Last Chance
~{Y/N}'s POV~
"MATT!! PLEASE, PLEASE!! NO, DON'T DIE! PLEASE!" I begged, to no one in particular. I knew, however, that those bullets had ended his life.
That's it.
Matty's gone.
You'll never see him again.
"...why, God? Why take him? Take me... Don't make him pay for all my stupid mistakes..." I sobbed, and then looked up at the screen.
Mello wasn't wavering at all due to the crash. Hell, he looked completely normal. He was handcuffing Takada to the bike, and I knew he was dead focused. But for him not to react to Matt's death... Something was wrong.
"C-come in, Mello. Can you hear me?"
No response.
"Mello, come in. There's been an accident. Can you hear me??"
No response.
He took off the earpiece...
"Shit!" I swore, knowing full-well that there was no way to communicate with him now.
Kira did this. First he killed L, and now he's killed Matt.
You're gonna fucking pay, Kira. I don't care if I die trying, you're gonna get caught. And executed.
At the same time, my cell phone rang. I took off my headphones and answered the call. "{Y/N}? It's Near."
"Hey, Near, what's wrong...?"
"I just saw the crash... That was Matt... Wasn't it?"
I felt my heart throb, knowing that Near had lost someone dear, too. "Yes. It was Matty. I'm... I'm so sorry, Near. If I had just realized how many people were ahead of him, he'd be... He'd be..."
"Don't. Matt's dead already, and Mello still needs you. Listen, {Y/N}, we believe that Miss Takada is a communication between the two Kiras. And that she may be carrying information that's vital to the case. Listen to me, and listen carefully, you know where Mello is going, correct?"
"Yeah, but-!"
"You need to go and get him. L#2 is gonna have his team on his tail soon as well. I'm giving you the choice to save your husband."
I clenched my fist and stood up. "I'll do it. Just... Take care of Matt, alright? I don't want his body just laying on the street. He deserves a proper funeral."
"Certainly. Thank you, {Y/N}."
"And if Mel and I die, I want you to go get Lawliet from Mina and take him to Wammy's House. Keep him trained under you."
"But, you had said-!"
"Just do it, Near. I'll keep you posted on Mello and I. See you later."
"Bye." He said before ending the call. I rushed to grab my throwing knives and the pistol Mello gave me and shoved them into a bag.
As I was about to leave, I saw a picture of Matt, Mello and I on a table in the living room. I grabbed it and put it in the bag before running out of the house and to the rental car.
I got into the car and started it, pulling out of the driveway and speeding to the highway.
Okay, Mello's headed to some shipping company to get a big rig. Takada's gonna be in the back.
I started driving to the shipping company's main office, and I pulled up in the parking lot.
I looked around frantically, and my eyes landed on Mello's bike.
Shit! He's gone!
I glanced at the car and at the bike.
Which will get me to him faster?
The bike. Weight slows down the acceleration, and I don't give a fuck who's in my way... I won't let Mello go through with this. If L#2 gets ahold of him... It's all over.
I hopped onto the bike, and Mello made the mistake of leaving the keys in it. I turned it, and saw that the gas was 3/4 tank full.
That's ample gasoline for me.
I started to ride away towards Nagano, knowing that that was where he was headed.
Mello... Stay safe... I'm coming for you!
While I was riding, I saw a red car, and immediately I thought of Matt.
I'm so sorry. I should've been looking out for you. It's all my fault. Please, wherever you are...
Forgive me.
"Hey, {Y/N}, you okay there? You're not looking too amazing..." Matt asked, sitting down beside me in our shared hotel room. "I know you're upset about Mello, but it's something else, too, isn't it?"
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." I lied, looking away.
Matt glared at me and sat directly in front of me. "You're not fine. What's wrong? You can tell me."
I gave Matt a pleading look to leave me alone, but he still sat in front of me. "I'm worried. Mello's emotional and reckless... God knows what he's gonna get himself into! And... He just left me. Without a word, he just left me alone."
And left me feeling all... Worthless.
"...that's not the only thing you're upset about, is it?"
My breath hitched. Matt had seen right through me.
"You ranked #3 for L's successor, right? Near was #1, and Mello's #2. Meanwhile, I was #4! And he had trained me the exact same amount as Mello! What kinda shit is that?! L's gone, and after all he had taught me, I couldn't live up to his expectations! He had trained you less, and you still got higher than me! He's probably in Heaven right now, feeling disappointed in what I've become!"
"Oh, {Y/N}, don't say that! He's proud of you! Think about it; #4 out of all of the people he had trained. You're in the Top 5. That's impressive."
"I'm still an idiot."
"You're not an idiot." Matt said, wrapping his arms around me. There was a moment of silence before I spoke up.
"I'm gonna miss him, Matty..."
"We're all gonna miss him. He didn't deserve to die. However, we have to move on. Just because L is gone doesn't mean we can't live out our own lives! He'd want us to outsmart the asshole that killed him, and put the world to justice!"
"I don't know how to move on, Matt." I whispered, and he smiled. "I'm not strong enough to do that.
"Yes, you are. You're the only one I can say is stronger than me. Even Mello. You're stronger than both of us. You can do this."
I'm gonna do it, Matt.
I'm gonna bring the world to justice.
I'll bring Kira to justice.
Or die trying.
I zoomed down the rest of the highway, and sighed. The drive would take a while.
"{Y/N}, may I speak with you, Matt, Near, and Mello for a moment?" L asked, and I nodded.
"Hey, boys, get over here!! L wants to talk to us!!" I yelled, and followed L into a small room with chairs. I sat down in front of L, and when the boys came in, Matt and Mello sat with me between them, while Near sat on the floor so he could put together a puzzle.
"As I'm sure you know, Kira is starting to kill criminals across the world. As I'm sure you also know, I've taken this case, due to the fact that it's worldwide."
I nodded and took a bite of Mello's chocolate. He glared at me, but didn't say anything. Matt, however, fist-bumped me.
"Well, I don't mean to alarm or upset any of you, but," L continued, "I will be leaving to go to Japan in a few days."
"What?" Matt, Mello, and I said in unison, and Near sighed.
"Guys, just let him finish." He groaned, and we all shut up.
Holy shit, Japan?! I wanna go too~!
"As I was saying, I will be going to Japan. My only leads point to Japan. Mr.Wammy and I will be going. I wanted to inform you so you don't get worried when you don't see me at the orphanage for a while."
"So you're gonna catch Kira? Be careful, L." Matt said.
"Yes, please take caution while dealing with this case, since it is risky and high dangerous." Near muttered.
"Yeah, L, be careful. Go and kick some Kira ass!!" Mello cheered.
"Wait... So, you're leaving in a few days...? When will I, er, We see you again?" I demanded, and everyone looked at me.
Like an older brother, L sighed, walked up to me, and knelt down to my height. "Who knows? It may be in a month, it may be never, but I've taught you all you need to know. I'm proud, {Y/N}, you really matured. These boys, they're all gonna go astray without you, so if you can, please look out for them while I'm gone. I'm trusting you with them."
I saluted L before latching onto him. "Yessir!" I said, and everyone clapped.
"That's all for now. I can't see you when I leave, but I'll try to come and see you privately so I can say my farewells." L said before exiting the room.
He really is leaving us, huh?
I felt my heart shatter as I stared at the open door. L was leaving. That was it. No warning, nothing. He was going after Kira.
Mello put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. "It's gonna be okay."
Matt hugged the two of us and smiled. "As long as we have each other, everything's gonna be fine, right?!"
I caught sight of a sign that said Nagano, and read it.
Next exit: Nagano. 15km.
I continued the 15km until I hit Nagano. I knew Mello was going to a local church, but the matter was, which church?!
Shit... Looks like this may be harder than I thought.
~Mello's POV~
"Okay, Mel, you're doing great. Hit the highway or a major road and you'll get away easily." {Y/N} ordered, and I started heading towards the highway.
When I heard her start to direct Matt, I reached into my helmet and took out my earpiece.
I'm not letting you do all the work, {Y/N}. I'm sorry, I can't let you track me down.
I threw it into the road and I pulled the handcuffs from the bike to Takada's hand and cuffed her.
"Wha...? What're you doing??" Takada asked, and I just kept my focus on the road.
I drove all the way to the shipping ports, where I abandoned the bike and forced Takada into the back of a truck.
I took off my helmet, slowly, knowing that it would irritate my burns. Once it was off, I looked at Takada and glared.
"Take off everything you're wearing and put it all in that box."
Takada looked to her left to see a box on the floor that I had placed there while preparing everything. Seeing that she wasn't doing what I'd asked, I pulled out my gun.
"Hurry up." I said, grabbing a blanket and holding it out. "You can use this blanket."
She turned around and started to take off her clothes. Immediately, I thought of {Y/N}.
Shit, this feels so wrong...
I'm not gonna fuck this chick or anything, but this feels kinda... Gross. It doesn't feel like this with {Y/N}... Whatever.
Takada, who was down to lingerie, glanced back at me, eyes pleading. "Before I take of the rest, could I please have the blanket so I can wrap it around me?"
My conscience was screaming at me not to give it to her, but I clicked my tongue and pulled back my arm. "Whatever you want." I droned, throwing it to her.
I watched her wrap it around herself and take off the remaining two items before putting them into the box. Once she was done, I left the truck and closed the back so she couldn't escape. I put her clothes into another truck before getting into the front of the one Takada was in and started driving.
This is the only thing that can be done. If I don't do it-!
There was a TV in the front, and it was on the news channel. It snapped me out of my thought. "As for the suspect that was gunned down earlier, we're still not able to identify him. The police are tracking the remaining suspects..."
Matt, I never thought you'd be killed! ...I'm sorry...
A huge wave of despair hit me. Besides {Y/N}, Matt was the one person that I could trust. And he was killed.
Because of me.
I saw the Nagano exit sign and pulled off the highway and headed to a nearby church. I parked and put my head in my hands.
What the hell am I doing?!
{Y/N}, Matt, I'm sorry. I don't know what I dragged you two into.
{Y/N}... She must be devastated. Matt was like her brother, and now he's gone.
I put my head on the driving wheel and scoffed at myself.
I'm so hopeless... How the hell did I end up with an amazing woman like {Y/N}?!
She's probably at home crying to herself, screaming at the earpiece communicator. Too bad she doesn't know I can't hear her. She's probably figured it out, but...
Whatever. What's important is that she's safe.
I ran a hand through my hair and looked at the brick wall ahead of us.
God, {Y/N}. I can't believe I dragged her into this. {Y/N}, I know you can't hear me, but I love you. And if I screw this up, and get myself killed, I'm sorry I put you through so much bullshit. You deserved better.
You're so pretty, and sweet, and I'm... I'm a fucking mess. The only things I were able to give you were a child and love. That's it. But hell, I love you a lot.
There's nothing I love more than you.
I sighed and punched the wheel, making the truck honk its horn. "What the hell am I fucking doing?!" I yelled, and then growled at myself.
Just wait a while and then kill Takada. That's all you have to do.
I know that, but... Why am I feeling so... Uneasy?
I pulled out my phone, which was on airplane mode. I went into the photos app and saw multiple pictures of {Y/N}. I smiled down at them, going through them one by one.
Why do I feel like I'll never see her again?
I happened to stop at one with everyone in it; Me, Matt, {Y/N}, Near, and L. It was from when we were really little kids, only about 8 or 9.
"Heh, we were still little brats." I muttered to myself, and went through the rest of the pictures.
Something's telling me I'll never see you again, {Y/N}.
I love you, so, so much. Why did all of this have to happen to us? To you?
We both, or at least, you, deserve much better than all of this.
Than Kira, than the Mafia, than being orphaned, all of it.
And you know what? Be it this life or the next, we'll clear our names. We'll start over.
I wanna be able to love you like a normal person would. Not like how my fucking messed up self loves you. I can do better than this. For you, I can do better.
Forgive me, {Y/N}.
As I concluded my thought, I felt my chest tighten, and I immediately knew what was happening.
He's got to me.
My eyes widened, but I knew that there was nothing I could do.
All I could do...
Was wait to die.
~{Y/N}'s POV~
After searching for a while, I found the church that Mello had parked the truck in, and rushed in. I could hear a faint voice coming from the shipment container, but ignored it, knowing it was Takada.
I rushed to the front and flung open the door. When I looked inside, I felt as if time had stopped.
Mello was laying on the driver's wheel, his blue eyes open and body completely still.
I didn't know what to do. Hell, I didn't know what to feel. I didn't even have control over my own body. I reached out and touched his body. It wasn't warm, like it normally was... It was cold.
God, please, no.
"Mello...?" I whispered, shaking his body. "Please, wake up. Please, Mello, don't leave me here."
This isn't real.
"Mello... Please wake up."
This can't be happening.
He's... Gone.
He's gone. He's dead. You're alone now.
I pulled his body out of the car and laid it out on the floor. I was crying my eyes out, and seeing Mello like that wasn't making it any better.
First Matt... Now Mello...
They're both gone.
You're alone.
I leaned down and put my head on Mello's chest. "Please, Mel, wake up. I can't live without you. I love you, Mel. Please."
I didn't receive any response.
Dammit... Why did they have to die?
I should be the dead one. This is all my fault.
I'm so sorry, Mello. I'm a shitty wife. Sorry that you had to be with me all this time. I really love you, though. And I hope that you know that.
"God, what kind of punishment is this...?" I sobbed and then I knew right away that I was alone. That was my punishment.
Why, God? Why not just kill me?!
I looked at Mello's dead corpse, and all I wanted in that moment was for him to sit up and wrap his arms around me.
But he didn't.
I drew his head onto my lap and petted it. "Baby, I know you're gone, but please come back to me. Or even, just wait for me. Just give me another chance. Please, Mello, I'm so sorry. I love you. I can't live without you."
Or without Matt.
And now that both of you are gone... I'm all alone.
I can't forgive myself for this.
Anger and frustration hit me, and I ran a hand through my hair. "What is my life?!" I screamed, to no one in particular. "Why me?! Why the hell do I have to suffer? Ever since I was born, my life has bullshit!! Can't I just have a normal fucking life?! All I wanted was to love Mello, was that too much to ask?!"
That's right...
That's all I ever wanted...
...Was to love him.
And now I can't even do that.
I'm not worthy of living.
"PLEASE... Don't leave me alone..."
Not without you or Matt... Please...
"I love you, Mello. I'm so fucking sorry. I let Matt die, I let you die... I don't know what the hell why I got to live."
And in that moment, I felt my chest begin to hurt and I grasped my shirt, trying to deal with the pain.
It's Kira!!
I doubled over in pain and laid beside Mello, taking hold of his hand.
You know what?
Take me, Death.
I'm ready!!
A single tear escaped my eye as I felt my heart stop.
I love you...
I'll see you on the other side, baby.
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