovery has been Hell, but I'm really beginning to feel worth something again. Thanks for being so patient with me, and I'm so happy to announce that we've hit 60,000 reads! Thank you all for reading so diligently, and I wish you all good days! Thanks for sticking with me through this story. I love you all. - Jasmine)
~ {Y/N}'s POV ~
"You know, {Y/N}, you don't need to sit and watch him all the time," Near said, "Stop coddling him, he's going to be fine."
I hadn't realized it, but I was leaning over and looking down at Earth to check on Lawliet. It was a comforting feeling, seeing him happy and working things out on his own, but it also made me nervous. My little Law was growing up... maybe even too fast for his own good.
"Aww, Near, I can't help it," I whined, pucking my lip out and staring down again. "It seems like only yesterday, I was down there with him. Ugh, he's growing up way too fast!"
Matt sighed. "Cut the umbilical cord, {Y/N}, he couldn't stay a baby forever! Besides, he still loves you. He just... can't say it to your face right now."
L came up and sat down beside me, placing his arm around my shoulders. "You know, when you started growing up, I felt a little blown away, too. It's normal."
"Yeah, but," I began to protest, but gave up, knowing that it was pointless to argue. "I dunno, L, doesn't it unsettle you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like, he's being forced to do all of this... become a vital contributor to the good of the entire world, and he's only thirteen."
L laughed and ruffled my hair. "He's not turning into Superman, {Y/N}."
I huffed and nudged him. "You know what I mean."
"Well, it is scary, I'll give you that," L admitted, "But you know from personal experience that everyone from Wammy's House makes that decision. Look at you three. You all left to pursue something better. Even if he's having doubts, Lawliet has to make that decision of being L himself."
I was silent for a moment.
Making decisions, huh...
"But what if I was the one that made the wrong decision?" I questioned, softening my voice so that way the other boys wouldn't hear.
"What do you mean?" L replied, and I looked down, not wanting to meet his eyes.
"I mean, what if by putting him into that environment, I just single-handedly destroyed the possibilities for him? What if I ruined my kid's life?"
L grabbed hold of my hands and smiled, knowing that doubting myself was the conclusion that I came to most often. I couldn't help it. Sometimes, it was easy to come to terms with, but for things this serious... it was hard. "You couldn't have ruined his life, {Y/N}, he was a baby when everything happened."
"Yeah. but-!" I tried, but L cut me off.
"You are a great mom. No matter how much time you had with him, you're still a great Mom. I mean, look at how your parents treated you. Left you to die at the age of three. That's an example of a shitty parent. But you, despite not even being able to do anything, you continue to monitor him. And why is that? Because you love him. Right?"
Feeling slightly tear-eyed, I muttered, "Right."
"Good girl," L said before standing up. "Now, tear yourself away from Lawliet for a little bit and join us."
Reluctantly, I followed L and sat down beside Mello, who pulled me onto his lap and planted kisses on my cheeks and neck.
~ Lawliet's POV ~
"Lawliet, come outside." A voice rang through my room like a cold splash of water early in the morning. Myra and I had both fallen asleep, but my eyes begged to remain closed as I fought the desire to stay on the bed. Slowly, but surely, I walked myself up to the front door and opened the door slightly, yawning as I did so.
"W-what is it?" I asked, still somewhat dazed.
Gevanni stood towering above me in the doorway, a dark yet gentle look on his face. I shook my head to wake myself up and then looked again. "What do you want?"
He sighed. "Look, kid, I need to talk to you. Mind coming back to my room for a minute?"
"Yeah, actually, I do mind," I replied, whisper-yelling. "You sick bastard, in what way have you earned the right to even speak to me?"
"Calm down, Law, you're not God, okay?" he snapped, "And just follow me."
I looked back into my room and saw that Myra was still dead asleep. I didn't want to wake her, so I quietly shut the door behind me as I nodded at Gevanni. We began to walk to his room, and I felt an uneasy feeling deep in the pit of my stomach.
Is he going to kill me? Nah... He wouldn't do that.
...or would he?
Before I knew it, we were walking into Gevanni's room. I felt bad leaving Myra behind, but I had no choice. Poor girl was still sleeping, and heavily so, at that.
As the door to Gevanni's room opened, my breath hitched. A strange and eerie feeling overcame me as I stepped into the dark room. When the door clicked shut behind me, Gevanni pushed past me and turned on the light.
"Listen, I didn't wanna piss you off earlier. I know. You're havin' a hard time." He said, throwing himself onto his bed.
"Thanks for noticing," I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes and stepping forward. "I just don't understand. Why?"
Gevanni chuckled. "One day, kiddo," he sighed, "You're gonna look back at this place and wonder why you never decided to leave while you could. This institute that you're so bound to isn't the entire world. And you'll learn, once you see the real world, that killing Roger was the right thing to do."
"How do you know?" I questioned. "How can you be so sure?!"
He paused for a minute, looking pensively at his hands. Quietly, he muttered, "I don't know."
Then, he reached into his bag and pulled out a stack of papers. "Take this back to your room and fill them out. Nate-, I mean, Near, told me that you'd need these eventually. I didn't know that it'd be so soon."
I took the pile from him and began to flip through them. "Ah, I'd prefer you did that in your own room," Gevanni interrupted, "Sorry."
I nodded and started waltzing to the door. "Sorry..." Gevanni softly said as I opened the door and closed it behind me.
Step by step, I went back to my dorm with the stack of paper in my hands. Glancing at the top page, I tried to think of something document-wise that Near would've wanted me to have.
My birth certificate? No, that's in the bag with Mom and Dad's stuff.
Old photos? Nah, this isn't the right type of paper.
His will? Maybe, but this is a lot of paper for a will...
"Lawliet!" Myra said suddenly, causing me to jolt. "Hey, what the hell?! I woke up and you weren't there!"
I laughed nervously. "Sorry. I had to pick up some papers."
She looked at the pile in my arms and chuckled. "Some? That's the equivalent to an entire tree."
"Treehugger," I teased, creeping past her to go into my room.
"What's all this about?" She asked as I set them down on my nightstand.
"No idea," I sighed, looking down at the papers.
Little did I know that those papers were the one thing that would seal the deal.
Little did I know that those papers were the ball and chain that forever held me down to Wammy's House... and to my past.
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