If It's Not One Thing, It's Another
~{Y/N}'s POV~
"What?" L exclaimed, "You're going with him?? {Y/N}, that's insane."
"What am I supposed to do, Lawliet?? He wasn't really being cooperative... Was I supposed to just be a bitch and say no?"
"YES!!" He yelled, sighing and running a hand through his hair. "You're unbelievable... how could you say yes?"
"L. Calm yo' shit. It'll be fine. I'll text or call you if it's anything."
"{Y/N}!!" Near yelled from downstairs, "A RED CAR JUST PULLED UP IN THE DRIVEWAY."
"That's Matt..." I sighed, grabbing my purse.
"You mean Mail. His personality isn't like Matt at all."
"You're wrong. He's just... Not able to hold himself back as well. He's still the same Matty we knew."
L sighed and smiled at the floor. "If that's the Matty we knew, then I have really no clue what he was like."
"L..." I mumbled before turning back towards him. "I'll be back soon."
I walked out of the room and down the stairs to the living room, pecking Near on the cheek before grabbing my keys and I walking out the front door, closing and locking it behind me.
I walked to the red car and opened the front passenger door. "Hi, Mail," I said, buckling my seatbelt and closing the door.
"Hi, sweetheart," Mail responded, winking at me. It took everything in my power not to roll my eyes at him. Somehow, being with Matt's reincarnation like that felt... wrong.
"Please don't call me that..." I mumbled under my breath, and he sighed.
"Well, what would you like me to call you, then?"
"How about my actual name? Yeah?"
"Whatever you say, Princess," he said sarcastically before pulling out of the driveway.
When we got to the mall, we walked in silence to the entrance before Mail finally started talking again. "You know," he said, "I don't know if it's just me, but as soon as I met you, no... As soon as I saw you, I've felt as if you and I are perfect for one another. Like, I know you."
I sighed and looked at Mail with helplessness. "I'm sorry, Mail, but I love Mello."
Mail cocked an eyebrow and placed his hands on his hips. "Who's Mello??"
"T-that's what I call Mihael. Mello." I managed, and he squinted his eyes.
"Mihael. Psh. Don't even mention him, okay? He's an ass. He keeps trying to keep us apart."
"Well, I mean, he is my boyfriend."
When Mail didn't respond, I silently swore at myself for calling Mihael by his past name.
"You know, {Y/N}," Mail began, "I know you probably won't even agree to this, but can we at least be friends? For now?"
I sighed and placed my hands into my pockets. I didn't want to respond, but my inner good wouldn't allow me to just remain silent. "Y'know, Mail... I don't mind being friends at all. But... I love Mihael."
"But why? He doesn't even compare to me! Trust me, {Y/N}, you're better off without him. I'm a way better match for you."
"How are you so sure, Jeevas??" I challenged, "I mean, you think you're my match, but I'm in love with Mihael. You're only causing yourself more heartbreak."
"Well, we are going one-one-one for you, so the winner should get the chance to date you." He replied, placing his arm around me. In that moment, I felt like vomiting; I felt like this was betraying Mihael.
"Besides," Mail continued, "Didn't he already make you cry?"
...hold up, what?
"When you went out for lunch with him... He made you cry. You ran from the restaurant bawling. You even left your brother behind."
I glared at Mail and lost myself in thought. How does he know that?? I mean, Mihael could've told him.... But how does he know about Near?? Unless... He...
"Mail," I started, "Have you been following me??"
He glanced at me with a grin and my heart pounded in my chest. He had been following me...
"I have been. Only because I love you." He told me.
I immediately heard L's voice in the back of my head, practically screaming to get out of there. He had been right... Mail wasn't like Matt. Matt wouldn't have done things like stalk me... Would he?
As I was thinking, my phone rang and I jumped, knowing that I'd been spaced out. I answered the call and held the phone to my ear, only barely managing to mutter, "Hello?"
"{Y/N}?? Listen to me right now, okay? Where are you? We need to talk." The voice on the other line said, and I swallowed hard. Mihael.
"Uh, I-I'm at the mall... Why? What's the matter?" I questioned, glancing nervously at Mail.
"I'm coming there now. We need to talk. Okay?"
"N-no!" I protested, "We can talk when I get home. You can come over."
"No," he replied, "It has to be as soon as possible."
"Because, {Y/N}," He said, "I regained my memory."
~Mihael's POV~
"Okay, I'm heading out," Mail muttered, grabbing his car keys before slamming the door behind him.
I sighed and looked down at the phone on my lap. I was waiting for {Y/N} to call; she hadn't called in days.
...after what happened in the restaurant, she probably doesn't wanna see me.
I groaned and laid down on the couch, placing my head on the pillow that was conveniently placed beneath me. "Ha... She's probably mad that I laughed at her."
But it's not like I meant it. But soulmates? Past lives? Do such thugs really exist?
"Of course not..." I said under my breath. "Right?"
I let out a frustrated moan and got up, going up the stairs to my bedroom. But I noticed one of the lights in the hallway turned on, and I clicked my tongue, knowing that Matt had left it on.
"This jackass..."
As I stepped into the room, I immediately laid eyes upon his laptop. I knew his password, so I logged in, and the first thing that came up on screen was a file folder called {Y/N} JEEVAS.
No... What??
"What the shitbiscuits?" I mumbled as I opened it, and before we were pictures of {Y/N}. There weren't any that she was looking at the camera, which lead me to believe that all of them were taken secretly. Some of them weren't even of her... Some of them were pictures of outfits... Cosplay of some kind??
I felt my stomach churn and my head felt light.
What is going on...?
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled {Y/N}'s number. Before I got to, my head started spinning.
And that's when it hit me. I don't know what triggered it, but memories, almost like videos, were all played in my head at once, and I clutched the chair to keep from passing out.
{Y/N}... She wasn't joking... We really have been together in previous lives.
I don't have time for this. I have to help {Y/N}.
I picked up my phone and dialled the number again, pressing the button to place the call.
"Come on, {Y/N}, pick up the damn phone..." I said impatiently, going through the photos nervously.
"Hello?" She answered, and I could finally feel my heart beating again.
"{Y/N}??! Listen to me right now, okay? Where are you? We need to talk."
"Uh, I-I'm at the mall... Why? What's the matter?" She said, and I bit my lip.
"I'm coming there now. We need to talk. Okay?"
"N-no!" She replied, sternly, "We can talk when I get home. You can come over."
"No, it has to be as soon as possible."
"Because, {Y/N}," I said, "I regained my memory."
A/N: Sorry for the extremely long wait. I've been helping with my baby brother, plus my trip to Quebec City, PLUS my birthday, I've been busy. However, I'm getting back on the bandwagon and I'm gonna get back into the groove of writing.
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